Thor looked at the being that stood in front of him, he was a tall slender being with long rich black hair that reached the bottom curves of his bum. He wore a long golden chiffon skirt this beautiful creature was hardly covered at all "You are in the forbidding temple Asgardians, Your kind are not allowed in his sanctified walls." He said, his voice was soft like a melody but he knew it could be cutting, it took Thor all of a few moments to realise that stood before him was Laufey's youngest son, Loki.

He smirked and bowed to the young god "Forgive me your Highness I was only seeking a place of refuge from the storm." The Jotun flinch in shock as the man knew who he was, he stood there looking at him trying to keep the altar between him and this man. Thor smiled when he realised that the place they were in was Jotun temple to hide their ice maiden until they were of age "You are unlike any Jotun I've ever met. I have heard that Laufey had a son that misshapen and he hides him."

"You came looking for me?" Loki asked as he backed away from Thor

"No I didn't but now I found you, I think I will take you home." Thor purred as he walked closer to the blue being

"I am not a trophy to be held as nothing more as a show and tell for you friends! I am a prince and should be treated as such!" Loki snarled as he battered Thor's hand away.

The blonde god smirked as grabbed the Jotun's wrist and held it to his nose and sniffed along the blue skin, kissing the flesh just above the gold cuffing "I would hardly make you a trophy just my queen."

"And what makes you think I would leave with you or do you think you can get anyone to follow you blindly?" Loki hissed as he felt Thor's large arm warp around his waist and pushed him into the alter

"I would hope that you would see the light of this place and leave this awful temple behind." Loki frowned and turned away looking towards the only way out.

In a fit of anger he pushed Thor off himself and moved away from him "Do you think it's that easy you fool! My father saw it fit to keep me in this temple until someone of his choosing comes here and takes my body." Thor tilts his head to the side and frowned

"Why not leave?" Thor asked, Loki let out a hollow laugh before looking at the bright blue eyes

"I can't leave this place until my innocents is broken and my womb is filled with seed." Loki said as he placed a hand on his stomach "So if it your attempt is to take my innocent and then run back to your bed know that you would have a child in the end of the spring." Loki told him "Or do you want to take me back and paraded me around to show your 'herd' the monster you degraded and impregnated?" Loki hissed as he stood in front of Thor bubbling with anger.

Thor listen to the anger and the pain that poured out of Loki's mouth, for years this poor Jotun was left alone with nothing but his own magic and thoughts to keep him sane "I don't wish to paraded you like a monster but as a beautiful wife, don't you think you been here for too long? Do you wish for your father to choose a Jotun he thinks is suited for you? Or decide he's the best choice for you?" Thor said

"It won't be first king to bed his child." Loki said, Thor walked over to him and knelt in front of him and took ice maiden's hand and kissed the back of his hand

"I have never seen a being more beautiful and spirited as you and if you let me I would free you from this golden prison." Loki looked into the pool of blue eyes and frowned at how much he wants to believe him

"You could start a war." Loki whispered as he let Thor play it with his fingers

"He will never have to know." The blonde god whispered as he kissed his wrist

"Don't be foolish he will know, him his son?"

"Any warrior can enter this temple and take a maiden it the law of your land isn't?" Loki frowned and bite his bottom lips

"This is true any warrior who can walk pass the golden seal has…claim." Loki whispered

"He can't start a war on that."