Let's Split Up Gang

A/N: Okay, so, I know that I previously switched to putting my Author's Notes to the end of the chapter for good reason, but in this case I feel I must address things before we get into the meat of the content. Firstly and most importantly, allow me to apologize for the absurdly long break that I took on this story, especially since it was completely without warning or explanation. Well, here's my explanation: I got bored with this story. Bored of thinking of it, bored of talking about it, I just wanted to do something new. And that's what I did for the past year. I worked on other things, and in the process I've learned a lot more about myself, my writing, and what I enjoy about writing. That said, it really was wrong of me to just completely disappear like that. So again, I apologize, and while I have learned not to make promises anymore, I shall endeavor to be better in the future. Secondly, I will be working on this story again with more time, for certain, though this mouth will be crunch time for my college class and that is one segment of life which does have to take priority, so that's a warning there. Thirdly, thank you, all of you, who stuck around waiting for this story to come to life again. This story is far better than I mentally give it credit for, and I'd like to do it the justice it deserves. So, without further adeu... break's over folks. Time for Humanity's Stand to continue!

Edit (4/12/19): Right, so after talking with the boss man for a while and then working between each other, we decided to modify and upgrade the parts of this chapter involving Ryujin and Tytana. Don't worry, those are the only scenes modified, so you don't have to read the whole thing over again, just the first scene and the second to last. My apologizes for making you reread this soon though. All of this could have been avoided if I had just remembered to run everything by Tarb BEFORE posting. Eh, well, long time away makes for newb mistakes. Either way, enjoy.

The peaceful mountain air, normally only cut by the calls of birds and the distant sounds of the quiet village at the bottom of the slope, was suddenly rent by the shriek of jet engines as a large black painted aircraft zoomed over the tips of the trees. The noise was such that none could hear the screams of panic from within the cockpit as Stacker Pentecost cursed the day his little sister first dragged the family to the local airshow and the long, painful journey hence.

The whooping of said sister in his ear as she viciously janked the aircraft to a halt just above a clearing did little to settle his nerves.

"And just like that, we have arrived!" Luna announced over the aircraft's speaker system, ensuring the passengers in back could hear her as well. "Thank you all for flying Air Luna, and we hope we were able to make your hearts race as fast as the plane itself."

"I hate you so much right now," Pentecost muttered under his breath as he willed his head to stop spinning.

"Love you too, broseph," Luna replied casually. "Now get on out there and say hi to the old man for me, will yah? Somebody's gotta stay back here and keep an eye on my precious birdy while you're taking tea. That and upload pics of your screaming face to my blog…"

By the time Stacker was able to get out of his seat and chase after the cackling Luna she had already escaped the cockpit, standing outside with Azusa, Joanne, and Tya, who all seemed nowhere near as disturbed by the mad flight as he was. After some half-hearted reassurances from Luna that she wasn't actually going to publicly humiliate him for a few cheap laughs, Stacker regained his composure enough to address the others.

"So, now that we are here Azusa, perhaps you could elaborate a bit on what exactly it is that Aso wishes us to see?"

Azusa shook her head, her amused smile from Luna's antics fading away. "It would be easier for Aso to explain, I'm afraid. All I can say is that once you know Aso's secret, I'm sure all of your viewpoints on several things will be dramatically altered." She looked to Joanne and Tya as she added, "You both especially."

"But why us?" Joanne asked. "What do we have to do with anything General Aso is involved with?"

"You'll soon see," Azusa answered. "Just… try to brace yourselves for a shock. And whatever you do, please keep your reactions calm. It will… make things go easier for everyone."

On that cryptic note, Azusa turned and led the small group through the clearing towards a path leading deeper into the forest. They walked in silence for a few minutes, taking in the surrounding scenery. The land around them was quiet, seeming to give off a feeling of tranquility, yet underneath there was a sense of tension. Apprehension almost.

"It's very peaceful out here," Tya commented. "I've never really heard a place this… quiet before."

"Growing up in the company of a team of scientists, engineers, and professional madmen will do that," Joanne noted.

"There are many quiet places in the world," Azusa said. "Places far from human civilization, left untouched or disturbed. We should remember those places when we're fighting to defend the world. We're not just fighting to protect people, we're trying to protect our home, and all that that entails."

"It's hard to get people to think in those terms, Azusa," Pentecost said in a tired voice. "Much easier to sell them on the idea of defending those close to them than an amorphous concept of the global community or nature. We're rather selfish like that."

"Yet we have the capacity to be selfless at times," Azusa argued. "We just have to nurture that ability by reminding people that what benefits some can benefit all in the long run."

Tya smirked and said, "Do you two always devolve into arguing philosophy when you talk, or is that just when we're around?"

Azusa laughed while Pentecost shook his head with an amused expression. "Force of habit, I suppose. It's more fulfilling to talk about philosophy than it is to natter about the weather or bellyache some more about uncooperative politicians and generals."

"And it gives poor Stacker an outlet to complain through which isn't just him swearing up a storm or punching a hapless wall to pieces," Azusa added, Pentecost throwing her a half-hearted glare. "Don't look at me like that. I still remember that time you called me in begging for a serum or recipe which would let you sleep without dreaming so you wouldn't have to keep thinking about politics even when you were asleep."

"The fact that someone actually managed to make such a formula is pure happenstance to that request it seems," Pentecost griped.

Tya turned to her mother and whispered, "Wasn't that someone from our team?"

"Yes, but let's not let them know that, okay sweetie?" Joanne whispered back. "I'd rather we not let our potioneer get swamped by the pharmaceuticals just yet."

The group continued on through the forest, Stacker and Azusa bantering back and forth for a while as Joanne and Tya looked on with amusement. As they walked through, Tya felt something pricking at the edge of her senses, causing her to examine the forest around her several times, but she never caught sight of anything out of the ordinary. Yet the feeling persisted, the sensation of being… not watched, but perhaps observed. Studied.

"Does anyone aside from Aso live out here?" she asked during a lull in Stacker and Azusa's conversation. Stacker shook his head no in answer, but Azusa curiously schooled her expression to be blank, causing Tya to grow suspicious. She kept silent though as she noted that they'd arrived in another clearing, at the other end of which sat a small house, designed in a traditional Japanese style. Minka she thought her mother had described the style once, talking about her time studying in Japan with Azusa.

As they approached, Tya was struck with a thought wondering how it was that Aso managed to get from this house deep in the woods down to the town below when she spotted a motorcycle peeking out of a nearby shed, a smell of gasoline and engine oil wafting from within.

"Who knew Aso was a motorhead?" she wondered aloud.

"He's not," Azusa answered, saying no more at Tya's confused expression. Instead she walked up to the door and lightly tapped on it. "We're here, Aso. May we enter?"

A muffled 'of course' came from within and the door slid open, revealing Aso standing behind it in a simple kimono.

Tya stared curiously at the man who had been mentor to Pentecost and in the running to lead the defense of the world years before she'd been born. He was of average height, taller than Azusa yet shorter than Pentecost, with a slightly portly build that hid old muscle, and his hair had gone silver with age. Yet beneath the lines of his face Tya could see the same unquenchable fire and spirit she sensed in Pentecost. The burn was quieter though, as if smoldering, unlike the contained inferno of his protege. Something had worn down his inner fire, and Tya doubted it was mere age and retirement.

"Welcome, everyone. Stacker, Azusa, good to see you both again."

Pentecost inclined his head respectfully, saying something in Japanese Tya didn't catch. "It is good to see you as well, sir. I hope you've been well?"

"Well?" The older man chuckled. "Well enough I suppose, though I must admit to being bored at times. Retirement is enjoyable enough, but there are moments where I miss the hustle and bustle."

Stacker snorted. "You're welcome to come back and do my job at any time. Lord knows I could use the break."

Aso laughed louder this time and waved him off. "As tempting as that sounds, I'm afraid I must decline. I do have my own responsibilities to care for, even if my career is over with. Ah, but where are my manners, making you all stand out on the sill for so long. Come in, please, I have tea prepared for you all."

Aso turned and lead them into his home, Tya taking a moment to realize she should be following after them.

He didn't even second glance me. Me, the half kaiju! He wasn't even phased. Heck, Stacker was phased when he first saw me, but this guy didn't even blink! Nobody just ignores me unless they've gotten used to me, and sometimes not even then. So why wasn't he even a bit confused or surprised?

She kept her questions to herself for the moment, taking a chance to examine the house as they walked through the halls. The walls were decorated here and there with old paintings of Japanese folklore and mythology, though she noted a few actual pictures of people, who Tya assumed were Aso's family or friends from over the years. Most of the pictures were rather old though, if the image of Aso with his hair still colored black was any indication. Soon they arrived in a wide open room with a low set table in the center, a TV sitting on a small desk against one wall. On another wall Tya saw a cabinet filled with medals and other awards, as well as more pictures, these of Aso in full military dress and saluting at different events. A few wars where he bore an American flag emblem on his attire, another later set in officer garb of a G-Force and C.C.I. commander, with the latest dated to 1999, an aged by still able-bodied Aso standing in front of an assembly that included a younger Stacker Pentecost behind him; the founding of the GDF.

"My apologies," Aso suddenly said, "but I need to ask that Tytanna waits outside for a brief moment."

"How come?" both mother and daughter immediately asked.

"It's nothing nefarious, I assure you," Aso said kindly. "It's simply a precaution I wish to take, in case of any… unforeseen responses."

Joanne and Tya shared a glance before the doctor turned to Azusa and Pentecost suspiciously. "Is he always this cryptic?"

Pentecost shrugged, while Azusa smiled encouragingly. "It's for a reason. Aso's told me he's had more than one attempt on his life in the past. Some recently."

Dr. Joanne paled a little and Tytanna's fins perked up slightly, on alert. Stacker made a small waving motion with his hands.

"Comes with the territory of being in command a majority of your life, bound to make a few enemies. It's one of the reasons he moved all the way out here, besides the rustic scenery. Trust us though, there's no reason to worry."

Tya felt a bit miffed at the proceedings, but she knew her mother couldn't say no to her old sensei, so she passively watched as they funneled into the room. Being left out in the hall rankled her fiercely, but she noted that she had only been asked to wait outside, not stay put. Feeling just the tiniest bit vindictive she continued down the hall, stepping quietly so as to not alter the others that she had left. As she walked, a scent started to filter into her senses, one that threw her off with its strangeness. It seemed at once familiar and yet not. Curious she decided to follow after it, moving along the hall to end, where a pair of rooms waited.

The room on the left was obviously a bathroom according to its scent, so she ignored it, focusing on the right-hand door. The scent was distinct. She recalled it from her training. Godzillasaurus, along with the expected heavy radiation, as well as… cheap cologne?

"Either Aso's got a teenage son obsessed with Junior or he has a stash of G-Cells?" Tya asked herself, whispering, before heading back to where she was asked to wait, the strange scent stuck in her mind.

As she passed a window, though, the scent returned, much stronger, and instantly she was on edge, staring out the window intently. At first nothing unusual was visible, the scene outside just as picturesque as it had been walking up to the house. But as she looked closer she spotted a bit of shadow that was darker than the rest. If she were normal human she never would've noticed.

But she did notice them, namely by the gleam in a lens in front of their face. A camera? Her eyes narrowed as she slunk around. No it couldn't be that, too far out the way for paparazzi and the shape wasn't right. Pair of binoculars? No that wouldn't fit either as the lens was not paired. Hand telescope? Not unless they were being stalked by a pirate…
Her face paled when she caught the scent. She would never have seen it because the barrel was painted to avoid reflecting, but she could smell the oil in it. Gunbarrel oil for a rifle pointed directly at the commander, Mr. Aso, Ms. Aoki, and her mother.
Tytanna already felt on edge the moment she started approaching, territorial instincts starting to flicker in ways that had never been activated before. That, combined with the fact this intruder crouching under the trees made no effort to announce themselves, and the fact there were prized targets downwind of the firearm, prompted her to act. Even she was surprised how fast she could move, but worry mixed with anger drove her forward.
Within the span of a second she was out the door and sprinting around the side of a hill so fast she was practically a blur. Fast enough that the gunman was not able to turn around quick enough, having had his attention keyed in elsewhere. Tytanna grabbed the barrel of their weapon and twisted it downwards to wrench it out of the gunman's hands, following with a palm strike to the chest to send him sprawling. Nothing lethal, just to knock the wind out of him and bruise a few ribs.
She should have noticed something was amiss when her grabbing the barrel didn't result in her pulling it free from his grasp but instead bending the metal down as an equally strong grip held onto it. She definitely did notice when her palm strike felt like it hit solid rock and carried a deep 'thump' sound. Muscle memory kicked in and she crumbled her hand towards her chest while leaning forward to rush with her elbow.
A broad hand caught her elbow and they stopped each other cold. Spasms and shakes rocked through them both as they both rose to their feet, nearly equal in height. The attacker was a bit broader but she was a bit taller, so it seemed that they were equal in mass. And there was something in the air, an extremely strong trace that she subconsciously picked up. Even though the attacker was wearing a thick coat with a hood and mask on, not showing a hint of skin, she somehow knew for sure they were male. And for some reason they were causing her instincts to enforce the territory, be it over area and more importantly people with her mother nearby, to flare up.
Tytanna snapped forward and kicked the cloaked figure square in the gut to cause them to stumbled backwards. They soon caught their own momentum and she heard a beast-like hiss underneath the goggles and mask, catching a glimmer of a red and yellow eye. Still holding onto their ruined gun, he snapped at his hips and spun around to build up momentum before letting go. Tytanna ducked and was soon glad she did, the swung rifle hitting with so much force that the barrel and stock became embedded inside the tree behind her amidst a shower of wood chips.
Tytanna rolled to the side and saw her assailant bearing down on her. Her eyes dilated and there was an instinct to claw instead of her training to punch. Thankfully the latter won out, but after her first jab to the face, her follow-up was blocked by a forearm and bent to the side. A short uppercut hit her in the gut and caused the hybrid to gasp briefly. She snarled and bit back the pain, even as more instincts started to fire into her tingling nerves. Tytanna had her revenge by stomping on their boot, smirking from their grunt of pain, and closing the distance. He was still holding onto her punching arm by the wrist and now they were in a short duel of sorts with their free arms, quickly blocking and attempting to strike at the other. She got kicked in the shin and she retorted with a knee to the hips, only to then get a backfist to the shoulder. They went blow for blow on hits that would have probably killed a human singularly.
Finally she grabbed him by the wrist as he held hers, a brawler's lock ensuing as they struggled. Hormones, instinct, and conscious thought to protect her family were all raging into her head. One could practically see her eyes glow when she snapped her head forward and bashed her forehead into where their face would be under the mask. Her opponent seemed dazed for a moment but Tytanna glimpsed something. Where their boots would be, there were now a set of clawed digits sticking out where the toes were, digging into the ground for anchoring. Her enemy recovered and glared back through a busted goggle lens, a yellow eye with a red sclera narrowing. He snapped his head forward and after the returned headbutt, Tytanna saw as many stars as he had just a moment ago.

Neither of them said anything, too hyped up on certain pheromones and instincts that didn't necessitate such. In unison they both let go of the others' arm and swung a haymaker that hit the others' fist. Both went sliding back amidst the pebbles and fallen leaves grunting and wincing in pain from the shear force transferred into their hands. Like a mirror they both cradled their digits while glaring at the other.
Now with a moment to breathe, animalistic instinct was starting to fuse with a rational mind. Tytanna perked her brow at his hand. The impact had torn the glove open and she saw… scales. Her tail slowly swayed behind her and as she looked very close, she could see the same motions under the overcoat he was wearing, indicating he also had one. She was on edge and still ready to fight, but a jarring possibility was making her tremble.
He tensed, possibly coming to the same realization or possibly just preparing for the next hit. She did to and they-

"Ryujin, stand down!" the strong tone that carried the authority of decades roared.

"Wait what?" Tya asked, turning back to the house. "...who's Ryujin?" She turned back in shock to see Aso standing there, the others behind him. Her mother quickly ran out from behind Aso.
"Tya! You're bruised! Are you okay? What happened?!" She gasped, grimacing at the potential blackeye in progress her daughter had. Tytanna grimaced but nodded.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just this guy hits like a truck!" Her eyes widened and she snapped around to put herself between her mother and the attacker. "He had a gun, he was going to shoot and-"
Aso shrugged and looked at the cloaked individual who seem to shrink a bit at the glance. "Habit of his. I told Stacker I have some enemies who have found me in the past. That's why it pays to have overwatch."
"You should've told us," Pentecost grumbled while crossing his arms, still extremely intrigued at this situation but wary all the same. From the looks of it his mentor was housing someone who could fistfight Tytanna to a standstill, not an insignificant detail. He felt as though the purpose of their trip was probably standing several meters away and glancing at a hunting rifle that had been jammed into a tree.
Aso sighed but looked at the cloaked individual, "What happened? You are not prone to outbursts."
They lowered their head and bowed slightly. "I am sorry father. She rushed at me and something set in. I… do not know why I fought so strongly. Something about her smells strange, brought on… unfamiliar instincts..."
"Pheromones," Azusa stated, drawing everyone's attention. "Titanosaurus and Godzillasaurus are closely related species. Their instincts kicked off from being near their own kind for the first time." Azusa grimaced while rubbing at her temple. "That's why we kept them separated at first and wanted to do this slowly."
Dr. Joanne perked up at both the wording Aso's accomplice had used and Azusa's, all she could do was whisper in disbelief. "No..."

Aso grinned sadly, shaking his head. "Ryujin… would you please reveal yourself?"

Taking the cue Ryujin took his mask off and Tytanna's pulse froze in conscious realization to what her unconscious had already figured out. A reptilian and yet humanoid face was looking back at them. He was tall, like she suspected, just about as tall as her even given a few inches, dressed in a simple black outfit styled after military clothes underneath the forest camouflage. The exposed parts of his body were solid gray to black in color, covered with small scales that were sharper and rougher than Tya's own. His hands were covered with fingerless gloves, pale white claws tipping his fingers. A thick dark tail curled around behind his back, dual lines of sharp spines shaped like shards of glass trailing from along the top.

But his face was what caught Tya's eye the most. He had a short muzzle, similar to hers, but blunter and squarish, like a snub-faced crocodile. A pair of thin canines poked out from his emotionless lips, all while a part of burning orange eyes with slit pupils stared right back at her. Surrounding each eye and sprouting up from his neck were a set of visible, black veins showing through his skin, identical to a Xilian or hybrid.

Tya was not one to be shocked, nor flabbergasted easily, but both would easily encapsulate her initial thoughts. She wasn't alone. There was another. All the times her mother had talked about potentially making a sibling, all the times it hadn't come to fruition. All the times she might have uncomfortably asked or speculated she wasn't the first, just the first successful attempt. She was welcome back home, accepted. But part of her always stuck out. Unconsciously, but constant. Now… That would change. There was another Nephilim…
Her face paled slightly… This was another Nephilim, and she had just broke his gun and clobbered him in the face multiple times…

Maybe it was out of embarrassment for what she had just done, maybe it was out of some desire to try and move past that as fast as possible, maybe it was just her still being flabbergasted to hell and back, so she reverted to default. Her, for lack of a better term, 'Tya-ness' took over.

"Oooohhh, well hello there, handsome," she said, dropping her fighting stance and sashaying over to this newcomer. "So… you're Ryujin…" she leaned in and took a deep whiff, him stepping back at her sudden closeness. "I dig the smell. Lemme guess… Old Spice, 'bearglove'?" she smiled playfully.

Ryujin, caught completely off guard, could only stammer out, "I… I, um…"

"Tya no!" Joanne shouted, "Not in pu- YOU JUST MET! At LEAST take him on a date first!"

Azusa furrowed her brow. "Wait… didn't you say she was dating already?"

Joanne blinked, then turned back to her daughter and added, "And think of Theo, honey! At least consult him first before flirting!"

"Oh come on Mom, Theo'd be fiiiine! Matter of fact!" She reached into the illusory blouse she had conjured and pulled out a simple but robust cell phone, snapped a picture of the bewildered Ryujin, and sent it with a text, receiving a prompt reply seconds later. "He said 'Hell yes, take him while he's confused!'"

Joanne facepalmed, while Aso and Azusa looked at Pentecost curiously.

Ryujin by now had formed up next to Aso and was shooting annoyed glares at Tytanna. He crouched down slightly to whisper to his father.

"You didn't say she was a harlot," Ryujin groaned and earned a swift, hidden kick to the shin by Aso.

"Respect, Ryujin. Her ways need not be ours."

"I have no say in this," Stacker told them, oblivious to what Aso and Ryujin were conversing.

Aso, to everyone's surprise, shook with laughter. "Oh my, I imagined many responses to this meeting, but this was that last I could have expected." He stepped forward, standing next to Ryujin, who was clearly trying to regain his composure. "Now, allow me to introduce you properly. Tytanna, Joanne, Stacker, this… is my son, Ryujin." He looked significantly at Joanne, his jovial attitude disappearing. "And I need your help to save his life."

(Page Break)

It was rather strange walking through the Shatterdome's prison wing under her own power. Especially since the last time she was here she'd felt soul-freezing terror from being threatened with death from the 'person' she'd once loyally followed.

"Coin for your thoughts there, Taiyou?"

Taiyou's train of thought ended abruptly as she looked toward the GDF Captain shadowing her. She knew that wasn't what he was actually doing, but it was hard not to think of it that way. Especially since he kept throwing glances her way, as if checking to make sure she wasn't gonna snap.

She snorted.

'Not a bad precaution actually…'

"No thanks, I have a coin already," she said snipily, twirling her heavily bent coin between them as proof.

Captain Gondo appeared distinctly unamused. Humorless soldier.

"Ha ha. I meant that you seemed to be thinking really hard about something, and was wondering if you wanted to talk about it?"

Taiyou stared at Gondo, coming to a stop so she could stare harder at him.

"What in the world makes you think I would want to talk to you about my 'issues'? When did we become 'friends' or anything more than former enemies who are forced to work together due to circumstances?"

Her expression changed into a hard glare, her coin flickering in its orbit.

"You also are directly responsible for killing my team and effectively ruining my life as I knew it. While for twisted reasons I could actually thank you for the latter, those people in my team were the closest thing I could come to calling friends. So forgive me if I feel a bit disinclined to be friendly towards you."

Gondo didn't seem the least bit intimidated by Taiyou's declaration. If anything, his frown became more fixed.

"And I'm sure you can understand that I am still suspicious about dealing with you. I trust Miki and her assessment of you, but that doesn't mean I don't remember what you used to be. Or what you did when you assaulted us. The innocent people who died at your team's hands."

He turned away from her and started walking forward again, calling out over his shoulder, "I'd say those deaths make us even enough."

Taiyou watched him go, unsure of what to say or even feel. She knew she should have been enraged at him, yet the truth ringing in his words disabled that before it could gather steam. All she could drum up was a sense of melancholy, which she'd been feeling more and more in recent days, and she didn't like it. Eventually she sighed, told herself to get over it, and followed after the Captain. She had a reason to be be down here after all.

Catching up with Gondo took little time, as the corridor of the prison wasn't very long. He was standing in front of the cell door waiting for her, his hand on his belt next to his holstered pistol, though from his expression she could tell he was just being cautious.

"So, this is where you stashed him then?" she asked.

"Right across the hall from you, yeah," Gondo replied as he activated the panel on the door and tapped in a quick code. A second later the door hissed open, revealing a cell identical to the one she had spent days alone in. Resting on the 'bed' in the back was Dredger, the giant man barely able to lay down on the surface. As soon as they entered he was sitting upright and staring intently at them, eyes flashing to Gondo's pistol, though he took no further action. Instead he looked at Taiyou, and she sensed the wave of surprise he felt from seeing her there with him.

"You are well, miss Taiyou?" he said in French.

"Well enough, Dredger. Things have… changed for us. For me… Now, the Dawn is our enemy and the GDF our friends."

Dredger shrugged, his face a mask. "My enemies and friends have often been transient, miss Taiyou. Loyalty to a faction I find is often pointless. Loyalty to individuals who you can trust is much more rewarding. And my trust in you is still unshaken."

Taiyou pushed down the flush of warmth in her chest from that proclamation and merely nodded to him. "Good to hear. Now, we need your help for an operation against the Runners." She noted that he stiffened slightly as she said that, as well as a tiny, almost unnoticeable pang of nervousness. "We believe they are likely to be the Dawn's new suppliers now that Chau's organization isn't being used."

Dredger lifted an eyebrow at her. "What happened with Chau?"

"Short version, we told him who was using his organization to fund 'terrorists' and he helped us tear the suppliers apart. After that we used the information they gave to locate the rest of the Dawn's bases and the GDF moved in to destroy them."

Dredger absorbed this information quietly for a moment, then huffed in laughter. "You certainly waste no time in your vengeance, madam. And now I suppose it is time to play my part in it, no?"

"Indeed. But in this case I will not be joining you." His surprise this time he didn't bother to hide. "I shall be remaining here at the Shatterdome to help interrogate a Staress that was captured."

At this Dredger was flat out shocked, though he recovered quickly enough. "Hmm… you do not need me to warn you to take care with that, but I shall do so all the same. I have only been truly frightened by an enemy twice in my life. Once was when I was first hired for the Runners and met mister Venuz. The second was when your teacher showed off the true power of a Dawn psychic."

Taiyou closed her eyes, her memory flashing with the sight of a room rent into chaos with a flick of a finger, herself caught in the center of the maelstrom and forced to fend for herself. "I recall quite well. Do not worry, Dredger. We will take every necessary precaution, even if it hinders myself in the process. No chances taken."

Dredger nodded, standing up at last. "Very good. Now, let us get to work, yes? I am tired of wasting away in this place."

Gondo looked back and forth between the pair of former terrorists, a look of resigned annoyance on his face. "So… we good then?"

Taiyou huffed but smiled satisfactorily at him. "We are. Let us go and meet with the others so we can get the operation going. We've waited long enough as it is."

The Captain shrugged and lead them out into the hall, making sure to keep a wary eye on Dredger as they walked, which the giant was more than happy to return with equal suspicion. The trip through the Dome passed by mostly in silence, Dredger occasionally asking a question of Taiyou in French, mostly to annoy Gondo from the appearance of it, which she was completely on board for. Several people glanced at the hybrid as they walked, but Gondo's presence seemingly reassured them that everything was under control, so they were not unduly bothered.

As they traveled, Taiyou couldn't help her mind wandering to the bizarre twist of her life that had lead her to this point. It just seemed… off to her. As far back as she could remember, the Dawn was her life, the only people she'd known, and she'd never had any reason to distrust them. Everything they said made sense, all the images she'd been shown of humanity's faults disgusting her just as they wished. And yet… she'd been convinced at being wrong about it all just by being shown another point of view. Something about that seemed too… simple to her. It'd had made sense at the time, and she could still feel that she'd made the correct choice, but somehow it all just felt… wrong.

"You sure like thinking so hard you lose sight of the world dontcha?"

Taiyou blinked, then glared at him in annoyance. "And you seem to like butting in when you're not welcome."

Gondo shrugged. "Eh, it's a gift. Now, you can ignore me again and pretend nothing's wrong, or you can try and talk about it with somebody and try to figure out what's going on in your head so you can think straight. Choice is up to you."

Taiyou frowned at him, but was annoyed to realize he had a point. Thankfully, she noticed the meeting room was just ahead, giving her the perfect out. "I will discuss this another time. With someone who is not you. Happy?"

Gondo gave a mocking grin as she responded. "Ecstatic." He opened the door and waved her in. "Ladies, and giants, first."

Taiyou scowled at him as she entered, and maintained that expression as she took in the meeting room. It was, yet again, a plain, boring office meeting space, with a long, large central table and various monitors spread out around the room to display information.

"Do these people have any sense of actual decorum?" Taiyou mused to herself.

Beside her, Dredger smiled to himself. "Would you prefer the dreary, poorly lit corridors the Dawn has? With pictures and paintings of the Holocaust, the Inquisition, the Crusades, the Cultural Revolution, and all of humanity's other atrocities?"


The room's occupants weren't much more interesting, in Taiyou's opinion. There was the small group of expected security guards - the same ones that had ruined her mission in the first place, she noted with annoyance - all huddled together in the corner, and off by himself was a taller, tan skinned Japanese man who immediately set his eyes upon her with hostility in his gaze. Oh joy.

"So, you two are our pet terrorists, then?" the man asked haughtily, immediately silencing the guards' conversation as they turned to see what would happen.

Taiyou pursed her lips for a moment, then smirked. "I prefer to think of myself as 'a temporary ally of convenience'."

The man didn't appear amused, folding his arms across his chest with a scathing look. "Yeah well, call yourself whatever you want. You make a single move I don't like, I'll make sure you remember exactly what you used to be."

"Riveting," Taiyou responded dryly. "Now, if we're done making threats, maybe we can start gathering information?"

Gondo clapped her on the shoulder - either not noticing or caring at how her coin shivered and shook violently at the contact - and stepped past her into the room. "In just a moment. We're waiting for the last two members of our group. Once they get here, then we'll start."

Taiyou glared at the Captain for his unwanted touch but decided to settle for pulling out chairs for herself and Dredger to sit in and pulling up to the table. The guard group returned to their private conversation, whispering more aggressively this time, while the man who Taiyou had mentally labeled as 'stick up the ass jarhead' kept his gaze fixed on herself and Dredger. The relative silence lasted for several minutes, leaving Taiyou to wonder about the efficiency of timing of the GDF's planners. Eventually though the door to the room opened up again, and when the two newcomers walked in, Taiyou was left wondering just how much weird her life would encounter.

The woman walking in seemed mostly normal, though Taiyou could feel the subtle flow of psychic power around her marking her as a telepath, which immediately set her on edge. Looking closer though, Taiyou could see a second layer to her aura, one that she did not recognize but made her feel tense for some reason. A second look at her companion though erased all thought of the telepath from her mind.

For standing next to her - towering really - was what she could only describe as a real life Thunder Cat dressed in a long, flowing red trench coat and with a wide brim red hat, Taiyou could almost hear 'where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?' playing underneath it all. Then she realized it actually was…

"And I thought things were strange with the Runners," Dredger thought in her direction.

"I wish that strange was all we were dealing with."

The woman purred, removing her hat to reveal her feline face, twitching ears and all, and sat it onto Gondo's head, much to his annoyance, and loosened the sash of her trench coat, pulling it open but not completely, before sitting down, giving everyone a clear view of the utter lack of clothing beneath it and the soft, caramel-colored fur covering her body, a hint of jewelry glittering in her navel. "Howdy do everybody?"

Taiyou stared flat out at the feline, as did most everyone else. The only one who kept some measure of composure was the jarhead, who was rolling his eyes.

"Took you two long enough," he said gruffly. "So, we ready to start now?"

The telepath sighed at him, saying, "Kazama, I know you can be impatient, but you could at least be polite enough to say hello."

To Taiyou's surprise, Kazama seemed to take the mild rebuke seriously, apologizing with more sincerity than she could have expected. "Guess he's not a complete asshole. Just 80% assy."

"Interesting mathematics, Taiyou," Dredger teased.

Gondo interrupted her thoughts by clapping his hands to get everyone's attention. "Right, well, since we're all here, let's get to work. As you all know, we're going to be the field investigation team going after the Gun Runners, trying to find out who they are, what they're up to, and if they have any involvement with the Dawn. To do that, we need a little help from our big hybrid friend here." Gondo waved an arm at Dredger, who scowled at the room to keep anyone from getting the wrong impression of what the Captain meant by 'friend.' "So, any advice on where we should begin?"

"So we're not going to ask about the giant cat-lady who just walked in?" Taiyou mentally questioned.

One of the guards in the group, the man with the sandy hair and annoying voice, spoke up. "Actually sir, before we start, I do have a question."

Gondo sighed. "What is it Pat?"

"Who's the cat-girl?"

Taiyou snorted at the irony of her question being shared by one of those people she despised, but allowed her curiosity to be roused anyway as she waited for a response.

The feline shrugged, opened her mouth… and then pointed to the collar she had been wearing, which simply read 'KayCee'. She smiled confidently, as if that answered everything they needed to know, and received a pat from Asagi, letting out a happy purr.

"How helpfully cryptic," one of the other guards said.

"Are you, by chance, from that really, really big ship that's docked in the Shatterdome harbor right now?" the last of the trio asked. "I've been hearing a few rumors that the inhabitants of the ship are… strange, as a whole."

KayCee nodded and pulled her robe further off, revealing more awkwardly-placed jewelry. With what seemed to be a thought, it all lit up, forming a barrier of hard light around her body. And just as fast, it was over and she'd made herself mostly-decent again.

Taiyou was starting to get annoyed, so she decided to inject her own question. "So can you talk, or do you just enjoy being pseudo-mysterious?"

KayCee grinned, standing up silently and walking over to Taiyou. Some of the guards moved to stop her but Asagi silently bade them to remain seated. She stood in front of the ex-terrorist, her body silhouetted by the lights above in an unnatural way. All Taiyou could see was her eyes, glowing bright yellow, as the feline leaned down. KayCee opened her mouth impossibly wide, three rows of razor sharp teeth filling her maw, electricity arcing between them, as the hot stench of ozone filled Taiyou's nose. A scent she shouldn't know, but did. A plasma cannon. Then, KayCee's mouth shut with a firm clamp, less than an inch from her nose, those soft lips filling her vision, and she spoke.

"Want to know anymore, little troublemaker?" She asked, with a playful giggle that belied what she was hiding.

Taiyou pushed down the sense of fear that had been creeping up her back as she stared death quite literally in the face, and instead forced her face to be calm. "Can we trust you to be actually cooperative when it counts? Or are you as ill-behaved as an actual cat?"

Asagi stepped between them then, her psychic field radiating disapproval. "Kaycee, these people are supposed to be our teammates. Intimidating them is not necessary."

KayCee pouts, "But I never get to be scary!" She plants herself down on the floor, acting somewhat childish, before falling backwards, still in a sitting position, and still pouting.

"You'll get to be plenty scary against the bad-guys. For now, maybe being friendly would be more helpful."

KayCee, listening to Asagi's suggestion, prowled up, showing unusually extreme flexibility, before returning to her seat, clinging to Asagi and cuddling her like a toy, purring and licking her head even as the smaller human was snuggled tight to her plush chest.

Taiyou worried at what this overgrown mad cat thought was 'friendly' behavior, so she sought to get things back on track. "Let's just focus on getting this meeting over with so you all can go and I can back to figuring out just what to do about killing my old group."

Gondo, busy pinching his nose, made an agreeable grunt, nodding in Dredger's direction, to which the large hybrid sighed. "You all seem to be under the impression that I am aware of the Runner's every action, but that is far from the truth. In actuality, I was merely a commander of a group of mercenaries who often took jobs for them. They were our primary employers aside from the Dawn, and both groups used me as a liason until several years ago, when the Dawn brought me in full time as a trainer for their troops."

Kazama glared hard at him. "So do you have anything or not?"

"I do," Dredger replied. "I did remain in contact with my former group while working with the Dawn, and they kept me informed when they could. My last contact with them was from several weeks ago, when they told me that they were preparing for an operation in the United Kingdom."

"Any ideas as to where specifically?" Asagi inquired.

"No. We shall have to search specifically when we get there."

The group muttered about that for a bit when Gondo made a suggestion.

"Does your group know that you were captured by us?"

Dredger appeared surprised for a moment, then thoughtful. "No… I don't believe they do."

Asagi brightened as she caught on. "So you can contact them and find out where the Runners are?"

"That would be ill-advised," Dredger said. "The Runners don't like to tell anyone where they work until it's absolutely necessary. That said, my group could likely tell me when their next operation with the Runners will be happening, which will be adequate for our needs." Dredger paused, then stared at Gondo with a hard expression. "I would advise that we work with my group against the Runners rather than treat both as our enemies. Limiting the number of foes you face would be prudent, and having them as allies would be a boon to you."

Gondo snorted. "And I'm sure that you'd also like it if your buddies got to live at the end of it all, right?"

"Obviously," Dredger drawled. "I am well aware that the GDF looks poorly upon such criminals as my group, but in this case there are, how the English say, 'bigger fish to fry'."

"He has a point," the male guard pointed out. "On a mission like this, we could use all the help we can get, and letting a few small time crooks off the hook to get the job done isn't so bad."

The brunette next to him smirked as she added, "And if they do something we don't like, we can just book 'em later."

"Or maybe give them a chance to turn over a new leaf?" Asagi offered hopefully. "Second chances are always a good thing to offer for those who have the chance to do the right thing."

Taiyou could sense without trying the disbelief Dredger was expressing at that sentiment, but she held her peace for the moment.

At the head of the table Gondo nodded happily. "Right, so we talk to Dredger's friends, have them organize a meeting for us to ambush and maybe convince them to double cross the Runners for our benefit. Sounds like a workable plan to me."

"Do not assume this mission will be easy for you," Dredger warned with steel in his voice. "The Runners are an extremely dangerous group no matter what the situation. Even when caught off-guard, they are supremely deadly and not to be underestimated. If you wish to take them down, let alone in a way that leaves some alive for questioning, then you had best strike with overwhelming force and careful planning."

Gondo nodded at that. "Well, you'll have to help us out with the planning part, but I'd say two hybrids, a psychic, a full squad of exo-armored soldiers, and whatever crazy robot thing miss Kaycee is will be force enough to get the job done."

Dredger shrugged at that, and Taiyou could tell he was uncertain if the GDF officer was right about that or not. And that worried her.

"So then, say this mission works," she started, "what then? Are you going to try and take down the entire Runner organization?"

"That would be the plan," Kazama gruffly said. "Every possible ally of the Dawn needs to be eliminated. Besides, if these Runners are half as scary the analysts were making them out to be with their soiled pants, then removing them would be a good idea anyway."

"Were it so easy," Dredger remarked to Taiyou mentally, and she couldn't help but agree.

The stories she'd heard from Dredger about what the Runners did was enough to make Taiyou question just how possible it would be to take them down as if they were just another criminal group. But all the same, if anyone could, it would probably be GDF forces, so…

"Alright then, if that's all settled, I'll see about getting our flight ready. Those of you who are joining the mission, take some time to gather whatever materials and equipment you might want to bring along. Dredger, you're coming with me. We'll be heading up to the Command station to see about setting up a connection with your group so we can get the ball rolling."

Taiyou watched passively as the room started to empty, sending Dredger a mental goodbye that the hybrid returned stoically. As she watched him leave, she felt a pang of worry. She had only just gotten to see him again after a very turbulent number of days.

Hopefully it wouldn't be for the last time.

(Page Break)

It had taken half an hour's wandering, but Taiyou had managed to find her way to the interrogation room by herself. She was still marveling at the fact that she had been left alone at all, not given at least a token escort to make sure she didn't go anywhere she wasn't supposed to. Were they that trusting of her already, or was she just so much of a non-threat that they didn't care what she learned or where she went? She wasn't sure which answer was more disturbing to think about.

Regardless, once she had found the incredibly distinct and noticeable signature of Saegusa, it had been easier to find her way, and now she could actually see the telepath waiting for her with her actual eyes instead of the outer sight.

"Ah, there you are," Miki greeted her with her usual cheerful tone. Taiyou wanted to dredge up some annoyance for the overly happy woman, but her internal well of rage was cooled at the moment by thoughts of Dredger.

"Yes, here I am," Taiyou responded in her typical grumpy voice. "I might not have managed to get here if you didn't stand out like a damn lighthouse in the Sight. Does no one care to give directions to the aimless in this place?"

"Did you actually ask for directions from anyone instead of just expecting them to give them to you?" Miki asked pointedly.

Taiyou just glared at her for a moment, coin flipping a few times aggravatedly. "Let's just get in there and do this. I'd rather not waste my time with talking with a brick wall for longer than necessary."

Miki sighed goodnaturedly and tapped an entry code onto the door. "You should have a bit more faith in our abilities to change minds, Taiyou. After all, I got through to you didn't I?"

It took a great deal of willpower to bite back her retort as Taiyou followed her into the room. The place looked mostly the same as last time, but there was a distinct difference in the softly sparking nets of electric wire that lined the room. As soon as they passed through the door, Taiyou realized what they were for. When the door closed, her last link to the larger Sight disappeared, collapsing her awareness into this one tiny room. She shivered involuntarily as she was reminded of her time in her own cell. With force of will she was able to shove the feelings down below the surface, but she could still feel them simmering there, revolting at one of her key senses being so greatly neutered.

If Taiyou was feeling bad though, that was nothing compared to the look of the prisoner. The woman had dark black hair which was utterly ruined with sweat and general stress, but her swampy green eyes glared up at the both of them with an inner fire that Taiyou recognized all too well. Her hands were cuffed in front of her on the table, but Taiyou knew that was merely for show. The real restraint was the electric net around them, and any attempt to remove that by either hand or mind would be extremely painful.

"So, the GDF acknowledges that I live, do they?" the woman said in a calm yet slightly spiteful tone.

Miki sent a glance Taiyou's way before answering. "Our apologies for leaving you to languish, miss. As you could probably imagine, recent events have generated a rather hectic atmosphere around here, and that causes some details to be forgotten for a bit too long. You have my word that you'll be treated with more respect from here on."

Taiyou snarled and slammed a hand on the table. "But only if you behave nicely and don't do anything to piss me off, got it?"

The sneer that Taiyou received from the woman almost felt like looking in a mirror. "My life is already forfeit, what does some minor discomfort matter to me now. So long as my people are treated fairly and with respect, that is all I care about."

"And I promise that they will be," Miki interjected before Taiyou could say a word. "Right now they are being held in secure locations while we figure out how to, um… deprogram them."

"Deprogram?" the prisoner repeated mockingly. "And is that supposed to mean anything? My people know why they fight for our cause, and they will not be convinced by any propagandic works you shove on them."

At that, Taiyou sneered and rushed up so she was face to face with the prisoner. "Our 'cause' is a goddamn lie, you deluded bitch! We've been fighting for an omnicidal monster who wants to wipe us out just because we're in her way, and she's gotten all of us to fall for it by spoon feeding us bullshit since before we could walk! You think that it's actually a GOOD thing to want to wipe out your own species? Well I've fucking realized that it's NOT! Not matter how goddamn shit we are as a race, we have to give ourselves the chance to do better! We need a second chance, and that bitch would take that away from us."

The room fell silent at the sudden outburst, Miki in particular looking utterly shocked. But the prisoner was all that Taiyou had eyes for, and she saw the look of realization appearing on the battered woman's face.

"You… you used to be one of us?" she asked in a hollow voice.

"I was," Taiyou answered freely. "But I've realized what fools we were being, so I've decided to walk a different path. Now… you have two options. Make the same change I did, or continue being an obstinate idiot who thinks that mass genocide is the right idea. If you pick rightly, you'll get to go free like me. If you chose wrong…"

Taiyou slowly shifted her coin in front of the prisoner's face, twirling the metal object dangerously over the bridge of her nose.

"Then you will remain an enemy of the planet. And more importantly… my enemy."

Taiyou let the threat hang in the air along with her coin for a few seconds, then turned and stalked out of the room. Miki looked after her, shock still evident on her face, before she sighed. "My apologizes. She is… going through a rough time right now. Far rougher than the rest of us. She had her entire worldview flipped on its head, and she has shifted the resulting stress onto her old organization in a very violent form. I promise, we won't allow you to come to harm while you are in our custody."

The prisoner stared at Miki blankly, her eyes searching the telepath for… something. Miki wasn't sure what the woman wanted from her, and wasn't sure she could provide it.

"We will see how true that turns out to be," she said with a deep degree of finality.

Recognizing nothing else would be gained from staying, Miki nodded at her and started for the door. Just before exiting though, she paused for a moment, and turned back.

"If I may ask, what is your name?"

The woman did not answer for a moment, as if mulling over whether insolence was worth the effort. The answer soon came when she said, "Ravina. That is my name, one and only."

Miki smiled. "Well then, Ravina, I hope that we can one day be friends, rather than enemies. People always do better when surrounded by their friends."

Ravina did not respond, and with that Miki finally left the room, leaving the captured terrorist alone in the room again to stew in her thoughts. And deep within those thoughts, a war was waging between two different sides of her. One that remembered the orders of her Mistress, and the other which was questioning how she could reconcile what had happened to her with the invincibility that the Mistress had claimed to herself.

And somewhere else, deeper in, deeper than even the most unconscious thought, something was watching.


(Page Break)

Aso gestured for them all to sit at the table, which had five places set with tea cups arrayed around the table. Aso sat at one end, Pentecost sitting at his right and Azusa on his left, leaving Joanne and Tya opposite their host. Tya remained standing for a moment as she noticed that everyone else was sitting with their knees folded, which she'd never attempted before. She looked over at Ryujin for guidance, but he was standing quietly near the wall, still as a statue. Obviously not wanting to linger near her. With a sigh, Tya decided to figure it out for herself.

At first Tya tried copy the humans' positions but found the position uncomfortable with the short claws on her feet, so she switched to crossing her legs. Aso merely smiled at her and gave her a slight nod of acceptance, as if he was already familiar with her issues. A quick glance at Ryujin suggested the answer.

Rather than start conversing, Aso set about pouring tea into their cups. His motions were soft and controlled, showing great practice and diligence, which Pentecost and Azusa mirrored in lifting their cups to sip from. Even her mother, who was looking very jittery and was flicking her eyes over to Ryujin even more than she was, showed unusual grace in mimicking their motions, leaving Tya a bit nervous when she moved to pick up her cup. She didn't do 'delicate' most of the time. Still, with a bit of self control she managed to drink her tea with sufficient grace that she didn't feel embarrassed. The tea itself was surprisingly sweet, but with a foreign flavor she didn't recognize.

For some time they remained that way, sipping their tea without a word, leaving Tya a bit bemused at the whole situation.

Yeah, sure, let's all just sip tea here and not pay any attention to the fact that there's a second Nephilim standing RIGHT OVER THERE! I mean, he and I had a bit of a throw down, so that's awkward, BUT STILL!

Tya, wanting to remain polite, kept her internal raging to herself, but despite her strong will she couldn't help her fingers and tail twitching with anticipation.

Finally Aso finished his cup and set it down, which the rest took as their cue to return their cups as well.

"I sense that the young one has questions," he observed wryly, causing Tya to blink in surprise.

"We all do, sensei," Pentecost said, "though I imagine her questions would be a bit more… personal."

"No doubt," Aso said without a flinch. "Now before we begin, I must apologize for the deception and misdirection I had to put you through. This meeting required the utmost secrecy, for obvious reasons."

Pentecost nodded. "Given that not even I knew about this, I would say so." He glanced at Azusa and added, "Though I note that Azusa was seemingly aware as well. For how long?"

"Since the beginning," Azusa answered. "Aso came to me soon after he… after Ryujin came into his care, and I have been helping him ever since when I had the time."

Aso bowed respectfully to her. "And for that, you have my undying gratitude, Azusa. But I suppose I should begin to explain where it is that Ryujin came from. Miss Wylder, I believe you are familiar enough with CCI's research into human-kaiju genetic melding, yes?"

Joanne nodded. "Yes, very much so. I used it heavily in my work on making Tytanna, though. At the time it seemed that CCI never got very far with their work at melding kaiju DNA into humans. Turn of the millennium they were trying to find ways to graft Godzilla's regenerative factor onto humans when the Millennian attacked and stole their research to make Orga. I thought it died there." She smiled wryly. "It seems I was mistaken."

"Indeed," Aso commented blandly. "The information you were give at the time was accurate, but incomplete. What was not mentioned in the reports that were officially recovered was that human DNA was not the only thing CCI experimented with. As you know, human and kaiju DNA are fundamentally incompatible in normal circumstances, which you managed to circumvent by introducing a third element into the mix. CCI did not have that option, so they, or rather, the head Mysterian scientist working for them, did the next best thing: swapping out the incompatible human DNA for DNA that was more moldable and adaptable: Mysterian DNA."

Pentecost sat bolt upright while Joanne blanched.

"It was based off an old Xilian project from their homeworld, almost four centuries ago. Information was scarce but it seems they infused one of their elite with the genes of Grand King Ghidorah. The Mysterians' founding generation on that ship had a few scientists who worked on that project, and their logged data was modified. The Mysterian project lead figured that even if human DNA could not be altered to have kaiju traits grafted onto them, then having a kaiju with Mysterian DNA in it would allow them to make a kaiju they could control. In the end, similar to your own concept for Tytanna I believe."

Joanne winced but reluctantly nodded. "It's true that Tya was originally meant to be a fall back plan to have a kaiju that was for certain on our side, but she's become so much more than that… I can't imagine that CCI would have allowed the same growth."

"Whether they would have or not will never truly be known, since their destruction at the hands of Godzilla Junior and subsequent disbandment, my last order before retiring."

"And you retired… so you could raise Ryujin," Pentecost suggested, to which Aso nodded.

"I once thought the world was better off without any kaiju, that at worst they were abominations against nature and at best some were holdovers from a bygone era who didn't belong," the sharpness in Aso's tone could cut steel, but cold wavering of regret was dripping in. "When I lead G-Force, I had every intention of killing Godzilla by any means possible. I turned a blind eye to what C.C.I. was doing, let them run wild. In the end, with the passing of Godzilla Senior from his meltdown and ascension of his son I'd known since he was an infant; I should have realized he wouldn't grow up to be like his father."
Aso frowned, wrinkles curling with his lips and making the once proud Commander look like a sad old man, memories of Tokyo nearly in consumed into a fireball of his own making. "Then the Millennian attacked. The Super-X3, our best marvel of a machine, laid low in a few hits. Our power grip crippled. And the very group I'd entrusted to terminate Godzilla, any Godzilla, only made it worse. It was only on the advice of Mrs. Azusa here I decided I had to trust the very creature my G-Force's name inscribed he destroy. So when I found a very special infant in the wreckage of C.C.I's tower after Godzilla Junior's battle with Orga, I knew my folly…."

"The world needs a Godzilla, and if it does and should something happen to Godzilla Junior," Aso motioned to his son, "It's best a successor be given an upbringing as good as his'. I made my folly, this was my atonement. Besides, there was no telling how he would be treated in the hands of anyone else, who would care for him or abuse him. Thus… I adopted him for myself. I have never once regretted it."

Ryujin, who had been silent thus far, looked up at that, and Tya could see a slight smile on his face.

"So… now what, exactly?" Joanne asked. "I mean, now we know that there's another Nephilim-"

"A male one at that," Tya purred. She smirked at Ryujin, her tail twitching in a sneaky way. "Might be able to start a bloodline…"

Ryujin's eyes sparked blue and he grunted indignantly.

"Focus!" Joanne snapped lightly, slapping Tya's shoulder so lightly she barely felt it.

For his part Ryujin kept his eyes down, but Tya thought she could catch a hint of a grin on his lips.

"So… you mentioned that his life is at risk?"

Aso nodded. "Yes. Unfortunately, the work that went into Ryujin was incomplete, owing to its rushed nature. Ryujin, being made primarily from Godzilla Junior, shares the latter's nuclear heart. However, an unexpected side effect of the melding of DNA is that Ryujin's nuclear heart is unstable. If he remains at normal size he will be fine, but if he attempts to grow larger, it will cause him pain, exhaustion, and may eventually kill him."
With a nod from his father, Ryujin spoke up, "I can safely shift up to 25 meters tall, though I become much more saurian past 10. Past that however, and I risk meltdown."

"And you think I can help?" Joanne asked for clarity.

"I do." Aso gestured to Tytanna. "Knowing that another being like him exists proves that more can be done to help him." He deeply bowed to the doctor. "That is what I ask of you, Miss Johnson. Please, help my son achieve his full potential, and remove the ache which plagues his heart."

Joanne's response was immediate. "Of course I'll help! How could I ever say no! I mean, it'll probably take some time. I'm primarily a geneticist, not a nuclear physicist, but I have plenty of people on my team who can help out. I'll need everything you have on him though. Any bit of health documentation, physicals, all of the research data you have left, all of it."

Aso nodded. "Of course. I already have it all prepared in the other room. I am ready to leave at any time."

Ryujin looked up in shock. "We are leaving?"

Aso's sad eyes looked back at the tall hybrid. "Yes. I know this place has been our home for all these years, but it is time for you to grow beyond this forest. You have a place in the wider world, Ryujin. It is past time you found it. Besides, I know of that report from a few towns over about a bus hitting a 'lizard' man a few nights ago."

Ryujin's tail jittered in a way Tya knew was anxious, because it was what she often did herself. Feeling a surge of emotion she jumped up, moving next to him and clapping him on the shoulder, causing him to tense. "Don't worry about it, hotness. If you need some help finding your way, I'll be right there with you. The two of us, the only kaiju-hybrids in the world, fighting the good fight."

Ryujin's expression was blank for a moment, but then he maintained neutrality. "That sounds… like it could be fun…. Don't call me that though."

"Fun's the goal," Tya told him, ignoring his annoyance. "And believe me, when we get to the Langoud, we're going to have all kinds of fu…"

Tya felt a twinge in her senses and she immediately looked out the window into the forest beyond. Ryujin responded even faster than her, moving to the window to peak out at the trees suspiciously.

"What's wrong?" Joanne asked.

"Intruders?" Aso said.

Ryujin shook his head. "No… something worse."

Tya had nothing to add to that, too busy searching with her ears for what was out there. It was so faint it was barely noticeable, but she knew she could hear the stamping of feet in their direction. Clawed feet, unless she missed her mark. And behind all of that was something else. A sinister sensation she couldn't pinpoint, but one that made her hide crawl.

Pentecost stood and reached into his coat, pulling out a bulky pistol from his holster, while the other hand went to his ear holding his radio.

"Luna, we've got company. Start up the jet and get into the air. We may need support."

"Roger that, bro. On the way. ETA 5 minutes."

"That may not be soon enough," Aso intoned.

Tya closed her eyes, letting go some of her inner restraint, her sensual form melting away. Luscious curves giving way to strong, wiry muscles as her scales dulled and hardened into staunch armor. This wasn't quite the impressive brawler she could become, but she was ready to fight, built for speed. Her ruby and gold scales glinted in the house's dim lights as she let out a primal growl, a smirk forming on her face.

"It won't be..." she smiled, cracking her knuckles. "Especially if Lunie wants in on the action."

She noticed Ryujin looking at her appraisingly, then nodding in the first approval she'd ever gotten from him. Seamlessly, his form tensed and grew in size as much as it could without being ungainly indoors, saurian features growing more prominent in tandem with the increase in mass.

Pentecost merely cocked his gun, saying, "Tytanna, if I have to fire my pistol even once because something got past the both of you, consider me disappointed. Don't disappoint me."

"You won't be sir," she said, popping open the window and leaping out. On instinct, she let out a roar, one that bellowed across the forest, high in pitch, fierce in power. The message to all foes was clear.

Ryujin was at her side a moment later, his body tensing so tightly she thought he would snap.

"Really wish I still had my rifle," he said in a low growl.

Tya winced. "Sorry about that, by the way…"

"It was a gift from my mother."

"It was?!" Tya nearly shouted, feeling utterly mortified.

Ryujin just snorted blue mist from his nostrils.

She heard Ryujin sigh, the tension in his body still heightened.

"All my life my father trained me for combat," he said quietly. "But I have never actually fought before. Not really. That spar we had earlier is the closest thing… I am not sure if I am ready."

Tya grinned, seeing a chance to set him at ease. "You did pretty good against me I'd say. You probably have nothing to worry about."

"I worry not for my ability, I worry for my ability to hold back," he noted grimly, "Humans are fragile. I am not sure if I am ready to handle the balance between violence and control."

"My adoptive grandmother has a saying," Tya said. "Sex and combat are the same way, no one's ready for their first time." She gave him a nod, "You're not going alone, rookie."

Surprisingly, Ryujin's expression was not one of agreement, but confusion. "What does sex have to do with combat?"

"Life or death situation, stressful, chaotic, insane, and if you let yourself flow with the madness, very fun."

"T-that sounds nothing like what my parents described."

"...did you think it was like Pokémon? Because trust me, we're the ones stuck in the balls, and they're the ones we gotta keep safe." She nodded to the house, eyes and ears still out for potential threats.

Ryujin's eyes hardened. "That much I can understand. Come, let us protect those we care about. As is our duty."

The sounds started to become louder, the numbers of their foes making themselves known. Tya readied herself to move, claws bared and tail steady. Beside her Ryujin did the same, his eyes quietly glowing with ruby light as he clenched his fists. It was time to prove themselves, to their families and to each other. And neither was willing to disappoint.

"For life and duty," Ryujin whispered as the first shadow flicked into view.

"FOR PONY!" Tytanna shouted, charging forward into the trees.

Ryujin blankly watched her run for a second before rushing after her.

Is she weird because she is a girl, or simply from being herself? I'll have to ask later…

(Page Break)

In an especially thick grove of trees where the shadows were darkest a pair of hellish red eyes that watched over the chittering, snapping nest of claws and fangs. Not all of them were here, or else a fight would have already broken out, but there were enough left behind for the rest to get antsy. Thankfully her presence kept them behaving, but not for much longer. They smelled blood in their future and they were hungry for it.

They'll get it soon enough, she snarled to herself as she snatched one away from biting at the neck of another. These vicious hatchlings are mindless, but all the fiercer for it.

Just as She intended. Her tools were meant to be used and thrown away after all.

Another snarl, hers this time.

Well she may throw these hatchlings away, but she's not getting rid of me that easily. Once I get this done, I'll show Her I'm more than a worthless science experiment.

High pitched screeches sounded through the forest and she deciphered their message instantly.

They're here. Good. Won't be a waste of time then.

She looked down at her pack and hissed, bring all eyes on her.

"Go. Kill. Leave none alive. Die if you must."

The mad hatchlings all barked in triumph before racing off, hollering and screeching as they went. It was unlikely many of them would survive this fight, but that was fine with her. The only one she cared about was herself, after all. She smirked at the irony, her sharp fangs glinting in the shadows.

Like Mother, like daughter.

She got up and slowly followed after her charges, using her hearing to track their progress. Once they were in the thick of it, she'd figure out her moment to strike. No need to make things easy for her foes after all. Her heart began to race even as she controlled her breathing, deeply ingrained instincts flaring to life as the spectre of combat loomed.

Time to prove my worth.

She snarled, an animal noise of malicious intent.

Time to kill.