He was in a box. It was a small grey room made of metal walls that were completely bare. No bed. No blankets. Not even a bathroom. There was nothing to use. Robin had regained consciousness a while ago. He remained on the floor, assessing the situation. His arms and legs were bound tightly. Little wiggle room. His uniform was gone, replaced with something that looked like a white jumpsuit. It was tightfitting, unlike the baggy orange ones prisoners wear.

With a sigh, Robin rolled himself onto his back and skootched his way to the back wall. He might as well posture himself. Don't give them your fear. Don't let them see it. Control the situation.

These instructions replayed deep in his mind in a voice that wasn't his own.

Assess the situation. Look for every opportunity. What can you use? What can you fight with? What can you escape with? Where are the doors? Where are the doors people don't think are doors?

His training went through his mind as he sat. The room was bare. Whoever put him here didn't want to give him anything to use. Considering they know who he was, it was probably a safe bet on their part. There was an outline of a door across from him. But it looked tight. Tight enough where light couldn't even creep in the corners. And the air, the air was heavy and hot. If that door was as tight as he expected… No ventilation. Not to this room anyway. Meaning: no air-vents, no alternative routes. The only exit was that stupid metal door.

His frown tightens. He wishes SB was here. He'd just kick the thing open and Robin would e able to learn a lot more a lot quicker.

He was a captive. The crucial thing now was to learn as much as possible. That's how you could plan an escape. Watch movements, learn behaviors, plan and escape route. But with as tight as this room was, he didn't even know what time it was, which means he doesn't even know how long it's been since He's disappeared. Unless they drugged him, which wasn't unlikely, he shouldn't have been out more much more than seven hours.

Seven hours with no contact… Someone was looking for him by now, surely. A feeling of dread swirled in his stomach. How was he going to explained this?

Robin blinked and refocused his gaze on that door. Now wasn't the time to worry about what he would tell everyone when they eventually found him.

He had to figure out where he was, and how the hell he was going to get out of this one.


January 15, 8:24 EST

Superman flew down the hallways of the Watchtower. He had just received word from Black Canary. Yesterday's mission… Something was wrong. The mission had gone fine evidently, but during it one of their youngest members had mysteriously disappeared.

The computer logs showed that Batman had entered the Watchtower, and if Superman knew Batman, (and he was probably one of the few that really did) he knew exactly where Batman would be. Superman landed gracefully outside of Batman's usually hiding hole. It was here he could gather Intel at a greater capacity than in his cave. On league missions of international cases, this is where Batman could investigate. Batman had another name for it but Clark always just remembered it as 'The Computer Room'.

He waited until the doors were firmly hissed closed behind him to speak.

"I heard."

"Of course you did."


"We're on the job." Batman said almost robotically.

"I know that." Clark said softly.

Batman let out a heavy sigh, and for just a minute, his wall lowered just a bit for is friend.

"Somethings not right, Clark." Batman admitted.

"I understand, for Robin just to vanish like this…"

"No. This is more than just a missing person's case or a kidnaping."

"Are you thinking someone took him?" Clark asked.


There was a moment of heavy silence. Clark watched his friend with sympathy. He could see Batman's muscles tightening in frustration. Clark rained a comforting hand towards his friends, but before it could land on his shoulder, Batman lifted his fist and slammed it down on the computer. The metal bent beneath his fist, and the noise echoed in the chamber.

After a few heavy breaths, Batman said. "There's so little to go on."

"Walk me through it, Bruce."

Sometimes Clark could follow the man's thoughts pretty well, sometimes he needed him to explain, and sometimes he just knew that if Batman could talk it out then his thoughts would flow a little easier.

"The team said Robin left on my order. If that's true someone impersonating me lured him out into a trap. If that's the situation we're dealing with… then someone has access to our computer systems."

Clarks face dropped. "That would mean-"

"Someone has access to watchtower level Intel. Meaning they could have information on all of us, our activities and our personal lives." Batman said finishing Clarks thought. "The implications are concerning to say the least."

Every Leaguer, including the kids, their families and friends would all be put in jeopardy if that information were to get out. But Clark saw something in Batman's expression. That wasn't all, or it wasn't what Batman believed. "I'm sensing a 'but'."

"Luther has been making moves to connect with Wayne Enterprises. It's not certain, but I've had the idea that he could be attempting to get a closer access to my system. For these events to line up so close together, it seems like more than just coincidence."

"But?" Clark pushed already feeling the anger of Luther's name being mentioned.

"I think something else is going on." Batman explained. "If Luther had access to League files why would his first move be to go after Robin? If that was his plan why would he have made a demand?"

Superman nodded in understanding. "Yeah, he's usually full of those."

"Then there are all the other variables to consider as well. Robin deleted his beta tube logs. Robin hacked security footage and set to a cycle. Robin… left the team."

"Wait are you- Are you saying he lied?"

"He either lied or was tricked. Robin knows it would be unlike me to pulling out of a mission like that without direct communications."

"Wally mentioned he got a message from you…" Superman said trying to justify it in some way. IF robin was lying to them, and going on secret missions without even Batman's knowledge, then that spelled out all sorts of trouble for the young hero.

"The way KidFlash described the situation, Robin received and urgent alert, not a message from me."

Superman stepped closer. "Bruce…"

"He's not a traitor." Bruce said with absolution.

Superman watched him for a moment, and accepted the answer. He didn't want to have to ask, and he definitely didn't want to push it. He loved Robin.

If Batman said Robin was innocent, then Robin was innocent.

"Alright." Superman said. There was something in his voice that said he wouldn't question Robin's loyalties again. "So what do we have left to go on?"

"At the moment? Next to nothing." Batman said.


"I taught him to be very thorough, Clark. Operating under the assumption that Robin didn't want to be found, makes this all the more difficult. Even if he was doing something solo, he would have reported in by now."

"That's why you think this is a kidnapping."

"Right now, the League isn't sure what to make of it. There's no motive, no crime scene, no footage. No demands. Robin just walked through the Zeta Tubes and disappeared."

Typing rang out filling the room. That really wasn't much at all. Clark's eyes softened as he watched Batman work. Robin, he was everything to Bruce. As much as the man tried to respect Dick and his past relationship with his parents, Bruce couldn't help but come to care for him like he was his own. That's what this was for Bruce. His son was missing.

Something about this whole situation didn't make sense, which meant Bruce was right. Robin must have been keeping secrets. To realize that you son was missing and that they were keeping something hidden like this… It can't be easy.

Superman took a seat in a chair next to Batman offering his silent support.

"Don't you have a city to protect?"

Superman crossed his legs. "Not when my friend needs me," He added in a chipper voice. "Plus, I'm off work today."

Batman just shook his head and turned back to his work.

"Have you slept, Bruce?" Clark asked softly.

"I'll sleep when he's home."



Eventually, that stupid door opens. It happened after a couple of riveting hours of starting at a blank wall and contemplating is place in the universe. The door just comes open without warning. Robin didn't even hear anyone coming. The sudden noise shatters the stillness of the room.

Robin's senses are immediately heightened. Ready and attentive, as he waits for an opportunity.

There was a small group that came in. Two men in something like armor or swat gear positioned themselves on either side of the door. Three others came in behind them. Their cloths were grey and resembled something like a military-esque dress code. Their sleeves rolled and cuffed nicely and their shirts pressed creating a surreal look of perfection.

These men said nothing. They just moved in with blank expressions. One had steel briefcases in his hands. Robin's eyes followed it as they came towards him.

Robin grunted in response when these men roughly put their arms on him to hold him down.

The man with the briefcase knelt down and clicked it open. Robin's eyes widened at what he saw. He had seen these many times before, but usually only correctional institutions or penitentiaries like Belle Reve. It was an inhibitor color.

One man roughly pushed Robin's head into the ground. With his arms and legs bound, there was little he could do to fight them off. The man in the center lifted the collar and locked it around Robin's neck. There was a strange vibrating hum as it activated so close to his ears. The other men got off of him and moved away.

"Hey, smart guy." Robin said with sass. "I don't have superpowers."

The man's face remained passive, unreacting to Robins words. He stepped away raising a remote toward Robin.


The jolt was immediate. A paralyzing pain zapped through his entire nervous system accompanied by the sickening crackle of electricity. Blue lights arched off his skin illuminating the grey walls. Robin couldn't think. He could only feel the painful spasms jerking his small body. It only lasted a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity.

When it stopped, Robin collapsed onto the floor panting and shaking.

"But you do feel pain." The man's stone voice echoed harshly in the small room.

Before Robin had time to recover, the man lifted the remote again and cranked it to a higher notch. This time Robin let out a piercing cry as the electricity burned down his nerves. Within moments, the pain stopped and the world began to recede from view. As blackness encroached upon him, he felt himself being lifted as the men moved him to a new location.