Author's Note: I know what some of you are thinking- I don't need to add another story to the three I have going, but two things are sparking this.

1. My friend, the very lovely Lyza, wanted a Sirius story, and this is mostly her plot, I'm just hashing it our for her. She got me to reading 'lost memory' fics, and neither of us have ever read one like she dreamed up over hot chocolate...
2. I like the challenge.

So here is chapter one. I hope you enjoy it, and I hope you feel like telling me what you think in a review.
Happy Reading!

Sirius groaned inwardly as he tried to open his eyes, but they wouldn't budge. Not even a crack. The pain radiating through his skull was too much at the moment, and it seemed his eyeballs didn't want to let the light around him add to it. He stopped and listened to the sounds around him; distant voices somewhere, creaking wood, what sounded like a newborn crying; all homey sounds. At least I'm not back in prison. He could feel the softness of a mattress beneath him, a comforter tucked around him closely. Though Sirius Black was very confused, he at least knew he wasn't in any danger anymore. The last thing he could remember- the last major event that happened to him; he'd met Harry, escaped recapture. Now he wasn't sure where he had ended up, or at least he wasn't until he heard a slight cough next to him, and the pages turning in a book.

"Moony?" he asked, his voice weak and raspy. He forced his eyelids to open slightly to look toward the source of the noise. His friend's face washed over with concern and worry.

"You're awake!" he exclaimed dropping his book and standing from the armchair next to the bed and walking over to where he could help Sirius to sit upright. Sirius winced as his brain felt like it'd been split in two by an axe. He blinked a few times as Remus sat down on the edge of the bed and looked him over. "Follow my fingers with your eyes." Sirius blinked a few times in confusion and in an attempt to clear the fogginess from his eyes. He did as he was instructed, but after the second movement Remus made, he had to close his eyes again.

"Hurts, you move too fast." he grunted, and his friend nodded and apologized. "What the bloody hell happened? Did that hippogriff crack my skull?" He struggled to remember the events of the night before. Buckbeak seamed like a docile beast, and had allowed Sirius a ride straight away.

"No..." Remus looked baffled. He stepped back a moment and looked at him, hard. Then Sirius noticed that Remus' hair was longer. Too much longer to believe he'd seen him just a day or two ago. "You- You don't remember." He said it matter-of-factly. Sirius shook his head.

"Er- No. I don't actually know where I am, even." He blinked again and looked around the room. It reminded him a fair amount of the house he'd grown up in, but this bedroom had much brighter colors and a warmer feeling. There was light of what seemed to be mid-morning coming in the window to the side behind where Remus had been reading. The more he looked the more it reminded him of the master bedroom at Grimmauld place. Except this room was a pale blue rather than the deep green he remembered, and around the room he could see various personal items laying about. Books, clothes that looked like they belonged to a woman... and baby items.

"What exactly do you remember last?" Remus looked terrified, and it was worrying Sirius more and more.

"Escaping Hogwarts. Not long after you... after you turned." Sirius sighed, countless full moons he'd spend with his friend, and yet he knew Remus hated to talk about it. Sirius watched the color drained from Remus' face and gulp.

"That was two years ago, mate. Almost exactly two years, just a little over." Sirius grabbed his head at the words he'd just heard, the pain slicing through his mind like a hot knife. He shook his head. He looked down at himself for the first time and noticed he was no longer emaciated, but nearly back to his lean health form he had been so proud of in his early twenties. He looked at the pajamas he was dressed in, a pressed pair of pale green and blue pinstriped pajamas and ring on his left hand. He drew back at the sight of it. A large gold band set with a black onyx stone, which he had to admin was just his style, but no less shocking on his left ring finger. Remus seemed to be reading his mind.

"Alright, Padfoot?" Remus' voice still rang with worry. Sirius shook his head again. Nothing was making sense and the sound of the baby, where ever it was, was starting to rake on his nerves and adding to the head pain, though he couldn't actually be mad, as he knew the sound was from someone quite new to life.

"No." He winced as a shrill cry pierced the air again. Remus gave a chuckle.

"I should go see if Eloise needs help with him." he said, watching Sirius carefully as he walked toward the door. Sirius tilted his head to the side. Eloise, Remus' sister, had been ten years old last time he'd seen her. She was born during their first year of Hogwarts. He wondered if this was her house.

"You have a new nephew? Eloise has a baby?" he asked carefully. Remus smiled proudly and nodded.

"She has a husband too, but..." Remus opened his mouth and then stopped and thought. The crying got louder and he turned toward the door, clapping his hands together. "That's another story all together. Are you hungry?" Sirius had felt his stomach growl several times already, but was too lost to mention it.

"Famished, actually." he said, and his friend smiled.

"Of course you are, you've been out for over a week. I'll see what I can arrange for that. Lay back, don't try to move just yet." Remus' voice was stern, but there was a smile in his eyes. Remus walked out the door and down the hall, his mind reeling. The Healer they'd called, the only one trusted by the Order, hadn't mentioned possible memory loss. But how much could you tell from a man in a coma?

"Something wrong, Rem?" His baby sister caught him in the doorway of the kitchen, concerned at the blank look on his face. The bundle in her arms was silent, signaling that his nephew had finally given out. He rubbed the fluff of black hair that poked up from his swaddling and looked back to his younger sister. The girl looked genuinely afraid, knowing full well that he'd just been sitting in a room with a comatose Sirius.

"He's awake." Eloise eye's lit up and Remus cringed.

"Is he- does he- he needs to eat and..." She started to stammer and the baby in her arms stirred. Remus placed his hands on her shoulders and she got quiet.

"Sweetheart, take a breath." he said, and she looked into his eyes and saw the fear.

"Somethings wrong." It wasn't a question, she could tell by looking at him. Remus was opening his mouth like he had something to say and closing it again. He gently guided the younger witch to the kitchen and sat her down, where he asked Molly to take over holding the baby for a moment and then he sat down. He could hear his baby sister's heart beating out of her chest in panic, and he knew there wasn't a way to protect her from what he had to say.

"He doesn't remember you."