A/N: A lot of folks asked for a sequel to Trick or Treat. It took me awhile, but here it is!

Warnings: angst, language, sexy times

Pairings: 2x3

Trick or Treat - Part 2

It took Trowa a week to finally call Duo, a week of catching up on reading and essays and pausing to stare off into space and think about how good Duo had felt and wondering how much of that had been because Trowa was drunk and how much had been real. It had been a week of going back and forth - of thinking yes, he was interested and then no, no he couldn't seriously be considering this, but in the end, he had called Duo.

"Hey, this is Maxwell."

Trowa hesitated.


"Yeah, Duo Maxwell," there was a pause, "can I help you?"

"It's Trowa." He drew in a deep breath. "The pirate. The gay pirate?"

"If I recall you weren't a gay pirate," Duo sounded amused.

Trowa didn't really know what to say to that.

He heard Duo sigh.

"I… guess you've recovered, then?"

"Yes. Thank you for - for everything."

"Yeah, sure, no problem."

They were both silent and Trowa felt like an absolute idiot. What had he been expecting? That Duo would answer and - and what? How was he supposed to just ask if he and Duo had had sex? How was he supposed to ask if he had passed out in the middle of an amazing night or was it after or if anything had happened? How was he supposed to ask Duo any of that?

Trowa realized he had had no idea how this conversation would go and no idea how to even -

"So… I guess I'll see you around or -"

"Do you want to get coffee?" Trowa interrupted the brush off, rushing the words, feeling his heart pound, afraid Duo would say no. Afraid he would say yes.

"Ah, yeah. I like coffee."

"Me too."

Duo laughed and Trowa found himself smiling at the sound.

"Green Beans okay with you?" Duo asked, referring to the coffee shop inside the library on campus.

"Yeah - today?"

"Uh… I get out of my last class at three."

"I'm in class until four."

"Okay. Fourish?"

"Great. Perfect." Trowa winced at his own eagerness, but Duo just laughed again.

"See you then, Trowa."

Trowa ended the call and then glared at his phone, at his faint reflection in the smooth surface.

What in the actual fuck was wrong with him?

He had asked people out before - girls - two girls, in high school and he had been turned down by one of them but he had done this before. And he had a lifetime of movies and television to draw from. How was it possibly this difficult to ask Duo out?

He gathered up his books and notebooks for his afternoon classes and checked the time - he would be able to swing by the caf and grab a sandwich before heading to his Comp class.

As he walked across campus, he accepted that the reason this was so difficult was because this was Duo. This wasn't some girl in high school - this wasn't even Relena, who he hadn't been able to ask out. This was a guy.

And Trowa had never once been interested in a guy, had never thought about kissing one or fucking one or - or having one ride his lap until they were both gasping and on the brink of orgasm -

Trowa felt himself growing aroused at the memory and forced himself to stop thinking about it, to think about the chemistry lab he had to go to that afternoon, enthalpy of formation of Magnesium Oxide. The lab that stood between him and meeting Duo for coffee, seeing Duo smile and seeing his lips and -

This wasn't helping.


Trowa was completely useless during the Chemistry lab that afternoon, and he was incredibly lucky that Wufei Chang, his lab partner, was competent.

He ignored Wufei's snarky comments, even though he deserved them, and muttered an apology to Wufei before shoving all of his untaken notes into his bag and leaving as soon as the large clock at the front of the room said it was four.

The science building was across the campus from the library, and every step Trowa took in that direction had him once again questioning just what the hell he was doing.

But then, before it seemed possible, he was stepping into Green Beans and he didn't have the luxury of questioning himself anymore.

He looked around the small cafe and realized that he wasn't entirely sure what Duo looked like - what Duo looked like as a guy.

Trowa saw Hilde sitting at a corner table in the back. They hadn't really spoken since the night they had hooked up, and even though they still sat beside each other in history, it was clear that neither of them had been too impressed by their night together.

There was someone sitting with Hilde, a guy, with shaggy bangs and wide blue eyes and a wide mouth turned down in a slight frown as he looked away from Hilde and -

Their eyes locked and Trowa was positive it was Duo. Even without the makeup or the costume, he recognized those eyes, recognized the slow upward curve of those lips.

Trowa found himself smiling back.

Duo looked completely different, he was wearing a cardigan, for one thing, and Trowa somehow had trouble reconciling his image of Duo the slutty school girl with Duo in a navy cardigan unbuttoned a red and blue plaid shirt.

"Hey," Duo greeted him, standing up and Trowa could see he was wearing khakis too, had somehow morphed into -

Jesus. He almost looked like a Catholic school boy. And while he wasn't in the least bit slutty, he was sexy as hell. The sleeves of both the cardigan and the shirt were pushed up on his forearms, and Trowa wondered what was possibly so attractive about Duo's forearms.

"Hey," Trowa replied, caught a little off guard by his own thoughts.

"You two… know each other?" Hilde stood up as well and looked between them.

Duo frowned.

"You two know each other?" He asked.

"Yeah. Trowa's in my history class. He's that guy I told you about and -" she turned to Trowa with a sheepish expression.

Trowa raised an eyebrow, curious as to just what she had told Duo about him.

"Oh. Oh." Duo frowned and looked back at Trowa.

"Wait." Hilde's expression changed as she continued to look at Trowa. "Is he - he's the guy you're meeting for coffee?"

Trowa saw Duo's cheeks flush slightly.

"Yeah," he muttered, " he is. Now can you kindly fuck off before you embarrass either one of us anymore."

Hilde looked smug and amused. She grabbed her coat and her bag.

"Well, at least that explains why you never called me," she said and winked at Trowa as she walked past him.

Trowa turned to watch her go, and only when she had left the coffee shop did he turn back to Duo.

"So…" Duo rocked back on his heels and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Now that this has gotten off to a horribly awkward start… coffee?"

Trowa had to laugh and Duo smirked.

"Coffee sounds good."

Trowa left his bag on the chair opposite Duo's and they walked over to the counter.

He stood in line behind Duo, only half listening as Duo ordered, his attention drawn to Duo's long braid of hair, the tip stretching down to his ass and his ass -

Duo's khakis weren't obscenely tight, but they were narrowed and fitted and Trowa forced himself to look away.

He ordered a coffee and then followed Duo over to the side counter and watched Duo pour enough milk in his to turn it almost as light as his khakis. Trowa noticed Duo arch an eyebrow at him when he added four sugars and only a tablespoon of milk to his own.

"So…" Duo said once they sat back down and stared at their cups for a full five minutes.

"Nothing else happened that night, did it?" Trowa had to ask.

Duo stared at him and then frowned.

"Like what?"

"Like we didn't go back to my dorm and… and I don't know. We didn't have sex or anything, did we?"

Duo laughed and shook his head, but the sound was bitter.

"Right. Right, of course. You just - you wanted to make sure I hadn't taken advantage of you or turned you gay or anything. This whole thing is -"

"No," Trowa quickly interrupted him, but before he could say more, Duo continued.

"Nothing happened," Duo said and he still sounded angry, his fingers gripping the edge of the table and his blue eyes intently focused on a spot beyond Trowa's shoulder. "I tried to get you to drink some water and take some aspirin but you said you didn't have any and then I made sure you were sleeping on your side and I left. I didn't do anything to you."

"I didn't -"

Duo stood up abruptly.

"I'm an idiot," he said, now talking to himself. "This - you couldn't have just asked me that shit on the phone? Or texted me or something? You really needed to make me think -" Duo stopped and shook his head.

"Wait." Trowa reached over and grabbed Duo's wrist as he reached for his backpack. "Wait."

Duo glared at him and Trowa dropped his hand away.

"I'm sorry," he said. "For grabbing you. I - that's not what this is. I don't think you took advantage of me or anything."

"Then what?" Duo was still standing, still angry.

Trowa closed his eyes.

"I wanted to make sure I hadn't forgotten having sex with you because I would regret not remembering how amazing it was."

Duo was silent, and after a moment, Trowa opened his eyes.

Duo was staring at him.


Trowa nodded.

Duo sat back down.


Trowa took a sip of his coffee and Duo did the same.

"You didn't forget it. Nothing happened."

"Yeah, you said that part."

Duo's lips twitched.

"Yeah, I guess I did."

"How do you know Hilde?"

"We went to high school together - she's the one I borrowed the skirt and the stockings from."

"Oh. You look different without makeup."

"So do you," Duo said with a smirk, his blue eyes no longer angry as they looked over Trowa's face.

Right. Trowa's eyes had been smeared with black eyeliner that night. Not nearly as much makeup as Duo been wearing, but still, he had been wearing makeup.

"You said to call you, if I was interested."

Duo arched an eyebrow but took another sip of his coffee before answering.

"Interested in what?" He asked, and it sounded like a challenge.

"I… you."

"I thought you weren't gay."

"I thought so too."

"It was probably just - you know, drunken horniness or whatever, Trowa."

"I don't think so."

"So you've kissed other guys? You've dry humped other guys?"

"No. But I think about you."

Duo frowned slightly.

"You think about being drunk and being felt up by someone. It's just… it's just flesh on flesh and you're eighteen so -"

"What did you want me to come here and say?" Trowa interrupted Duo, a little irritated by the fact that Duo was ignoring the possibility that Trowa knew what he was talking about.


"When I called you today and we agreed to get coffee - what did you want me to come here and say to you?"

Duo flushed.

"You wanted me to say what I'm saying, didn't you?" Trowa guessed. "That's why you told Hilde about me."

"I told Hilde about you because she was there when you called and she's nosey as hell," Duo muttered. "I… yeah. Okay. So I hoped you would show up and tell me you were interested and - and it doesn't make any sense, Trowa. you aren't gay. It was one night of drunken fooling around and it doesn't mean anything and it was stupid for me to get my hopes up in the first place."

"Maybe I'm not gay," Trowa agreed. "But I could be bi or - or maybe I am straight and you're right and it was just being drunk and being touched but I don't think so. I think I'm interested in you."

Duo ran a hand through his bangs.

"So you just… what? You want to go out on a date?"


Duo frowned and then bit on his lower lip, chewing on it thoughtfully.

"Right but - but what if it was just… Trowa, what if it was just because you were drunk and we go out and we go out a few times and realize we really get along and then I go in for a kiss and you freak out because holy hell I don't look like a girl without makeup on and this isn't what you want and then we've spent weeks going down this path of -"

"I think you're overthinking this. People date all of the time and realize it's not going to work out and it doesn't ruin their lives."

"Yeah. Okay. Point taken."

But Duo still looked uneasy.

"Why don't we just do it then?"

"What?" Duo looked at him with wide eyes.

"If you're so worried we're going to get physical and I'll freak out then let's just skip to that part now."

"I'm not going to take you back to my dorm and fuck you. I don't even know you."

"I was thinking a kiss," Trowa said with a raised eyebrow.

Duo flushed.

"Oh. Right. That… seems more reasonable."

But something Duo had said made Trowa think.

"You would fuck me?"

"Well, not today…"

"No, but…" Trowa wanted to make sure he said this right, "I would bottom for you."

Duo stared.

"Ah… I mean… I've only had sex a few times but I kind of enjoy topping," he said after a moment.

Trowa nodded and considered that.

The idea made him a little anxious, but it did not repulse him.

"Okay," he decided.


Trowa shrugged.

"Okay. If the kiss works out and we date then yeah, I could bottom for you."

"You don't even know -"

"I could learn," Trowa interrupted.

"You're really determined."

"I'm pretty sure I enjoyed Halloween because it was the best thing I'd ever experienced, not because I was drunk. I want to get to know you - you're funny, a bit… impatient, but I like you so far."

Duo smirked.

"Yeah. Okay. But we've both got coffee breath and that is not the flavor of a great first kiss."

Trowa got up and went back to the counter. He purchased a pack of mints and then came back.

Duo chuckled.

"Very determined." He accepted a mint from Trowa and then glanced around.

He gestured behind Trowa.

"The bathroom is over there. I, ah… not too crazy about kissing in public."

Trowa had never been kissed in public, so he didn't have any feelings on the matter, but he got up and followed Duo into the bathroom.

He looked at the row of urinals.

Not exactly a romantic location.

"Damn. The door doesn't lock," Duo was scowling at the door.

Trowa stepped past him and leaned back against it, hoping his body weight would be enough to deter anyone from opening it.

Duo smirked at him and for a minute they stood in silence, crunching away at their breath mints.

Trowa reached out his hand.

Duo stared down at his hand for a moment but then took it and Trowa tugged him closer.

"I like your eyes without the makeup," Trowa had to say, as Duo looked up at him with that impossibly blue electric gaze.

"I like yours both ways," Duo said, smirking slightly. He leaned closer, his eyes still open, and brushed his lips over Trowa's.

It reminded him of that night, after Trowa had realized that Duo wasn't a girl and they had been interrupted. Duo had done the same thing, had caressed Trowa's mouth with his lips just like this.

Trowa shivered, felt his nerve endings tingle.

"Should I stop?" Duo had asked that before, too.

Trowa pulled him closer and kissed him back, pressing his lips firmly against Duo's and it felt just as good as he remembered, as he had imagined.

Duo's lips weren't as smooth this time, without the lipgloss he had worn, but they were full and Trowa sucked on Duo's lower lip, applying only a little pressure, and Duo made a noise in the back of his throat.

"Was that - is that okay?" Trowa pulled back.

"Fuck yes," Duo assured him, hands going around Trowa's neck and pulling his mouth back against his.

Trowa had to smile, but then Duo's tongue was tracing over his lips, teasing and impatient and Trowa opened his mouth and he tasted Duo - tasted wintergreen mint and coffee and heat and his brain stopped trying to catalog the flavors as he gave into the sensations.

When they finally pulled away, both he and Duo were breathing heavily, both aroused, and both smirking.

"So, okay. Maybe it wasn't just you being drunk," Duo conceded.

Trowa reached out and ran his thumb over Duo's swollen lips. He wanted to kiss him again. He wanted to do more.

Duo gently bit down on his thumb and then stepped away.

"So… what are you doing this weekend?" Duo asked.

Trowa shrugged and tried to seem casual.


"Any chance you want to go see Guardians of the Galaxy? It's playing at the second run movie theatre."

"I've already seen it," Trowa admitted.

"Me too," Duo said with a grin.

Trowa arched an eyebrow.

"Is this some kind of test? I passed your not freaking out over a kiss test and now I have to pass your dorky science fiction movie test?"

"Maybe," Duo shrugged.

Someone pushed against the bathroom door and Trowa stumbled.

Duo caught him and grinned again.

An older man, a professor by the looks of him, walked in and gave them a curious look.

"Sorry," Trowa apologized and then held the door open for Duo so they could make their escape.

They went back to their table, but the coffee had gotten cold.

Duo made a face after taking a sip of his.

"I'll call you?" He said, "and we can set up a time?"

Trowa nodded.

They tossed the old coffee and gathered their bags. Duo walked out with him, but started to head in the opposite direction.

They stopped and looked at each other.

Duo smirked.

"I like you so far too, Trowa."