Chapter Five

Here it is, the last chapter. Warning, it's smutty. If that's not your thing, you won't ever know how it ends. Come on, nothing wrong with good, clean sexy times.

Picking up the bags she took a deep breath. She tried to tell herself Robbie would be fine. He'd been scared in a way she couldn't imagine. She looked into the lounge. He was settled on the sofa with his back to the door. Watching him for a moment she was lost, she didn't know how to get through to him.

Laura carried the last bags upstairs. She dropped them all on the bed then slowly started putting everything away. As she reached the last bag, the beginnings of an idea was born. Clearing away the mess she grabbed the last bag and went into the bathroom.

Ten minutes later she started down the stairs. She stopped in the doorway of the lounge and watched Robbie. He hadn't moved from when she'd gone upstairs over an hour ago. Running a hand through her hair she leaned against the door and cleared her throat, "Robbie."

He grunted but didn't move, "Robbie." She waited a moment then more insistently, "Robbie, I need your help."

He rolled onto his back, staring at the ceiling, "Laura, I really just need a rest. Can I help you later?"

Anger flared through her, enough was enough, "Robbie Lewis, look at me. Now!"

He turned his head and almost fell off the sofa. Laura was framed in the doorway with her hands on her hips, "Laura…"

She strode across the lounge and stared down at him, "I get it Robbie; you were scared. But I am fine and, in case you haven't noticed, very much alive."

He stared up at her and swallowed. He could see the pulse at her neck. There was a flush rising across her chest which was rising and falling from her anger, "I can see that."

She nodded angrily, "Good, what else can you see?"

Blinking rapidly he tried to sit up. Laura lifted her leg and placed her knee on his chest preventing him from rising. He ran his hand up the inside of her leg, "Something I've never seen before."

"Very good, your powers of observation seem to be intact. What else do you see?"

Sliding his hand further up her leg, "You're either very angry or very aroused."

Stopping his hand, "Correct again."

Interlacing their fingers he smiled up at her, "Which one?"

"That's up to you." He raised an eyebrow, "You have two choices. You can stay here on the sofa mired in fear and sorrow for something that didn't happen."

"What's my other choice?"

She leaned over and kissed him hard and fast. Before he could respond, she let go of his hand and walked away. At the door she looked at him over her shoulder, "You can follow me upstairs where I can show you just how alive I am."

Laura climbed the stairs holding her breath. She knew she was taking a risk. This would either push him over the edge into realizing she was in fact alive and well or anger him. All she could do now was wait.

Entering the bedroom she looked around the room wondering where she should wait. She shook her head and decided there was no point in being coy. Sitting on the bed she slid up to lean against the pillows. Crossing her legs she spread out her arms and hoped for the best.

Robbie was still on the couch staring at the doorway. He shook his head, the images of the day still running through his mind. The horror of the moment when he thought she was hurt or worse was fresh but the taste and feel of her of his lips was fresher still. Sitting up he shook his head, why was he still down here?

Laura was starting to get nervous. Her mind was working furiously, trying to figure out how she would fix this. She was so distracted she almost missed the sound of him coming up the stairs. It was the creaking of the last stair that finally drew her attention.

She fought a smug smile as she settled into the bed and waited. When he turned into the doorway she gave him a challenging glance, "It took you long enough."

His breath caught in his chest. Laura was sprawled across the bed, arms open wide as if she was welcoming him to their bed. Her bare legs seemed longer than normal. His eyes tracked up their length to the edges of her crimson chemise. It was hitched up on one side and unless he was mistaken she had nothing on under it.

Swallowing hard he finally met her eyes, "Decisions are sometimes hard to make."

She raised an eyebrow as her hand went to the hem of the chemise. She toyed with it, pulling it slightly higher on her leg. "Really? I would have thought this one quite easy to make."

Taking a few steps into the bedroom he smiled at her but his eyes were fixed on her hand, "It's getting easier."

Smiling to herself she raised the chemise another inch, "Is it now?" She rolled onto her side watching him. The chemise pulled further up her leg letting him see that indeed she had on nothing beneath it, "Is there something else I can do to persuade you?"

He sat on the side of the bed eyes now fixed on the naked expanse of her hip, "You said something about showing me how alive you are."

Laura sat up and moved closer to him, letting him feel the warmth from her body. Taking one of his hands into hers she placed his fingers on her wrist. Deftly she manipulated them so he could feel her pulse, "Is that proof enough for you?"

Her smell surrounded him. The warmth of her body enveloped him. Looking down at her small wrist encapsulated by his much larger hand he shook his head, "I need more."

She moved his hand to the inside of her elbow. Again she positioned his fingers so he could feel her brachial pulse, "Is that better Robbie?"

He swallowed mesmerized by the softness of her skin, "More."

Leaning into him she moved his hand up to her neck gently placing his fingers over her carotid artery. Her breath was hot against his ear, her teeth nipped at his earlobe, "What about this Robbie?"

He could feel her pulse quickening. Nuzzling into her, luxuriating in her scent, he groaned when he felt her hands slowly unbuttoning his shirt. "The decision is getting clearer."

Pushing the shirt off his shoulders she kissed down his neck. His groan when she pulled his hand away from her to remove the shirt made her smile. She slid deeper onto the bed. When he reached for her she took his hand and slid it up her leg pausing behind her knee.

His fingers lingered there feeling the pulse. He leaned in kissing the inside of her knee. She ran her hand into his hair getting his attention, "If you've made a decision, there's one more pulse point you can check."

Kissing his way up her leg he smiled, "I've made my decision."

She moaned as his mouth pressed against her. He rolled across her center pressing into her lightly. His tongue swirled against her before sliding his fingers into her waiting heat. Her moans were music to his ears pushing his earlier fears away. He pressed into her more, needing to be closer. Her wet warmth intoxicated him.

Curling his fingers slightly inside her he was rewarded by a scream. Her legs tightened around him as her hand tangled in his hair, "Robbie, more, please."

He looked up her body mesmerized. Her back was arched, her other hand teasing her breast. He could tell she was close to falling over the edge. Sliding his free hand up her body he covered her hand with his. He manipulated her hand teasing her nipple to a harder peak.

At the same time he sucked her into his mouth. A gasp escaped her mouth, "Robbie, I need you, please."

Laura moaned when his hand pulled out of her. He picked up the pace of his tongue. His chin pressed into her as she cried out with pleasure. He quickly unfastened his pants pushing them down his legs and kicked them off. Sucking her into his mouth one last time he moved quickly up her body.

Laura's eyes flew open as his mouth left her center. Feeling his weight on top of her she opened her legs welcoming him, pulling him to her. Canting his hips forward he slid into her slick, warmth. His mouth captured hers in a brutal kiss. She pushed up to him wrapping her legs around him pulling him closer. She returned the kiss with a fervor, tasting herself on his lips.

Robbie groaned as he buried himself in her. This wasn't death, this was life. She was here, surrounding him, "I love you Laura."

Her eyes opened at his words. She took his face in her hands and pulled him into a kiss. Using his surprise she rolled them over pushing up as she did. Her hands gripped his chest as her hips undulated over him.

He looked up at her mesmerized by her beauty. His hands found her hips pushing and pulling. He pushed up to her and was rewarded with a moan as her head fell back. He lifted his legs behind her giving him more traction. His movement pushed her forward slightly creating a new sense of friction.

Laura screamed out as the climax ripped through her body. She tightened around Robbie, squeezing him tightly. He pulled her to him kissing her softly. He used her distraction to roll them again. He kissed her tenderly, when he felt her finally begin to respond he pressed his hips forward. She moaned as aftershocks pulsed through her body.

His hand slid up her body, cupping her breast. Long, deep strokes kept her moaning into his neck. Her legs tightened around him, pulling him closer as her internal muscles tightened around him causing him to groan. His hips pressed forward, hard and fast.

"Harder Robbie."

Balancing his weight he smiled down at her. He increased the speed of his thrusts. Laura matched his pace, meeting him thrust for thrust. She felt his pace begin to falter, knew he was tiring. She pulled him down and whispered in his ear, "I love you Robbie."

One last thrust sent them both spiraling over the edge. Robbie collapsed on top of her. His lips pressed against her neck. The feel of her pulse pounding against them.

Laura held him close knowing he needed her close. She hoped this would be enough to push all of his fears away. Her arms tightened around him as she placed gentle kisses on his head.

Robbie smiled against her pulse, nipping lightly against her skin, "Thank you Laura."

"For what Robbie?"

He rolled over pulling her with him, "For showing me how to live."

She smiled up at him, "Why do I think your thank you covers more than just now?"

Kissing her lightly he nodded, "Because you know me better than I know myself."

Sighing she lay her head on his chest. Her eyes closed, content with her place in his life, "I'm sorry I scared you Robbie."

"I'm sorry I overreacted. You were there and then you weren't. All of my worst fears took over, it wasn't you." They fell into an easy silence enjoying the peace of the moment. Robbie took a deep breath, "Where did you go?"

Laura laughed. She took his hand and ran it up her side. "Does that provide a clue?"

"Well I like the way it feels but not really, no." Rolling over him she climbed out of bed headed to the en suite, "Hey, where are you going?"

Laura smiled over her shoulder, "It's a secret." She disappeared into the bathroom only to return with her hands behind her back.

He looked at her questioningly, "What's behind your back Laura?" She brought her hands in front of her holding a navy bag with silver script lettering. He read the bag and laughed, "Guilty Secrets? That was your last errand?"

She dropped the bag to the ground and did a pirouette, showing off the chemise, "It was a surprise for you for being so good on our errands."

He grabbed her hand, pulling her to him. He lowered his head to hers and right before he kissed her he whispered, "Thank goodness for surprises and Guilty Secrets."

A/N: I have had a few PMs asking why Robbie overreacted. As someone who has been through the sudden, unexpected, heartrending loss of someone I loved desperately trust me his reaction was perfectly in line. Grief is a picky mistress.

Again I need to thank Givemebritcopsnow. This was such a fun idea and I only hope that I did it justice.

I will be taking a brief break (not from writing) from Lewis. My next piece will be a Chelsie piece. The ladies on Tumblr have been challenging me to join the Chelsie FF world and I am finally going to accept the challenge. I promise to be back soon with a new Lewis piece that fills in the gaps on the series 8 which I found somewhat disappointing.