
Janine closed her eyes. She knew there were officers looking for her. The cold seeped through her bones, calling her into the darkness. Digging her fingernails into the palm of her hand she mentally recited the birthdays and birthweight of each of the children.

"Michael Joseph Lewis, 6lb 3. Eleanor May Lewis 5lb. Thomas Richard Lewis 8 lb. 10 oz. Big bugger. Charlotte Rose 4lb 1." Her eyes closed as the door at the end of her stone cage burst inwards.

"Guv!" She didn't have the strength to answer as strong arms lifted her. "Guv!? Cmon." Shapps shook her. "Richard is by the car. We've been looking for you." Janine smiled slightly before the darkness became irresistible.


Richard leant against the car. He had no idea why he was there, he knew part of the reason was shear bloody-mindedness but another part was he was afraid to face the kids without an explanation. They needed to know what had happened to Janine. He needed to know. If that meant he was there to identify her body then at least he was there for her, running his hand over his face he began to get annoyed with himself for giving up on the woman he loved. But he knew the statistics. The chances of finding her alive were slim.

"Richard." He looked up as his boss walked towards him.


"She's alive. Richard, listen to me."

"What? Say that again."

Hogg smiled. "DCI Lewis is currently being loaded into the back of that ambulance. Get a move on and you can go with her."


"Yes. Paramedic says severe dehydration and hypothermia. She's going to be ok." Richard nodded before hugging his boss and running towards the ambulance. Hogg shook her head, wondering how long they would have before the next round of fireworks.


A/N new story soon. Thanks for reading