Sorry for the incredibly long wait.

Ozpin's office

"You want to do what?!"

Ozpin sat behind his desk with a calm expression on his face as he took a sip from his mug. "James, inside voice."

James Ironwood took a deep breath to calm himself. He looked towards the two terrified teens that were in each others arms, sitting on the floor in the corner of the room. They looked terrified. "I apologize for my outburst just then. Please, sit back down over here." He said, gesturing to the two seats in front of Ozpin's desk.

Jaune slowly got up, now carrying Neo. She refused to be put down so Jaune took the seat that was farthest from the General and sat down with Neo now sitting on his lap.

Ironwood gave the teens a concerned look. "I said I was sorry." He mumbled to himself.

"James, focus." Ozpin told the General.

Ironwood sighed and turned his attention back towards Ozpin. "I'm not all for this plan of yours, Ozpin. But, that doesn't mean that it won't work..." Looking back at the two teens, letting out another sigh the General continued. "Fine, but only for one week."

With that said, Ironwood made his way to one of the elevators. As he reached the elevator, Ozpin asked one last question. "You'll make the preparations at once?"

"Of course." Ironwood responded back as the elevator doors closed.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Jaune asked, honestly doubting the Headmaster's plan.

Taking a sip from his mug before answering. "I'm certain of it, Mr. Arc. And Miss Neapolitan, I guarantee Mr. Torchwick's safety."

Both Jaune and Neo nodded their heads at the Headmaster but still not very confident in this plan.

Setting down his mug, Ozpin placed a small box on his desk and pushed it towards the two teens. "This is for you."

Neo reached forward and opened the box. Jaune and Herself were a little surprised with what was inside.

"It may be a little... Big." Ozpin commented.

Beacon cafeteria

The NPR of JNPR sat at their usual breakfast table with the members of RWBY.

Starting with Nora and going right sat Ren then Pyrrha and soon Jaune. Blake sat across from Nora and going to her left was Weiss Then Ruby and finally Yang.

"So, Jaune and the little psycho went to see Ozpin. What for?" Yang asked.

"Didn't say. Also, she is not a psycho!" Nora said as she threw a grape at Yang's face only for her to catch it in her mouth.

"But, she is little."

"Well sh- but-..." Nora tried to argue but instead ended up crossing her arms and looking away from Yang with a grumpy expression on her face. "It's a cute little." She muttered under her breath.

"She's not that cute." Ruby muttered with her arms crossed.

"What's wrong?"

Everyone at the table turned their attention to Jaune who had somehow approached the table with no one noticing.

"When did you get here!?" Blake asked, surprised that she of all people hasn't noticed him sooner.

"Just now. So, did we miss anything?" Jaune asked as he sat down across Yang and next to Pyrrha, setting his tray that seemed to have an extra bowl of chicken soup on it.

"Not mu- wait. We?" Yang asked, confused.

Jaune looked around the room slightly confused. "She was with me just a second ago-oh no."

Everyone looked in the direction where Jaune was looking to see Cardin, Russel and Sky trying to hold back their laughter. They were standing in front of a very angry looking short girl with pink and brown hair. Wearing a slightly oversized Beacon girl's uniform with long baggy sleeves that went to her knuckles and the skirt extending just above her knees.

"Those poor bastards." Yang said.

"What do you mean?" Pyrrha asked as she and everyone else at the table looked to Yang for an answer.

*Sound of a table being broken*

*Sound of a girlish scream followed by shattering glass*

*The sound of one Sky Lark cowering in fear* "I-I'm s-sorry!"

Everyone turned back from Yang, only for them to stare in mild shock at the scene in front of them (at least, everyone except for Yang and apparently Jaune).

"H-how!?" Pyrrha asked.

"Go Neo!" Nora cheered happily.

"Weren't those bracelets suppose to make her weaker or something?!" Weiss asked.

"Well, it is just Cardin and two of his teammates." Blake commented.

"Like I said, those poor bastards." Yang repeated.

The scene in the lunch room was... honestly, not very surprising. Cardin who was now laying in the wreckage of what was once a lunch table, a broken window and Sky who was cowering on the ground while holding a lunch tray up to defend himself from a very angry Neo, glaring down at him. It seemed like she wasn't exactly finished as she took a menacing step towards the downed teen while he scooted back in fear.

"Okay, I think they've had enough."

Neo turned to see that girl that's always wearing the sunglasses with an amused smile on her face.

"Besides." Coco leaned forward, tipping her sunglasses so her eyes are visible. "I think your boyfriend is waiting."

Neo blushed at the use of the word boyfriend. She nodded and made her way towards the table that Jaune was sitting at. Arriving at the table, she sat down next to Jaune which happened to be in between him and Pyrrha. Immediately, she was met with a small problem...

"Problem there short stuff?" Yang asked, trying really hard to not laugh.

With Neo being as... Short as she is (or everything else was just too damn tall) makes sitting at a normal lunch table rather awkward. Especially so since sitting down means that basically her head is the only thing that's visible from the other side of the table.

"Is she going to be able to eat?" Ruby asked with a snicker.

In her frustrated anger, Neo quickly grabbed one of the bowls of soup off of Jaune's tray only to accidentally drop it and spill it onto her lap. To say that the soup was very hot would be an understatement. A decent way to describe this soup's temperature when it is spilled onto someone's lap would be to say that... It felt more like molten lava instead of soup. And Neo's face described that feeling almost perfectly and she would be screaming if she could.

Pyrrha and Team RWBY would have laughed at the short girl's misfortune if they had not themselves experienced the same misfortune at one point as well.

Jaune quickly handed Neo some napkins and wet naps which she quickly took and started wiping and dabbing her skirt and bare legs. After using ten napkins and three wet naps, Neo deemed herself clean (even if she did smell a little bit like chicken soup now).

"Do you need to go to the bathroom?" Jaune asked.

Neo shook her head in response.


Neo nodded her head.

Jaune sighed and placed the other bowl of soup in front of her on the table with the spoon already in the bowl.

Neo cautiously grabbed the spoon with some of the soup in it. Unfortunately when she tried to bring the spoon to her mouth she spilled the small amount of soup on the table this time. She tried again only to get the same result. The table was just to damn high and made it awkward for her.

Before she could try again, Jaune took the spoon from her. Dipping the utensil into the bowl and scooping out some of the hot liquid. "Would it be easier if I um, fed you?" Jaune asked, unsure if she was okay with this.

Neo blushed lightly while nodding her head.

"Well, you might want to blow on it a bit first." He suggested, bringing the spoon closer to her mouth.

To some (well, maybe just Nora and possibly Ren) this may seem sweet. Someone feeding someone else. Others (six girls. five of them were sitting at this very table while the sixth with rabbit ears on top of her head was sitting at a table on the other side of the room, looking through one of those pocket telescopes) may think differently. Something along the line of 'Don't. You. Dare!'

Of course, Neo couldn't read their minds. With a light blush on her face, she lightly blew on the soup being held by the spoon in front of her before opening her mouth to allow Jaune to... Feed her. Which he did. Inserting the bowl of the spoon gently into her mouth, and let her drink the now cooled off liquid. Normally, Neo didn't like chicken soup but it was different this time. Maybe this was the good chicken soup that she had somehow never had before now. Or was it because Jaune was feeding her? Would that mean if he were to feed her... Carrots, that she'd actually like them? Maybe they could try it some time.

"Is it okay?" Jaune asked as he pulled the spoon back.

Neo nodded her head with a light smile.

Jaune nodded back with a smile of his own as he dipped the spoon back into the soup bowl so they could continue. As he did this, a chill ran down his spine as did many others in the general vicinity. He paid it no mind however since he's been getting that feeling a lot lately.

If Jaune or Neo were paying attention to their surroundings, they would have noticed the glares they were receiving from six females. Five who were sitting at the same table and one who was at the other end of the lunchroom who happens to have noticeable rabbit ears on top of her head.

"Think we should do something?" Nora whispered to Ren.

Ren sighed. "Probably. But what?" He whispered back.

Nora cupped her chin with her hand in thought. "Well..." She shrugged, got up from her seat, walked to the end of the table near where she was sitting, placed her hands underneath the tabletop and with a battle cry... Flipped the table sending everyone sitting there almost flying through the air and falling onto the floor.

"NORA!" Ren screamed while the table was being flipped.

After the table was flipped there was one question on everyone's mind.

"Why?" The question came a now downed Weiss.

Nora shrugged. "Reasons."

"That doesn't really answer the question." Blake said as she started to stand up.

"Well, this is Nora..." Yang said as she helped Ruby and Weiss to their feet.

"She might have a poi-" Ruby stopped talking and just stared at something on the floor.

The group turned their attention to see Pyrrha lying on top of Jaune on the floor.

"Well, it's not me but at least it's not short stuff." Yang commented.

Meanwhile on the floor. "Sorry, Jaune." Pyrrha apologized.

"*Groan* It's fine. But do you think you can get off? I think Neo is having a tough time breathing."

Pyrrha gave him a confused look before looking down to see pink and brown hair. Neo has been unfortunately crushed in between Pyrrha and Jaune after the table was flipped.

Pyrrha quickly rolled off of Neo and Jaune to then stand up. Allowing the shorter girl to breathe properly again. "You okay?" Jaune asked the shorter girl still lying on top of him.

Breathing heavily to catch her breath, she nodded in response before getting off of Jaune and now standing. She offered a hand to him which he gratefully took and with her help was pulled onto his feet.

"Thanks." He thanked the shorter girl.

"What is going on here!?" Came the voice of an angry Glynda Goodwitch.

Why is she so angry? Well, the first thing that she sees upon entering the lunch room was the over flipped table and all of the food that was on said table was now on the floor. The second thing or things was Cardin Winchester who was laying in the wreckage that was once a lunch table, one of the windows was broken and one Sky Lark could be seen standing up just outside of the broken window and Russel Thrush who was curled up in the fetal position on the floor while mumbling something about a little ice cream demon.

"W-we can explain. You see-" Yang started but stopped when the bell rang, signaling the students that it was time for class.

Glynda sighed heavily. "Just get to class. I have some cleaning up to do."

Dust usage and application

All of the students have taken their seats and are now waiting for the teacher to enter the room and begin class.

"Hey, did you guys hear?" Yang asked.

"Hear what?" Ruby asked.

"Apparently we're getting a new teacher."

"Oh, do you know who it is?" Blake asked curiously.

Yang shook her head. "Not a clue."

*Nervous laughter*

The group turned to look at the source of the laughter which turned out to be Jaune who was sitting next to Neo. Both of whom seemed to look a little nervous.

"What's the matter with you two?" Weiss asked with a raised eyebrow.

"W-well..." Jaune stopped when the door to the classroom opened, drawing everyone's attention.

Walking into the classroom was a man wearing black dress shoes, black dress pants and an untucked white button up dress shirt. He had orange hair with long bangs that covered his right eye.

"Hello, you all probably know who I am already. If you don't though, them my name is Roman Torchwick but you can just call me Mr. Torchwick." Roman introduced him self with a smile.

So, I want to tell you guys about a few story ideas that may happen sometime in the future. These won't be happening anytime soon but I kinda want to see if any of these are interesting.

A story where Pyrrha has no interest in Jaune and actually finds him kind of annoying. Weiss is actually interested in Jaune. Jaune is interested in Pyrrha instead of Weiss. So basically Pyrrha and Weiss are sort of trading places.

The story wouldn't revolve around this. The teams will be slightly different. I want to keep the characters as close to cannon as possible. I also want to follow the events of cannon as closely as possible but there would be more interactions between characters that have had little to none in the show. Jaune would also have another secret.

This would probably be a long and ongoing story that would keep going as long as the show continues. I don't want to make too many changes to the characters or events in the show. I guess just enough for a 'what if scenario'.

Another idea was if Glynda was de-aged so that she was about 17. She would then have to attend Beacon as Glynda's niece until she can be returned to normal.

The other ideas I have are just RWBY crossover ideas.

RWBYxDarker than black

RWBYxCode Lyoko



RWBYxLegend of Zelda

Another RWBYxHDN

None of these will be happening anytime soon (probably). Just wanted to see if any of these seemed interesting at all.