Disclaimer: Ch. 1

Author's Note(s): Felt some fun and fluff was needed. X3 Many thanks to all of you who have been supportive and reviewed!

"Some Like It Hot"

Knowing how much Mikey loved all kinds of freaky pizza combinations and seeing as he'd be hanging out with the redet and Danny that night to watch some anime and play a video game, Jon figured he'd get his favorite pizza along with two others Danny asked him to pick up.

The sunny ash-brunet reimbursed Johnny for the money when he got there as thanks for grabbing it and bringing the anime for the evenings viewing. It was an anime that Michelangelo had never heard of before called "Hetalia". Then again, it wasn't like he'd gotten to see many living in the sewer.

Still, it sounded weird so it had to be fun, right? Danny gave a snot of laughter when he read the back of the DVD. Leave it to the boom happy boffin to bring something that was deceptively educational in some way.

Thankfully the redhead didn't go out of his way to do it, and Dan had heard lots of good things about this particular series, so he shrugged and popped it into his PS3 for them to watch.

Jon sat with his legs curled up underneath of him Indian style on an armchair that was cocked at an angle towards the TV; a plate with a slice of the pizza he'd picked on his lap as he took a nibble of it, while Danny and Mikey sat on the light blue small loveseat styled couch.

They each had a plate of their own; as Daniel had been very quick about offering Mikey a slice when he saw Johnny had gotten the redheads favorite and not thinking it a good idea to let the endearing turtle try it as he served him a slice from one of the other two boxes.

The orange banded ninja wasn't a history buff, nor was he exactly a genius in the way his brother Donnie was, but surprisingly he understood enough of the anime to follow along and find it pretty hilarious and colorful.

Mikey would kind of understand it when Jon, as usual, kindly explained a part of it when he asked a question, while Danny couldn't help wishing he knew more about history like his redheaded friend so he could be more helpful when Michelangelo asked a question; because though Danny was smart when it came to certain things, this wasn't really his area of expertise.

The happy-go-lucky reptile especially liked how certain characters like Germany and Italy interacted, and couldn't help blushing and shifting a bit when he felt kinda warm and fuzzy whenever something of the slashy suggestive nature came up like France trying to make England marry him or Holy Roman Empire's adorable crush on Chibitalia; occasionally sparing a glance at Danny in the hopes that he wouldn't notice or because he couldn't help wanting to when the pleasant tinglies came over him.

When they got into it and the sunny human realized that the anime was a bit racy and had some bad language, he couldn't help feeling it wasn't exactly appropriate for a sweet and innocent guy like Mikey to watch and voiced his concerns to Jon via text.

Danny: "Uh… Jen, I'm not sure Mikey should be watching this sorta thing. :/"

Johnny: "Oh hush! He'll be fine! The other day Red got me to explain to him what "Corporal Punishment" was. Thankfully I had one of those mangas Kai lent me." The redhead peered up from his phone in time to see the usually mellow youth flush scarlet and visibly bristle so much Jon swore Dan's slightly spiky hair stood straight up like a character from DBZ or something and had a heck of a time trying not to laugh.

Danny: "O.O;; YOU WHAT?! Why, WHY would you do that?! I mean, what kind of brother would want his cute, impressionable little bro to know about THAT sort of thing?!" Jon rolled his eyes before quickly typing his reply; his fingers moving so deftly he barely took his gaze off of the television.

Johnny: "Well Mikey DID ask and I agreed to help. At least Red doesn't spaz out like my bro does. He spazzed and wouldn't look at me for a whole week and a half cuz I accidentally found one of his skin mags when I was looking for laundry to clean. LoL"

Danny: "I'd rather he spaz like your bro than corrupt such a sweet soul… ):"

Johnny: "He has to learn somewhere ya know. Better from people like me and Red who'll teach him right then he finds out some other way and gets scarred for life. The internet IS like 90% p0rn ya know. XD"

Danny shook his head and face palmed as he sighed inwardly; sparring a small peek over at the cute turtle at a scene where Holy Roman Empire accidentally chased a mouse underneath of Chibitalia's dress and lifted the skirt, thus scaring the poor chibi.

He was surprised to see the cute turtle was blushing a little as he laughed lightheartedly and smiled some; figuring maybe the redhead had a point. If only just a small one…

The younger teens coloring deepening when he saw the sunny human smiling softly at him as Mikey tried to hide it by quickly looking away and reaching clumsily for another slice of pizza; not realizing he'd snatched the slice from the box Johnny had been noming on.

But poor Michelangelo's face became very hot for entirely different reasons when he took a bite of the colorfully topped slice of Italian pie. He made a sudden, high-pitched "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" of a whimper that caught the attention of both humans, as they watched his eyes turn into big flames and he just as alarmingly jumped up and screamed "HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!" as the spicy pizza fell to the floor and he rushed around in circles in the living room and he tried to fan at his mouth while he comically screamed "HOT! HOT! HOOOOT!" and his tongue hung out.

"Mikey?! What's wrong?! What-" Danny began in a panic as he got up to help the turtle, before stepping in something and looking down to see it was the pizza the adorable reptile had been eating and he face palmed and groaned. "Oh no…"

"What?" Jon inquired with a raised brow as his friend and teammate shot him a disapproving glare; having no idea Mikey's current predicament was partly the bemused boffins fault.

The ash-brunet sighed and shook his head again as he hurried over and took the turtle by the forearm and led him towards the kitchen. "C'mon, Bud, let's get you some milk." Danny soothed sweetly.

Michelangelo gave a pitiful whimper that the sunny human couldn't help wanting to smile at for it was just so unfathomably cute to the secret ninja; having to bite his bottom lip to suppress it to avoid upsetting the other further.

Once he handed the turtle the carton of milk to do with as he would, and Mikey drained the whole thing with a few slices of bread that Jon handed him to help, the terrapin breathed a slightly spicy sigh of relief when the unholy burning in his mouth finally ceased and he slumped forward onto the small dining table.

"Ahhhh…! The evil pizza demon had been vanquished!" Mike chirped happily. Johnny snickered but quickly stopped when Danny shot him another look as he gave their green friend a consoling pat on the shell.

Jon cleared his throat and sat up a little straighter. "Sorry, Mikey. I guess I should've mentioned I like my food kinda spicy." The redhead sweat dropped a little while running fingers through the hair on top of his head.

"A LITTLE?! That pizza nearly burned my mouth off my FACE!" Michelangelo screeched indignantly as he pointed to his face for emphasis. "What the heck was ON that thing anyway?!"

"The world's ten hottest peppers. Including the Carolina Reaper!" The redet replied; seeming to brighten at the hellish hotness of the pizza as he really loved spicy foods. "T-t-TEN?!" Mikey's eyes bugged and he looked ready to faint, but it didn't seem to dim Jon's enthusiasm about the pizza as he finished chewing a bite from his third slice.

"Mhmm! It's called the 'Dragon Slayer'! Pretty cool, huh? Heh, or hot rather." The fiery science and spice enthusiast explained, before hearing Danny clear his throat and realizing that the poor little turtle looked ready to cry; thus making Jon feel bad again for the bad experience he'd had.

"Aww!" Johnny couldn't help how sad and oddly endearing the youngest turtle could be and went over to give him a hug to show the sincerity of his apology and to help Mike feel better. Not to mention making Danny scowl at seeing his buddy getting hugged when it should've been clear that was his job. "I'm so sorry Michelangelo!"

Pulling away enough so watery baby blues gazed into remorseful emeralds, Jon asked sweetly "Forgive me?" to which the orange banded looked somewhat thoughtful and pressed a finger to his chin. "I dunno… that was some seriously painful heat…" Mikey mused; having already forgiven Jon but wanting to milk the situation some.

He'd already been basking in the extra attention Danny was giving him. The orange banded prankster really liked how concerned his sunny human was about him, and how he'd stayed by Mikey's side and gently petted the back of his shell while the turtle tried to quell the heat. And even now was still doing so to make sure Mikey was okay.

The way Danny tended to lavish him with attention and be there for him when he needed someone made Mikey feel safe, and dare he say it… loved. The little turtle knew it was just Danny being a really awesome friend and all, but sometimes… a part of him, that seemed to be growing bigger all the time, couldn't help wanting something more.

But poor naive Michelangelo wasn't really sure what that "more-ness" was; hence part of his frustration. He knew he really, really, REALLY liked Danny, and that he was totally the bestest best friend a mutant turtle like him could ask for, besides maybe Johnny, but there was this weird longing he felt whenever he thought about, saw or was near the sunny human that made his heart ache like crazy.

Even being near Danny didn't seem to help it as much anymore, and it seemed to be getting worse. But what could he do? Should he ask Johnny about it when they had time? The little turtle wasn't sure if he should bug the usually busy redhead with it though, as he was still pretty confused about it all himself.

Johnny smirked and rolled his eyes at the others familiar playful nature returning but chose to play along. "How 'bout I buy you a pizza next time we hang out?" The redet asked cleverly.

Michelangelo beamed as stars and sparkles suddenly burst around him and then made himself look all chill like it was no big as he folded his arms over his chest and said "I guess that could work…"

"Annnnd a pack of those gummies you like." Johnny added to sweeten the deal, and laughed as Mikey suddenly proclaimed "DEAL!" and they shook on it like the totally grownup professionals they were.

"Good thing it wasn't Danny who liked spicy pizza, or you could've probably gotten his comic shop." Jon teased with a chuckled; sparing the ash-brunet a sly glance and seeing his face go pink as his eyes widened, before the sunny human quickly turned to discard the empty milk carton.

"Really?!" Mikey gasped in awe at the thought of getting a whole shop full of comics, manga and anime and other otaku-esque treasures; his eyes growing huge and chibi-like as he grinned and drooled while he fell into a short daydream about it.

After they settled down, they finished up their entertainment for the night when Mikey saw Danny dozing off. Though he didn't wanna go, he knew his human needed sleep and said he should probably get back home before his brothers tried to find him; seeing as he told them he was going to hang out with Johnny.

It was bad enough Donnie tried to tag along, much less the rest of them. Not that he wasn't glad Don was now making a sincere effort to be buds with Jon, but knowing his purple banded bro and how he was starting to get all freaky and green eyed with all the time Jon and Raph spent together, Mike figured it was best they didn't spend too much time out together or else it might upset Donnie enough for him to use their cells to find them, and then he'd end up finding out he was hanging out with Danny too.

His tallest sibling still was a worrywart and didn't think it was a good idea Mikey should be spending time with the cousin of one of their enemies, and so he stopped telling him when he was going to see Danny because Don still tried to talk him out of it or caution him; which Mikey had gotten rather sick of frankly.

"Okay then. I'm headin' out." Jon said as he grabbed his Dragon Slayer pie and DVD; baying them a goodnight before leaving to go home. Though he was rather sleepy and needed to get up for work in the morning, Danny put on his shoes and a jacket and escorted his orange banded bud to the nearest manhole cover; being the gentleman that he was and also having become more protective of the cute turtle after Johnny told their team about the night some creep named the Shredder nearly de-shelled Michelangelo and his brothers.

"Thanks, Sunny D. You didn't have to." Mike looked down shyly as he shuffled his foot around on the asphalt. "No prob, Bud. If I could, I'd walk you home proper." Danny replied while scratching his cheek with the tip of his finger out of habit, before straightening and placing a hand on the others shoulder. "But until then, I'll at least be content knowing I got to spend some extra time with you."

Mikey brightened and beamed up at the other so much that Dan almost wondered if the terrapin had light powers like he did. "Me too!" The orange banded cutie chirped, before practically knocking Danny over with a hug and bidding him a rushed and slightly breathless "Goodnight!" before he disappeared down into the sewer; leaving a rather stunned but very happy ash-brunet to walk home with a giddy blush and quite the skip in his step, as he breathily whispered to himself "God, he's adorable!"

And while that happened, Mikey sharply turned the corner down a path towards the lair to pause and catch his breath as his heart felt like it was full of hummingbirds on a sugar high and he replayed the nights events; replaying the part about how Danny liked being able to spend extra time with him and feeling his heart skip a beat like it did when his human friend told him.

It always gave Mikey a strange sort of rush whenever the other said such sweet and cool things to him. It made him feel like someone actually wanted him around. More so than he did at home where they either ignore or fussed at the young prankster.

Feeling like almost getting his face burned off by an evil fiery pizza demon was worth it if Danny would say more things like that and dote on him some more, Mikey hurried off again towards the lair with a big, goofy grin on his face and a skip in his step as he couldn't help feeling refreshed and pretty stoked; much like he usually did after spending time with his favorite human…

To be continued...

Yay! These two got more screen time! Or so to speak anyways. LoL Kinda wondering if I should continue this story ALL the way up to the current episodes of season 3 or end it at the end of season 1. I mean, I COULD go on, but I'm startin' to feel kinda lazy and not wanting to. Lmmfao! Review with what your (hopefully politely stated) opinion on the matter.