From Arenas to Stadiums

Okay, I promised myself that I wouldn't start another story until I was finished with Shatter Down My Walls, but Finn and Rachel was very insistent that I start this story. I don't expect this one to be as long as SDMW; but who really knows with these two. Once again this story is totally AU and there are similarities with their real lives but this is totally a FINCHEL FIC and not a MONCHELE one. I don't feel comfortable writing about Cory and Lea. As with all of my stories, this one is in honor of Cory Monteith and I promise that Finn will always have his happy ending. Oh course, there will be drama along the way, and this story is rated M for citrus and for their not so clean vocabulary. I hope that you enjoy this story.

Disclaimer: Nope I don't own Glee or any original characters but I will own a few groupies along the way. Love, Melanie

"You have to be fucking kidding me; we have to tour with THEM!" Rachel screams "Why in the hell do we have to go out on the road with them, I mean; they're certainly aren't the only band out there that we could tour with."

"Rachel, calm down please," Quinn, the voice of reason of the band asks, "Artie thinks that it would be an awesome idea for us to tour with 'Twisted Dream' since we all went to the same school; it would be great from a PR standpoint."

"Tana, you dated most of that stupid band; will you please reason with Quinn why this is such a stupid idea. I hated every single on of them jocks in high school!" Rachel huffs, "I mean come on, what kind of name is Puck, Sam looks like a guppy with them huge lips, and seriously does the giant every comb his hair?"

"Rachel, look at the positives here, we are going on tour!" Blaine exclaims, "I think that we should take the meeting with Artie and them today."

"Are you serious Blaine, you wouldn't mind being surrounded by all of that testosterone?' Rachel asks angrily, "seriously, am I the only one who thinks that this is a bad idea?'

"Yes!" the rest of the band answers together. "Rachel, we can be ready to hit the road in three months if we join this tour!" Santana speaks up.

"Fine, set up the meeting, but if one of those egotistical idiots as much as breathes the wrong word to me, we are out! Deal?" Rachel scowls.

"We have a meeting with who?" Finn asks Puck when he hears him telling their manager, Kurt that they would meet them at Artie's office this afternoon.

"Kurt wants us to meet him down at Artie's office at one o'clock today, he says that they have came up with the perfect plan on getting us out on tour sooner rather than later." Puck answers as he hopes that Finn doesn't ask who they would be touring with. His prayers weren't answered.

"Which one of his bands, I know that he has a couple now…please just tell me that it isn't that all chick group for back home!" Finn asks.

"Uhm, what group are you talking about?" Puck wonders, knowing damn good and well that he knew which group Finn was asking about. Before Finn can answer, they are interrupted by Sam staggering into the room, obviously still drunk for the party that the guys had last night.

"Hey guys, do either of you have any Advil? My head feels like it's about to explode." Sam asks barely above a whisper.

"Yep, up in the medicine cabinet in my bathroom, help yourself," Finn boasts loudly, "By the way you need to get over it soon because we have to meet Kurt at Artie's office in less that two hours!" "Hey Puck are you going to tell me who this band is that we may be spending the next nine months or so with?" Finn asks, even though by the sick feeling that he is currently having in the pit of his stomach already knows the answer.

"It…it's…the McKinley sta.." Puck starts to answer but he's abruptly interrupted by Finn, "Oh Fuck no! I will not be on the road with half of the fucking glee club. Nope. Hell no that ain't happening!"

"Whoa there Finn, what the hell are you hollering about?" Sam asks as he walks back into the kitchen. "And can you keep your fucking voice down?"

Finn fills Sam in on Kurt and Artie's plans of them touring with the McKinley Stars, expecting Sam to agree considering that he had dated both Quinn and Santana.

"So, what's the big deal? Finn you don't even know them, so why are you acting like a total jackass about it?" Sam asks looking at Finn before turning towards Puck, "You don't have any issues with touring with Quinn, do you; you know since you were supposed to have married her."

"No Q and I ended things on good terms, and I know that you and Santana have remained friends after she broke up with you for that Brittney chick." Puck answers as he fist pumps Sam.

Both Puck and Sam stare at Finn before Sam finally asks, "Finn, why are you so against us touring with them? You never dated any of them, did you?"

"No I didn't date any of them, I mean you know that I went out with Santana our sophomore year a couple of times, but that never went anywhere. I was too busy ruining" my high school years with Tracey. Kurt is friends with that Rachel chick, and she used to hang out at the house all of the time, she's kinda intense." Finn says as he rubs his forehead, "I guess you guys are right, it won't hurt to have a meeting with them. I'm gonna go get in the shower and get ready, we'll have to leave soon to be there on time."

Finn walks out of the room, leaving both Puck and Sam puzzled about the way that he had acted. "Which one of them do you think he's trying to deny that he has feelings for?" Sam asks Puck. With a laugh, Puck tells Sam that he was thinking the same thing.

The Twisted Dreams enters the large conference room of Artie's record company to a large crowd of angry faces. (What, they are only thirty minutes late, Geez)

"So nice of you all to join us," Rachel says sarcastically, "I can't wait to see how long you all keep your fans waiting."

"Uggh, told you Puck that we needed to get our ass here," he points at Rachel and says "I told you that SHE is anal about everything!" Finn growls.

"That's it; there is no fucking way that I will associate my band with his!" Rachel seethes as she starts to stand up to leave the room.

Quinn hearing enough and very confused in why Finn and Rachel seems to hate each other, stands up and grabs Rachel's arm before she can walk away from the table, "What the hell Rach? Sit the hell down; all of you." She demands.

Everyone finds a seat around the mahogany table waiting on Kurt and Artie to explain exactly what's going on.

Kurt stands up to address the two groups, "Okay children, we know that this isn't probably the best scenario, but this is the only one that we can make work in this short amount of time." Kurt stops just a long enough to catch his breath before he continues, "A little birdie whispered in my ear that there is a lot of buzz around these two bands touring together, you know the whole from the same small town in Ohio and both being very successful."

"Most of the local businesses from back home have already committed into sponsoring this tour, including Burt's Tire Shop, the Law Office of Berry and Berry, The Will Schuester Foundation and Brittney's Dance Studios." Artie pipes in.

"So what is this going to be, a mini tour around Ohio?" Rachel asks, because hell no are they going to spend the next three months getting ready for a tour and spending time with THEM just to go back home. "Someone remind me to call my father's and thank them" she adds sarcastically.

Artie tells the bands that if they agree to the terms that they will actually be touring through 26 different cities in a sixth month period. He reminds them all that their fan bases consisted of the same fans, and that he didn't see any issues in selling out the arenas that were placed on the tour.

"And exactly how will we be traveling from venue to venue?" Santana asks, still baffled as to why Brittney would sponsor their tour. The look that Kurt is sharing with Artie doesn't go unnoticed by the eight set of eyes surrounding the table.

"Kurt? Seriously someone better answer the question!" Puck's kid brother and lead guitar player asks.

"Well, the first show will be in Lima, and after that we will fly you all out to New York for your first show at the Madison Square Gardens, but while you guys are on the east coast…youwillbesharingbuses." Artie answers telling them the last bit of information as fast as you can.

"Bullshit," Rachel's bassist Blaine answers, "I love my girls, but there is no way in hell I'm spending hours traveling up and down the east coast stuck in a bus with them for hours!"

Finn, unable to control his laughter replies, "No doubt, I'd be ready to kill myself within an hour being stuck on a bus with them that long."

Artie is becoming angry with the banter between the two groups tells Finn dryly, "Well I guess you need to plan your funeral before you all head out on tour, because there will only be two buses…one for the equipment and one for BOTH bands! Come on you guys, I know each on of you personally and you all know that I wouldn't do anything that could affect your careers. I'm telling you that your fans will absolutely love this!"

Everyone feeling like Artie has made it very clear that there would be no more discussion on the matter all shook their heads and agrees to go on tour together.

After a week of listening to Rachel and Finn's constant bickering, Artie and Kurt makes the executive decision of sending both bands back to Lima to prepare for the tour (you know, take them back to the start). It's the beginning of June and the school year is completed, so Artie arranges for the bands to practice in the auditorium of their old school.

Rachel and the McKinley Stars are currently practicing one of their songs while the guys take a breather at the back of the auditorium. Finn totally checks out of the conversation that they are having with Will, as soon as he hears her voice, she's belting out the opening lines of one of their songs that he hears everyday on the radio…

We are broken/ We can't fix it/There's no cure for our condition/ Desperate eyes are staring at me/ Should be hopeless but we're happy/ It's not perfect here between us/ Even Angels have their demons/ Trapped inside this twisted circle/ It ain't right but it's eternal/ There's a bright light/ And it's calling me/ And it's promising ecstasy but/ I don't wanna go to Heaven/ If you're going to Hell/ I will burn with you…

"Finn, Earth to Finn?" Puck says breaking the stupor that Finn is currently in. Finn keeps one eye on the stage and the other finds Puck's smirking face.

"Huh? What's up?" Finn asks trying to shake this fucked up feeling that he is currently experiencing in the pit of his stomach.

"Will wants to know if we all want to come have dinner with them tonight." Puck tells him as he tries to figure out exactly what's going on in Finn's brain.

"Sure dude, you know me; I never turn down the opportunity to eat!" Finn grins as he tries so desperately to shake the feeling that Rachel's voice has caused.

"It feels good having some of our formal students back home, and even though you three didn't join Glee; I feel like a proud papa because I have seven of my former students running up the charts." Will says as he starts to walk down the aisle toward the stage, calling over his shoulder "I'm going go see if the others would like to join us tonight."

Puck pulls Finn to the side so no one else can hear what he's about to ask him, he feels like that they are in a safe distance; he grabs Finn's shirt before asking, "Where in the hell did you go back there? I mean dude you totally just checked out. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm cool; that song that they were doing sounds so much better live than on the radio, it just shocked me that they were that good." Finn shrugs as he prays to grill cheesus that Puck buys his lame excuse.

Apparently he does, "Yeah, I've heard them live before and they know what they are doing. They are more than just a bubblegum pop band." Finn answers as they start walking up the aisle to the stage to join everyone else there.

"You know what would be cool guys; if both bands could perform a song together at each show…the fans would love it!" Kurt tells them, not even giving anyone the opportunity to say anything he continues, "Or better yet, why don't you all spend some time together and pen some lyrics for a new song that could be added to both bands new EPs. They will both be dropping at the same time, and it could help both of your fan bases.

"Damn bro, you really are trying to sell this whole "Lima Explosion" thing, ain't ya?" Finn grumbles.

"I don't want him singing on my EP," Rachel huffs, "He couldn't keep up with me!" No one even having to bother who 'he' was considering while everyone else has set their difference aside and have actually became friends; Rachel and Finn neither one would budge from their "I hate him/her" banter.

"Oh don't flatter yourself sweetheart, I could sing circles around you!" Finn seethes.

Puck raises his hand to get the attention of the two 'toddlers' and once he has their attention he reminds them that he was the one that would be singing since, you know I a the lead singer.

Finn for some reason feels the need to write a song with her speaks up, "No Puck, I wanna do this…I have a point to prove, so tell me Berry are you going to write a song with me or are you too chicken shit?"

"Rachel Barbra Berry isn't afraid of anything, Finn Hudson; you're on! It will give us something to do on the bus and maybe if you can keep your head in the game, we can have it ready before we come back to Lima for the Strawberry Festival in August."

UH OH, Finn and Rachel being stuck for hours on the back of a tour bus…what could go wrong there? I will be using different songs in this story. I chose "Burn With You" by Lea Michele because she said that it was Cory's favorite song on her CD. I may use a few more of her songs on the way, except for "You're Mine" and of course "If You Say So" Those two songs are too important in the history of Monchele and as I said before, while this story will have some similarities to our favorite real life couple, this story is totally about their counterparts.