A/N: sorry for the long delay, writer's block is a bitch, which is what I ended up getting for a bit, I was trying to decide which direction I wanted to go with Emma, whether helping the boys, or family, so hoping, I made the right choice and thanks for sticking with this story. Only a handful of chapters left for this story, so enjoy! :)

After they left the office, Roman and Dean took Emma and drove to where she says both Paul and Shawn were at. It was about a two hour drive from there and out of the way. Roman was driving as Emma was in the front seat while Dean sat in the back behind her. The tension was so thick that even a steak knife couldn't cut it. Both Roman and Dean were still completely pissed off and Emma was trying to keep from breaking down. To say this was a betrayal was an understatement, this was downright a vindicative, evil plan to rid of them for no reason. This is the one thing Emma knows that she can never come back from. But she was determined to help them in any way they can. Even though they hate her guts, she still loves them as if they were still her brothers.

"Turn at the next exit and then turn right after that..." she spoke softly that Roman almost didn't hear her. They had not spoken to her one time since they got into the truck. She told them where to go and they just either took the directions or the nodded to know Roman heard her. Dean, on the other hand, was trying not to break his own hands from constantly cracking his knuckles. He wanted to hit her so badly and he is totally against hitting women in general, but with her, he would make the exception. There was no reason for her to help kill both him and Roman, not after everything they did for her. This is the one betrayal that will never be fixed, no matter how much Emma tries to help them with her uncle and his best friend. No way to fix it. In his mind, she is already dead and non existance.

"Now, go up this road about two miles and then take a quick left turn, it will turn into a dirt road..." she pressed on as Roman, who remained silent, follows Emma's direction perfectly. "Please guys, talk to me, please, I can't take the silence anymore. It's making me go crazy, please..." she cried as her pleas fell on deaf ears. Roman looks in the rearview mirror at Dean, who stared back and nods. Both knew what the other was thinking without saying a word. They both knew that as long as they both stay silent, Emma will break down even worse. And that is exactly what needed to happen, so when she does see Shawn and Paul, there will be no way for her to be consoled, especially since she will end up betraying them as well, which will most likely be the death sentence for her.

With her words falling on deaf ears, she continued with her directions, "Keep going on this dirt road until you see a sign that says The Michaels Residence, and you will see an iron gate with a lion on it..." Roman continues to look straight ahead with his eyes on the road, the light from the sun was starting to set some, so they needed to hurry and get to where they needed to go before they can't see it anymore. There were massive trees all around the area. Beautiful Trees, but massive. Just as Roman pulls up to the iron gate that Emma described, there were a huge awmning of flowers that decorated the gate as well as the front of the area. Two huge trees on each side to make it more like it was made out of movie. Roman had to admit, it was beautiful here, but then again, when you have money to burn, you can afford shit like this. He turned off the car and lights as it starts to dim more outside.

Dean, on the other hand, was unimpressed at the scenery. He could care less what the place looked like, all he knew is the two men who tried to kill both him and Roman were literally on the other side of those gates, and he didn't want to wait anymore time.

"Move..." Dean said in a voice that sent chills down Emma's spine as Dean got out and shut his door. Emma opened her door and stepped out, right in front of Dean, who, if looks could kill, would have been at least 30 times over in 30 different ways. "Don't think for one minute that you are in the clear, we both will be on you like stink on shit, so if you as so much as tried to warn them that we are here, the iron gate that you have to open will be the least of your worries, cause you will be fucking dead before you hit the fucking floor, you got that bitch?" his voice is so low, so intimidating, so evil sounding, Emma could only nod yes to him. She was just too scared to even say anything at this moment, her voice betrayed her in a way that it stayed hidden until it was ready to make its point known.

Dean roughly pushed her to where Roman was, which is right by the front of the iron gate. Roman looked at her, expressionless, emotionless, heartless...she shakily took her key out and gently unlatched the padlock to open the door. Once inside, she relocked it and started to lead both men to the cabin that was about 400 yards away. They all see four vehicles in the driveway. Emma knows three belongs to Shawn, Ryback and Paul, but the brown sedan didn't look familiar.

"I know three of those belongs to the family, but the brown sedan is new, so I don't know who that could be...

"You better not be fucking lying Emma, cause if you are..."

"I'm...I'm...not...I...I...promise, this is the first I have seen this car here." she said shakily, hoping and praying that both men would believe her this time.

"I don't really believe you, and honestly don't care at the moment, but rest assure, we will find out who it is soon enough. But for now, you need to show us a way in and where to go from here, and remember, my threat still stands, just so you know if you think of doing something stupid..." Dean was not fucking around, he meant what he said, of all the females he liked, he never thought Emma would do this to him, and now he wonders why he never wanted to settle down with one, too many fucking shit to deal with, at least with Roman and Seth, they didn't try to fuck him over or kill him. But Emma, his use-to-be little sister? Nope, she is dead, dead, dead to him.

Emma starts to walk down a dirt path that lead to the side of the cabin. Once there, she turned right and walked up to a small gate and went through, they then walked a few more steps. Once there, she looked down and saw a small window like door. She was the only one that knew this existed besides Shawn and Paul, since they are the ones that put it in for her so she could get in and out undetected. This was her secret passageway, or it was anyways. She opened the door and started down the stairs along with Roman and Dean, who in turn, shut the door quietly. They walked across the dirty floor and headed up the other set of stairs. They slowly and quietly headed up the stairs and it looks like it led to a fake wall shelf besides the door. Emma opened it up and both could see a dark tunnel. Emma grabs the lantern just inside the door and lights it up, lighting up the tunnel some so they can at least see in front of them.

"This is scary as fuck Roman, like something out of the haunted asylum or some shit.." Roman turned and looked at Dean, trying not to chuckle as they are around Emma, who was in front of them holding the lantern, sees the slightly fear in his eyes. Dean hated the dark, truly hated the dark. If he had his way, it was be sunshining 24 a day. Instead, Roman leaned in and gave him a quick kiss to reassure him that he was right there. He even grabbed his hand to where Emma couldn't see and made sure Dean was right behind him.

"How much further Emma?" It was the first time Roman spoke since they left the office, scaring Emma a bit since he was directly behind her, almost dropping the lantern.

"Not much further, about another 50 yards..."

"Well, let's get the fuck out of here Emma, and I am not kidding, this fucking tunnel gives me the fucking willies..." Dean squeezes Roman's hand for reassurence, and Roman does the same thing back, making Dean feel a little safe.

About 5 minutes later, all three stop at the door that Emma opens slowly. She looks around and the coast is clear. She opens it wider and all three step out into another room, this time, a child looking room. "This was my room when I was little..." she replies as she thinks of the fond memories she had here growing up.

"I don't fucking care whose room it is Emma, get us where we need to be..." Emma looks up at Roman, whose eyes are rageful, but a quiet rageful look, His grey eyes are smolding like hot lava spilling out of the volcano that just erupted. She gulps and looks back down. "Okay, follow me..."

She turns and they follow, she knows they are pretty close to where they need to be. She doesn't want to betray her own flesh and blood, but Roman and Dean leave her no choice. They will kill her in a heartbeat if she so much as breathed the word help wrong. She opens the bedroom door and looks out, sees no one, and quietly walks down the hallway to Shawn's room, with Roman and Dean in tow. She looks up at both men and nods. "This is Shawn's room, I don't think he is in there just yet, but he should within the next two hours."

"And you know this how?"

"He has a set routine, he does the same thing everyday, like clockwork. He is just starting dinner and then he usually has a drink or two before retiring for the night. Once he is in his room, he gets a bath, dressed and his nurse puts him to bed and gives him his meds for the night. He is usually out within the hour. Once he is in bed, the nurse leaves and he is on his own for at least an hour at a time, since his nurse likes to check in on him."

Dean and Roman look at each other and smile, this is perfect, they have several openings to do what is needed to do. "And you are sure this stays the same?" Dean asked as he looks at Emma like she is the devil in disguise. She truly disgust him. "And what about Paul?"

"Yes, his routine never changes, he doesn't like to change something that works in his favor.."

"That's for damn sure, just like in high school..."

"And Paul had left for a while, he goes to some sort of meeting every night around this time and doesn't get back until around 9 pm..his room is right there.." Emma pointed right across the hall from where they were standing.

"Good, now to get our plan in order so that we can take care of these fucking assholes for good and then, take care of both you and Ryback next..." Dean looked at Emma dead in the eyes, the same eyes that always showed love and caring, is replaced by hatred and venom, no way he will ever show love in those eyes for her again.

Emma nods as all three go into Paul's room to plan and to take care of the problem that should have been taken care of in the beginning.

So, the question is this, how should Roman and Dean take care of Emma once they get rid of Paul and Shawn? Should they let her live and live in shame, or should they off her too? To be continued! Let me know what you think!