"Please don't make me beg." The red headed woman said.

"But we had plans!" Emily said. "It's Valentines Day! I'm going out with my wife."

"You know I haven't had a single night alone with him since Izzy was born. Please! I would have gotten a sitter if I knew, but he wanted it to be a surprise." Misty said.

"Let me guess. Ash thought it wouldn't be a big deal to spring this on us at the last minute? Anna! Back me up here! Anna?" Emily sighed as she turned to find her wife, utterly oblivious to the situation.

"Wee! Wee!" Anna said, as she lifted the one-year-old baby girl in the air, much to the baby's delight, as it squealed and giggled with glee.

"Anna!" Emily said.

"What?" She asked, without turning her attention away from the newest addition to the family.

"Misty wants us to babysit tonight."

"Oh, you here that, Izzy? It's just the three of us tonight!"

"Anna! It's Valentines Day! We both took the night off to be together." Emily said. Anna's eyes widened as the light inside clicked. She looked from the baby, then back to Emily and Misty.

"Please!" Misty begged, as she folded her hands in prayer.

"We can always go out anther night, Em." Anna said, as she bounced Izzy on her knee.

"But…but…" Emily let out a sigh of defeat. "Fine." She mumbled, before a pair of arms was thrust around her and she found herself suffocating in a pair of her sister-in-laws- breasts. Times like these she hated being so short. "Misty! Can't breathe!" Emily said, poking the woman's shoulder.

"Thank you! You have no idea what this means to me! When you two have kids I'll totally babysit for you." Misty said. "You're the best sister-in-law ever!"

"Hey, I thought I was your favorite." Anna said, a fake pout formed on her lips.

Emily's head reeled as Anna and Misty talked about Izzy's routine. Her? Have kids? With Anna? Her face flushed at the idea. She stole a glance at her wife, who was busy blowing raspberries on Izzy's tummy. Anna was the one who liked kids. Emily…not so much. They cried; they were too loud; they threw up on everything. Her thoughts were interrupted by the loud baby shrieks and wails. See? Happy one minute, and on a rampage the next.

"What's the matter, baby girl?" Anna asked. Her question was only met by louder shrieks. Emily sighed and joined the others in the living room while trying to hide her disappointment. She had really been looking forward to this evening. The two of them had been so busy with the company it seemed they hardly spent any time with each other outside of work. They hadn't even gone on a honeymoon yet.

"Here, let me take her. She's probably hungry." Misty said, scooping the wailing infant in her arms, before taking the seat next to Emily. Great, Emily thought. She was starting to get a headache from all the noise. "Anyone care if I feed her here?"

"Go for it." Anna said. Anna smirked as she watched Emily's expression, as Misty lifted up her shirt and coaxed the baby on.

Emily could feel her face turning red under Anna's knowing gaze, as she pretended to be interested in anything other than what was happening mere inches to her right. At least the baby had stopped crying, she thought with a sigh.

"That's my girl, drink up. Mommy loves you." Misty cooed to suckling infant. Emily bit her lip, as she met her own mommy's gaze. Anna winked at her and mouthed the word later.

This was all the regressions fault, Emily thought. What a strange side effect. She had always put up such a fight with Anna when they had been dating, when in reality, she had eaten the attention up. Once Izzy had been born, it had been obvious. Jealousy had given her away in the end. How sad was she? Being jealous of an actual baby.

Emily felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She pulled it out and gulped as the senders name flashed across the screen. Anna grinned and stuck her phone back on the coffee table. Your turn will come, baby girl. Emily sighed. It just wouldn't be tonight.

"…There's a bottle for her in the fridge, give it to her around six, and put her down around eight. We're trying to put her on a schedule." Misty said, naming off task after task.

"We'll be fine," Anna said. "She's down for the count in her bassinet. Maybe we'll even get lucky enough, and she'll just sleep all night while you're gone."

Misty snorted. "Don't get your hopes up. Diapers and supplies are in the nursery, there's pacifiers in top drawer…"

"They'll be fine." Ash said trying to pull his wife out by the arm.

"And keep those Eevee's away from her!"

"Have fun you two!" Anna said with a wave as Ash and Misty left.

"Should have been us." Emily mumbled.

"Shush, you, we can still have a good time." Anna said, coming up from behind as she wrapped her arms around Emily's chest. Emily smiled in contentment as she leaned back into Anna's body. She was powerless against her backward hugs. "We can still have a little fun while she's sleeping."

Anna led her by the hand to the couch in the living room. She sat down first and pulled Emily on top of her. Emily smiled and rested the side of her head against Anna's chest as she listened to her heartbeat. It was her favorite place to be, cuddled up on the couch wrapped in Anna's arms. "Mmm," Emily mumbled as Anna rubbed her back. She could feel all her frustrations and insecurities melting away by the second.

"Are you going to sit there all night, or are you going to kiss me?" Anna asked using the palm of her hand to sweep back Emily's long, black bangs from her face.

"Eventually." Emily mumbled into her chest, eyes still closed.

"Is my little girl too tired to play? Maybe I should just put you down for a nap instead." Anna teased. Emily's green eyes sprung open. "There she is."

She lifted her head up as their mouths met at the half way mark. How had she lasted those two years without her? Every simple kiss and touch reminded Emily she was happy- even if she was stuck at home on Valentine's Day on diaper patrol. As long as Anna was by her side, she didn't care where they were. Their kisses changed from quick and simple to long and passionate as they said what was on their minds without needing to speak. Anna was the first to break apart only to lay Emily down flat on the couch. Anna's hungry blue eyes sized her up before continuing where she left off. She wanted nothing more than to take her up to their room, but they were both ready here and now. Anna was halfway out of her pants when the baby started crying,

"I'm sorry," Anna said as she gave Emily one last quick kiss on the lips before getting up.

Emily let out an exasperated sigh. All worked up and nowhere to go. How much time had they gotten? She checked her phone. 20 minutes. This was going to be a long night.

"Would you mind giving Izzy her bottle while I start on dinner?" Anna asked, re-appearing from the kitchen five minutes later with a now calmed baby in one arm and a bottle in the other.

"Sure," Emily said as the baby was deposited in her outstretched arms. "Mood killer." She whispered to the baby. Izzy smiled and cooed reaching out for her bottle. "I just can't stay mad at that smile. You're lucky you're cute." She hummed as she watched Izzy suck down the bottle. "You sure were hungry; no wonder you were crying."

She looked around for her blanket, but it was nowhere in sight. "Please don't make me regret this." Emily mumbled as she picked Izzy up and put her on her shoulder. She patted her back a few times. "Baby burp, not baby barf." She chanted. The cool liquid running down her shirt told her she lost. Why did she always have to tempt fate and play baby roulette?

"Anna! I'm going upstairs to change!" Emily called from the bottom of the stairs.

"Did you lose again? Didn't you learn your lesson the last time?" Anna yelled back. "Mind changing her while you're up there?"

Emily stuck a finger in her onesie while she walked up the stairs. "You are soaked, little missy." Izzy beamed with pride. "Let's get you changed before you pee on me too." Emily headed to the nursery and set her down on the large changing table. They had spared no expense on this child. Top of the line furniture was scattered throughout the room. "You sure are spoiled, you know that?" The little red head cooed in agreement. "Thank you for saving the mess for, Anna. We talked about this, remember? You poop after I change you, that way it'll be her turn." Izzy blew a raspberry in response. Emily took it as an agreement.

"Oh, I see how it is. You're tag teaming me." Anna said from the doorway. "And here I had something for you." Emily noticed the disposable in her hand and a smile crept across her face. "You sure have changed from the girl I watched over in the hospital." Anna giggled.

"Well, it's different when you have to wear them." Emily said with a blush while she finished up with Izzy. "Or when it was your aunt."

"You couldn't even pee in the forest with me around." Anna said scooping up Izzy and setting her down in her crib. She looked from Emily to the changing table. Emily followed her gaze.

"N-no, you can't be serious! I'll break it!" Emily said. She took a step back as Anna approached. "How would we explain that to Misty?"

"Sorry, my wife has a kink from being regressed as a child." Anna said with a grin.

"Oh, yeah? Just me? And you aren't into playing mommy in the slightest?" Emily prodded.

"Arms up, little one. You smell like baby barf." Anna said. Emily raised her arms and let Anna take off her shirt.

"Just helping to set the mood."

Anna knelt down and un-clasped Emily's shorts before inching them down ever so slowly on purpose. Emily stole a worried glance over to Izzy. She was getting older. How long could they keep playing in front of her? The baby was currently pre-occupied sucking on her own toes. They'd be fine for a little while longer. Anna patted the table once Emily had been stripped naked. Emily turned her back to the table, jumped, and tried to hoist herself up with her hands, but after three failed attempts, Anna had to help her the rest of the way.

"See, it's fine, it's not going to break." Anna said, trying her best to hide her grin. Just because it held her, didn't mean it fit her. The sight was downright comical.

"This isn't going to work." Emily said, body spread-eagled over the dresser.

"You're right; it's not. I just wanted to see what you looked like." Anna said. She offered her a hand up. Emily let out a squeal when Anna picked her up and set her on the floor. It always took her by surprise just how strong Anna was. She made a mental note to join her in the gym next time.

"Hey, wait a minute! That's not the pull-up kind!" Emily said, watching Anna un-tape it.

"No, it's not."

"But…you know I feel about…you know." Emily said with a blush. She didn't want to re-enact the circumstances that had brought them together. Wearing them was one thing; using them was something entirely different.

"I won't force you, Em. I'll take it off for you if you ask me too." Emily breathed a sigh of relief. Anna understood what she wanted. She wanted to be cuddled, and loved on, and held. She didn't want to do that. There were limits to how far she was willing to take this, and they were still exploring those boundaries. "You ready?" Emily nodded and raised her hips off the ground so Anna could slide it under her. She loved the way it crinkled. It was strange how something so negative to her had turned to into this. They assumed it had something to do with learning the truth about her past.

Emily grinned in anticipation as Anna squirted baby oil in her hands. It was an unnecessary step, seeing as how the diapers were never used, but Emily loved the way Anna's gentle hands caressed her skin. They locked eyes, and smiled, before she closed them as Anna began to massage her thighs and bottom. She took her time in order to cover every inch of skin and then some. Up and down her hands went, with Emily turning to putty with every stroke. Then came the baby powder; it's calming scent relaxing her into an even deeper trance. All too soon it was over though, and the diaper was taped into place.

It crinkled even more than the pull on did, Emily realized as she sat up. She rubbed up and down and listened to the plastic sing in response. She smiled, despite the fact that it reminded her of being in the hospital those years ago. It felt even better against her skin, hugging her tight in all the right places.

"You like it?" Anna asked, already knowing the answer. She frowned in concern watching Emily's eyes mist over. "What is it?"

"Am I weird, for liking this?" Emily asked.

"Very, but I wouldn't have you any other way." Anna said wrapping her arms around her partner. "Nothing about the two of us is normal, is there?"

After picking up the fussy infant, who had begun banging on the bars of her crib, the trio made their way down stairs. Emily, now in a fresh t-shirt and diaper, sat with Izzy in her playpen. She would build a tower of blocks, and Izzy would knock them down with a giggle. Soon Izzy became more interested it eating the blocks than playing with them. She giggled and clapped her hands when Emily began making faces. After a few rounds, Izzy stopped laughing and scrunched up her face.

"Are you making faces too?" Emily asked, but groaned when she recognized it. "Party pooper."

Izzy's scrunched up race turned bright red, before it relaxed and a look of utter tranquility washed over her. She squealed and clapped her hands when she was finished as a way of saying, "I'm good now, let's keep playing!"

"Oh, Anna Oak!" Emily yelled towards the kitchen.

"Yes?" Anna said, coming into the living room before she paused to sniff the air. "Alright, which one of you did it" Emily pointed to Izzy, only for Izzy to point back at Emily. "Emily, it was you?" Anna asked in fake disbelief.

"Traitor." Emily said as Izzy giggled. She blushed as Anna opened up the back of her diaper.

"Nope, not Emily. Hmm, It wasn't me, and it wasn't Emily, that only leaves one other person." Anna said as she attacked the baby with tickles as Izzy squealed. "Alright, stinky butt, let's go get you cleaned up. Finish dinner for me while I take care of this one? Unless you want to trade." Anna said holding out the fragrant infant.

"That's all you." Emily said, fanning her nose. She stepped out the playpen and finished stirring the pasta. By the time Anna returned with a fresh and clean baby, Emily had already set the table and scooped up two and a half servings of spaghetti. "Should I give her sauce? It's going to end up everywhere."

"It would be cute." Anna said, setting the baby down in the highchair.

"But we'd also be spending the whole night cleaning the kitchen." Emily pointed out. "Let's just stick with noodles." No sooner had she set the plastic plate on the high chair, little fists grabbed handfuls of pasta, and began wearing it.

"No sauce." Anna agreed. She poured two glasses of white wine and set them down on the table. "Sorry we couldn't go out tonight."

"As long as I'm with you." Emily said, taking a sip.

"She's finally asleep." Anna whispered as she closed the door to the nursery. It had been next to impossible to put her down for the night, but somehow Anna had managed. She really had a way with kids of all ages, at least when her temper was under control.

"I don't get why Misty doesn't just use her Jigglypuff." Emily said. The former gym leader had had no problems using it on Emily when she had refused to go to sleep as a kid.

"She doesn't want her babies face covered in marker." Anna said, taking her by the hand and leading her back downstairs. "They won't be back for another two hours. Care to pick up where we left off?"

"I'm going to grab something to drink first." Emily said as she tried to make her way to the kitchen, before Anna grabbed her wrist.

"Wait here, I'll get it." Something about the way her eyes shone filled Emily with a nervous excitement. Her face flushed when Anna returned with one of Izzy's bottles. Anna stopped and took in Emily's expression. "Is this okay, or is it too far?"

"It's…okay." Emily said with an embarrassed smile. Other than diapers, they hadn't really introduced baby paraphernalia. It seemed a little backwards that they had started with diapers, but given Emily's history, she had already been used to it. The only thing she had really wanted out of all this was the affection. Anna had looked it up on the computer, and showed Emily the results after she had come clean with her feelings a few months ago. The first thing Emily had done was put her foot down to spanking and Anna agreed. She didn't think she could hit her even if she asked her to. Anna liked to tease her a bit. She thought it was cute when Emily got embarrassed, but she wasn't out to humiliate her. Either one of them could say no at any time if it was too much.

"Come here, baby girl." Anna said patting her lap. Emily smiled, still feeling a bit hesitant before getting situated in Anna's lap. "There we go." Anna said, as Emily rested her head in her favorite position. "Open up."

"That's not…?" Emily said, before her words were silenced by the rubber nipple.

"No, it's just milk."

With her worries put to rest, Emily closed her eyes and sucked. It was a bit awkward at first, but being held and cooed at by Anna was everything she had hoped. She loved the way Anna ran her fingers through her hair, and the way she called her her, baby girl. This moment would be perfect if it wasn't for the fact she had to pee. The two glasses of wine had already moved through her. She wanted to enjoy this for as long as she could, so she tried to put it off. She crossed and uncrossed her legs, shuffled her feet, and bent her toes.

"Something the matter, baby girl?" Anna asked. "You haven't asked to go potty all night. Are you wet?" She asked, patting the front of her diaper. Anna smiled as she watched Emily's face turn red. She was so fun to tease, and she knew that dance all too well. "Do you want me to take you potty?" Emily shook her head; she didn't want to get up yet. Anna patted her diaper again and let her be. She waited until she finished her bottle, whispering to her all along the way.

Emily debated what to do, if she got up it would be the end of their play. Tapes weren't like the pull on kind. If she took it off, she couldn't put it back on. It would be pointless to ask Anna to put her in another; Ash and Misty would be back in the hour. She'd just have to hold it and try to enjoy the rest of their evening before it was time to put everything away. She tightened her grip around Anna's chest and squeezed her legs together as much as she could.

"What's wrong? Don't want to get up?" Anna asked, sliding her fingers through Emily's hair. Emily nodded her head, locking eyes with her. "It's okay if you want to use it." Anna whispered. "I don't want you to get up either."

"But…" Emily started to say, but was silenced by Anna's finger on her lips.

"You want some help?" Emily thought about it for a moment, before hiding her face and nodding. "Shh, it's okay. Just relax." Anna took her hand and ever so slowly traced her fingers up and down the front of her diaper. Emily fidgeted as she clenched her eyes shut. "Now doesn't this bring back memories? I promise it won't hurt this time." Anna said, hand still rubbing down the front. Emily peeked her head out and locked eyes with her. "Go pee, baby girl." Emily blushed bright red as she held her self still. She kept her eyes on Anna, who smiled wide and held her palm still against her diaper in waiting. Emily held Anna's palm tighter against herself as she let go. Anna could feel the diaper growing warm and expanding. A hand down the front of Anna's pants revealed Emily wasn't the only one who enjoyed playing baby. "I love you, baby girl."

"I love you too."

"What's that smile for? It's awfully suspicious."

"Oh nothing," Emily said as she rested against Anna's chest with a wide smile on her face. "Do you want kids?" She asked after a few quiet minutes.

"It would be nice, eventually, but for now, I think I'd like to have this little girl all to myself for a little while longer." Anna said, before kissing the top of her head.


"Thank you, Ash. Dinner was great." Misty said as they walked up the long stone path that led to the house. "It was nice to have a normal night out. Your sister may never forgive you though."

"Huh, what are you talking about?" Ash asked.

"Your sister had plans tonight with Anna and had to give them up to babysit. You really should think of others, you know."

"But Emily was the one who made the reservations for us, she even called this morning to make sure it was still in place. Are you sure it wasn't Anna who was upset?" Ash asked as they opened the front door. Misty paused for a moment as she took in the scene.

"Wait outside." Misty said shoving him back out.

"Hey, wait, why?" Ash asked before getting the door closed on him.

"I'll tell you when you can come back." She said, before approaching the two sleeping figures on the couch. She stood over them for a moment looking from Anna to Emily, who was sprawled out on top of her, a yellow stained diaper on full display. "You little manipulator." Misty said under her breath, before shaking her head. She wasn't even going to ask what they had been doing. "Anna, hey Anna, we're back." She whispered shaking her shoulder.

Anna mumbled something under her breath before slowly opening her eyes. "Hey. What time is it?"

"Time for you to take her upstairs and put some normal clothes on." Misty said. She caught one of Izzy's empty baby bottles on the coffee table. "Did you…were you two… was this my…?"

"N-no!" Anna said as the memories flooded back. "Regular milk! I swear!"

"I'm not even going to ask. I had Ash wait outside."

"Emily, wake up!" Anna said shaking her.

"What is it, mommy?" Emily mumbled without opening her eyes. Anna's face darkened in a deep blush as Misty covered her mouth while she laughed.

"Misty's here! Wake up! Go get dressed!" Anna hissed. Emily sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes before the scene before her sunk in. She looked down at herself, before letting out a startled, "eep!" She jumped off the couch and scurried up the stairs.

"So…mommy, huh?" Misty asked with a smirk as Anna hid her face in her hands. "Sorry, but I'm only paying you for watching one baby tonight."