So this is my first time writing...anything really, other than crap for school projects and such. Reviews are pretty much needed, as long as you're not going to be a total dick about it (moderate dick is acceptable). This one's basically a Bumblebee fluff piece, set soon after the end of volume 2, so I guess it would technically be post-canon until the show starts back up. (There is debate as to whether the post-credits scene was a dream or not, but for the purposes of this story, let's just say it was).


For this chapter I mainly added some descriptive elements and fixed the pacing in some places and set it up better for the next chapter (cause honestly I had noooooo idea wtf I was doing).

Also took out that awful line about a "massage for the heart," it still gives me nightmares. (See what I did there? It's relevant)

"Who are you?"

Blake's sensitive ears pricked at the soft question, spoken to the darkness, and her eyes slowly crept open. Trying to locate its source while still lost in sleep herself, she sat up slowly, so as to not wake her teammates.

She groaned silently. What time is it? Her mind somehow managed to form coherent thought through a haze of unconsciousness.

Upon glancing at the alarm clock on her windowsill, the unwelcome light of red neon bored the numbers 2:07 into her skull. A twinge of annoyance shot through her at having been woken at such an ungodly hour and she flopped back down, trying to fall asleep as quickly as possible.

I must have either imagined it, or dreamt it. Nothing to worry about.

Grimacing, Blake recalled how every now and then, when she gave in to sleep, she would find herself, once more, on a train speeding through a sea of crimson. She would watch as the man she had once followed laughed, finding ecstasy in destruction, delighting in the chaos he caused. She would see the look of betrayal on his face as she left, and would once again feel the sting of absolute solitude.

These dreams had plagued the girl ever since she had departed her old life.

A soft groan pulled her from the demons – or thedemon – of her past, and back to reality, and she quickly realized that it definitely had not been a dream. The sounds which had woken her had come from directly above.


Blake, along with the rest of her teammates had long known that Yang was prone to talking in her sleep, as they'd shared this room for several months now. Ruby was unsurprisingly unaffected by this tendency, having clearly grown used to it long before she had arrived at Beacon. However, where Weiss – true to form – took great exception to this disturbance, to Blake, there was something comforting in being able to fall asleep to the soft voice of her partner, and she secretly relished the opportunity whenever it presented itself.

But this time, Blake knew something was wrong. The customary whispers and occasional giggling had been replaced by groans and desperate questions.

"Who are you?"

"What do you want?"

Blake slipped her bare feet onto the floor and stood slowly, concern etched into her pale face. Hoisting herself up to Yang's level, she saw how the normally beautiful and peaceful face was scrunched up as if in pain, dark lines forming around her eyebrows and mouth. Immediately, she began shaking the blonde's shoulder, desperate to save the girl from whatever unseen beast it was that troubled her.

"Yang", she whispered gently into her partner's ear, "Yang, please wake up".

It worried her. This wasn't like Yang. She was normally so at ease, so confident, so strong. It hurt to see the fierce, courageous girl looking this helpless.

Yang inhaled sharply as her eyes popped open, and Blake could see a glaze of scarlet.

It must have been pretty bad for her eyes to change colour in her sleep...Was the first thought that came to mind for the young Faunus.

Relieved that she was finally awake, Blake smiled tenderly at the girl, cupping her cheek unconsciously.

"Blake? What are you doing?" Yang did not seem to have noticed the unusually intimate touch.

"I was worried about you. Bad dream?" The blonde shifted slightly, almost as if nuzzling into the hand that still lay on her cheek. Blake rapidly drew her hand away in embarrassment, a gesture which also seemed to go unnoticed, to Blake's relief.

"Well it wasn't full of puppies and rainbows, that's for sure." Yang tried to joke.

Blake rolled her eyes. It was so like Yang to immediately play it off as if it were nothing, but raven-haired girl knew better.

"Tell me."

"Blake, it was nothing, I'm fi-" Blake cut the blonde off as she jumped up to Yang's bunk, sitting cross-legged in front of her.

"No, you're not, I've never seen you like this Yang, you scared me a little back there. And I still owe you for...well, a lot of things. Just please, tell me what's wrong."I need to help you Yang, why can't you see that?

Yang sat up, inviting Blake to lean against the headboard with her. "Alright Blakey, if you insist," she said, trying to sound playful in order to ease Blake's concern, though the Faunus didn't buy it. "But I'm going to have to give you some context first."

Yang proceeded to recount her experience on the White Fang's train. How she had fought Neo: "that multicoloured bitch," – as Yang was fond of calling her. How she had been beaten badly and left completely at Neo's mercy. How she had awoken to see a mysterious woman dressed in red, just as she vanished into thin air, with Neo nowhere to be found.

That woman must have chased Neo off. As confused as she was, Blake couldn't help but feel grateful towards the stranger, and a chill washed over her as she realized what might have happened if the woman in red had not appeared.

If I had lost her...

Yang Xiao Long had been Blake's best friend since they'd met, and her first real friend in far longer than Blake would like to remember. She trusted Yang with her life as a partner and knew that the feeling was mutual, a sentiment for which she couldn't begin to express her gratitude. But even so, over the past few weeks as fresh ordeals had pushed the two closer than ever, a new, nagging feeling had surfaced and decided to come along for the ride. Up until that moment, Blake had never considered the possibility that she might have feelings for this hot-headed beauty. Oh how time changes us...

She was brought back to reality as the brawler rested her blonde head on Blake's shoulder, as if she could sense her partner's change in mood, and wanted to assure her that she was still there. Despite her best efforts, the Faunus couldn't suppress a slight blush at the sudden intimacy.

"But what does that woman have to do with your dream tonight?" she asked, still not seeing how it all fit together and eager to break the silence.

Yang sighed. "Well, in my dream it was the middle of the night, but I was wandering around outside. For some reason I felt drawn to the statue in the middle of campus, and when I got there she...she was waiting for me."

Okay, getting somewhere."And?" The Faunus gently prompted her teammate to continue.

"I asked her who she was. No answer, but then she took off her mask and..." Yang paused slightly before continuing with a breathy sentence. "She looked like me. Not exactly, and with black hair and red eyes, but still..."

Blake shook her head, trying to make sense of this. Strange, she thought, why would something like that cause her this much pain?

But Yang wasn't finished. "She told me that we had a lot to talk about, but at that point I was getting frustrated, so I snapped at her to get to the point"

Blake smiled. It seemed her partner was just as impatient in dreams as she was in reality.

"But then.." Blake heard Yang choke up as she tried to finish her story, so she wrapped an arm around her partner's shoulders and pulled her closer.

"She said...", Yang seemed to struggle with the words, so Blake gave her a squeeze, "What did she say?" she asked softly.

Yang exhaled slowly. "She said she was my mom, Blake."

The Faunus girl tried to process what Yang had said. Oh Yang...

She looked down at her partner, who had a single tear rolling down her face as she finished. "I just stood there in shock, and next thing I knew, she disappeared. It was like she planned it all just to fuck with me!" Yang shook as frustration and grief surged through her.

It broke Blake's heart to know that the mother who had abandoned this girl as a child had come back to haunt her dreams as well. It was a feeling she knew all too well, and when she spoke, her voice was filled with sympathy.

"Yang, it was just a dream, everything's going to be okay." The words sounded hollow, even to herself, because she knew that everything was very much not okay. Years of pain and sorrow over a lost mother had all been dug up at once, and all that suffering had along come with them.

She wanted to help Yang. She had to help Yang. However, she knew that there was nothing she could say that might ease the girl's pain, so she did the only thing that came to mind, now that words had failed her.

She gently shifted her partner so that the blonde's head rested just below her chin, and started a low rumble deep in her chest, praying that the vibrations would prove therapeutic in some way. After a few seconds, Yang spoke.

"Blake?" The Faunus glanced down and met her partner's eyes, relieved to find that they had returned to their natural violet colour.

"Are you purring?"

Not quite what I was expecting, but then again, nothing ever is with this girl. Maybe that's why I...shit. Rather than continue with that train of thought, she smiled sheepishly."It was the first thing that came to mind."

"Blake, that's so adorable!" Yang's tone had lost some of the strain that had built up as she told her story. Well if I'd known it would be that simple to take her mind off of things...The Faunus xouldn't help but feel slightly exasperated with the girl in her arms, but it would not last.

"Don't stop." The undertone of need in the request took Blake off guard, and any annoyance she may have felt vanished instantly.

So she didn't stop, she held Yang close, hoping that her meagre attempt at comfort would be enough sooth the troubled girl. To her relief, Yang's breathing slowly became more steady, and her body ceased its occasional trembling. She noticed her partner looking up at her, and as their eyes met once again, Blake saw something in the deep, violet orbs that she had never seen before. Her breath hitched.

Fuck it, I'm probably going to hell anyway.

"I'm going to try something." Now it was Blake's voice that trembled. "Blake, what are you..."

The blonde girl trailed off as Blake reached down, and her eyes widened as she realized what the Faunus was about to do, but she did not shy away. After what seemed like an eternity, their lips met, and Blake's heart soared.

The kiss was soft and tentative, neither girl entirely sure how to react to this new-found contact, and though Blake may have secretly dreamt, hoped for this moment, her mind went blank, and all that mattered was the girl in her arms.

Suddenly, something clicked between them, and trepidation gave way to passion as the kiss deepened, starting a sensuous dance as Blake tried to pour everything she hadn't been able to say into her partner's lips.

As if in answer to the silent plea, the blonde wrapped her arms around Blake's neck, pulling the girl even closer as she tugged at her bottom lip, requesting access. As the kiss deepened even further, and they began to explore one-anothers mouths, acquainting themselves with the taste and feel, something primal stirred in Blake's core.

Growling slightly, she flipped Yang onto her back, taking a more dominant role as the lust began to bubble. The blonde yelped quietly, surprised at how forward the Faunus was being and not entirely sure how to react. Being the less introsepective of the two, Yang was still unsure how she felt about the recent deepening of their relationship, but it seemed that Blake was more than willing to take the next step. That being said, Yang wasn't taking issue with it.

She had noticed her feline partner's hands starting to wander, but couldn't suppress the loud gasp as Blake groped her left breast. Immediately clapping a hand over her own mouth, the brawler hoped beyond hope, but the damage was done.

"COOKIES!" A loud cry rang out as their young leader shot up, woken by her teammates'...activities.

Blake dove under the covers as Ruby started to turn to face her, not really in the mood to explain why exactly she was groping the girl's older sister.

"I thought I heard something, what's going on?" Ruby said, rubbing her eyes.

"It's nothing Ruby, probably just a dream," came the reassuring voice of the older sibling. The irony of that staement was not lost on Blake. "Go back to sleep."

Ruby let out a soft yawn. "Okay. Goodnight Yang." The pair breathed a collective sigh of relief as their leader lay back down and almost immediately fell back asleep.

"Well," the blonde began, "That was a thi-"

"Don't say it" Blake sighed. A creeping feeling of embarassment had begun to boil in her gut, she had taken things way too far, and it was unfair to Yang.

She started to jump back down to her own bunk, hiding her eyes in shame, but stopped as she felt a hand on her wrist.

"Stay with me, please" That pleading tone was back, something that Blake couldn't refuse, so she turned back and was met with the beautiful but unreadable face of her partner.

"Yeah, okay."

She lay back down next to Yang, cheeks still red and head still spinning as she silently biraded herself.

"Thank you Blake", came the soft whisper.

Well she doesn't seem to be mad or confused. I guess we'll have to talk about it in the morning...

Those were Blake's last thoughts before she fell into a fitful sleep.

If you have any tips, ideas, criticisms (constructive if at all possible), or if you just want to comment on what you liked/didn't like, don't hesitate to leave a review!