A/N: I need another fic like I need a hole in the head, but this little idea jumped out at me after I read a similar ABC fic in another fandom recently and just wouldn't let go. Since there has been so little Kennash in the new season, I'm hoping that this will fill a little of that gap. It's a smorgasbord of short fics. There's fluff, hurt/comfort, angst, spec, missing scene, humour, etc., in amongst the chapters. All chapters will be between 300+ to 700+ words in length.

Thanks very much to my beta, Tripp3235.

Disclaimer: Not mine. All Reign characters belong to Laurie McCarthy and Stephanie Sengupta and The CW. I'm just playing with them.

A is for Affection

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" asked Bash, lying against the pillows. Kenna was about to start her day when he spoke up.

Kenna turned and smiled at her husband, puzzled. "What's brought this on?"

"Nothing," said Bash, smiling. "I was just admiring your profile when you sat up and realized that I'd never told you how much you mean to me."

She blushed at the sentiment. "I think you show me that nearly every night."

"I know." He was grinning. "But I don't often tell you I love you."

"Nonetheless, I know," said Kenna, caressing his face. "And I love you, too." She leaned in for a kiss. "I best get started on my day. The servants will be bringing breakfast shortly."

Bash took her hand. "Perhaps we can continue this conversation later tonight."

"Certainly," she said, smiling at him. "You can tell me how much you love me anytime."

Kenna was surprised to find the words Bash said to her that morning affected her more than she had expected. Over the years, many men had paid her many compliments but few offered her love. Henry had said it on occasion but it had been usually after he had taken his fill. Until now, no man had said he'd loved her without having just taken or wanting something from her. Her father wasn't terribly affectionate and her brothers thought of her just as a playmate.

While Bash was caring, kind and considerate, he didn't often speak of his love for her. Since he first professed it several months ago, the night his father died, he'd only told her on several other occasions. Kenna found she'd replay the whole scene in her head occasionally as she went about her day, which brought a smile to her face each time.

After dinner, they had attended a concert given in honour of the new King and Queen. Afterward, when they were walking toward their bedchamber, Bash asked, "Should we take a turn on the balcony?"

Kenna nodded and they took the corridor. The silence continued until they reached the open air. While this wasn't their private balcony, it was tonight. They only shared it with two of their neighbours and both were currently at their respective estates.

Looking out into the courtyard, Bash spoke up. "I meant what I said this morning." He turned to look at her. "I love you so very much. You mean everything to me. I'm sorry I don't say it more often."

She turned to him. "I love you very much, too. You've shown me that we can have a very happy life together after a disastrous beginning. You mean more to me than I can profess."

He then pulled her in for a kiss. It wasn't a kiss brought on by physical attraction, but rather a kiss of love and deep affection. He poured his being into the kiss. When they finally parted, he pulled her into an embrace and held her for a long while.

A/N2: Thank you for reading. Would love to know what you think if you have a moment to review. Each chapter will be posted 2-3 days after the last one. To see the list of words associated with the alphabet, please check out my tumblr: scarletcourt . tumblr . com (removing all the spaces).