Soooo… um last chapter…

So it's kinda short…

Chapter 6: Blood heart

Two more days had passed after Hanataro woke. He was restless and moved around a lot. He had to admit that Ichigo's father was an oddball. He came in after Renji said he was going to get their king. The moment the smaller raven locked eyes with the taller raven male, said male made large over the top movements with his hands and babbled for an entire half hour about just how cute he was and how his son had impeccable taste.

Renji and Byakuya had taken it upon themselves to fill in everything that Hanataro would need to know that Ichigo hadn't already told himself.

It was on the third night when Hanataro asked that he could go see Ichigo, he had walked to the throne room and pleaded with the king. Yamamoto looked at the child in front of him with sad eyes. He and all the rest could see the pain in those eyes of blue.

Isshin sighed, he too wanted to check up on Ichigo even though he knew he wouldn't be able to actually see his son unless he was dead. A dead body floats after all.

He stood and motioned for Hanataro to follow.

Which he did nearly having to run to catch up with the king. When they came to the fountain room, Isshin unlocked the doors and allowed Hanataro entrance first. He locked the doors behind himself. Hanataro didn't notice as he was busy staring at the red pool.

"Ichigo is… in… there?" he pointed at the pool with a worried frown.

Isshin came to stand next to Hanataro and nodded. "Yes, Ichigo lost practically all his blood, a human can remake blood easily if they are given a little but vampires don't have such luck. This water helps replenish what was lost but Ichigo had to wake up a while ago." He sighed and rubbed a hand over his face.

Hanataro asked if he could stay in the room, Isshin agreed and handed the keys to Hanataro after he unlocked the door for himself. He warned Hanataro to lock the door after him. Hanataro not knowing why did so anyway.

Hanataro went to the edge of the water and sat down looking over the room, it was a bare room with no furniture, even the tiles of the room where a stale white. He looked back to the murky water and sighed. Ichigo nearly died to save him.

"If you die I don't know what I would do. Probably die of heartache and guilt." He whispered softly.

Down in the blood water Ichigo was gaining back his hold on reality. He heard everything, Hanataro's words along with his father's when he came in to talk to him in one of his serious moments. As he gained feeling back into his body he moved his fingers and toes, glad he could move and feel all of them. He knew that the blood water was breathable thanks to his lungs not really needing to breath. They got oxygen from blood after all.

He didn't open his eyes. That one would hurt a bit; he moved his hands to the side of his body and bent his knees. He heaved himself up till he was sitting, he still hadn't breached the surface yet, he dragged his knees under him and started to stand straight.

Hanataro was looking at the water in a daze, it didn't move and it looked rather thick. He gasped and scurried back when he saw the surface move. He didn't know what to do, should he call for the king or wait?

He didn't have enough time to decide as the water's surface broke and a very bloody Ichigo stood there, all of him was covered in blood that was slowly dripping down, his hair was a deep red and his eyes were closed. He took a shaky breath and sniffed the air.

"Hana?" he asked softly.

Hanataro crawled to the edge of the pool. "I'm here." He said softly. Ichigo moved to the sound of the man's voice till his feet met with a step. He climbed them with unsteady feet as he still couldn't open his eyes.

He fully stepped out of the pool and stayed where he was. Hanataro moved till he was right in front Ichigo. He took the end of his sleeve and gently wiped the blood from Ichigo's closed eyes thankful that it was wet. Ichigo waited till Hanataro retrieved his arm before slowly opening his eyes and looking at his new fledgling and lover.

He gave a soft smile to the smaller man. Hanataro was so overjoyed that he saw looking into Ichigo's brown eyes that he threw himself at Ichigo making said man tumble to the ground. Ichigo chuckled and wrapped his arms around the smaller male.

"Hana, I'm covered in blood water you're getting yourself dirty." Ichigo said as he looked up after Hanataro sat up, he was still sitting in the taller male's stomach but he weight so little it didn't bother Ichigo. Hanataro laughed and shook his head. He looked down into brown eyes that were surrounded by red, Ichigo was covered in drying blood yet he still looked handsome.

Ichigo smiled and sat up. He wrapped his arms around Hanataro and gave the newly changed vampire a soul searing kiss. Hanataro gasped at the suddenness of it was well as the odd taste of the blood water. The gasp allowed Ichigo to sneak his tongue inside.

Hanataro could only moan helplessly as he was tongue fucked but he enjoyed it so much. Ichigo rolled them over till he was above the smaller male. He didn't once remove his mouth from the younger male's mouth.

Ichigo pulled back once he noticed both of them had a small problem… er… well not so small problem.

He chuckled and pecked Hanataro on the lips before getting up, he held out his hand for the smaller male who was still in a daze. Once they calmed down Hanataro unlocked the door, he allowed Ichigo out first and locked behind him. The moment he turned around he saw Ichigo looking around at the empty hallway.

He turned back and held out his hand. "I want to clean up before I go into the throne room, come on."

Ichigo made a fist to allow some of his black smog to create a small raven and sent it to his father to inform him that he was awake and wanted to clean up.

Taller vampire led the smaller one back to the room he had been staying in. The room now had a mix of both their scents and it brought a smile to Ichigo's face. He looked around at the room that hadn't changed in 500 years, the bedding smelled fresh and it was clean but it was pretty much the same.

The room was dark and had a romantic air about it with the stone walls and floor with the four post bed in the middle of the room. He lead his new fledgling to the bathroom, it was a large room with a big circle bath, two sinks and a toilet. It was a more modern addition to the lair.

Hanataro went to fill the bath as Ichigo stripped of his pants, the blood had now gathered on some areas and dried. Hanataro could only stare, Ichigo was so striking covered in blood, his legs were covered in jeans but two days of being soaked had made blood slip over his legs as well.

Gulping Hanataro stood rooted as Ichigo moved or more correctly staked towards him. Once Ichigo was in front of the smaller male he smiled gently.

No words were spoken as long fingers removed the smaller man's clothes, once both were naked in front of one another Hanataro moved to cover himself as he blushed seven shades of red. Ichigo gently grabbed both wrists.

"Don't hid from me, you are beautiful. You have nothing to be ashamed of." Ichigo released one wrist to stroke the smaller male's face. "Come help me wash." Both men stepped into the bath, Ichigo leaned back and pulled Hanataro along with him till they were sitting on a ledge. The warm water heated up their bodies making them both sigh.

Hanataro shifted and moved till he was facing Ichigo, he smiled at the man and reached behind Ichigo for the bodywash and washcloth. While he was leaning forward Ichigo claimed his lips in a breathtaking kiss. Hanataro felt his body react quicker than normal to the sensation of being kissed. He moaned and wondered if it had anything to do with the fact that he was now vampire.

When the broke apart Ichigo chuckled and pecked him once more on the mouth.

Hanataro blushed and got busy with washing Ichigo, the bodywash was his but Ichigo didn't seem to mind. Hanataro started with the strong shoulders, worked his way down the chest till he reached mid torso where the water lapped up at Ichigo's skin, he then washed down both arms. He moved slowly and with small circles to make sure he got all the blood off.

Ichigo leaned forward and gently helped the smaller man to his feet. He turned his back to the raven to allow him to wash his back. Ichigo swiped his hair over his shoulder with a huff.

Hanataro laughed as he washed the taller man's back gently till all the remaining blood was on Ichigo's lower half and hair. Ichigo said he would wash these areas and went to get started on his lower half, he quickly got the still wet blood water off his skin leaving his hair for last.

With the help of Hanataro they got Ichigo's hair clean after half an hour. Once that was done they both got dressed and made their way to the throne room where they could hear his father and king making a ruckus of his now conscious son. With a mock annoyed face Ichigo kicked the heavy doors open making most vampires jump in surprise as they have been too distracted by their king.

All eyes were on the pair as they held on another's hand. Ichigo looked around and nodded. "I guess I have fulfilled my last requirement of my way to become king." He said softly and pulled Hanataro to him. The vampires remained silent for a few seconds before they cheered loudly.

Then a blur resembling their king came crashing down at Ichigo and Hanataro, Ichigo growled and kicked the man away yelling at how stupid he was.

After that Ichigo and Hanataro went back to the smaller's apartment to get started on all the work they missed, it was luckily not much but that had to get started painting. They were also glad that they didn't have classes the next day filled with classes.

So they got busy. They painted for long hours, Byakuya coming to give them blood packs and encouraging words. Byakuya relied what happened to Harribel, she had indeed been executed as her mind has broken. It was also not due to Ichigo's venom as vampires could easily get over the need to have it.

They painted till the next morning till evening, it was then when the sounding of the door bell that made them leave their artistic heaven.

At the door was two very worried females plus food.

Once they saw the mess the one part of the living room was they finally understood that the two men were jus painting.

The owner of the loft allowed his friends to come in, the three of them froze when they saw Ichigo looking at his painting, the fact that the man had taken off his paint smeared shirt was what got their attention, he had his hair made into a long braid.

Momo leaned over and whispered into Hanataro's ear. "My gosh how does it feel to have that all over you?" Hanataro blushed but his eyes looked a little sad. "He hasn't touched me in that sense…" the two girls could tell that Hanataro was worried.

The two girls watched Ichigo while the ate and watched some movies, Ichigo would drag Hanataro onto his lap and cuddle with the smaller male, he would also kiss the top of the raven's head at random. It was clear that Ichigo adored Hanataro, when the smaller male walked his friends to the door they both whispered that Hanataro should just attack Ichigo and take the instigative.

That night while the two were getting ready for bed Hanataro decided he might as well take the girls' advise. He moved behind Ichigo and wrapped his arms around Ichigo. Turning in the other's embrace Ichigo looked down and smiled at Hanataro.

Hanataro gave a smile back before pushing Ichigo onto the bed and straddling his hips, the taller looked on with big eyes. "Hanataro?"

Said male looked down at his hands. "Why won't you touch me?" he looked into shocked eyes. The shock look melted into one of understanding. "I don't want to force you, I wanted you to come to me. That way I know you aren't forced."

Smiling a relieved smile Hanataro leaned over and locked lips with his soon to be king. The kiss grew hot fast, Ichigo rolled them over and looked down at the beautiful vampire under him. Hanataro had gotten more pale, his eyes' colour popped out more making them even more vivid.

Ichigo noticed that Hanataro hadn't dressed after he took of his painting clothes leaving him naked. Ichigo rolled his hips and rubbed his clothed half hard erection over Hanataro's open one, the moan he got in return made him shudder.

He licked up the other's neck and nibbled lightly on the smooth skin. "It will hurt in the beginning you know…"

Hanataro nodded, he kinda knew that it would but he wanted it all the same. He ran his hands down Ichigo's back and dug his nails into the skin when Ichigo bit into his neck. He moaned at the feeling. Ichigo didn't take much but it was enough to get the giddy feeling there.

Ichigo rose and removed his pants and threw them to the side. He the crawled up Hanataro's body landing butterfly kissed here and there. Once he reached the smaller man's member he gave it a long lick on the underside not taking his eyes off Hanataro's face as he threw his head back and moaned.

Hanataro felt so good, he didn't expect the small kisses to feel so good and that lick just then was so good. When three fingers tapped on his lips he looked down at Ichigo. "Suck." Was the command he was given. Ichigo's voice was hunky with lust.

He moaned a small whimper and took in the fingers, he ran his tongue around them, between the finger as well as nipping on the till the bled lightly wetting the further as well as making the delicious taste of blood run over his tongue.

Ichigo was giving his attention to the smaller man's nipples making the man moan and hiss as he softly bit the pink pebbles . Hanataro arched when teeth broke skin and blood ran down his chest that was quickly caught by a wicked tongue.

Ichigo removed his fingers and replaced them with his mouth as his fingers journeyed down smooth skin till they came to the raven's tight hole. Ichigo made the kiss more forceful breaking the skin of their lips allowing blood to join their dancing tongues.

Using that distraction Ichigo probed the hole till his moist finger slipped in making Hanataro whine into the kiss. It was uncomfortable at first but as Ichigo moved his finger he got used to the feeling and started to move his hips in time.

Soon one became three and Hanataro was riding Ichigo's fingers as he moaned and gasped while Ichigo watched with hungry eyes.

Ichigo curled his fingers in search of the smaller male's prostate. He smiled when Hanataro gave a rather load moan. He removed his fingers and enjoyed the displeased moan he got for it. He looked over and saw nothing for lube, he looked down and frowned.

"Do you have lotion or something?" he asked the rather still dazed Hanataro who just pointed to his nightstand. Ichigo stretched and opened the top drawer to find a bottle of skin lotion. He smirked but decided to withhold his dirty comment. He poured lotion onto his erection hissing at the cold feeling.

He scooted back and looked into blue eyes. "Last time to pull back." Hanataro moaned and wrapped his arms around Ichigo's neck to pull him close. Without any ado he sheathed himself slowly inside of Hanataro both men moaning at their pleasure and pain on Hanataro's side.

Ichigo rested his forehead on Hanataro's and waited for the male to adjust.

Hanataro was in pain, Ichigo wasn't small by any means and he was already rather small compared to him. So when he noticed that the pain was gradually getting less he wiggled his hips making Ichigo gasp and rock his hips forward.

Ichigo started to move slowly after that, he changed his angle at each thrust till he brushed Hanataro's prostate making him groan loudly.

The pace increased speed at that point as pain was the last thing on Hanataro's mind. He screamed and scratched at Ichigo's back making him hiss and thrust harder. The speed of their lovemaking soon became inhuman as Hanataro was flipped without Ichigo pulling out completely.

Hanataro tore at the bed sheets as he was taken from behind. He gasped as he felt a strange feeling at the pit of his stomach. He screamed when Ichigo's hand wrapped around his cock stroking it in time with his fast thrusts.

Hanataro was the first to blow all over the bed sheets. His tightening cavern made Ichigo groan and ram himself harder inside his lover and come hard painting the inside of Hanataro with his semen. Both men breathed heavily and slunk onto the bed.

Ichigo rolled Hanataro over gently till he was laying on his chest. "You're mine now, I'm not letting you go just so you know." Hanataro opened one of his eyes and smiled up at Ichigo. "I'll be yours but you have to be mine." Ichigo smiled and hugged the smaller man tighter before falling asleep.

The next few weeks were surreal to Hanataro, he didn't feel scared anymore. Ichigo, Byakuya and even Isshin helped him learn his new powers. One night Ichigo was busy with his father leaving Hanataro to walk home alone. Before he would have been scared.

The three remaining stalkers tried to kidnap him but something in Hanataro snapped and he ended up draining them all dry. Ichigo, Isshin and Yamamoto found him crying in the middle of an ash filled alley. Ichigo had then explained that Hanataro had been stalked by boys who wanted to rape him, Yamamoto allowed it to slip as he saw the sheer guilt and sadness in those blue eyes.

School went along rather well, Ichigo and Hanataro had yet again blown away their teacher with their progress when they came back. When they finished said teacher bought both paintings.

Hanataro was happy and loving life now that he was what most called a dead being.

He woke up in Ichigo's arms, smelling the man's scent and looking up into the sleeping face of his lover and king.

Ichigo had accepted the crown a few weeks after the semester ended. Now the leader Ichigo had made a more thorough sweep of misbehaving vampires. Ichigo stayed by his choice to live out of the lair till he and Hanataro finished school.

Hanataro didn't care what they did as long as he had his king next to him.

His blood heart.

Right like I said this was just to get me going for a next story.

Sorry if it sucked.