This is a NEW STORY requested by the fantabulous (is that a word? Well, not it is) AnimeAngel, Guest, who came up with this brilliant idea. What would happen if Stoick didn't save Hiccup, but Hiccup wasn't killed, just severely injured? What would happen? Totally a headcanon, but I have decided to roll with it. If you guys like it, I will continue, but if you're all like "Eww, how gross" then I guess I won't. :) Well, I can't stop in the middle of my projects, so I guess I'll be finishing it either way. :) False alarm! XD! Anywho, enough of my blabbing. Onto the story! :D
He didn't know what to think.
"Ahh...what did he just tell you to do?" Hiccup asked his dragon. In respond, Toothless growled at the dragon trainer and began approaching. Hiccup took a step backwards, holding out his hands to try and stop the dragon.
"Oh come on, bud," said Hiccup. The dragon didn't even register he was being spoken to. The Alpha had him brainwashed completely as long as he was in the Bewilderbeast's control. "Toothless!" shouted Hiccup. "Toothless!"
The dragon didn't pay heed. He continued to approach the young boy, snarling and bearing his unsheathed teeth. He let out a harsh growl and continued forward.
"Toothless!" shouted Hiccup. He realized he was being cornered by the dragon; his dragon. This wasn't right. This wasn't right. It shouldn't have been happening. Toothless was his best friend. He would never hurt him, Hiccup knew it. But this wasn't Toothless doing it. No, this was Toothless being used by the Alpha. The Bad Alpha. Drago's Alpha.
"Stop!" Hiccup ordered. Although he had meant it to come out demandingly and harshly, it came out almost as a whimpering plea. "Snap out of it!" he begged, his voice cracking ever so slightly.
Toothless didn't "snap out of it." He approached Hiccup with confidence. Hiccup shrunk backwards, pressing himself against the ice.
"TOOTHLESS!" he pleaded. "Stop! Stop it, Toothless! Come on, buddy! PLEASE! STOP!"
Toothless didn't "stop it." He didn't even register it was Hiccup. Hiccup knew Toothless would NEVER hurt him...not intentionally, anyways. This dragon wasn't Toothless. It was Toothless, but at the same time, it wasn't. This was a pawn used by the Bewilderbeast to kill Hiccup, as Drago had demanded.
Toothless opened his mouth and breathed in a large breath. Hiccup knew what was going to happen. He knew what Toothless was going to do. He knew Toothless better than anyone else he had ever known or met in the past.
"HICCUP!" shouted a voice Hiccup knew all too well. He looked to his left and saw his father running towards him. "SON!"
Hiccup knew what he was planning to do. He knew it, but he couldn't let him do it. He wouldn't let his father die to save his life. Hiccup didn't think he was worth it. He held one hand out to his father, keeping his other hand out to Toothless.
"DAD!" shouted Hiccup. "NO!" He put his hand out in what would seem like a clear "STOP" motion, but Stoick didn't care. Gas built up in Toothless' throat, and then he ignited it.
"NO!" shouted Stoick as the plasma blast was fired. Smoke instantly clouded the area, along with the horrible sounds of ice cracking and splintering as it broke apart by the force of the plasma blast. If that's what the blast had done to solid ice, what would it have done to Hiccup?
Valka stopped in her tracks and gasped before she continued running. No. No please no! She couldn't have lost the son she only just got back!
When the smoke cleared, Toothless was standing, breathing heavily, smoke puffing out of his mouth, unaware of what he had just done. Valka ignored the Night Fury quickly, still intent on finding her son, hoping he was alive.
Stoick stood up. The blast had knocked him off his feet, but now he was terrified. That blast had hit Hiccup! The father hated himself for not reaching him in time. He followed his wife to look for their son.
Then they heard a harsh cough, followed by a few others. Valka and Stoick both turned to the source, and saw what both relieved them and worried them.
Hiccup was laying on his back, breathing heavily, his eyes closed. Large pieces of ice lay on top of him from where the large chunk had been broken and splintered.
"Hiccup!" shouted Valka and Stoick in unison. They raced over as fast as they possibly could and fell to their knees beside their son, shoving the ice off him. Hiccup exhaled shakily, his breath ragged and harsh.
"Hiccup," said Stoick, placing his hand on his boy's forehead. Hiccup opened his emerald green eyes, filled with so much pain and terror.
"D-Dad," he whimpered, coughing afterwards.
"It's okay, son," said Stoick, brushing Hiccup's bangs away from his eyes. "You'll be okay."
"Where's..." Hiccup stopped himself to cough, "...where's T-Toothless?"
As if on cue, the Night Fury, no longer under control of the Bad Alpha, inches over, sniffing curiously. What had happened? Why did Hiccup smell...weird? Then it hit Toothless. He had shot Hiccup. He had fired at Hiccup. He had almost KILLED Hiccup.
In absolute disgrace and shame, Toothless turned and bolted. He couldn't trust himself around Hiccup any longer. He couldn't hurt him again.
"Toothless, stop!" Hiccup shouted, trying to get up. Instantly he screamed in pain, falling back down.
"Hiccup!" shouted both the boy's parents in unison.
"We have to get him somewhere safe, Val," said Stoick, placing his hand back on Hiccup's forehead to ensure he didn't try moving again. "I don't know how badly he's been injured."
"Neither do I," said Valka. She was gently stroking Hiccup's cheek with her thumb, trying to soothe him. "We could take him to the ice cave, where I've lived for twenty years."
"It's the safest place we've got," said Stoick. "The best chance Hiccup has, too."
Hiccup moaned and squeezed his eyes shut again.
"We should hurry," said Valka. "Can you-"
"Yes," Stoick interrupted, knowing what Valka was going to ask him. He gently took Hiccup into his arms and stood, Valka standing beside him. Hiccup whimpered, squeezing his eyes shut even tighter. A tear fell from his eye, just because it hurt so bad. He couldn't even begin to describe what it felt like.
"Shh," said Valka softly, wiping the tear away with her thumb. "It's okay, Hiccup."
It didn't feel okay, though. Hiccup felt like a dragon was sitting on his chest, making it hard to breathe and near impossible to think of anything else. He whimpered again and tried to set his mind on something else; anything else at all. But his mind kept going back to his injury.
Valka quickly lead the way, Stoick following in close pursuit, being as gentle as he could with Hiccup in his arms, but at the same time, trying to go as fast as he dared. Because they really didn't know how badly Hiccup had been injured.
"Stoick!" shouted a voice from behind. Stoick didn't even turn around to acknowledge the person calling him, but he really didn't have to in order to figure out who it was. Astrid ran up to him and instantly gasped when she saw Hiccup's barely conscious state. Stoick barely gave her a second thought as he continued to follow his wife.
Astrid followed Stoick. Snotlout, Ruffnut, Tuffnut and Fishlegs ran behind Astrid and followed her. They had just barely caught a glimpse of Hiccup, and they didn't like what they had seen. They wanted to see if he was going to be alright, and then stick around to see what they could do to help.
When they got back to Valka's dwelling place, she instantly motioned to a spot where different blankets had been spread out on what looked like Valka's makeshift bed. Stoick gently laid Hiccup down on it as if he were made of glass and then knelt by his side, Valka doing the same.
" he going to be okay?" Astrid asked in a shaky voice.
"Yes," said Valka, although Astrid could hear the woman choking on her own sobs. "You guys go on and wait outside, please?" she asked.
The other riders didn't want to leave as much as Valka or Stoick would have, but they didn't hesitate. They moved out and waited for Valka and Stoick to take care of Hiccup with bated breath. They really wondered whether or not he would be okay.