Chapter 1: Remembrance

As the knife cut into the soft flesh under her breast she couldn't help but think of everything that brought her to that very moment. She wondered if she wouldn't have picked up the shift at the diner that night for Natalie, if she would have not met the man she knew as Juan Carlos, would she be where she was at that moment or was it just a random fluke that she was where she was when the men took her, just looking for a girl to kidnap. The man made another pass at the soft flesh again and she screamed in agony. She knew that is what he wanted her to scream. She could tell by the smile on his face, he had the same smile when he tortured her the day before. Next time she would not give him the pleasures of her screams.

"We are going to make a little video for the Sons, today." He had an evil grin on his face. "But we are going to have to wait until the others get her for that." He wiped the blood off of his knife with a dirty rag that he pulled from his back pocket, then placed both on the table next to her and walked out of the room leaving her sitting shirtless and bleeding, tied to the chair. Wondering if the next time they came in to the small, dark room, if it would mean her death.


"Liv? Earth to Liv?" Natalie poked her best friend in the side. They were sitting by the pool soaking up some of the warmth that spring brought them. It had been a long winter and the girls were ready for sunshine and warmth.

Liv pulled her sunglasses down from her face a bit and looked over them at her best friend. "What? You're disturbing my peace, it's the first time in a week where I have not had to do anything but just relax, Nat." She looked over at her Natalie. They couldn't have been anymore opposite in looks. Natalie had short pixie cut bleach blonde hair and dark brown eyes. She had extremely large ample breasts that were bursting out of her bikini top and lovely tan skin where Olivia did not have any of that. Olivia had dark brown almost black hair with a bit of a curl to it, pale skin and large ice blue eyes. She was curvy but she was more athletic then anything. It was from all of her years of being involved in sports.

Natalie turned to face Olivia, "I was wondering if you would pick up my shift for me on Tuesday. Sean finally asked me out on a date." Natalie had been dying to go on a date with Sean for months. He had a thing for her too but he was far too shy to actually ask her out, so Olivia felt her pain. She also felt the pain of being single.

"What will you give me for it?" She teased Nat.

"My undying love and faithfulness?" Natalie offered up.

Olivia laughed at her friend, "That is great but I already have that. If I take this shift for you, you have to take my Friday. I haven't had a weekend off in months, I am dying to have more than a day or two off here and there."

"Anything…anything." Natalie was bouncing in her chair. Liv feared she was going to get a show from her best friend if she bounced anymore. She turned her face away and closed her eyes soaking up the sun a bit more.

"Deal then I will take your Tuesday shift and you get my Friday shift. You know you're lucky I love you. I wouldn't take just anyone's shift at the diner." Olivia turned and smiled at her best friend. They had been best friends since the second grade when Olivia and her parents moved to town. Natalie had been the one who helped her through the deaths of her parents and helped heal her broken heart when she found out Matt was cheating on her with some local tramp. Natalie had always been there for Liv and she would always be there for her, even if it meant taking the shittiest shift on a week night. They lovingly referred to it as brats eat free and parents tip like shit night. "Fuck what am I getting myself into?" She muttered as she turned herself onto her stomach. She hadn't worked a Tuesday night for over a year and she did not miss it. When she was promoted to manager she got to pick what day she worked and she was willing to give up her Saturdays to get rid of her Tuesday nights.

Olivia showed up about 45 minutes for her shift that Tuesday night knowing it was going to be a shit show when families started piling in. They usually were, the townies would arrive soon with their hordes of children. She sighed as she walked through the front door of the café.

"Hey, Liv." Big Jim said, he was sitting at on one of the stools at the front counter which was normally what he did before his shifts. Jim was the head cook, he was a large man hence them calling him Big Jim. He had always had a soft spot for Olivia, knowing that she no longer had any family of her own in Charlotteville, or anywhere for that matter. Big Jim and his wife took her in like she was one of their children; inviting her over for all the holidays. She tended to take them up on their offer if she wasn't spending them with Natalie and her family. "Awfully nice of you to take Natalie's shift tonight." He smiled at Olivia as she came out from the back of the diner.

She rolled her eyes at him as she poured herself a cup of coffee from the fresh pot he had started when he got in. "Nice is my middle name." She took a seat next to him knowing it would be one of the only times she was going to sit during her 8 hour shift. She didn't really care for her job but she had been there since she was 16 years old and now at the age of 25 she realized that they had become her family. "Nat is lucky to have a friend like me." Olivia pulled her long hair into a messy bun. "But I am looking forward to having a whole weekend off." She smiled thinking about how she was going to spend it doing absolutely nothing.

"Mia wanted me to invite you over for dinner on Sunday. Joey and his wife will be over with the grandkids. They have been asking about their Auntie Livi." Big Jim smiled at her. Jim was a good friend of her father's; they had grown up together. She had always seen him as a surrogate uncle. She grew up right next to his kids, Joey who was the oldest boy and Jayson who was the younger. Joey had to be her first kiss and first crush. She blushed thinking about it. Joey was 17 and she was 15, she was turning from a tomboy to a full blown knockout beauty is what Joey told her before he kissed her. It was strange for a while for them because they both realized they were more like siblings then boyfriend and girlfriend He met Catherine soon after that and they had been together ever since and she met Matt and well the rest was history.

"Sunday dinner sounds lovely. Tell Mia, I will be there, can you find out what she would like me to bring for dinner?"

"Of course but you know what the answer is going to be." The truth was she did, she would tell her not to bring anything but that never stopped her from asking or offering for that matter. Olivia smiled at Jim as she took one last drink of her coffee, she always took hers the same way, two sugars and one cream. "Well sweetie, shall we get ready for hell shift?" He smiled over at her.

"I guess so." She took a deep breath and started to get going with her shift, they usually started getting people around 5pm.

The evening was busy and there were kids everywhere, she wondered why some people even had as many children as they did. The Fortman's had eight children and another one on the way, they all wore ratty clothes and were in every week for kids eat free. Olivia felt for them and never charged them for the extra kids when she first started working there so it became a nice thing they did for them every week. They were a nice enough family but Liv wondered why they kept having children that they simply seemed not to be able to afford. It didn't make sense to her but then again her mother had, had her without her father in the picture.

As the evening ran on in full force, Liv noticed there was a new person in her section. He sat alone, he wore a black hooded sweatshirt and a black hat. She had never seen him before but it wasn't strange for people to stop in on their through town since they were off of the main road. She walked up to the table and the man stared up at her with his big brown eyes. "What can I get for you?" She asked him politely.

"Can I get a burger, fries and a coke?" He stated with a smile.

Holy Fuck she though when he smiled at her she had instant butterflies. "Um coming right up." She stumbled nervously.

The man watched her walk away; her jean hugged her ass nicely. He smiled to himself. Her ice blue eyes reminded him of someone from his past, Tig. It was like he was staring back at her through her beautiful face. She walked back with his coke and sat it in front him. "Thanks." He said, she smiled at him and walked away to the other tables in her section. He caught himself staring at her; she had a warm smile while she talked to the families that surrounded him. He followed her with her eyes and was hyper aware of where she was while he waited for his food. He found himself thinking about what her porcelain skin would feel like and what it would be like to kiss her beautifully plump lips. He was busy thinking about what he would do with her body when she walked up and placed his food in front of her. She stood there watching at him as if waiting for him. He looked at her curiously.

"I asked if I could get you anything else." She looked at him impatiently.

"Um, not right now thanks." He flashed her an apologetic smile as she walked away. She seemed overwhelmed by the amount of people in the diner. He saw her run out the front door and start talking to a coworker who had slipped out to smoke a cigarette. Olivia was pissed that Dani decided it would be okay for a smoke break while she had so many people in her section.

"Do you think that I can take care of both of our sections and the front counter?" I snapped at her coworker. Dani didn't take her job seriously, it was just a means to an end to her. The end being money. She thought that her boss had a stick up her ass since she had been promoted.

"You used to be fun to work with Liv." Dani said as she flicked her cigarette to the ground and stomped it out. "Maybe you should take that stick out of your ass." She pushed passed Olivia, who took all of her strength not to go after Dani and punch her. Liv took a deep breath and walked back into the diner shaking her head, knowing that the dinner rush was soon going to be over.

"Liv?" One of the regulars yelled at her. She looked at him, as he shook his empty coffee mug at her.

"Seriously Tyler…you come here enough you may as well get up off your fat ass and get it yourself." She poured the man another cup of coffee and left him with the remainder of the pot. As she walked up to the man's table and offered him another coke. He nodded his mouth full of burger.

Finally. Olivia thought as her section started to clear out, there were only two people left in hers and one left in Dani's.

"Dani, you may as well leave since we are slowing down." Liv called over to her.

Dani looked over at Olivia as she washed off a table in her section. She then glanced over at the man in Liv's section. She wished that he had been in her section, she thought Liv was stupid for not flirting with him. He would be she what considered sex on a stick and would have fun with him. Dani watched him as his eyes followed Liv around the café. Fucking bitch. She thought as she pulled her apron off and walked to the back.

Liv walked up to the table with the attractive stranger was sitting. "Care to take a break?" He asked boldly motioning to the spot across from him. She smiled at him and nodded but she didn't sit down immediately. She walked behind the counter and poured two cokes and sat down.
What am I doing? Liv thought to herself. She usually only took her minibreaks with regulars. There was something about him that made her want to sit with him. She sat a coke in front of him as she took a seat across from him.

"My name is Olivia." She smiled at him. He shot her a broad smile as she held her hand out to him to shake his hand.

"Jui…"He paused. "Juan Carlos." He took her hand into his and shook it. Her hands were unbelievably soft and his made her look so fragile and small. He must have held her hand for too long because she pulled hers back tentatively and placed it back in her lap. He had not seen anyone quite like her before, she was extremely attractive but didn't seem to be aware of it. She seemed to be nervous around him.

The reality of the matter was Liv was not nervous around Juan Carlos, she found him extremely attractive. She tended to be slightly shy when she found a guy attractive. She couldn't help but notice a tattoo he had peeking out from under the sleeve of his sweatshirt. She boldly took his left arm into her hands and pushed up his sleeve. He watched her intently as she studied the tattoo of his SAMCRO reaper which he had not covered yet. "That is an interesting choice for a tattoo." She said pulling his sleeve back down over it and letting go of his arm. He found himself wanting her to touch him more.

"Yeah. I'm going to get it covered." He said quietly; thinking about everything he had lost when he told Nero about what happened in the cabin with Darvany. How one moment of stupidity and despair had ripped his world apart. He lost his brothers…and his family. He was now on the run from them and the world he left behind because they considered him a rat.

"Really?" She raised her perfectly manicured eyebrows at him. As she glanced over at her other two customers. They all seemed happy enough so she turned back to Juan Carlos. "Why get something if you are planning on covering it?" She asked knowing that she would have done the same thing if she had gotten a tattoo of Matt's name like he wanted her to do. Instead she got her mother's name tattooed on the inside of her upper arm.

"It's not that I want to, I have to." He said to her his words were full of secrets.

"Hmm." She said quietly wondering what the secrets were but left it up to him to tell her in his own time. "How long are you going to be in town?"

Juice looked at her thinking that he would stay just for her. She was casting a spell over him. "Not sure yet, we'll see if there is anything worth saying for." He shot her a smirk. She smiled back at him but then turned to see who was walking in the café. By the look on her face he could tell it wasn't someone she wanted to see.

Olivia stood up quickly, she felt a bit of panic when Matt walked in with the whore he cheated on her with. How dare he come in to her place of work with her?

"What the fuck are you doing here?" She stormed towards him and the whore. "I thought I told you to never show your face here again."

"You're kidding me right?" Matt said rudely. "You don't own this place and it is a free country. Plus you never work Tuesdays anymore, where is Natalie?"

That bitch. Liv thought, she should have never let him come into this diner even if she wasn't there. "Well I obviously work on Tuesdays since I am here right now." She stared down Matt and the whore. She didn't even know her name because she always referred to her as the whore. He ripped out her heart when he cheated on her with that girl. She wondered what he saw in the whore, well other than the fact that she was an easy lay. She was tall and lanky with a large rack. She had stringy light brown hair that hung limply. Liv stared her down, which she could tell made her uncomfortable by the way she was fidgeting.

Matt stepped closer to Olivia, his green eyes stared at her intensely; she took a step back. "Come on, Liv it's been a year, can't you just get over it already." What over the fact that they were going to get married and three weeks before the wedding she found out he was fucking her. She didn't think so.

"Leave now!" She said sternly. "I don't want to see your fucking faces here again." Matt ran his hands through his thick blond hair. The hair she used to love to run her hands through after they had sex.

Matt looked back at the girl he had loved so deeply at one point it scared him into the arms of another girl. She glared at him with such hate it made him flinch. He knew the embarrassment and pain she was forced on her when he ran to Miranda. Miranda was now pregnant with his child when it should have been Liv. She was never going to forgive him so he stayed with Miranda. They were planning a court wedding in the late fall after the baby was born.

While all this was going down, Juice watched them. He wanted to help out Olivia, she had been nice to him and well truth be told he wanted to get into her pants at some point. It had been a long time since he had a stunning woman under him or on top of him for that matter. He thought about the last time he…he couldn't remember. He didn't get fucked the last time he was Diosa when Gemma told him to get laid but he overdosed on meds because he was fucked up. Everything that had gone down since then put his issues into prospective. He stood up and walk up behind Liv and put his hand on the small of her back. He felt her tense up a bit but then she looked at him and relaxed. "You okay baby?" He said before he planted a kiss on her lips.

Liv was taken aback by this and was going to push Juan Carlos away but she realized what he was doing. "Hi…" she whispered as the pulled apart. His kiss set her on fire in a way she hadn't realized was possible. She wanted to go back in for another but didn't. She smiled at him and turned to Matt and the whore. "This is Juan Carlos." Juice stared at Matt who stared back at him with disbelief. He didn't look like a typical Olivia sort of guy.

"I didn't know you were seeing someone." Matt sounded disappointed. As he looked at Liv wrap her arm around Juan Carlos.

"Yeah well you lost that right. Now please leave." Matt was defeated and took Miranda's hand into his and left the café. The other customers started to pack up their things and leave their money and leave the diner as well. The last two customers left her a pretty good tip, maybe they were happy they got a good show and would have gossip to talk about with their friends. Olivia turned and looked up at Juice who she still had her arm around. "Thank you." She smiled at him.

"No problem. So when do you get off?" Juice asked curiously.

"Um." She looked at her watch, "in a half hour, why?" She smiled at him, it was an inviting smile that made him want to kiss her again but he refrained trying not to over step any boundaries that he might have already pushed with the kiss before.

"Want to get a drink?" He asked her half expecting her to say no.

"Sure why not, what is the worse that could happen?" She smiled at this stranger who made her feel alive again.


She must have dozed off but was instantly awaken when the door opened and three men walked into the room with her. "Come on get her up." One of them commanded of the other two men. They started to untie her, "You aren't going to try to do anything if we untie you, are you?" He asked her as he stared at her with his brown eyes that were extremely cold and hard. She wondered if he had any compassion at all.

She shook her head, knowing that trying to get away in a place she didn't know was useless. She stood up and rubbed her wrists she didn't know how long she had been there, it was most likely only been a few days however it could have been a week. The room they had her in was windowless. The men lead her into a room where there was another man sitting in a chair. He was a larger man with a long, thick beard and long light brown hair. He had a bloody patch over his right eye and bandage over his left hand which had bled through. Oh my god are they going to do this to me? She thought looking at her hands.

"We brought you company Bobby." They said to the man who took a long drag of his cigarette and watched as the shoved Liv in the chair next to him. "We'll come and get you both soon. Bobby I suggest you think about what could come of this girl if you don't give us what we want."

Bobby looked at the girl he had never seen her before, she had wounds close to her breasts that were lightly oozing blood from them. Her makeup was a tell-tale sign that she had been crying at some point. She had hair that probably quite pretty when she was able to do something with it but it hung limply around her head and face and clung to the places where her tears had dried. She tensed up as he watched her; her jaw was clenched tightly. She stared back at him with intense blue eyes, the only other person he knew who had eyes like that was Tig. He felt like he had seen her somewhere before, maybe in passing somewhere. They sat there in silence for a while until she said to him, "Why am I here?" Tears dripped down her face silently.

A/N: So I know the general direction this story is going to go in but I don't know if Liv will stay with Juice or if she should end up with Happy or Jax….what do you all think?
I would love to hear what you, guys think of the story thus far. There will be some flip-flopping between the past and present for a bit because I want you to get the background of Liv and how she came to the place where she is.