A full twenty four hours had passed since they'd been in that bar.

She was used to people disappearing on her, but not him, not Enzo. He'd seemed reliable. Muttering to herself she made sure to dress appropriately. After all, knowing his cockiness, he'd gotten into a fight with some kind of 'vampire street gang.' She had to wear something she was able to fight at. Which was simply a tank top, jeans and some kick-ass boots.

She'd spent the entire time calling him, yelling at him through his voice mail, until finally, she'd decided to look for him. "I swear to god I'm going to kill you." she growled down the phone one last time, hanging it up as she left their motel room.

The first place of course, was the bar. Spotting the bartender of that night she moved over swiftly, a slight smile on her lips. "Well hello there. You remember me?" she asked, watching as the man's face became clouded, her compulsion working perfectly, her smile widening as he nodded at her. "Wonderful! Now, do you remember the guy I was with? Tall, dark, British accent?" she asked, a small scowl creasing her forehead as he shook his head.

Typical. She scoffed loudly, turning on her heels to leave.

"There was a blonde with a British accent though." he said, his voice in a slight trance. That was enough to make her stop in her tracks.

"What do you mean a blonde?" she asked sharply.

"A blonde...looked a little like you but with straight hair...and a more pouty lips."

"Great. Just...great." she growled, storming out of the world without a second notice.

He groaned loudly, his eyesight returning slowly as he blinked.

The blonde stood in front of him, a twisted smirk on her suddenly annoying face. And the person next to him...

"You've got to be kidding me." he let out a bitter laugh, his body shaking the chains as he did so. The strange man from the previous night stood beside the blonde, eyes narrowed and not at all smiling like the blonde was. Somehow he wasn't sure which of his captures looked more intimidating at that moment, though the man's tense jaw was enough to cause him to smirk. "Klaus Mikaelson I presume? Funny, I imagined you'd be taller." he said with a raise of his eyebrows, snickering slightly.

"Easy mate, unless you want your tongue cut out." the man threatened, and Enzo grinned widely, recognizing the voice from the other days phone call.

"Come now, that's the money maker for when I'm with the ladies." he said with a smirk, sending a wink in the blondes direction. "A little thing you missed out on after that prank last night darling. A shame really."

"You're talking to an Original vampire darling, I suggest you give me more respect." she said in a mocking tone, causing him to roll his eyes chuckling.

"Well, this has been nice and all, but would you mind letting me down? My arms are getting a little tired." he looked up to where his arms were chained up, making sure to shake them and cause a loud jingling. "And of course I have sweet Caroline waiting for me in our motel room. Well, you should know how the lady gets when she wakes up to an empty bed, right? Oh...wait. Wasn't it a forest?" he added, his lips curved into a taunting smirk as he noticed the look suddenly darkening the hybrids features.

"A forest?" the blonde-Rebekah's voice rang out, clearly confused as she looked between the two males, clearly watching their staring contest. "Nik." she said, her voice dangerously low as she turned to Klaus. Nik? What kind of a nickname was that? He pondered to himself idly. "Are you telling me I kidnapped this ridiculous excuse of a vampire because he's currently Caroline's new fixation?"

Both he and Rebekah paused, waiting for a response. They were merely met with stony silence.

"You're pathetic." she snarled to her brother causing Enzo to snort, gaining her attention. "And so are you. She's merely one baby vampire, I do not understand why our entire population seems infatuated with her!"

"What can I say? The girls got one hell of an ass." he said, taking pleasure in the new shade of red covering the Original's face, making him wonder how dark he could make his face go before the hybrid snapped.

However, he was quickly distracted by the blonde moving to reach for his jeans.

"With your brother watching? How extraordinarily kinky of you blondie." he commented, earning a wry smile from the blonde. That was something at least. It was as she reached for his phone that he scowled. "Sorry love, but that's private property." he insisted, narrowing his eyes as she began playing his voice mail, Caroline's beautiful voice ringing out in an angry tone.

- "Enzo, I swear to god...why did you let me drink so much? Don't think you can get away from a punishment just by staying away for the duration of my breakfast."

- "Very funny Enzo. Pick. Up. The. Phone."

- "Are you trying to stress me out? Because I swear I've aged by hundreds of years just waiting for you to come home afterfive hours."

- "I'm officially getting worried. Call me soon, before I send out a search party."

- "If you've gotten yourself hurt or in trouble, don't expect me to help you out of it."

- "Enzo!"

- "I swear to god I'm going to kill you."

And the last one.

- "Don't worry, I'm on my way."

He'd been so entranced by the young vampires voice he hadn't even bothered to watch the siblings exchange looks.

"Well, looks like the Mrs is on her way." he chirped brightly, already in a considerably better mood as a small snarl came from the hybrid. "Not big on the whole words thing, are you mate?"

"Be quiet." Klaus snapped, causing Enzo's features to light up.

"And he talks! Not much, it's a start. Now, are you going to let me out of these chains, or are we waiting for Caroline to storm in and cause one of her typical spoiled brat tantrums?" he asked pleasantly, watching with a smirk as the hybrid hesitated, knowing all too well no one was dumb enough to get on the perky little blonde bad side.

It didn't take her long to figure out where Rebekah and Klaus were hiding.

There she stood, outside of the largest house in the area, breathing in and out slowly as she mustered up all of her confidence. She was about to see Klaus. Who currently has your friend hostage. He was inside the house. Probably torturing Enzo.

It took less than a second after that thought for her to charge into the house, hair bouncing on her shoulders as she strode in confidently. The man had only just been released from his last hell. She wasn't about to be the reason for his next imprisonment.

"Klaus, stop it!" she yelled angrily at the scene in front of her, running forwards in a blur to knock the stake from Klaus' grasp, moving to yank it from Enzo's body quickly. "Enzo, are you alright?" she asked worriedly, cupping his face with both hands as she checked for injuries, a panicked look on her features as she watched his eyes flickered back open. Once assured that he was still living she turned to Klaus.

"What are you doing to him?" she almost screamed at him, her eyes alight with anger. There was no way that Enzo could of provoked Klaus so much, though she knew the idiot could of if he'd really tried. Before Klaus could open his mouth her attention was drawn back to Enzo due to the laughter coming from the vampire.

"Told you." he breathed out raggedly, and Caroline was taken aback with how smug such a beaten and bruised prisoner could look.

"Well Enzo here made quite a few lewd comments, towards both you and my sister." the original's voice called over, capturing her attention once again. "I merely thought it important to educate him otherwise."

"Who you then proceeded break the neck of." Enzo chimed in helpfully.

"A little besides the point."

"Where are the keys to these chains Klaus? Because I swear to god, I'm going to break these off of him myself." she growled, turning her back to Klaus and reaching for the chains, tugging at them with all her might. She could hear him sigh behind her, and stiffened suddenly as she felt his close proximity as he leaned over her to break the chains effortlessly, his chest pressing against her back as he leaned forwards.

"Thanks mate." Enzo said cheerfully as his arms fell to his side, and Caroline moved close to him, a concerned frown etched onto her gentle features as she checked him over once more.

"No worries mate." Klaus snarled back, and Caroline turned to see the briefest of emotion flicker through Klaus's eyes, and she was shocked to the core to recognize the emotion of jealousy.

"Seriously?" she snarled, eyes narrowing at the original, turning to stand in front of Enzo in a protective manner, chest rising and falling as she breathed in and out angrily. "Did you really come here because of that stupid phone call?"

"Yes." Klaus said through gritted teeth, clearly trying to ignore the man behind her as he focused on her.

"What did you say to him?" she asked in disbelief, huffing as Enzo moved to stand by her side, annoyed by how much pleasure he was clearly getting from the two arguing.

"I merely told him where we were." he said, and she didn't like the innocent look crossing his features.

"I need a drink." she declared.

"Me too gorgeous, want to go and grab a bite?" Enzo offered.

"A bite?" Klaus asked incredulously, looking to Caroline as though she could explain his words. "You only drink from blood-bags if I recall correctly."

"I do." she muttered, not liking the fact that Enzo looked so comfortable in Klaus's makeshift home. "He's making a bad joke. He does that."

"Caroline, I wish to talk to you...alone." Klaus informed her, and Caroline noted the immediate frown that had come to Enzo's face, all playfulness and humor gone from his face.

"Not bloody likely." he snapped, and Caroline looked to him, causing his hard gaze to soften ever so slightly.

"Why don't we all sit down and get a drink." Caroline decided, placing a hand on Enzo's shoulder to calm him. "And you can...go snatch eat erase later." she added quickly, causing Enzo to smile slightly before she looked to Klaus, who nodded, tight lipped as she smiled wearily, knowing she would be playing peacemaker between the two men.

"WHAT IN HELL DID YOU BLOODY THINK YOU WERE DOING?" a females voice screeched loudly from upstairs, and Caroline sighed, eyes closing to collect herself.

"It seems Rebekah has awoken for drinks too." Klaus said in a conversational tone, and Enzo chuckled under his breath, already moving to begin his draining of the Mikaelson alcohol supply.