I know that this is a short one, I'm sorry. I think there is only going to be two or three more chapters until the epilogue. I'm thinking of beginning a compilation of one-shots in this same universe that will take place before, during, and after this story. Please, if there is a specific one you would like to see just let me know and I'll do my very best to make it happen. I hope you all enjoy.

Ryan's eyes shot open, air filling her lungs in a rush. She immediately moved to pick herself off the ground. A hand came to her shoulder. "Easy, honey." A soothing voice said to her.

"What the hell was that?" She asked.

"You coded." Nicole answered, her hands moving to straighten her daughter's clothes. Ryan swore under her breath, her hand moving to rub at the pain in her chest.

"I still don't understand what's happening." She bit out in frustration. Nicole smiled at her.

"Still hate things you can't explain." She said. Ryan shot her mother a confused look.

"Does anyone actually like things that have no explanation?" She asked.


"Okay." Ryan scratched at the back of her head as she spoke. "Let's say this is real. You're really here. Why?"

"To help you decide." Was her answer.

"Decide? What the fuck is happening!?" Ryan yelled out.

"Language!" Nicole admonished. Memories tore through Ryan's mind. Moments…sitting at the dining table…standing in the living room…how she had longed to hear this voice over the years. But…this wasn't real…was it?

Warm hands caressed her face, her mother's perfume filling her nostrils. Thumbs rubbed against her cheekbones in an all too familiar way.

"I'm here to show you something." Nicole whispered. "This is what you're future could look like."

With the snap of her fingers, Ryan opened her eyes inside her home closet. The sound of Amanda's voice was floating in from the bedroom. She was talking about something going on at school with Noah…she couldn't really focus on anything but the simple, white gold wedding band adorning her left ring finger.

"Ry!" She was shaken from her thoughts, quite literally, to find Amanda standing next to her. "Are you ready?"

Ryan's eyes drifted down at the question. She was sporting some of her nicest slacks and a crisp button down shirt. Amanda was wearing a knee length dress in the same shade of dark green. Her eyes ventured up and took in the sight of her beautiful…wife? Her blonde curls were shorter, coming just under her jaw. She was older, certainly, but no less beautiful. Her eyes were twinkling, her bottom lip pulled between her teeth. She still had the same tell….someone was getting lucky that night.

"Are…you okay?" Amanda asked with a laugh. "You're looking at me like you haven't seen me in years." Ryan shot her a smile before pulling her in and pressing their lips together. There was a split second of surprise for Amanda before she melted in the younger woman's arms.

The kiss was too shortly lived. The sound of gagging noises came from behind them. Ryan turned and her breath caught. There, right in front of her, were two children. Her two children. Emily looked beautiful. She looked about fifteen. Her hair cut similar to Amanda. She wore a navy blue dress. Her arm was draped over a younger, towheaded boy as he tried to pull away from her. She…she didn't even know his name.

"Can we go now? I want to get this over with." The boy said, finally releasing himself from his sister's hold.

"Yea, Moms, Grams and Nana are downstairs with Noah." Emily informed them.

"We'll be down in a second, honey." Amanda answered. The boy rolled his eyes and walked away. Emily, however, winked at them before following her brother out. "Ugh, that girl, I swear she gets that from you."

"Right..." Ryan answered. Amanda narrowed her eyes at her.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yes, yea, I'm just tired." She stammered out.

"Okay…" Amanda said, her voice skeptical. She looked about to object but the wail of a baby's cry interrupted her. "Sorry, gotta get the baby." She kissed her wife before scurrying out of the closet.

The world vanished from around her and she was back to staring at her birth mother.

"What? No! I wasn't finished!" Ryan yelled out. Nicole took ahold of her again.

"Do you want that life?" Nicole asked her daughter.

"Yes." Was whispered out.

"Then you have to fight!" Nicole told her. Yes…she would fight. For Amanda…for their kids…for her moth…

Wait…her mother.

"Mom…I…" She croaked out.

"Yes, you can." Nicole said. "I have been with you every day, honey, and I always will be."


"All I ever wanted for you was for you to have a family." Nicole said. "You have a woman who adores you, a daughter and a son on the way, and…two mothers who love you very much."

Nicole pulled her daughter in for a tight embrace.

"I love you so much baby, but you can't stay here. You have to wake up. It's alright to move on, my love. Be happy."

At that, Nicole pushed Ryan away. Her mouth opened again, but this time it was Amanda's voice that called out to her.

"Baby…you have to wake up…we need you…"

"Baby…please baby…" Amanda's voice was cut off at the smallest bit of pressure applied to her hand. Of its own volition her other hand moved across the bed where Alex's head lay. The older woman was snoring slightly but the slight push from Amanda was enough for her to shoot up.

"What is it? Is she alright?" She asked Amanda hurried as she watched the other blonde reach for the nurse's button.

"She squeezed my hand. I think she's waking up." Was her reply.