*Flash Forward*

Secrets. We all have them, so there's no point in saying that keeping them is what leads to trouble. I guess the real trick to secrets is keeping them from going too far. When you let your secrets get to out of hand, well, that's what's got me into this mess in the first place.


January 14, 21:32

Everything was quiet at Mount Justice. Two weeks prior the team had successfully brought down the Light, retook the Watchtower, and saved the lives of every member of the Justice League. The following weeks had been focused on mainly clean-up and retaliation. Most of the team was gathered in the living area watching a movie marathon of everyone's favorite guilty pleasure movies to pass the time. M'gann, Conner, Wally, and Artemis had the coach while Kaldur had the black recliner and Zatana had taken a seat on the floor in between a table and the couch. Junk food and soda cans littered the surrounding area. Wally let out a groan.

"Okay, who even picked this movie?"

Z jerked her head back "Oh, come on Wally Lilo and Stitch is sweet."

"Sweet for babies." Wally complained.

Wally felt Artemis shift in his arms "Well, we are watching guilty pleasure films Baywatch."

Wally glared at her. "Not. Helping." Artemis only smirked. "Seriously who picked this?"

"Um…I did?" M'gann said unsurely while moving in front of Conner to hide his embarrassed expression.

"No, you didn't. You picked High School Musical. I remember that one was yours because you sang along to all the songs and tried to get Conner to sing with you."

M'gann tried to think of something to say but she shifted enough for Wally to see Conner's expression.

"Dude you did not pick this movie"

Conner's eyes widened. Z turned around from her place on the floor. "Sorry we can't all like Sucker Punch Wally."

"That movie was funny bad, and was actually pretty awesome to watch." Wally said defensively

"Oh and what? An alien experiment, created by evil scientists, breaking free form his prison, ending up on earth, fighting bad guys, and making amazing friends isn't awesome?" challenged Z. she turned and winked at Conner who mouthed thank you as M'gann settled back into his arms.

"You seriously didn't suggest that Disney is better than Sucker Punch."

Artemis sighed "That's not what she was suggesting Kid Stupid."


The team tried to refocus on the movie as Wally and Artemis bickered.

Z grabbed some goldfish and scooted over to Kaldur. "What some?" She asked holding up the bag. "Or am I, like, majorly insulting you right now?"

Kaldur let out a laugh. "Heh, no offence has been taken Zatanna. Thank you." He reached in and grabbed few and plopped them into his mouth. "Mmm. These are very good." He looked down and noticed all the cheese that had stuck onto his hand. "Though, I seem to have a problem."

"You lick it off" Z said. Kaldur raised his brows. "No, I'm serious. Well, you could go wash your hand every time you reach into the bag but that's not nearly as satisfying"

"Strange," cautiously he licked his fingers "but delicious. Mmm."

"Ya I guess you wouldn't of had food like this living underwater. Hey, you know where Rocket's at?"

"Yes, she was needed in Dakota City today. Icon had mentioned something about a 'Big Bang' incident."

"Well, if she's not here we won't have to watch her guilty pleasure."

"What is it that she chose?" Kaldur said handing the bag back to Zatanna.

"Fast and Furious. There are like ten movies and I can sum them up for yuh. Guys drive cars. That's it. So don't waste your time."

"The advice is…much appreciated" Kaldur said.

"Robin will probably be back soon, he said Batman had some intel he wanted to go over, so we might get to watch his. I think he chose Monty Python, so that should be fun." Z said grabbing a handful of goldfish. Kaldur nodded and turned his gaze to something far off. "Something wrong Kaldur?" Z asked raising a brow.

"I am not sure. Thoughts have been plaguing my mind" Z put down the bag giving him her full attention signaling him to continue. "Two weeks ago the team and the League were nearly taken out. The League could not have prevented what happened. They had no reason to question Roy or suspect him of being a victim to the Light. They fell victim to sabotage. However, the team nearly fell to secrecy. Had Conner not admitted to his meeting with Luther, would M'gann and Artemis have admitted to their secrets? All three nearly helped the Light out of fear of their secrets becoming known. The Light came so close to victory that day, all because of secrets. It is worrying to imagine that everything could have been brought down so easily had the truth not come out. That is how fragile it truly is" Kaldur turned his gaze toward the floor.

"Well…yea. But they did tell the truth. When it all came down to it everyone did the right thing" Zatanna said. "Besides, secrets don't always stay buried. They had to know that they were at the end of the road. There's no point in keeping secrets once it gets so out of hand."

Kaldur nodded in agreement "Yes, in the end our friends did choose trust and together we were able to control the situation." He smiled "Thank you for speaking with me Zatanna."

"No problem Kaldur. Now do you think we'll be going out into the field anytime soon because we're running out of movies and I think Wally's been getting a bit antsy."

Kaldur laughed "I am sure we will see action again soon."

As if on cue the computer announced those Zetaing into the mountain.

"Batman 02. Robin B01."

The team shot up into standing positions as Wally fumbled over the remote to stop the movie. The duo strode out of the zeta tubes heading straight to mission room. Their expressions were serious.

"Team. Report to the mission room for a briefing" ordered Batman.

The team walked in unison to the mission room where Robin was already setting up projections of the known members of the Light: Vandal Savage, Ra's al Ghul, Lex Luthor, Queen Bee, The Brain, Kalrion the Witchboy, and Ocean Master. Portfolios and dossiers consisting of history and abilities also appeared in the bluish glow of the holograms. Batman turned to face the team.

"As you are aware, two weeks ago, who we can assume to be leader, Vandal Savage and his Light infiltrated the Watchtower and neutralized every member of the League. In doing so key members of The Light were revealed to us. Including but not limited to Lex Luthor." The holographic projections moved aside to focus on the image of Lex. "Luthor's influence, money, and intellect make it extremely difficult to incriminate him for any crimes he may have committed."

"May have?!" Conner stepped forward. "I'm pretty sure funding genetic cloning experiments in a secret underground base is not legal." Conner said angrily.

"True, but Luthor is very good at covering his tracks" Batman said turning to Connor.

"So, finding so a way to expose a major player in The Light would be incredibly beneficial to us." Robin added. This statement grabbed everyone's attention.

"After these members of The Light became known to use the League has begun gathering any intel it can on the past and present movements of these individuals. Savage has all but disappeared. Klarion is continuously moving in and out of different dimensions thus being difficult to pinpoint Queen Bee and Ra's al Ghul are back in their countries. Aquaman is gathering information on Ocean-Master. Other members of the league are following up leads to The Brain. The League has also been tracking Luthor's movements. Robin." Batman glanced at his partner. Robin had been shifting from side to side. He seemed a bit jitterier than usual and jumped slightly at the sound of his name.

"Yea, we have reason to believe that Luthor has some important cargo passing through Gotham tonight at 11 at the Dixon Docks on the south-west side. It's unknown what's being moved but it seems to be important" said Robin. Wally moved forward.

"Wait Gotham? Wouldn't you usually have something like this covered Bats?"

"Normally," Batman scowled "but there is another matter I need to attend to. Your mission: uncover what Luthor is doing in Gotham."

"Why is Luthor even in Gotham? Does he normally use its dock for transporting goods?" Artemis asked.

Robin shifted. "No he doesn't. That's what makes this so suspicious. He has to be in Gotham for a reason, but right now it doesn't make any sense."

"Rob, If it doesn't make sense then are we sure the information good?" Wally asked.

Robing nodded. "It's good KF. I got a tip, hacked into Lexcorp, and went through a lot of files in its database. Something's going down in Gotham tonight."

"Robin can fill you in on any other details you need." Batman turned towards his protégé, "Remember you this is a covet team, keep it quiet." Robin gave a quick nod.

Gotham was Batman's city. Other heroes rarely came into the city. Plus the Team wasn't suspose to be known to the public anyhow. Keeping it low profile was going to be key. No one wanted to have another Santa Prisca on their hands.

With that Batman walked out of the mission room to the zeta tubes. The computers voice echoed through the cave.

"Recognized: Batman. 02."

"Sweet! We're going to Gotham and going up against a big bad!" Wally exclaimed.

"Uh," Artemis groaned and smacked the back of his head. " Serious time Wally. We can't screw this up."

"Luthor's ruthless. We can't underestimate him." Conner added. Conners expression became one of regret. Remembering what almost happened the day the League was brought down. M'gann stepped forward intertwining her hand with his. A mind link was quickly established.

You weren't alone in almost making a mistake that day M'gann said softly

I know, but it came close to making a huge mistake. I came close. Connor said looking away. M'gann cupped his cheek with her hand turning his face back to hers.

Yea, but I'm glad we chose to trust each other. M'gann said with a smile. No more secrets. Connor smiled back. They looked up to see the team staring.

"Heeeey guys" Wally said and was quickly rewarded with an elbow to the gut.

"Alright Team," Kaldur said stepping into the middle of the group " we have our mission. To the Bioship."

Everyone began panning out of the mission room. Halfway to the ship Wally caught up to Robin who was powerwalking to the ship. The sudden gust of wind alerted Robin to Wally's presence. Wally slapped his hand on Robin's shoulder.

"Hey man, what's up?" Wally asked

"Nothing much, why?" Robin said cocking his head to the side.

"You just seemed a bit…off back in the mission room."

"No I'm good, I just got a lot on my mind, Batman and I have been doing a lot investigating on everything that's happened with The Light." Robin said while rubbing his temple with his hand.

"Oh man you don't even have to explain that, it's gotta be exhausting." Wally looked behind him making sure they were a safe distance from everyone. Wally lowered his voice to a whisper. "Hey where is Batman going tonight anyway?"

Robin raised a brow. "Haven't you seen the news?"

"No, movie marathon, remember? What's going on?" Concern was evident in Wally's voice.

"Lex is in town"

"Uh, Ya I already know that. That's what we're going to investigate" Wally interjected.

"No, not his work or his men. I mean HE is in town. Luthor even set up a big charity event at Wayne Enterprises. He's trying to form a partnership with the medical division of the company"

Wally's mouth hung open in shock "That can't be a coincidence."

"I know and I don't like it. Maybe it's a cover, or maybe he's after something at Wayne Enterprises. Anyway, Bats has his hands full dealing with Luthor and the media tonight." Robin shook his head and looked down.

"What could he possibly be after in Gotham?" Robing remained silent with his eyes glued to his feet as they continued walking. Wally placed his hand on Robins shoulder. "you…don't have any idea why he's in Gotham do you?"

"Wally I-" but Robin was cut off.

"Hey man we've been friends for years. I know when something's up with you, what's going on?" Wally said with concern

"Wally…I don't know if anything is wrong"

"Hey whatever is going on you can tell me. Secrets these days have been dangerous"

"Believe me I know" Robin agreed. For a moment Robin considered telling Wally the secret he's kept protected for the past few months, but quickly decided against it. He's not even sure if there is an ulterior motive for Luthor's presence in town. Maybe he's wrong about his assumptions. Maybe it's all a coincidence. Then again when is it ever just a coincidence?

A sudden flashing red light on Robin's utility belt drew the boy's attention. Robin's expression was one of complete concentration as he clicked of the light and grabbed a small square device from his belt that displayed a map on the screen. Robin's eyes widened under his mask. From what Wally could tell it looked like some tracking device. Wally only got a brief look while Robin fumbled with it. Wally only had a moment to see the layout of the map.

"Dude, what's that?" Wally asked.

Robins head jerked up "I have to go." Robin turned and began walking back down the hall the way they came.

Wally stepped out and grabbed Robin's arm "Wait, Rob. Where are you going?" Wally's brows knitted together in confusion.

Robin stopped and shook off Wally's hand. He stood there for a moment waited for the rest of the team to catch up. He turned to them. His voice came out calm. "Batman needs me in another part of Gotham I gotta go."

The looked at each other in confusion for a moment. M'gann spoke up "Well, if Batman needs you somewhere else..."

Kaldur looked to Robin. "It is strange he would assign you a mission with us only to call you away"

Robin didn't miss a beat. "Plans change sometimes I guess, and it's gotta be important for him to pull me off the mission. Don't worry guys. I'm sure you can fend for yourselves without me for one mission" Robin smirked.

"Heh, don't be so confidant, we'll do fine without you." Artemis said waving him off.

Robin's smirk grew "Yea? I'm sure you guy won't get stuck behind a locked door like every other mission."

"I've never been stuck behind a door" Connor muttered.

"We're a covert team SB. When you find a way to bust through a door silently, then I'll be impressed." said Robin.

"We wish you luck than my friend."

"You too Kaldur." Robin said as he darted back down the hallway towards the zeta tubes. Wally stood there for a moment watching robin run down the hall and disappearing out of sight. He felt like something just wasn't right. A hand tugged on his arm pulling him from his thoughts. He turned his head to see Artemis looking at him.

"Come on Kid Mouth, we have work to do."

Wally nodded and the team made their way to the bioship.

Robin ran to the zeta tubes. "Gotham City" He told the computer. The computer scanned him with a bluish light.

"Recognized: Robin B01."

The Boy Wonder stepped into the tube. There was a flash of light and then suddenly Robin appeared inside an old red phone booth inside a dark murky alley.

Why does it always look like it just rained?

Robin sprung out of the phone booth and easily ascended the building wall up onto the roof. Leaping from the roof tops he quickly arrived at an old abandoned drug store. After unlocking the door he silently snuck through the front, careful not to sound the bell on the door. The room was dark and clear of any shelves or stands. Robin slowly made his was across the checkered floor to a door leading to a back room. He reached out his hand. His fingers hand barely touched the golden knob before the lights came on. Robin spun around into a defensive position as at least a dozen men dropped down from the ceiling; guns were trained on their target. The front door opened creating an eerie jingle in the room, and a well-built middle aged man entered. His hair was dark with grey streaks and his eyes were a cold stormy grey. His nose looked jagged, most likely from being broken so many times. As he walk to the center of the room his demeanor wrecked of authority.

"Robin, I must say, I was prepared for Batman, or a Leaguer. I was not however expecting a sidekick." The man said in a gruff voice.

"Assuming that's all I am is a big mistake" Robin spat back at him. "How did you find this place?" Robin demanded.

"Well, when Lex Luthor's property is stolen from him, he has unlimited resources to help him locate it." The man said with a cruel grin. "I must say I am impressed to learn that you're the one behind all this. Even though you're not who I was planning for, considering the circumstances I think I can make this work."

"What do mean?"

"You see Lex wanted me to bring him the head of whoever wronged him, but I think this can be an opportunity for something Lex and Cadmus can benefit from." The man eyed Robin. "Stand down." He ordered

Robin didn't know what plans this man had for him, but he wasn't planning on sticking around to find out. "You really thing twelve men are going to stop me?"

"As I said, I was prepared for a Leaguer not a child. Even if you resist you will still lose this fight."

Robin glared at the man and then smirked. "Try me"



January 15, 1:16 EST

At the docks the Team had split up into two teams. Kaldur, Superboy, and Artemis were watching the warehouse for the shipments that were scheduled from a rooftop facing Gotham's Harbor. M'gann, Kid Flash, and Zatanna were waiting in the bioship that hovered above the harbor.

Wally groaned in the ship we've been waiting for hours!

M'gann looked to him We need to be patient Wally.

Ya and getting some dirt on Lex to make him squirm is well worth the wait. Zatanna said.

I get it, but nothing's happened! Wally exclaimed.

Artemis joined in I think Wally's right.

Yea I'm right…wait Artemis did you just say I'm right about something?

Shut up Wally, but seriously. Has anyone come or gone from this place in the past three hours? This place is a ghost town. Something's up.

Kaldur looked to Artemis. Something does seem amiss, Artemis can you get a closer look without being spotted.

Artemis looked over at the warehouse and then to Kaldur Piece of cake.
Artemis leaped of the rooftop and swiftly made her way towards the warehouses. She crept around the building careful not to be seen. She flipped off of a stray crate latching onto the ledge of a widow. Artemis pulled herself up to peer inside.

Guys, you need to come see this.

Wally leaned forward in his chair Arty what is it?

Just get down here.

M'gann brought the bioship down to the docks letting Zatanna and Kid Flash out just as Aqualad and Superboy arrived. Artemis walked around from the side of the warehouse to the front and they all walked toward the front. Superboy pulled open the warehouse doors. The whole team stood staring into the building in shock. They the warehouse was completely empty.

"Nothings here" Zatanna murmured in shock.

"Something is not right, Team to the bioship we are heading back to Mount Justice."


January 15, 2:24

The team filed out of the bioship and headed to the mission room. Batman and Black Canary were conversing over and changes in the information they had on The Light. They stopped talking as they noticed the team enter.

"Team you're late for your debriefing."

Kaldur stepped forward. "We have nothing to report. The docks were completely vacant including the warehouses. No one came or left."

Black Canary held her chin between her figures "That doesn't make sense, do you think Luthor could have been tipped off" She asked Batman.

"Unlikely, but anything's possible. We will need to look into this development."

"Well that mission was a whole lot of nothing." Zatanna said crossing her arms.

"That was a big waste. If we had Robin with us he'd of probably realized it was a bust a whole lot quicker than we did." Wally sighed.

"Wait, Robin wasn't with you? Batman asked. He sounded a bit confused to the team. Concern already began to form.

Kaldur looked over at Batman who was staring at them with his brows knitted together in confusion. "Was he supposed to meet with us after assisting you?"

"Ya Bats, about that, what was so important that you had to pull Robin off the mission?" Wally asked.

"I pulled him off the mission?" Batman asked.

The team began to realize that something was horribly wrong. Zatanna looked to Batman "Yea, he said something came up and you needed his help so he had to go. He left before we even boarded the bioship" the rest of the team nodded in agreement hoping that Batman would confirm what they knew.

Batman shook his head "I never contacted Robin"

"So where's Robin?" asked Wally.