Chapter 11: The Boiling Point
Dot was doing her best not to lose her cool. But everyone's funky attitudes, intentional or not, were really starting to test her patience.
[Scene 2 Take 1]
"Meanwhile, for Gunga Dot, the crowd was getting hot. She ran this way, she ran that way on the fly." Shere Khan narrated.
"This Kool-aid isn't cool!" Ralph criticized the punch Dot gave him. Skippy tapped her on the shoulder.
"We need some water in the…" Skippy stopped talking when soap bubbles came out of his mouth.
[Scene 2 Take 2]
"We need some water in the pool," Skippy repeated.
"Hold your horses!" Dot threw up her hands in frustration. She ran off behind Buttons and Mindy.
"Kay, I love you buh bye!" said Mindy. She waved her hand as Dot accidentally brushed against Buttons, causing him to fall into the empty pool below. The ground cracked upon impact.
So far, everything seemed to be back on track again. At one point, Dot set the pitcher down for a moment so she could breathe for once. Two extra cast members happened to walk on set without making much noise. They set their eyes on the pitcher.
"Rita look! It's an oasis!" Runt barked. Rita climbed upon the table.
"Just be quiet or they'll chase us." She whispered. The stray dog lapped his drooling tongue into the punch.
"I'm hot Rita, definitely hot"
Not a second later, Dot came rushing back to snatch the pitcher away from them.
"Hey wait! That's for the guests!" Dot yelled at them.
"Ah, they won't notice" Rita shrugged. She then lapped a bit of the punch herself.
"Stop!" Dot pulled the pitcher away from them. Luckily everyone else happened to be looking the other way when this happened.
"Dot? What happened?" the director asked.
"Nothing!" she said quickly, hoping the cast would prefer Runt flavored punch now.
"Alright, you two, you're up next." the director spoke to two other cast members arriving on set. Newt the dog and Minerva Mink got into place when they sat down in their lawn chairs.
[Scene 2 Take 3]
Newt got up and handed a glass cup to Dot.
"I'd like a cold refreshing.." he paused when a bright light flashed into his face. The white-hot glare flashed into everyone's eyes.
"Whoa Whoa! What's happening!" The director yelled. Minerva lowered the tanning mirror she had taken out.
"I need my fur sun bleached" Minerva added.
"Well, save that for the beach!" Dot swiped it out of her hands. Minvera simply scoffed.
"Can we hurry this up, I'm starting to sweat'" Newt said before he fastened his purple robe. Dot didn't bother questioning how he could bear the heat wearing that. The answer would probably make more irritated than she was already.
[Scene 2 Take 5]
"Id like a cold refreshing drink for myself and for Mink"
"Well, you'll" Dot spoke before she accidentally spilled the remaining punch she had left on Newt's robe.
"Agh! This is satin!" he cried out with outrage.
"This is not my day..."
[Scene 2 Take 7]
"Id like a cold refreshing drink for myself and for Mink," Newt said his line again.
"Well, you'll have to stand in line for Gunga Dot" Dot improvised, trying not to explode just yet.
"Cut! Great job you…" the director stopped mid-sentence when both Newt and Minvera started making out on the lawn chairs.
"Hey Hey! Move along you too. We're not shooting that kind of film here!" He shooed them away. Both of them blushed before walking off the set. Dot completely forgot that the two of them were actually dating at the time. Much to the disbelief of everyone.
"I'll give them 2 months before they break up." Dot said to herself.
"I'll give them two weeks," Rita added.
[Scene 3 Take 1]
"Flustered with her luck, She headed back to the pool" Shere Khan recited. Dot continued to serve her rowdy guests.
"There's still no water in the pool" Skippy whined.
"This punch tastes like dog drool." Nurse reeled in disgust. Rita and Runt happened to pass by and froze when they heard that.
"Oops" Runt muttered. Mr. Plotz also happened to be nearby when he heard this. He spat out his glass of punch, spraying it all over the two strays.
"What the *honk*?!" Plotz gagged. A shot of soap suds to the mouth knocked him off his feet.
"Direct hit!" Wakko jeered, cocking his water gun. His brother Yakko, giggled from afar. Plotz got up, his head turning a nice shade of red.
"May I kill your brothers, Gunga Dot?" He asked with clenched teeth.
"You'll have to wait in line..." Dot muttered.
[Scene 4 Take 1]
The director decided to skip ahead to the next scene.
"They called for water everywhere" Shere Khan continued. While Dot was still serving, she was stopped by Nurse.
"Yes, Id like to wash my hair," said Nurse. She tugged at her blond hair.
"Who washes at the beach?!" Dot moaned incredulously.
"I'm young and pretty! I have special needs." Nurse pouted.
[Scene 4 Take 2]
"I need to shave," Plotz said to Dot as he approached her with a razor. Dot could feel her brain implode.
"Who shaves at the beach?!"
"I'm old and hairy, I have special needs!" he scoffed.
[Scene 4 Take 3]
Her brothers came forward with surfboards.
"We want to wave" they demanded.
"We're not at the beach yet!" Dot exclaimed.
"We don't care! We need some waves" Yakko pressed on.
"So get us wet! Everyone else said at once.
Yakko blew a kiss. "Goodnight Everybody!"
Everyone yelled and cursed at the air in response.
"Really?!" Dot groaned.
"What, you all knew that was coming!" Yakko exclaimed. Shere Khan looked on in a distance and rubbed his temples.
"Oh for *honk* sake" He muttered. Shere Khan sat up at attention and snarled came when Wakko aimed his soap gun at his face. "I wouldn't do that, boy" he warned calmly.
For a moment Wakko broke character and dutifully complied.
"I needed more soap anyway" Wakko chuckled before running off.
[Scene 4 Take 4]
'"Will you stop that Yakko?! That's getting annoying!" said Nurse.
"What?" Yakko asked with a coy smirk. He fondled the air horn in his hands.
"She said stop honking that *honk* horn!" Plotz shouted at him.
"Sorry, can someone repeat that? These fowl words are hurting my ears."
Dot jumped in Plotz's defense. Something she thought she would never do in her lifetime. "He said stop *honk* "
"What?" Yakko raised his ear to listen.
"Yakko, he said *honk!*! I'm not even s- *honk*! You're *honk*! Wh- *Honk*! *hoonnnnk!*
"Did ya find the soap Wak?!" he called to his younger brother. The brief distraction gave Nurse a chance to rip the air horn out her brother's hands. She then threw it to the ground for Plotz to stop all over it. "Hot tempered. Aren't we?"
[Scene 4 Take 8]
Dot barely opened her mouth when the frothy soap mixture from Wakko's gun squirted into her mouth. Yakko and others arched their eyebrows at him.
"Hey, I'm trigger happy!" Wakko said with an offense.
"Cut! Cut! Let's just take it from the top!" the director advised. The youngest Warner sibling took a few deep breaths as she forced a big grin on her face, eye twitching and all. Just one more scene. One more scene.
[Scene 4 Take 9]
The whole segment was done all over again.
"Yes Id like to wash my hair' said Nurse.
"I want to shave," said Plotz.
"We want to wave," said Yakko.
"So get us wet!" All four of them shouting made Dot drop the last glasses she had onto the floor.
The director was about to say cut when something cut him off.
"Now look what you made me do!" Dot screeched at her friends.
"Well, go find some more! And make it snappy!" said Plotz.
"And do it on the double, Gunga Dottie!" Yakko snapped at her.
When Dot heard that, she blinked in shock. Her entire body tensed up like a board. Her brother had realized a second too late that he'd made a huge mistake. The young Warner sister clenched her fists, her face burning bright red with anger. Shere Khan took note of this and recited his next line.
"And though she worked this job for months, with people talking all at once, Gunga Dot was about to get upset"
Within her burning rage, she could feel Plotz tapping her shoulder.
"Hey! Dot! What's wrong with…?" he asked. It took one look into her flaming hot eyes to send Plotz running off. The CEO took cover behind Ralph, whose sunburned gut was already trembling with fear.
All eyes and cameras locked onto her. Everyone else in the cast shivered and frowned as they began to step farther away from her. They had snapped out of their roles as if a wizard had lifted its spell. The Hip Hippos took cover inside the empty pool. The Goodfeathers hid in the birdbath. Mindy, Buttons, and Skippy huddled behind Aunt Slappy for safety, who stood a good distance away.
Yakko mustered enough strength to step towards his irate sister.
"Dot, are you okay?" he asked, genuinely concerned. Yakko reached out to comfort her when she shot her dagger-like eyes and stormed right to him. He along Wakko and Nurse wisely stepped back.
Dot knew her big line was about to come up, but suddenly, it didn't seem to work with all the trouble her friends and her own brothers put her through. Not at all. Enough was enough. It was here she realized it would need little embellishment. Unscripted embellishment.
"So you want to be real wet, well that's exactly what you'll get." Dot kept her voice eerily calm despite her hostile demeanor. She ran over to the water tower. "I'll tell you what here's a big surprise..."
"Should we?" A cameraman whispered.
"No, keep going" the director stopped him, captivated by what was unfolding before him. Dot continued her diatribe as she climbed up each step of the tower's ladder.
"You want your pool you want your shower, I live inside a water tower. So why don't you try this gusher for size?!" she pulled at a lever along the side of the tower. Underneath, it had a small plaque listing various modes of strength: Mist, Drizzle, and rain shower. But instead of stopping at rain shower setting like she was supposed to, Dot went for the highest setting: monsoon.
The entire tower rumbled, causing the ground below to shake everyone's feet. Then the water came. A large gush of water sprayed out of the tower faster than a Corvette and hit harder than a blow from Tyson. Everyone screamed.
"Whoa! Dot that's too much!" the director screamed as a tsunami-like wave spread out from the tower and across the entire set. No one had a chance to escape its path. Both Yakko and Wakko rolled with it as they leaped onto their surfboards and rode it out.
"Cowabunga!" they cheered.
"All right" Skippy joined in.
Their cheers turned to screams as they slipped underneath the board and floundered in the torrential waves. Other cast members held onto each other for dear lives as they swirled in the water. The crew broke for higher ground as when the water finally reached the filming equipment.
"Cut! Cut!" the director screamed, clinging to a nearby microphone stand.
Despite all the pandemonium occurring below, Dot stood proudly atop the tower smiling for the camera. She pulled the level back down. The water stopped. When everything cleared, the set was practically nonexistent. Cast and crew members were sprawled everywhere on the ground. Broken lawn chairs and exposed camera wires littered the edges of the set. Two mice lay near the edge of the pool, which had now been filled up.
"Let's do that again Brain! Narf! Let's do it again!" Pinky cheered.
"Let's not. This is a very wasteful use of water I might add". Brain cut in.
"Oh Brain, It's not like this state going enter a drought anytime soon"
Brain grumbled with a knowing frown. He gave him a swift bonk on the head.
"You'd make a terrible séance Pinky"
Both mice jumped when Shere Khan emerged from the pool, soaking wet.
"Oh good, they do serve lunch here," the tiger said with a toothy smile. The mice ran off screaming before he could do anything. The tiger huffed before he got down on all fours to shake off the water. "Cats do not get paid enough for this nonsense."
"Join the club," Rita said as she passed by. She comfortably lay on top of Runt, who was dripping wet.
Shere Khan walked over to his stool and set it back up. He adjusted the microphone, which was miraculously still working.
[Scene 4 Take 10]
"Yes, she pulled that little lever, it seemed like water came forever. And there's not a spot they say it didn't reach. After all of that commotion, she had formed the Indian Ocean. Where everyone now lounges on the beach."
"Cut! And Print!" the director shouted. Dot effortlessly slid down the railing of the water tower's ladder. Everyone else scattered like roaches to keep their distance from her, hoping to avoid any sort of blowup that was about to happen. But instead of scowl, was a smile.
"It's okay guys! I'm better now." Dot chirped.
"Are you sure?" Scratchensniff spoke uneasily.
"You're not mad?" Nurse asked.
"Of course not! What gave you that idea?" Dot giggled.
"That's great everybody. Let's give our star a round of applause!" The director told the crowd. Everyone, cast members and all, clapped and cheered for Dot much to her surprise. To finally see them being appreciative for once after all this time was very refreshing. She gratefully bowed her head. "Now let's get the lens off these cameras."
The cheering stopped. All cast members all yelled their response all at once. But all Dot could hear was…
*Hooooooooooooooonnnkkkk crack!*
"Darn the horn's still busted," Yakko complained. He tossed aside the broken air horn.
"Just kidding, we got it all on tape." The director chuckled. No one laughed. For a moment the dark expression returned to Dot's face. She grabbed the man's shirt.
"Not. Funny" Dot clenched her teeth. Sweat began to fall from the man's head.
"You were fantastic Dot! Bye!" The director sputtered quickly. He zipped out of sight in less than second.
"Surprised you didn't do anything," Yakko commented.
"Don't worry, I know where he lives…" Dot replied dismissively.
"Who cares?! Let's head to San Diego already!" Slappy spoke up. Her nephew jumped for joy.
"If anyone's going to Sea World, I'm not paying!" Plotz complained.
Everyone else whooped as they quickly filed off the set, avoiding the toppled set pieces and exposed wires. Some of them gave a few passing apologies and compliments to Dot on the way out. Her brothers came to her side.
"Sorry, we were so hard on you Dot" Wakko told her,
"Believe us, it was harder for me than it was for you." Yakko insisted. "Can you believe in order to stay in character I had to ignore both Nurse and Minerva in bikinis?! Its torture I tell you!"
"Relax you guys! Haven't you heard of method acting?" Dot waived them off. "It's not like I was really mad at you"
She then skipped away with a coy smile, leaving her brothers with perplexed grimaces on their faces.
"You believe that Yakko?" Wakko asked his older brother.
"Uh… I think its best not to question it, Wakko" Yakko said with a shudder. "Remember one of our Warner slogan's…"
"Hell hath no fury like a Warner Scorned!" both of them said. Two jets of soap water skeeted into their own mouths.
"You are correct!" Dot said. She'd come back with a mischevious grin on her face, and a certain yellow water gun in her hands.
"What the?! All we said was hell!" Yakko exclaimed. Another blast hit his face.
"How did she find my gun?" Wakko shouted as he and his brother ran for cover. Dot cackled maniacally as she chased them down, firing several more watery shots at them.
Meanwhile, just for the heck of it, Shere Khan recited his final lines on the script.
"So when beneath a desert sky, if your canteens running dry, and you need someone who's Johnny on the spot. You can be her clientele."
"But you better tip me well!" Dot said from afar.
"You're a better one than we are Gunga Dot!" Her brothers yelped.
"I really need a new agent," Shere Khan said to himself. He pondered the possibility of that as he watched the Warner trio run off the set, leaving a trail of soap bubbles in their wake.
Now that the short was done Dot could look forward to filming anew. Since the real nightmare of dealing with all the footage would be given over to editing crew.
Hope you all liked this. As for the two people who recommended the episodes "Take my Siblings,Please" and "Roll over Beethoven". I've already added them to my waiting list. A draft is already in the works for the first one.
If you liked this story, feel free to check out my other ones. Especially "Gang of Four" which is finally finished! Thank for reading, have a great day!