So, not dead. Not dead is good, yes?



"Why does it have to be you, aru?!" China is saying when Prussia leads Italy back into the room. "You've got to be kidding me, aru!"

"Well, that's why I said I could share with America," Russia replies cheerily, ignoring said American's whining protests.

"Hang on, dude! Ya gotta be kidding!" America yells. "Objection! Objection!"

Italy frowns, shooting Prussia a questioning look. The albino shrugs. "Sorry for calling you back," he sighs. "I really can't handle this alone…"

"I'm telling you, mine is open," France purrs. "I would give little Japon a warm welcome– physically speaking."

"No way in hell, aru!"

"Che?" Italy asks. "Prussia, what are they talking about?"

"Maybe we should pair up with our… family?" Canada suggests. He frowns. "Oh, but if it's to be together all the time-"

England scowls. "If it were a… sister, then I'd be only a little reluctant, but with a brother…"

"I wouldn't mind, aru," China admits cheerily. Beside him, Japan makes a vaguely uncomfortable noise and swats his arm. "Not like that, aru!"

"Dude, seriously?" America asks. "Eeew! That would be torture! It's just too weird!"

"Well, I could make do with just a blanket," Spain offers. "I could lay it over the table and sleep there. It'd make a perfect cot!"

"Huh? Cot…?" Italy asks.

Prussia grins. "Yeah, since it's already bedtime, we began to prepare the beds, but then we realised there weren't enough for everyone. So we all started arguing about what to do."

"Oh!" Italy says. "Well, Doitsu's beds are really comfy! So you thought everyone was going to fight over them?"

"It wouldn't be so bad if the smaller ones slept together, right?" Russia asks, leering over at the Asians. "For example, China and Japan…"

"Stop leaning over and peeking at me, aru!" China snaps. "You're so damn lewd, aru!" Japan ducks his head and shuffles uncomfortably.

"All right, all right!" Germany yells. "Tomorrow I'll make more beds first thing in the morning! Can't you endure this at least for one night?!"

"Well, then I want a double bed, aru!" China insists. "Di-di, it's been such a long time since you last saw me, right, aru? It'll be just like old times, aru!"

"A-ano…" Japan murmurs. "Well, if you don't mind, I suppose…"

"Oh~ How unusual of you to give in, Japon," France notes.

China shrugs. "Well, it's just an idea, aru," he mutters. "If you don't want to, that's fine too, aru."

"No, no," Japan assures him. "It's… It's fine. I think… I'd like that."

Germany chuckles. "Well, it seems this place is doing some good after all."

Japan bows faintly. "Well… For tonight, I can sleep on the floor. If I lay down a blanket, it'll be just like a futon…"

"Can't we all just sleep on the floor?" Italy suggests. "It'll be fun!"

"Oh, yeah!" America says. "Let's just go to sleep already! England, I'll take care of the beds, so give me a hand!" He grabs the older nation's wrist and starts dragging him off.

"Huh?" England yelps. "Wait, stop pulling me!" America laughs noisily.

With everyone working together, it doesn't take long for everything to be set up, the beds pushed against the wall and the sheets scattered on the floor. Italy sighs happily. "…Heehee, it's like a training camp."

"Beds are nice, but sleeping on the floor in a futon is fun, too!" America cheers. "It's a little cramped, though."

"I can't wait for our party," Spain says. "Why, there are so many things I want to do that I think I'll forget some of them. I'll have to write them down."

China nods sleepily, rolling over to face Japan. "Hey, Riben-di, we'll have to send food to Germany and Prussia's house before-" He stops, sighing. "He fell asleep, aru."

"He must be tired," France murmurs. "He's finally got some relief. Let him sleep."

"Was he awake even when I was keeping watch?" Italy wonders.

"Probably," Germany says. "It must have been necessary in order to survive. Come to think of it, even when Prussia and I woke up…"

"He was awake," Prussia finishes. "To think that he was aware of that monster because he had known from the very beginning…"

"He occasionally appeared to be reading that journal," Canada muses. "Do you think he's written about everything he's gone through so far?"

"Maybe," Russia says. "Maybe he'll let us read it now?"

"We could ask him tomorrow," England says. "…All right, enough chatting for today! I'm going to sleep!"

"Yeah, aru," China agrees, burrowing into the sheets and drifting off instantly.

"Wow," Prussia mutters, closing his eyes. "Wish I could do that."



"…Japan?" the nation murmurs. "Japan… Who's that, again? Oh? Me?"

Are you alright? Are you suffering?

"I… know that voice," Japan says. "Who is it?"

You can still go on, right?

"That voice… I'm sure I…" He gasps. "Wait! You're-"


Japan jolts, eyes flicking open. "Eh?"

"Are you alright?" Prussia asks softly. "You were having a nightmare."

"…Me?" Japan asks.

Prussia hisses. "Japan? Have you lost your memories again?"

The older nation frowns, then shakes his head slowly. "…Oh. N-no… I'm… fine, Puroisen-san."


Japan sighs. "I'm most defenseless… when I sleep… My memories slowly… drift away. I tried not to fall asleep… Gomenasai."

"Nein, you have to sleep," Prussia insists. "It's okay to forget. It can't be good to have only memories of the events in this house…"

Japan frowns, shaking his head. "But I- I mean, Puroisen-san- I mean…" He freezes, breathing hard. "…Huhu, what am I saying? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I've figured it out now, Prussia."

"I-I see…" Prussia murmurs, shaken.

"I'm going to go wash my face," Japan decides. "You can go to sleep, Prussia." He frowns. "…It was your voice I heard in my dream, wasn't it?"

"Hm?" Prussia asks, already drifting off again. "I don't really get it, but if you're alright, I'm going to sleep. If anything comes up, promise to wake me first?"

"Yes, I promise." Japan stands and edges around the others to get out into the main room, heading to the bathroom.

"See? Just as I said, wasn't it?"

Japan frowns, leaning a little closer to the bathroom door. 'A voice?'

"Yeah, but he literally woke up. Anyway, [he] will work for [us] until [he] dies. You do know that we have no such… service as compromise, right?"

"Nani?" Japan murmurs, sliding the door open.

Russia turns sharply, snapping something in his hand closed. "Yaponiya…"

"R-Russia-san," Japan replies.

"How unusual of you to eavesdrop!" Russia says cheerily. "…Well, unusual in this time, anyway. Oh, but you're all sweaty. Did you come to wash your face?"

Japan frowns, confused. "But I didn't hear anything at all… Who were you talking to? You said some disturbing things-"

"It's none of your business who I talk to on the phone, is it?" the bigger nation snaps. "I'd appreciate it if you could leave me alone."

"Do you have something to hide?" Japan asks softly.

"You did to, remember?" Russia says. "You never told us anything."


"I'm free to decide how I deal with my chess pieces," the others insists. "Oh, but… it doesn't seem to be very useful. I have to find the next piece quickly…" He turns to leave.

"Russia-san!" Japan calls.

"…Go wash your face already," Russia sighs. Then he leaves.

Japan remains standing still long after he's gone, confusion rippling through his mind.


Next chapter will be up sooner than this one. Probably.

See ya~!
