So, before I start, just a bit of information.

First, parts of this will be pretty much the same as the game, at least up until the end of the game's plot line, where I'll start making it up. I'm not switching everyone's role, only a few people's.

Second, this might not be updated too often. Broken Assassin is my top priority, but I'll do my best to update semi-frequently.

Third, this is going to have Prupan in it, since that's one of my favourite pairings. If you don't like that (or anything else in this story), just hit the back button. I'm not forcing you to read this.

Finally, this is a HetaOni fic, so there will be character death, or at least flashbacks of character death. I'm not that good at… you know… anything involving emotions, so it shouldn't be hard to deal with, but I figured I should just put that out there.

Now that that's out of the way, let's get this show on the road!

I don't own Hetalia or HetaOni, or creepy mansions in the middle of nowhere. I don't particularly want that last one, either.


A deserted house, about three hours on foot from the world summit place.

No one knows how long it's been there or who lived in it. Rumour says that it's haunted.

"Ve~ It's really here!" Italy laughs. He skips forward, a few steps ahead of the others, to examine the mansion's exterior.

"I thought it was just a rumour…" Japan muses absently. "I never thought we would actually find it."

"It has such a desolate feel. Not bad," Prussia decides, joining Italy in looking around.

Germany rolls his eyes. "I don't think it's very interesting, though…"

"Me neither," Japan agrees, pursing his lips. "But the others will already be inside, won't they?" He looks… uncomfortable, Prussia thinks, and he agrees with Germany far too quickly. Especially since it had been his idea for the four of them to come in the first place.

"Ja," he acknowledges. "They will. But I already said we probably weren't going to come. They won't be expecting us."

Japan sighs. "I just want to take a quick look around and leave. You three can always go back; you don't have to come with me."

"Yeah!" Italy agrees. "And I want to see! Even if it's only for a little…" He turns to Japan. "You're absolutely sure it's not haunted, right?"

"Positive," Japan assures him. "Ghosts don't exist, anyway. The building might be rotting on the inside, though; maybe you should just go back to the summit place? I can take pictures to show you."

"Nah," Prussia decides. "We came all this way, we should look around a bit."

Japan hesitates briefly. Like he'd rather they didn't come with him. "Of course." He leads the way to the door, sliding it open and stepping inside almost… impatiently, Prussia would say, if it wasn't for the fact that this is Japan, who's (almost) always completely calm and deadpan.

The inside of the mansion is in pretty good shape, like it's just been cleaned. Other than the front door, there are four ways they can go: left, right, straight ahead, or upstairs.

"It's cleaner than I thought," Italy says.

Prussia grins, giving Japan a significant look. "Doesn't look like it's rotting to me," he teases. Japan smiles tightly; he never did like being ribbed.

Germany looks around uncertainly. "H-hey. Can we go now?"

It's impossible to not say it. "What's the matter, West? You scared?"

As if cued by his words, a crash sounds from the right-hand hallway. Italy shrieks, jumping into Germany's arms; the latter hisses in surprise and rebalances the sudden extra weight. Japan takes a half-step back, startled. Prussia laughs.

"I bet it's just France and Spain. They must've heard us come in." He heads for the hallway.

"L-look, we should really go now," Germany mutters, placing Italy back on his feet.

"Don't be ridiculous, West. Like I said, it's just France and Spain messing with us. I'll handle it. It's not like it's a ghost or anything. They don't exist, like Japan said outside. Where's your common sense gone?" He walks off, waving a hand in acknowledgment of Italy's "Be careful, Prussia!"

The ex-nation wanders happily down the hall, humming to himself, trying the—locked—door on his left. He's not about to let France and Spain think he's scared, because he's not. A little uncertain, maybe. Japan's and West's instincts are usually good, and neither of them seem comfortable here. But it has to be his friends; there's really no other explanation.


He enters what looks like a kitchen-living area, with some chairs and a TV on one side and a counter with a sink and stove and some cupboards on the other. There's no sign of Spain and France, or anyone else, but there is what looks like a broken plate. Prussia walks over, picks up a shard, puts it in the duffle bag slung over his shoulder.

He goes over to knock on the door at the far wall. "Hey, France, Spain! I know you guys did this!" No answer. Prussia tries the handle. Locked. He shrugs, heads back to the others.

They're gone.

"Did they ditch me…?" He dismisses that idea almost instantly. Out of the four of them, he's the only one who'd leave anyone behind, especially in a place like this. But Japan and West have been acting a bit strange ever since they arrived…

Prussia decides he'll try outside anyway.

The door won't open.

"What the hell?!" He pulls harder, as hard as he can, smacks it with his sword, kicks it, pulls again- nothing. "Okay you guys, very funny! You can come out now!" He's definitely nervous. This isn't what the other members of the BTT usually do…

They'll let him out eventually, though. For now he has to find the others. Prussia closes his eyes, spins around, and finds himself facing the left-hand hallway. Well, it's as good a way to decide as any.

The hallway he's chosen seems pretty normal. There's one (locked) door on the right side and then a corner. He turns it-

A huge, grey monster stands there, its back to him. Prussia's too surprised to move, to yell, to draw his sword or run the fuck away; he simply stands there until the thing goes through the door at the other end of the hall.

Then he runs.

"What the fuck was that?!" he asks himself, back in the (relative) safety of the entrance hall. When no answer springs to mind, he simply closes his eyes and tries to convince himself it's just Spain and France. Yeah, that's it, they're just messing with him.

Sure that's it.

The hall across from the front door leads to a Japanese style room- sadly there's no sign of Japan, but it's a nice place. There's a (locked) door on the right; what is it with this place and locked doors, anyway? There's a note, too. Something about fixing a piano. And a toilet. And also an aid kit on the second floor. Huh. A piano. Austria would like that.

Prussia shakes his head. Who cares if Austria would like it?

Upstairs is more interesting. Prussia turns left, down a hall, and into the right-hand door (the left-hand one is locked). There's a table and a chair and a bed and-

"Huh? What's West's whip doing in here?" He picks it up and sticks it in his duffle. "I guess he dropped it. I'll give it back when I find him."

He leaves the room, heading along the corridor to the doors at the far end. Locked… Ah. Prussia opens the door, steps into the room, closes it behind him, looks around. It's similar to the other room, the one he just left; a table, chair, bed- but there's a curtain in the back left corner.

It's twitching.

Prussia moves forward, one hand touching his sword hilt. He reaches out…

Touches the fabric…

Yanks it aside…

…And his brother falls out, trembling, unintelligible sounds spilling from his lips.


Germany doesn't respond. Prussia tries shouting, poking him, grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking; nothing. The ex-nation sighs. "I'll go… get you something to drink. Maybe I'll find the others while I'm at it."

Finding water is hard work.

He heads to the kitchen first; well, there's a tap there, so it seems like a safe bet. No such luck. There's no water. "Ah, dammit."

So he heads down the hall to the area where he found the whatever-it-was. The door it went through is still shut and locked, but the door to the right that Prussia had been too busy freaking out—awesomely—to investigate opens when he tries the handle, and he happily enters a bathroom.

The toilet in one corner is spectacularly clean. "Well… I never said where the water would come from…" he considers. Then he shakes his head. "Nah," he decides. "That'd just be mean. Let's see if I can find something else first."

He tries the tap. "Ha! Jackpot!" He fills a glass and heads back upstairs. "Hey, West! I brought you some water! Well, I think it's water."

Germany takes the glass, draining it quickly. He swallows a couple times, frowning. "Is that… really water?"

"No clue, but it came from a tap in the bathroom, so I assume so."

"Huh." Germany frowns. "Have you found Italy and Japan yet?"

"No," Prussia sighs. "No sign of them. But hey," he adds when Germany looks upset, "Italy's good at running away. And Japan's really tough, and he doesn't freak out at… anything, really. I'm sure they're fine. Actually, they might have managed to get out and are looking for a way to save us right now."

"Doesn't sound like Italy, but that does seem like something Japan would do," Germany agrees.

"What, escape easily and singlehandedly save the day?"

Germany smiles faintly. "Can you go look for them? Just… give me some time to pull myself together."

Prussia yanks his brother into a one-armed hug, ruffling the immaculate hair, ignoring Germany's protests. "Sure. Stay safe, ja? I'll bring Japan back here when I find him."

Germany frowns, but nods anyway. "Oh, by the way, I found this. Maybe it'll help." He passes the key to his older brother. Prussia checks the letters inscribed on the surface, noting absently that they look scratched on, as though someone had taken a dagger to it.

"A library? Okay then, I'll go check it out."

Germany nods, ducking back behind the curtain, and Prussia continues on his way, certain that he'll find his friends in no time.


Aw, Prussia. So optimistic. I am dying, because life and anatomy—or is it physiology? Ninth grader, hell if I know—hate me, so I'll leave it here for now. Next chapter: the library! And I get to fail at fight scenes, because Steve won't give the babies a break. Review, please!

See you next time~!
