"Got your iced coffee." Suigetsu announced, placing the cool plastic cup in front of Sasuke, already familiar with the mild smile he was given.
After a few days after Naruto left, Sasuke appeared in front of work, calm as if nothing had happened, that Itachi's death was only a mild disruption.
No one asked why he was back so soon though, it was a hazard to approach an unpredictable Uchiha. The ones who were aware of why remained respectful and supportive. Just like Naruto had said.
In his usual in reserved attitudey, Sasuke dismissed Suigetsu with a nod instead of a glare, giving Suigetsu the luxury to stay or leave the office.
The sharp edge of his soul wasn't as harsh anymore it had been dulled to something softhearted, the buried disdain was absent. The storm had passed. At first, when Sasuke called Suigetsu, he had been shocked to say in the least. Never has Sasuke called anyone that wasn't related to work; it was always working, planning, and changing. This was the first time Suigetsu ever heard Sasuke speaking in earnest, reaching out for comfort to his friends for the first time. It was a welcome change to see, to finally witness the growth in Sasuke begin to take bloom.
Surprisingly, the company's stocks soared with Sasuke's newly adopted personality, and had increased by twenty three percent after a month.
Suigetsu wasn't surprised though, Sasuke treated workers with warmer words, taking the time to listen to the reasons for lack of work or overdue paper; deciding which were excusable and which were excuses for the lazy with a much more considerate attitude. Naturally the workers felt more determined to be productive in the positive atmosphere.
With the females seeing a slight change in him, they became much more forward with their advances, which were still expertly avoided, only this time, Sasuke had rejected them with tenderness, regret and obvious emotion on his face.
Many took this as Sasuke feeling remorse for hurting someone, but Suigetsu saw the underlying reason. Sasuke was regretting for never saying the words himself. Every confession reminded the brunette of his unspoken one.
Knowing this was because of Naruto, Suigetsu could only help Sasuke move on with his life.
Just like Naruto had chosen, he too had managed to move forward, although his heart had bled painfully at first, time was kind enough to allow the pain to peel away; moving on to a fierce lady he met on of heavy rain when they crashed into each other outside the bookstore.
Underneath her rough exterior, Suigetsu noticed that she was helping gather the books he'd dropped as she chastised how impudent he was for now looking where he was going. As strange as it was, he asked if she wanted to go for coffee to which she said yes.
She was strong and impulsive like her hair color, it was a contrast to Sasuke's cool demeanor and tamed aggressiveness. It was something refreshing to start with after Suigetsu had gotten over Sasuke. But he was still very upset Naruto had given up prematurely.
Sasuke had been a man of intelligence, he made decisions with his brain rather than his heart, used to sleep with others when invited; now, Sasuke seemed to have lost interest, devoting that time to his work and staring at Naruto's email for who knows how long.
It was likely things turned out so bittersweet because Sasuke had chosen to cling to his stubbornness and pride.
Chuckling to himself, Suigetsu found himself feeling anguish for Sasuke's sake.
It's always his pride. He concluded. The Uchiha's signature characteristic was pride after all, nothing could get in their way to their right to be proud, it seemed not even love could change that, it was a tragic curse imbedded in their blood.
Suigetsu noticed the question in Sasuke's eyes. Quietly, Suigetsu bit into his toasted bagel, taking a liking to the butter and crunchy texture, recounting the months that had passed them. It was roughly two years now wasn't it? Since Itachi had passed, and Naruto had left Sasuke's life.
After swallowing the dry bread, Suigetsu answered without being asked "Just remembered something ironic. Nothing else."
"I see." Sasuke sipped his iced caffeine, tasting the paper with the tip of his tongue, enjoying the rush of frozen liquid down his stomach, banishing any traces of fatigue for the rest of the hour.
"Hey Sasuke?" Suigetsu ventured carefully.
"Ever think about settling down?" Before he could stop himself the words left his mouth by the time he realized what was said.
Without even flinching, Sasuke nodded "Occasionally."
The "Why?" Was left to be silently asked.
"Just wondering." He lied, thinking about some recent news about Naruto, though he wasn't sure if it was appropriate to bring up a risky topic. Sasuke never spoke about Naruto, and Suigetsu couldn't get any positive or negative signals whenever he tried to bring him up. All he'd get is a blank stare.
Cocking his head to the side, it allowed Suigetsu to peak over the thin laptop Sasuke typed faithfully to his desk. The glow of the electronic was low to save power, but Suigetsu could see Sasuke was emailing to some delivery company.
"So..." His voice trailed "I take it, the collab project with Uzumaki was a success?" He guessed by the number Sasuke was typing.
The pleasant tapping of fingers froze at the words. The sharp inhale of air was audible to Suigetsu. "Indeed it was."
Sasuke sat back, eyes less distracted from work, and more focused on Suigetsu.
"He invited to the celebration dinner?" He asked, taking a risk to push Sasuke over.
To his surprise the typing returned. "It's up to Minato if he comes, his wife has been sick recently, so it's completely understandable if he chooses to look after his wife instead of attending." Sasuke replied with impressive evading skill, he didn't want to have anything to do with Naruto at this point, it was too early to dive into that topic. The regret that stormed inside him had already ripped a piece of his heart out, the wound hadn't healed yet; the heartache was still so fresh, if he talked about Naruto, he'd remember what could have been, and realize that he threw away something incredible and foreign.
Sasuke's upbringing consisted of uniform rules and clothing. Lifestyle was bland, laughter was a rarity, and sex was an empty means to cure his boredom, it wasn't even worth it.
To him, the guttural moans of ecstasy he brought out from his partners sounded like nails on chalkboards to him, it wasn't pleasant, it had no meaning, and he was never satisfied. For a short period of time, Sasuke had believed that no one could ever truly interest him and fulfill the dull hollowness of his life. Until Naruto of course. During his final years of high school, he laughed and smiled more when conversing with Naruto.
Where Sasuke had become immune to all attempts from opportunists trying to charm him, something about the way Naruto's words seemed so sincere with their simplistic format and intelligent yet somewhat rough humor.
It gave Sasuke a flavor in his life. From the start everything had to be cut out and pristine.
Colour, dreams, and imagination were taboo because they were too lacking in solid ambitions, they were too 'messy' his father would say. The blond often spoke of the taboos with such affection and passion, his zealous rants were strangely welcoming to Sasuke. Now that he was gone, Sasuke's life was suddenly disoriented and lost.
That was why he had to forget about Naruto. If he didn't he would go mourn and lose himself to heartbreak, it'd eat at him.
This wasn't supposed to last any longer than this.
Already out of patience, Suigetsu sat on a spare chair with his arms crossed. "Do you have to be so pigheaded?"
"What does me being 'pigheaded' have to do with anything with Minato?"
"It has something to do with Minato's son, Naruto." Suigetsu received a well worn glare from a smoky storm when he'd mentioned Naruto.
"Don't give me that look, you've been sulking after ever since you said bye to him, which you've been doing much more frequently." Suigetsu pointed.
"I was checking for business emails. The company has expanded immensely the past few months, you know I'm weary of leaving a secretary any responsible work, hence why I fired mine."
"Yet you always take on a frustrated expression when you scan your inbox for Uzumaki's email."
Sasuke turned to Suigetsu in his chair, one leg over the other. Eyes fanned disapprovingly at Suigetsu "Don't you have work to attend to?"
"Finished." The sharp mouthed man shrugged his shoulders to loosen away the tight strings in his body. "Go have some fun. When was the last time you," his hand gestured Sasuke.
"Got laid?"
Irritated with Suigetsu's unneeded comments, Sasuke began to glance between his friend and the door in hopes he'd get the message to leave sooner than later.
"Such a crude topic isn't appropriate to discuss here."
"I've known you forever so it doesn't apply, hell, I've seen your lily white ass before in gym." Suigetsu blew away a stray hair in his eye.
Sasuke fed up with Suigetsu's prodding, began to get up from his desk, intending to leave the room to escape the upcoming topics.
Unfortunately, Suigetsu had been around Sasuke's life long enough to know what he was up to, so he had the sense to stop Sasuke by the arm.
Meeting with dark pools on a porcelain face, Suigetsu sucked his bottom lip while thinking of something to say. "You know, you don't have to be alone all the time, maybe you don't realize it, but a lot of people genuinely care about you... So you might find someone you love amongst your friends."
Fanning his eyes as Sasuke thinned his lips, jerking his arm back. "Are you done?"
Opening his mouth, Suigetsu paused before closing again; his mouth thinned and eyes were narrowed in frustration, eventually he could only nod as he was wasting his breath.
"Then have a safe evening." Sasuke said, continuing his exit.
"Yeah, same to you." Suigetsu returned with a defeated tone, watching Sasuke leave with dismay.
Running down a crowded hallway is the worst idea. First off, a person running frantically down a hallways looks ridiculous to spectators, and secondly, smashing into people was a common problem that wasn't appreciated.
Nonetheless, Naruto didn't apply for any of those prior points. He was late for a meeting that was scheduled for 7:30 pm and needed to somehow make it to a pharmacy to get the medication his mother needed before it closes at 9:30 pm.
Due to weather changes, his mother Kushina often fell ill, and his father Minato would take days off to care for his wife so she wouldn't be alone, which left Naruto in charge of 75% of his father's work which wasn't a problem.
As he'd often do, Naruto couldn't help but admire from a distance of his parents relationship.
It was obvious his mother was the dominant one with her fierce nature and impulsive attitude despite her weaker body, while her soft side was reserved for Naruto and Minato only.
Minato was always calm, serious, but also gentle when it came to his wife. Both were so loving to one another, able to be honest and serious with laughter as a common factor with each other.
It was something Naruto envied very much since he longed for a close bond like that, for something so strong and intense to make everything else in his life expendable.
Sasuke was that person. But now it was clear it was one sided by the clarification.
Although he should have been grateful Sasuke had been honest and straightforward, it was still very hard for Naruto to let go of his frustrations and disappointment.
With time, he'd heal. He knew that much was true. Naruto had experienced the loss of his close friend Gaara by a plane crash, and his own godfather had been murdered by his students.
Of course this filled Naruto with overwhelming grief and anger, but not enough to make him desire for revenge, just a gaping hole of pain, sealing itself into a aching scar whenever his mind wandered to that part of his past.
Making him realize bonds are both a blessing and a curse when lost.
By sheer luck and willpower, Naruto made it to the meeting on time, stopped by the pharmacy that apparently closed at 12 at midnight, not at 9:30 pm, which made a lot more sense much to his reassurance.
Driving back to his parent's house, Naruto had expected to see his father open the door, instead, he met a pair of amber eyes that a much more intense anger than his mother's.
Recognizing the thick locks of cherry red hair and stubborn posture, Naruto jumped to embrace his cousin Karin. "Karin!"
Anticipating such actions, Karin stepped aside to allow Naruto to nearly crashing in the wall.
"You're no fun, why'd you dodge me?" He whined, rubbing the scarves skin on his hands.
Pressing up her glasses, Karin sneered "Who wouldn't dodge a thing thrown at them?" With a breath, Karin continued a a softer voice, but still strong when she had noticed Naruto hadn't replied with his usual optimistic tone.
"Anyways, Kushina wanted me to bring you along to a party I'm going, it's just a typical get together with a lot of famous big shots and their date, so get ready for tomorrow. Dress nice, cause we'll be representing your dad's company in his place."
"Does he know about this?"
She rolled her eyes "He suggested it, genius." Brushing a stray lock away from her smooth face, Karin glanced at Naruto before leaving through the front door.
At first, Naruto had been thrilled by the idea of attending a classy party filled with successful people, it would have been a great way to learn and pick advice from experienced businessmen.
In other words, it was a great opportunity for Naruto to give a good impression, but first comes first, curiosity.
"Who's hosting it?" He asked, following his cousin out.
Karin pushed her glasses up and blinked unfazed by the question. "Who do you think? If you've kept up with recent news, the collaborated projected the Uchiha had worked on rose to success. It was approved by the 5 supreme companies in the continent. You should know, you were part of it."
Surprised, Naruto blinked stupidly "So... The Hokage, Kazekage, Mizukage, Raikage, and Tsuchikage? You're kidding right?"
"Do I look like I joke about the Uchihas?" She coldly spat, her hand pulling out her keys for her smooth scarlet car. By the soft shine, Naruto guessed it had gotten waxed. Turning his face back to Karin, h saw the disdain in her eyes. Since he could remember, Karin had been a fan of the Uchiha company since she was s teenager, apparently she dated Sasuke for a time in high school, how ironic.
"Of course not, I was just wondering." He explained with careful reasoning, relieved that Karin had noticeably calmed down.
"Good. Recently the productiveness of the Uchiha company skyrocketed, only to suddenly stumble, which is another reason why I stopped by."
Pressing her car keys through the lock slot, she offered a triumphed smile "I'll be helping Sasuke out with his schedule since I'm his new secretary. With me around there's no stopping him and I. Plus I don't mind helping Uncle Minato with his relationship with the Uchihas."
Excited and baffled for Karin'a sake Naruto grinned and dove for another hug, strangely, Karin didn't dodge, she accepted the embrace with fake disgust.
"Always knew you'd get to the top, nothing less expected of you!"
Once he pulled away, Karin slipped on her sunglasses, taking off her glasses; her fair skin complimented by the pastel pink framing. A smirk decorated her face "I haven't reached to the top yet. This is just a stepping stone, I don't settle for less you know, so just you watch. I'll see you tomorrow squirt." She dismissed, using Naruto's old nickname when he'd been a short twelve year old.
"Of course, how could I assume you'd settle for anything, don't forget about us little people." He winked before she closed the car door and drove
off, leaving her imprint on the world, each step bigger with her ambitions.
When she was out of sight, Naruto suddenly recalled he'd agreed to attend to the party.
Nervously he retreated back inside, favoring the calm heat of the house to the cold wind picking up.
Naruto was thrilled with the idea of seeing dark pools of ice turn into warm charcoal that breathed heat with every word addressed to him. But the after feeling left much to desire, paranoid thoughts built themselves and played out like television in his head.
Last time they'd talk to one another it was clear that things were better if they'd remain away from each other.
Although Naruto agreed to it, It wasn't uncommon to find himself with his fingers ghosting over the thin, black keyboard.
It wasn't that he was anxious, he was stumped as to what to talk about. It used to be so easy to write about everything to Sasuke. Everything has shifted against what was once a guiding current. The fact that Naruto use to have a vague image of Sasuke's face, made it easier back then to open up. Being a boisterous type, Naruto was always sharing stuff, but Sasuke was a special case, Naruto would tell all his insecurities and troubles.
It was easy because Sasuke was his best friend without a face. Without any clear image, it was like Naruto's best friend lived within him.
Always able to trust him even without ever meeting him; like a shadow. It made Naruto wonder if he'd ever really thought of Sasuke as a real friend as to an imaginary friend, that maybe he'd dreamed of everything he told and felt to Sasuke, that maybe, his romantic feelings were a cheap imitation of love.
These fears however quickly died away since nothing about Naruto was cheap or fake. He was Naruto Uzumaki, the only son of Kushina and Minato and no one else and everything that made him a person was indefinitely real.
These feelings were real. Intense. So much so that after a week without contacting each other, Naruto felt sadness and emptiness cling to his heart, creating a hole as it ate away at the center of him; leaving him feeling so empty and cold.
It left Naruto unsure where to place these overflowing feelings. Should he let it spill and dry? Or maybe he should try once more. But that'd make him a hypocrite of his own words, and it seemed Sasuke was doing much better after his visit. Intruding his life wouldn't be right of him, Naruto didn't have permission to suddenly appear in Sasuke's life. It was up to Sasuke if he still wanted Naruto around, it would be Sasuke to make the first move.
Settling on to that, Naruto felt his chest warm up and his hand tremble, it was possible that Sasuke felt the same way he did, not romantically, but maybe Sasuke felt empty from Naruto's absence in his life. In some way, it was still possible to fix their relationships.
But then again, he was probably being idealistically stupid. Real life wasn't so simple and planned, the chances of Sasuke wanting to be close again was unlikely.
Now that Sasuke had recovered, it seemed he was surrounded by supportive friends now; Sasuke seemed so happy, Naruto couldn't replace that happiness; he just wanted to be part of the circle.
Kyuubi, his shiba dog happily sprinted to Naruto, jumping up on his knees to welcome home his family back after weeks of separation.
Down on a knee, Naruto calmed Kyuubi with a rub around the back of the neck and a light scratch behind his ears.
Quietly, Naruto pondered in silence, taking comfort that his dog would always be ready to welcome him with his entire spirit even in the most difficult of situations.
"Wish me luck." He told Kyuubi before picking him up and heading upstairs to greet his parents and drop off the medication safely stored in his pocket.
Kushina was lively as always, overjoyed to see her son visit her at such a late hour. Of course, she showed this by pinching his cheek and scolded him for staying up so late.
Her husband Minato, was busy making some tea and bread in the kitchen for his rambunctious family, enjoying the loud chatter of his son and wife; it reminded him how blessed he was to have such spirited wife and son, everyday was something new and exciting.
He just wished Naruto would find someone who appreciated his high spirit.
To for better than worse, Naruto took after his mother in personality, so naturally a person compatible with such energy was someone with a calm nature like Minato.
Lately, Naruto had been somewhat off key; he never was a good liar nor a good actor with the way his eyes dimmed whenever he dazed off, it was obvious with his right face and dropped body language. Hopefully whatever was bothering his son, it would quickly resolve itself. Something told Minato that this was something personal left to be settled by Naruto, because that's how reality is. Being babied wasn't an option anymore.
Naruto was grown up now, and Minato had to let his son make his own choices now. It wasn't because he abandoned his son, he believed his son could build and change the future with his own power.
This was what growing up meant.
The night was filled with classical music, the soft harmonies of pianos and violins created an elegant atmosphere.
Needless to say, the evening had started off with a graceful tone.
The guests were also a match to the party.
Many adorned sophisticated clothing worth hundreds with their chic style and dashing jewellery within passive colours.
When Karin and Naruto arrived, they noticeably stood out of the other nightly guests of the evening.
Naruto was sporting a white dress shirt with a vibrant sapphire blue with a darker blue tie, the bottom half diagonally cut into a glowing orange.
The brighter hues highlighted and complimented his eyes and golden locks. Naruto's fair tresses were slightly slicked back. His skin too, was a rapturous gold tone that brightened his smile.
While Naruto was a prepossessing sight to behold, no doubt he was an attractive man with his chiseled jaw, charismatic aura, and foxish markings on his cheeks that added an air of mischievousness; his cousin Karin, however, was captivating beauty to hold.
Crimson tresses were it's natural straight style, though Naruto guessed she must have blow dried her hair, while she wore a designer Black Halo dress.
The garment itself was simplistic, timeless and feminine in all its glory. Being a clarkson strapless colorblock dress, it was a cerise hue, while a third of the dress along the bottom, was a complimenting strip of coral.
The neckline was strapless and the dress was a full skirt with a high to low hem.
Karin's look was completed with a pair of white stilettos and a tear shaped pink diamond necklace.
Both of them were quite a sight to behold to say in the least. Being an Uzumaki, attention was a must when they dressed nicely whenever attending a party.
Spectators admired the way Karin's smooth satin dress and her eyes matched; Naruto on the other hand, was excitingly chattering amongst new acquaintances and old friends he'd seen.
Although he didn't show it, Naruto was scanning the room for a certain man he'd been anxiously thinking about. To be clear, Naruto didn't really have a thought out plan, at least not until Sasuke showed himself, wherever he was.
As time passed, people slowly began to take up more space of the room, only to eventually leave since most people attending had busy schedules traveling overseas for business.
The rest of the guests began to tire since most of the opportunities had left the building.
"Wait, everybody leaving already?" Naruto asked himself, disappointed that the crowds had begun to dim into a handful of people.
"Seems to happen to you a lot at parties." A voice answered, the husky undertones were teasing, something about it seemed nervous though, it was a soft whisper that wasn't definable to anyone Naruto knew. Turning with a need to match the voice with a face, he saw Suigetsu.
Giving a surprised smile, Naruto grinned.
"Suigetsu! Nice to see yo-"
"You're a huge letdown y'know." He interrupted with a fixed look, giving a sardonic smile.
Naruto could only give a shamefaced expression "I know, but he's better off like this."
Shrugging, Naruto took headed to the back balcony where the music failed to reach, instead the soft chants of grasshoppers peacefully played.
"He's probably outgrown the pattern." He reasoned.
"What are you, twelve? Sex was something that cured his boredom, everyone likes sex for fuck's sake. You don't just suddenly decide you don't like sex, especially if your Sasuke Uchiha when everyone wants to have sex with you."
Sighing, Naruto felt the frustration build between his eyes. "Then what do you expect me to do? Isn't he better this way? Moving on to find someone else?"
"Sure, he'll find someone new, but you were a huge part of his life, isn't it selfish to take that away?"
"I'm not being selfish." Naruto defended, almost too quickly.
Cocking his head to Naruto, Suigetsu nearly shook his head at the blatant fib "Sure." He really did try his best to withhold the sarcasm. Not really.
Before he could continue, Suigetsu noticed the shadow behind him; turning, head to the obstruction, it took his eyes a while to adjust to the bright lighting.
Focusing carefully, dark bangs cleared in his vision, than a familiar chiseled frame that complimented slender dark eyes glanced down at Suigetsu, expecting him to leave the balcony area as he was now within eyesight of Naruto.
Reluctantly, Suigetsu nodded, his clear lavender eyes held on to Sasuke's gaze a few moments longer before he finally left after opia flashed before him in the glint of the dark hue in Sasuke's unblinking eyes.
The look of purpose gave Suigetsu an odd sense of relief, the look of resolve was a fresh sight to behold, something told Suigetsu a change was shifting again.
It had seemed Sasuke finally listened to his advice, or maybe he'd grown tired of being alone.
When a door closes, a window opens. Suigetsu mused with bittersweet contentment before he went off to escort Karin back, expecting an earful from her for taking so long. But as they say, love is blind.
This chapter was closed in his life, and he didn't have time to take another look.
Easy breaths. Naruto told himself as he was alone with Sasuke, this being the first interaction in many weeks, so he wasn't so sure what was the right action for a situation such as this. Logically he should have walked away, but he didn't want to do that.
Originally he started with a plan of simply 'winging' this, but that's was because Naruto hadn't been nervous at the time. Now, Sasuke had taken the first step to him, and Naruto found his mind blanking out on him.
The soft blow of the wind on his cheek was real, and the pounding against his ribs was genuinely happening. The blood rushing through his veins from the excitement–or tension.
Hundreds of different words and sentences tripped over themselves to start different conversations—if there was going to be any form of communication at all.
"You appear to be taken aback. Surprised?"
Taking a moment to let the situation set, Naruto cleared his throat nervously "Well, yeah..." His hand journeyed to rub the back of his neck Ina sheepish manner. "I thought you were satisfied with the ways things were; to be honest, I'm a little more than confused right now."
Understanding this, Sasuke stepped forward to rest his elbows on the black railing, taking in the sight of the soft moon and glow flies.
"As am I."
Joining Sasuke to stare out at the moon, Naruto was a bit confused with this new approach. "If my company isn't in your interest, why are you here?"
Unblinkingly, Sasuke stared calmly from the moon to Naruto.
"I'm fond of you." Sasuke gave as some sort of reasoning for this controversial situation, his voice toneless as ever, but it seemed to Naruto, modulated undertones were found in Sasuke's words.
Turning his head downward, Naruto's voice was quiet, his expression vividly confused "Doesn't explain why you're here with me right now."
"On the contrary, it does." Sasuke corrected, his finger gripping the edge tighter before they became loose.
After a moment of pursing his lips together, Naruto rubbed his hands on the smooth surface of the railing "You're being evasive, can't you be clear with me?" He exasperated, eyes fanning in frustration.
With a small smile, Sasuke shook his head in bittersweet amusement "Suppose not." He said softly, almost like it was to himself and not for Naruto's ears.
"Why are you here?" Naruto ventured to ask again, his voice was much more forward. He wanted answers. "Do you want to be friends? Business partners?" He paused for a moment before he stared down at the glowing fountain "Lovers?"his tone was tight and quiet; it was clear to Sasuke, that Naruto was desperate for something he could understand.
Feeling mild guilt for finding Naruto's conflict and struggle, Sasuke finally have one clear answer that offered relief to Naruto's distress.
"If you want to. Then yes." He finally said, the air around him slowed, it made Sasuke almost wonder if this was worth throwing away his carefully fortified pride.
But the moment he caught sight of those bright eyes, and the shy, dimpled smile, Sasuke felt his doubts melt way.
"I know, I can be hard to understand sometime." He began, unsure of where he was going with his words, but it was something.
"Go on." Naruto encouraged, patience was clear on his face with the absence of lines, he looked almost at peace, if it weren't for those passionate blue eyes that spoke for themselves.
"But in reality, I don't want that. My brother knew that part of me, so did you. When I lost the secrecy and security of our distant friendship and my brother, I felt like the largest parts of my life has been destroyed." Taking a breath, Sasuke stared at empty driveway of his mansion, fireflies began to cluster, comforting him with their soft pulses of light, like a heart.
"Change is something I dislike, I thought that out friendship was going when I'd met you in real life. Growing up has made me think like this, I know you would never use me, but every single person outside of my family has tried. When I saw you as 'Naruto' my best friend had disappeared."
Gazing softly at Sasuke's efforts to explain himself honestly, Naruto placed his hand over Sasuke's.
Sasuke jerked his head to Naruto. Lost dark eyes met assuring navy ones. "I'm still here. This is proof." His hand squeezed gently "I'm not going anywhere. Promise."
Hesitantly, Sasuke continued his explanation, "For a moment, I thought you were a stranger named 'Naruto', because everyone acts differently once they realize who I am, but you never did. Deep down, I knew I could trust you, but I couldn't bring myself to believe such things." Sasuke's voice began to quiver.
"My friendships with others never last until they either leave my side or until they show their real intentions." Almost coldly, Sasuke jerked his hand away from Naruto as if he'd been burned before he looked straight at Naruto with reserved eyes.
"Tell me, what are your intentions? I know they're good, but tell me why? I'm not a saint, nor do I ever feel obligated to be kind. Why did you keep chasing me?" His heart was pounding out of anticipation.
Without hesitation and doubt, Naruto didn't flinch "You're the most important person to me. In many ways, we were both alone growing up, so we bonded over that. Then I realized how much a fun person you were, and that you're a lot more nicer than you give yourself credit for. Just because you're hard to deal with at times doesn't make you someone undeserving of friends, I know that better than anyone." The taller man took a step forward, Sasuke allowed him, feeling the tension fade by the stronger presence of Naruto's glow, who he as rare for Sasuke to feel relaxed with such a close proximity with someone. "Sasuke, I... Just wanted you happy, so when you seemed so conflicted and somewhat angry after Itachi, I didn't want to be part of the reason for your turmoil. If you were happier without me, I'd accept that, but not without knowing you are the most important person to me. I promised myself to help become happy after all."
The tips of golden finger touched Sasuke's jaw, brushing a lock of hair behind his ears, the warmth of the contact was pleasant to the brunette.
The lighter specks of turquoise in Naruto's eyes glinted like flowing water. "You remember my motto right? The one I kept repeating everyday in our emails just to annoy–"
"–Me." Sasuke finished with a breathy sigh before he couldn't resist to reunite his hand with Naruto's, just to feel the warm sparks again. "You used to say 'I never go back on my word, believe me!', always repeating it like some kind of superhero, calling yourself the ninja of the leaves. Like a fucking idiot." Sasuke nearly chuckled, not much has changed about that part of Naruto. The fierce honesty and stubbornness was something that Sasuke needed in his life; just by meeting Naruto again, Sasuke felt elation was within reach.
"But we can't be like that again. That part of our lives is gone. That part of our life was never meant to last." Sasuke mumbled with resentment, lacing his fingers with Naruto instead of rejecting him.
"I know." Naruto agreed before his fingers had a safe hold on Sasuke, resting his forehead against Sasuke's.
"But we will. Always." Slowly, Naruto leaned in for a kiss, allowing Sasuke the control to stop him or let him. So Sasuke grabbed Naruto's front shirt with his other hand to smash their lips together in a greedy fight for dominance. No longer could Sasuke deny himself of this ambrosia, no more waiting.
Sasuke had the advantage of surprise, and experience. At first his hand wandered up Naruto'a taut chest, enjoying the flex of muscles and heat.
Slowly, their tongues slides against each other, Naruto was hesitant and insure, but Sasuke was dominant and wild for a deeper taste.
It was pleasing for Sasuke to see the blonde didn't fight for the lead, but it did annoy Sasuke with the way Naruto flicked his tongue against his with smooth confidence. The idea that others had touched these lips infuriated him. Naruto was his now. Finally. No else could have the right to kiss or touch him, the gentle hand rubbing Sasuke's neck encouraged his tongue to thoroughly roll against him.
Gripping the back of Naruto's golden locks, Sasuke yanked roughly to tilt Naruto's lips apart. Soft groans escaped his throat, Sasuke was breathing heavily from the passion he had unleashed.
"Shit, Sasuke... You're like a hungry wolf."
Agreeing with him, Sasuke nipped the edge of his ear before giving it a soft lick to blow on it, which sent strings of pleasure in his bones to his groin.
Going in for another kiss, Naruto gave a chaste kiss on Sasuke's swollen ones "I love you." He repeated, only it pierced right through Sasuke' vulnerable heart, filling the emptiness that loneliness had eaten away.
"I know, I do too." Sasuke finally admitted, overcoming the stubborn fear and pride, his breath was heavy.
Naruto chuckled heartily "You're such an ass for leaving me hanging. I'm so glad."
Their fingers, never losing contact, had clenched together at the same time.
The burdens and regrets that trapped them both weren't gone, instead, they were mere stepping stones into growing up now that they had each other to face their troubles.
The future was uncertain, nothing was clear with their weakness and the enemies they'd meet. But their lives were tangled so close, they'd be rooted right beside each other no matter that hardships.
From this point on, life wasn't a dulled shade of white like it was at adolescence. Being born, children are protected in white, kept innocent and very much alone.
But now Sasuke and Naruto were finally taking their steps away from their childhood and cruel memories, stronger together with their friends and each other.
Even though they grew up on lies and discovered their own rules to live, perhaps finding the desire to live happily with friends and lovers was the purpose of living.
Although humans are afraid of many things, it doesn't change the fact that they all want to be happy, and the battle for change and happiness is a rough one. With beautiful colors and happiness to the dreary and gloomy times.
But maybe that is what it means to be grown up.
Accepting out faults and the world's because we can only give so much that our hearts can afford.
But as long as we have each other, are able to love, forgive and laugh, happiness is nearby.
Right now, Sasuke and Naruto found the love and happiness they'd been searching for.
Nothing would change that even if they were new to the new reality for the adults, where safe zones do not exist.
But even so, they were ready for the world now. From this point, whatever happens, they'd be alright.
Life wasn't boring anymore.
A/N: I finished writing this around 3 am, been playing video games for inspiration, and I just happen to have a terrible cold. To be honest, I am so very happy that this final chapter got uploaded, It just kept getting longer and longer to the point that I ended up erasing more than half of it to rewrite it. It still went over my word limit. But I am quite satisfied the way this story had ended. Thank you very much for reading my chapter, and I hope with all the Naruto fandom drama happening, it wont ruin your love for the characters. I hope you've enjoyed this chapter as I have had quite a lot of fun writing this.