It was dark. The type of dark, that your eyes could never adjust to. The type of darkness that makes you question if you've lost your sight. A darkness, so dark it makes your eyes go numb. That's all Bonnie could see, or rather, could not see. But still she trekked forward, she knew all to well that she was no longer standing on a plane of reality, but one propelled by memories and imagination. She was standing in Kai's subconscious. And just because she'd lost one of her senses didn't mean she was going to forfeit. She attempted calling upon a flame but each one would die as quickly as it came. She walked forward for what felt like hours, the sound of her Dr. Martens hitting the floor being her only company. Until she walked right into a wall, so cold she swore it was ice, but instead it was steel. She felt her way around until she was lead to a door knob. She was aware that she had no idea what would await her on the other side of this door. That both scared and intrigued her. It could be all the horrors of the world, or worst all the horrors of Kai's imagination. But she inhaled and yanked the door open anyways. She exhaled as her face cringed, they were no monsters to battle, just an abundance of white.
She had stepped into a blinding white room and the change quickly agitated her eyes. Ceiling to floor everything was white making Bonnie lose all perception of dimension. And yet she walked forward into what she called, nothingness. It was after a good amount of time had past that she realized there was something other than her in this room. She couldn't tell what it was yet, until she walked right into it. She stood perplexed, this couldn't possibly be her ticket out of this room of vast nothingness that she now questioned. Heck it might not even be a room because she wasn't sure if there were any walls. But there was that door, a door she could no longer see. But she drew her attention back to the one thing that could possibly be her ticket out of here. The thing that lied before her, a bathtub that blended right into the nothingness, half full of water.
She wasn't too sure about this bathtub but given that there was no other escape she saw it as her only way out. She had no idea what the procedure for this was, like did she take off her shoes? She went to yank one of her boots off and then voted against it. She grabbed both sides of the tub and sat herself in it. Waiting for something to happen, anything. Nothing did other than her growing uncomfortable due to her wet clothes. Finally she let go of both sides and slid herself under the water. When she opened her eyes again she knew that she was somewhere else. There was no longer a bottom to the tub she was somewhere in the ocean?
Immediately panic began to boil through her body, ever since the quarry she was no longer a fan of deep waters. Instantly she thought of drowning and that made her think of Stefan. Her body kicked into high gear as she fought her way to the top. The water getting more clear as she advanced, but out of the corner of her eye she saw something. It made her pause, and her eyes zeroed in. It was a body floating in the distance. Kai had to be testing her even within his own mind because he knew more than anyone that he had robbed her from ever swimming for leisure again. That being tied down in that quarry, the first night had broke her. But he also knew she couldn't just let someone die. So was it the right choice to swim to oxygen, or to swim to the body? Bonnie wasn't one to overthink so she made her decision fast. Despite all her anxiety and the thundering beat of her heart she swam forward to this body. The closer she got, the clearer the image got and she learned that the floating body was Kai. His body practically devoid of life and his eyes wide open frozen. He was chained to the ground, probably of his own doing. She quickly turned it to seaweed. She placed her hand on his chest and waited to feel his heart beat against it. She felt nothing. She grabbed his body and brought it close to her, then quickly created a bubble around them. She wondered why the hell she didn't think of that sooner! She grabbed his face and breathed into his mouth hoping this would work enough to get air to his lungs. She didn't want to find out what the ramifications were if Kai were to die inside his own mind. So she pumped him and thankfully to her luck he spat the water out right on her face.
He screamed once he recovered and realized what she had done. And though Bonnie could not hear his scream she felt it. His eyes even brighter against the red of his veins, he was something other than angry, he was terrified. But Bonnie didn't want to argue she just wanted to get out of this fucking water. Kai in his dismay popped the bubble and began to run. But Bonnie magically tied him to her via some seaweed she had found. Then she just yanked him along with her but her high waisted jeans had begun to morph for some reason into a long white gown. It made the swimming harder but still she kicked her way to the top. When she finally broke their way through the top she realized that they were now sitting in a different bathtub. No longer in the all white room but in an actual bathroom. Kai sat across from her, in a tuxedo, he didn't speak as he looked at the room in horror, she could see it in his eyes the man was unhinged. She looked down at herself, and realized the beautiful white gown she had on. Then she noticed all the blood on the floor and on Kai's hands, which he seemed to be using to rip out his hair.
"Kai, where-" Bonnie began to choke, as if she was being held under water against her will. But she wasn't under, in fact the only thing getting to her lungs was oxygen, but she felt as if she was internally flooding. This immediately got Kai out of his stupor.
"We have to go. Now." He picked her up out of the tub and swung the bathroom door open, once they stepped out she stopped choking and they were no longer in a house. From what Bonnie could see they were outside in a beautiful garden.
"What's happening?" Bonnie screamed of all her years of seeing within the minds of others not once, had she been through this. She had gotten down from his arms and was drastically looking for a way out. But there was none. In all directions there was a different image of a different memory and when she turned back to glance at it again there was a new one in its place. Not only could she see the images but she could hear the voices, a million of them all at once.
"Exactly what you wanted. We are in a nightmare. The worst one of all. Mine. So I suggest you run." Kai said as he didn't wait another second as he began to run through time, she followed after him, and the scenes around them began to follow them. She followed trying to escape time along with him. But the images of the past haunted her, and she knew that no amount of running would ever cease the echoes of the memories chanting in their ears.
"Kai you can't run forever." Bonnie begged as she came to a halt. Kai paused his back still to her, because he knew that what she had said was the truth.
"You really want to see, why I am the way I am?" It was a question that had come from deep inside him as he looked at the image of a girl with two pigtails on a swing set.
"Whatever it is your afraid of. Let's just face it, together." Bonnie gasped as she caught up to him. But he didn't face her.
"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you." Kai cackled eerily as he took her hand and stepped forward into a memory.
But the setting was off, Bonnie figured she'd be stepping into a living room. Instead they were in a small concrete grey room. There was a small toilet in the corner, and some cardboard on the floor with some sheets and what Bonnie guessed was a makeshift pillow. In the corner was a bucket full of water and a sponge. But despite the appalling dreariness of the room, there was every attempt to make it cheerful. There was an arrangement of all different types of colorful drawings on the walls. Bonnie listened to humming and in the corner sat a little girl, working on a new slab of cement with just the nubs of crayons. The girl had to be around 5 or 6. Her brown hair swaying to the side as she tilted her head to focus. Her humming stopped when she had officially ran out of crayon. Her hand dropped to the side in horror. Bonnie felt bad for the girl, but she didn't understand why she was watching this. What did this little girl have to do with Kai?
"Kai, who is this?" Bonnie asked but he didn't answer as he sat from the corner just watching the small child. Maybe it was his sister. Bonnie hadn't even realized the barred door until someone gave it a rattle. Then through a slot in the door, came a tray full of grey goop and toast. On the side was a little jar of strawberry jam and not a spoon in sight. The little girl ran to the door, to get a glimpse of the man who had left the food.
"Thank you, Father." She whispered. The man halted for a split second and then proceeded to walk up the stairs leaving the girl alone again. The girl touched the grey goop and cringed. She settled for the toast and took the little jar of jam and stuffed her hand in and began to eat out of it. After the girl ate the monstrosity of a meal, there was a creak and the pitter patter of little footsteps. Then at the barred door stood another little girl, with black hair, blue eyes and pale skin. She had to be the same age as the other little girl.
"Jo!" The brunette little girl squealed. Now Bonnie was really confused.
"Shhh." The raven haired girl exclaimed.
"Sorry. Did Father see you?"
"No, you know I always wait till he's napping." Jo smiled and the brunette smiled back at her.
"Did you find anything?"
"I did!" They both proceeded to squeal silently. Jo began to fish something out from underneath her dress.
"Here it is. I stuffed it in my undies so he wouldn't find it." Jo said proudly, as she held out what looked like a photo. The brunette girl yanked it out of her hand and examined the photo like a treasure. She slid down to the ground and just looked at it in awe. Kai gradually stood from his corner and made his way to the little girl holding the photograph and he stared at in awe as well.
"She was so pretty." The little girl cried as she traced the picture.
"I think she kinda looks like you."
"Really?" Kai couldn't help but smile at little Jo when she said that and his fingers grazed the photo along with the little girl he sat next too.
"Yeah look at her eyes." For another moment the little girl got lost in the photo.
"Alright, now give it back. You know what happens if Dad finds out."
"Yeah I know. Do you have any more crayons? I want to draw her."
"No, I gave you all of mine."
"Yeah but I just finished them. Try to get more."
"You know he won't buy anymore, until school starts. Now give me the photo." Jo said in pity as the little girl looked at the photo again, tracing it with her fingers.
"Kai." Both Kai and the little girl glanced at Jo. The little girl reluctantly gave the photo back. Instantly Bonnie cupped her mouth, she didn't know how she hadn't seen it sooner. As the two sat by side it made Bonnie's stomach churn knowing that little girl was actually a little Kai. Jo waved goodbye and disappeared up the steps and behind the door. The little girl's face quickly went from fallen to determined.
"Don't you worry Mommy, I'm gonna draw you." Then little Kai began to look around until his eyes fell on the the little glass jam jar. He took the little jar and threw it against the walls until it smashed. Then he picked up on of the shards and looked for a nice new slab to work on.
"This will be a good spot for Mommy." He smiled and then took the shard and shoved into his hand. He yelped and tears rolled down his face but when he saw the crimson rushing from his hand, he smiled. He dipped his finger in his own blood and began to paint.
Bonnie was terrified and oddly impressed with the determination of little Kai.
"Don't worry Bon, this wasn't the first time I bled and it certainly wasn't the last." Kai said as he looked at the young version of him, painting away.
"Kai, why are you in here?" Bonnie asked.
" Question of the century." Kai replied and the scene shifted. It was the same but it was different, the little boy had grown older and his hair longer, when a pregnant blonde woman came to the door.
"Hello Malachai." She smiled.
"Who are you?" Malachai questioned.
"I'm your new mommy."
"And I'm gonna set you free. I'm gonna open this door and when we get upstairs you can be my little helper." She smiled whimsically at him. But Malachai just stood in shock.
"Free?" As if he never heard the word.
"Mmhmm as long as you help me out." She took out the key and unlocked the door. She then swung it open. Little Kai did not move, because little Kai had never seen that door open. It was suffice to say he was overwhelmed as he took it in, but then like a wild stallion, he ran. He ran so fast up the stairs, he felt air born. The woman screamed after him. Bonnie quickly chased after him as he ran until he found the front door and yanked it open. He ran straight out into the pouring rain. He stopped, letting the rain pelt against his pale skin. He looked to the sky, he didn't understand any of it. The rain, the grass, the trees. None of it but he loved it. He squished his toes in the mud, and began to dance. Not once closing his eyes, as he took it all in. Bonnie danced with him as she couldn't help feel the joy he felt of being free. Kai smiled causing raindrops to fall where his two front teeth would grow to be.
"MALACHAI!" Yelled a man with raven hair and blue eyes, that had just parked his car. Jo came out from behind him, with a backpack on. Kai stopped in his tracks.
"Who let you out here!" Screamed the man as he marched towards Kai and Bonnie wished with all her might she could protect him.
"My new mommy." Kai answered with a hint of what could only be called sarcasm, and the woman in question finally came out.
"New mommy? Huh. You ain't got no mommy. And you wanna know why?" The man laughed as he reached him.
"Because she's dead." Kai stated as if this was conversation that had been repeated over and over.
"No. Because you're a monster. And monsters don't have mommies." He kneeled down and got eye level with Kai.
"You're a liar. I had a mommy and she loved me." Kai said standing his ground, which was impressive for a boy his age and who he was going against.
"Yeah you did. But you killed her." Then the man slapped Kai hard across his face and Kai fell to the ground. When he turned back to face him the hand print was on his cheek and his eyes were sweltering. And his father paused, as he stared into the boys' eyes. He caressed Kai's face as a memory he'd long ago had tried to forget infiltrated his mind.
"Rose?" Kai didn't understand anything and continued to cry.
"Now, Brad, was that really necessary? I took him out so he can clean the house while I watch my soaps." The pregnant blond woman said without an ounce of pity, dropping her whimsical act. And then the man snapped back into himself and yanked Kai by the shirt, as if he were afraid to touch his skin despite the fact he had just slapped him.
"Stop crying. Monsters don't cry." He said to him but it sounded more like he was trying to reassure himself of that.
The scene began to change around them, into a school setting. The Kai she had grown acquainted with in 1994 joined her. Little Kai had gotten a haircut and he now looked like a boy, he had grown taller, had a nice set of straight teeth and his skin had lost that sickly paleness. He sat in the back of the class in a yellow polo and black gloves.
"How did you convince your father to let you go to school?" Bonnie pondered.
"I didn't, as much as I hated Mary-"
"The pregnant lady from before."
"Yeah as much as I hated her for making me her slave. She did make the conscious decision that she needed a slave that could read." Kai smirked dully as he watched himself get his report card back from his teacher. Young Kai replicated the smirk the older one did as he glanced at the sheet. Bonnie guessed the grades must have been bad as he went to shove the report card into his backpack. Until the little girl next to him made him stop.
"I got three B's and four A's. What did you get?" She beamed at him with the pearls she called teeth and Bonnie swore she saw little Kai melt. He was clearly taken aback by the fact that this girl had decided to talk to him.
"It doesn't matter." He answered shyly. You could tell he was a little confused as to why this little girl had decided to speak to him.
"It matters, a little. Come on tell me, I promise I won't tell anyone." She answered her dark coffee eyes gleaming. Little Kai couldn't help it but his eyes gleamed in return.
"I got straight A's." Malachai confessed and the little girls eyes grew wide.
"Not uh." She grabbed the report card from him; her giant dense pigtails that looked like floating pom poms shook slightly. But her eyebrows sky rocketed when she saw that he wasn't lying. Bonnie walked behind the little girl to see just how great these grades were. And right there next to each class was an A+.
"Are you like a genius?" The girl sincerely asked.
"No." Malachai chuckled.
"Well you're a lot smarter than me." She grinned as she handed back his report card. When he went to grab it, his black glove touched her hand for a minuscule second causing Malachai to swallow and Bonnie couldn't help but giggle at the scene.
"Grades don't determine our intelligence. They just determine how good we are at memorizing the materials they shove down our throats and taking tests. Things monkeys can do. Besides, I'm sure you're plenty smart." Malachai finished by picking at the edge of his notebook as the bell rung.
"You're probably right. But it takes a smart boy to notice that we're doing achieving things monkeys can do." The girl giggled as she hypothesized while she stuffed all her books into her backpack. Malachai couldn't help but gaze at her, she had to have been the first person in his life whose ever complemented him. But he quickly got up and attempted to look aloof while grabbing his things once she turned back around.
"What's your name again?" She pondered out loud once again catching him off guard.
"Uhm.. Malachai Parker." He answered reluctantly.
"Uhh- yeah" He began to roll his eyes in disdain.
"Really? You're the first white boy I've met with a unique name, its so much cooler than like Kyle. I like it." If her talking to him earlier left him surprised, he was baffled now.
"My name's-"
"Valerika Jones... We have science together." Malachai compensated with. Bonnie saw it clear that baby Kai had a crush.
"Wow, you even said it right. I'm impressed. Maybe we can study together sometime." She said with a tilt of her head making her look all the more adorable.
"uh..yeah, totally." Malachai answered and a small smile broke out on his face, but if you blinked you'd have probably missed it. But Bonnie didn't miss it, in fact it hurt her to know that even at this age Kai didn't allow himself to feel, as the scene began to shift once again. This time they were in the woods somewhere and Malachai had grown yet again he had a yellow windbreaker bangs, and the zits that came with puberty. Bonnie glanced at Kai to see if he would give any pretext but he looked thoroughly confused as if he didn't recall the scene before him. This time he was surrounded by what Bonnie could only imagine was an older Valerika who now wore her dense curls down to her shoulders. Next to her was another girl with wavy raven hair and strong brows and a slightly crooked nose. Lastly stood another boy with curly Jesus-like hair and a tall lean frame.
"Who wants to play manhunt?" Asked the girl with the deep set brows.
"Riya, you know I'm not the running type." The curly haired boy answered.
"Right, unless it's after boys." Riya snarkly answered.
"Well that's completely different." The boy smirked.
"I'm sure it is, Eli." Valerika joined in.
"You know it is." Eli winked at her.
"Ugh you guys swear you can speak another language just because you guys saw Josh Raymar's butt." Riya rolled her eyes. Bonnie couldn't help but be reminded of herself in Riya.
"If you had seen it, you'd speak a different language too." Valerika laughed and Eli nodded.
"Fine. Josh may have the perfect butt, but can we play manhunt so I can kick your butts." She smiled confidently.
"You win one track meet." Eli snickers.
"I'm down, to let you taste my dust." Valerika smiles with mischief.
"I don't think I can, it's almost time for me to head back soon." Kai spoke for the first time. In all honesty Bonnie had forgotten he was there given his silence.
"Come on, it'll be a quick game." Valerika promised.
"Here we go. Mr. Silent and Boring, will continue to be silent and boring." Eli sang.
"Sorry Elias, we can't all be free-spirited. And I prefer Mr. Safe and B" Kai smirked.
"But if you can't be free spirited when your fifteen when can you be." Valerika argues.
"When you die. Isn't that what your moms always preaching about?" Kai's eyes widened and Valerika rolled hers.
"Shut up, you know Val's mom is crazy." Riya retorted.
"But not crazier then Kai's." Eli laughs.
"Exactly why we all get along." Riya smiles.
"She's not my mom." Kai stated and the laughter quickly died.
"We know." Val offered.
"Why do you always gotta do that?" Riya sighed.
"Do what?" Kai asked confused.
"Ruin the mood?"Riya questioned cautiously.
"Because our friend here has no social cues. Which is why he can't talk to girls." Eli said putting his hands on Kai's shoulders.
"He talks to us all the time." Valerika retorted in defense taking his arm.
"Yeah he talks to us all the time." Riya said taking his other arm and for a second Kai smiled being surrounded by ladies.
"Yeah but you guys don't really count."
"Excuse you?" The girls answered simultaneously.
"Let's face it babes you don't necessarily dress to your full potential. And Riya I once saw you fart the alphabet." Eli said folding his arms in disgust of the memory he just relived.
"I think they're the prettiest girls in school. And your fart alphabet is an impressive feat." Kai smiled and the girls quickly turned to goo while Eli rolled his eyes to the the Philippines and back.
"Why thank you Kai. I'm glad someone appreciates my talents." Riya said as she threw her long hair over her shoulder.
"Kai appreciates that because he's weird." Eli said finding an excuse.
"I'm not weird. You're weird." Kai retorted.
"I'm not weird, I'm just gay." Eli explained.
"Okay and I'm just... different." Kai smiled.
"Fine, if you're not weird answer me this, why the gloves?" Kai's smile faded and so did the girls.
"You know we don't ask about the gloves." Val responded.
"No we've known the kid for 3 years and not once have we questioned his gloves. But they're weird and I wanna know." Val and Riya didn't say anything as they all looked at the ground they couldn't help but admit that they were curious and have been courteous enough not to ask all this time. Kai knew that they awaited an answer and he honestly didn't know what to tell them. " My father is... crazy and he thinks if I wear these gloves I won't hurt anyone." Kai swallowed, awaiting the response from his friends. After a couple of seconds of still silence, they erupted in laughter and Kai attempted laugh along with them still very confused.
"That's it!"
"And here I was thinking that you had magical powers or something." Riya laughed.
"That too." Kai laughed, glad his friends weren't going to ostracize him.
"Wait, what?" Val laughed.
"Dude, I'm like a wizard. And I'm so glad you guys are cool with it." Kai laughed to his core while the rest of his friends went silent. And Bonnie's eyebrows skyrocketed at what Kai had just done. Younger Kai continued laughing until he realized he was the only one.
"What did you say?" Riya questioned gravely.
"So glad you guys are cool with it?" Kai grinned.
"No before that, Kai." Val replied.
"Dude?" Kai chuckled.
"AFTER THAT!" Eli screamed.
"Ohhh. That I'm like a wizard." Kai smiled completely unaware of how dumbstruck everyone else was and Bonnie smacked her forehead.
"How are you like a wizard? " Riya asked with her eyes nearly popping out of her damn head.
"Well it's kinda complicated. They don't really have a name for what I am, because I don't have an energy source. I have to use other energy sources in order to practice magic. And because of that my father doesn't allow me to practice, because it may hurt other people. But I've read all the books and if no one is around I try to practice then, my sister sometimes gives me a little of her magic, so that I can learn." Kai breathed relieved he can finally be free from his big secret. But everyone of his friends stood there with there jaws wide open.
"Do you have any magic on you now?" Riya begged.
"I mean a little." Kai answered.
"Show us. Practice in front of us." Val whispered, her eye huge waiting.
"Well there has been this one thing I've been wanting to try."
"I swear Kai if this is just another one of your mind tricks, I'll kick your ass." Eli pointed but waited just like the rest of them.
"It's not I swear." Kai exclaimed he was bursting with excitement as he took of his gloves and put them in his pockets. His friends stood shocked this was the first time they had ever seen his hands they half expected a finger to be missing but they were all there. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a pin that said "Suck it!" on it and laid it in the middle of his palm and it began to glow and all his friends gasped. After it glowed he put the pin back in his back pocket and smacked his hands together. Kai was concentrated as he began to mutter something under his breath and none of his friends dared to exhale. Slowly he brought his hands apart and slowly shifted them up. That's when it happened. Slowly but surely they had all begun to float, right there in the middle of the woods.
"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" Val screamed.
"This is epic, this is crazy!" Eli cried out into the setting sun.
"I knew it! I knew you were magical!" Riya laughed as her stood well above her head.
"How?" Kai laughed, like genuinely laughed.
"I just knew." Riya smiled they were only two feet above the ground but they felt millions of miles above the world and Kai had the brightest smile ever to have been found on his face, to know that he was sharing this with friends.
"Touch me." Riya said lifting her hand towards him.
"You've never touched anyone before. So touch me." Riya smiled and Kai slowly brought his fingers near her hand but was afraid to touch her, he pulled back.
"No I can't." Kai swallowed.
"Come on. I trust you." Kai searched Riya's eyes and found nothing but kindness and so he did as she asked, his fingers danced on her palm and hers on his and a small current went through the air. It was like their bodies had been rejuvenated.
"Touch my hair." Val giggled as she swam in the air towards him.
"Why your hair?"
"Because your soul is in your hands and mine is in my hair." She grabbed his wrists and brought them towards her hair, something he had always dreamed of touching, so when he did a breeze went through scattering leaves everywhere. And Valerika had felt the breeze in her soul.
"Kai this is beautiful." Bonnie told the grown up Kai next to her and all he did was stare ahead longingly at the memory he had long forgotten.
"Yeah, sure. Now that you've seen it can we please leave this memory?" Kai said tensely.
"Why? Why would you wanna leave this?" Bonnie pondered, as she stared at the group of friends now holding hands as they floated back to the ground and Kai rediscovered his fifth sense. They laid on the fertile earth for a moment taking what just happened in, and then they all rolled on top of Kai giving him a giant hug.
"Kai!" Someone yelled and Bonnie turned to find Jo standing not to far away.
"Kai, where are your gloves?" Jo stopped in her tracks.
"That's why. We have to go now." Kai said as he refused to look at Jo.
"Why? What's happening?" Bonnie asked as she looked to the fear on young Kai's face matching the current Kai's expression.
"MALACHAI." There was no mistaking that voice it was the same voice Bonnie had heard earlier. A few feet behind Jo stood her father. Suddenly the memory began to distort, it paused itself. Then played itself. Like a crap movie trying to load and Kai held his head in pain.
"We have to go now!" He yelled as he held both his temples and Bonnie was beginning to feel a pounding in her head, as the colors all around her brightened and scenes began to fly past them again but they were all separate stills of the same scene they were just in. Kai fell to the floor crumbling, the foundation of whatever they were in started to shake. Bonnie closed her eyes, as she felt this burning sensation. Everything hurt but after awhile it all simmered back down to a complete stillness. She slowly opened her eyes and found herself all alone.
"Kai?" She said as she turned around. But the only thing that replied to her was the cold utter truth of solitude.
If you guys still read this kudos to you, I mean TVD is officially over. I've been writing this chapter for like a year now lol, because I didn't know how to write it. But today I decided to just post it, or I would never post it. So I apologize if this is just a complete hot mess.