A/N: I am about to sum up my story (in a really cringe-inspiring way):

This is the story of Jily (Lily Evans and James Potter, in case you didn't know) and how they fell in love, got married, why they had Harry, etc. However, like most cliché romance stories, their pursuit for happiness and love isn't as simple as you might think! For one thing, James' arrogance and his skulduggery with the Marauders makes it difficult for Lily (being a Prefect and Head Girl and a rule abider) to like him. Furthermore, Severus' infatuation with Lily poses a problem as Lily only wants to be friends and James despises Severus with a burning passion. Lily also has a lot of pride and refuses to do what is expected of her - especially when it comes down to dating James!

That's not all, if you think this is just some awkward, trivial teenage love story then think again! The Wizarding World War will strike and the Marriage Law will be introduced. Lives will be lost, prices will be paid, friendships broken, friendships made (I'm rhyming, a poet and I didn't even know it), love declared and love lost...

So please relax and enjoy! The quality of my writing - I like to think - gets better as the story progresses. However, do bear in mind that this is my first FanFiction so please humour me and be patient.

I'm not promising anything amazing but hopefully you'll kind of like it and maybe I'll make you smile once in a while - stranger things have happened.

I own nothing! The characters, plot, lots of the quotes and the whole concept is owned by the wonderful J K Rowling. Please read and review if you have a few seconds to spare. Another disclaimer, this story contains strong language and sex references.

By the way: the whole diary format is temporary! I literally use it for this chapter, the next and in the twenty-something chapter.

Sorry I ramble. Please enjoy and have an interesting and happy day!

Lily's P.O.V

Dear Diary,

My mother told me to get a diary to write in whilst I'm at school, so here it is. She appears to think I'll need something to vent to. Today was my first day at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. My whole family came to King's Cross station, even Tuney. Sev didn't come with me though; I suppose his mother took him. I certainly hope his dad didn't. Anyway, Tuney knows that Sev and I saw the letter she sent to Professor Dumbledore and now she's twice as upset with me. I know Tuney was jealous but now she thinks I'm a freak and that Hogwarts is a school for mad people. It doesn't bother me really; at least it shouldn't bother me.

I found a compartment on the train and Sev found me, which was nice. I was crying though, because Tuney hates me and she said some really nasty things at the station. I could kick myself now, what's the use in crying? It's completely illogical. He is a good friend; he did tell me that I should be in Slytherin but he was only looking out for me.

"You'd better be in Slytherin." Sev said. Naturally, I was confused, not knowing anything at all about Hogwarts, other than a few details from Sev before.


"Who wants to be in Slytherin?" the boy who had been sitting across from us who had been previously occupied by looking out the window turned to the boy next to him. "I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?"

"My whole family have been in Slytherin," the boy sitting next to him said.

"Blimey, and I thought you seemed all right!"

The boy sitting next to him grinned.

"Maybe I'll break the tradition. Where are you heading, if you've got the choice?"

The boy sitting opposite us lifts an imaginary sword and I remember thinking he was an idiot- which he is- by the way.

"'Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart!' Like my dad."

Severus made a snorting sound and I wondered what was wrong with Gryffindor. The boy across from us glared at Sev, clearly insulted.

"Got a problem with that?"

"No," Sev said, although he did sneer unattractively. This, I think, is why Tuney doesn't like him. "If you'd rather be brawny than brainy-"

"Where're you hoping to go, seeing as you're neither?" the other boy interjects.

I scowled at him, but the Gryffindor boy roared with hysterical laughter. By this point, I had had enough. They had no right to insult Sev, the immature gits.

"Come on Severus, let's find another compartment." I had tried to keep my voice level but I don't think I succeeded.

The two of them mocked my tone and the Gryffindor boy even had the nerve to laugh at me. I stalked out and Severus tripped over one of their feet.

"See ya, Snivellus."

When we got out, I muttered every curse I could think of. Even though Sev was trying to hide it, I can always tell when he's upset.

"Don't listen to them Sev. They're just immature idiotic buffoons; you're twice the man they are." I had told him.

Sev gave me a wry smile and I knew that he was okay. We did find another compartment which only had two other girls in it, Marlene and Alice. They're really nice and are now my friends. You'd think the rest of the day was trouble-free, but those stupid boys on the train? I saw them again when Hagrid told us to get into fours to go across the boats. I tried to find Sev but I was pushed from behind into a boat and landed on my face.

"Watch it!"

"Sorry, didn't see you there."

That was when I recognised the boy, it was the Gryffindor boy. One of his mates I hadn't seen before had sat next to me and he's quite nice. I glared at the Gryffindor boy.

"My, my, is this fate?" Gryffindor boy looked me up and down (the creep) and then turned to his friend whom he had sat next to on the train.

"I dunno James, you tell me."

"What are the chances of seeing Snivellus' saviour again, in our boat, no less?"

"Second to none, I'd say. How is your mate Snivellus?"

"Don't call him that."

"Then what can we call him?"

"By his name."

"You're no fun," the boy sitting next to Gryffindor boy said.

"Come on guys, leave the poor girl alone," the boy sitting next to me said.

"Relax, Remus, it's only Snivellus I'm tormenting." Gryffindor boy laughed, making me scowl harder. He pushed his hand through his already messed up black hair and the sheer arrogance of the gesture still sickens me to the bone.

"I'm James Potter, by the way." He held out his hand.

"The only way I'd be shaking your hand was if someone had controlled me with the Imperious curse." I snapped at him.

Potter laughed harder, his mate joined in.

"Snivellus been teaching you curses, has he?" Potter's mate said.

"That's none of your business," I had retorted.

"I'll bet he has, we'll have to have a word with him, won't we James? Tell him not to corrupt innocents."

All three of them laughed, but the one sitting next to me didn't. Not really.

"Why did Snivellus make friends with you? I thought Muggle-borns were beneath him." Potter's friend mused.

"Severus told me it didn't matter what my blood heritage was."

"Oh did he now?" Potter's friend shook his head.

"So it does matter?"

"No!" Potter had said quickly. "Well, it matters to some people but those sorts of people aren't the people you'll want to make friends with."

"Why? Because I'm beneath them or something?"

"Not at all," the boy sitting next to me had said. "Some Pureblood families, families where nobody is Muggle-born, they believe that magic should be given to only those of Pureblood. It's a load of nonsense, of course. I mean loads of the best witches and wizards have been Muggle-borns. Maybe you'll be the next."

I had beamed at him, because it was a lovely thing to say. I can't imagine why Sev didn't tell me all this before.

"I'm Sirius Black," Black didn't bother to hold out his hand, he did give me, however, what I'm sure he thought was a flattering smirk.

"I'm Remus Lupin."

Remus I like but I definitely don't like Potter and Black. They're too big-headed for my liking.

"Aren't you going to tell us you name?" Potter had demanded.

"Lily Evans."

The boats had finally stopped at the shore, I had started to get out and then I had felt two hands on my waist, lifting me down.

"I don't need your help Potter," I had made every word drip with as much venom as I could.

"I was being a gentleman," Potter had feigned a look of hurt before holding out his hand, still deluding himself that I was incapable of climbing down a few stairs.

"She said she doesn't need your help." Severus had appeared next to me and Potter's hand dropped to his side.

"I see; you're jealous because I can be a gentleman." Potter smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"As if. Girls don't go for obnoxious twats." Sev said smoothly.

Black snorts.

"Like you could get a girlfriend, Snivellus."

"I have more chance than you; I'm not a blood traitor."

Potter raised his eyebrows. "Last time I checked, you were the one with the friend who happens to be Muggle-born."

"Leave Lily out of this." Sev had got right in Potter's face.

"Then lay off Sirius, you old-fashioned prick."

I had put my hand on Sev's arm at that point and tried to drag him away.

"He's not worth it, Sev." Severus glared at Potter one last time before following me.

Once we got to the Entrance Hall, this really elegant woman called Professor McGonagall informed us all about Hogwarts, the house point system, Quidditch, the rules and the sorting its self but I won't bore myself having to explain it all again, especially about the rules and Quidditch which take a long time to explain. I was quite worried about all this information, but Sev had squeezed my arm reassuringly. When he did, I caught Potter's eye, he was making a face at Sev and I glowered.

Anyway, Professor McGonagall led us into the Great Hall which is by far the most amazing spectacle I've ever seen and the ceiling mimicked the night sky but much clearer and you could see all the stars like when I was a really small girl,Tuney and I used to watch the stars, but we never knew how to find the constellations. Hovering above the tables were flickering candles, illuminating the space. The four tables intended for students had the house colours on and at the very top of the Great Hall, the teacher's table stood. Professor McGonagall lined us up and called us out alphabetically to try on the Sorting Hat who (I don't want to call it an "it" as it seemed pretty alive to me) performed a little song.

It went a little like this:

"Oh you may not think I'm pretty, but don't judge on what you see, I'll eat myself if you can find a smarter hat than me."

Professor McGonagall called out names but I only half tuned in to note that Black was sorted into Gryffindor, Marlene and Alice also went to Gryffindor and a sweet boy called Amos Diggory went to Hufflepuff. Then my name was called and I can't remember being more nervous in my life.

"Evans, Lily."

Sev nudged me forward and I sat on the stool. Professor McGonagall puts the hat on my head and almost immediately, the Sorting Hat shouts, "GRYFFINDOR!"

I went to sit at the Gryffindor table, giving Sev a sad smile as I pass. It's hard on the both of us, really. It's such a strain on our friendship, especially as Gryffindor and Slytherin are supposed enemies. Black made room for me but I still remembered the train incident and the boat journey so I folded my arms and didn't talk to him.

Shortly after, Remus, Potter and a boy called Peter Pettigrew join us. Potter sits on one side of me, Black on the other with Remus next to Potter and Peter next to Black. When Severus' name was called out and he was sorted into Slytherin, Potter clapped loudest of all.

"You should be glad he's not in our house," Potter said. I still don't like the way he said 'our', as if the two of us share something.

"Why would I be, Potter? He's my friend."

"Some friend," Potter muttered. I still don't know what he meant by that but I don't really care. Boys like Potter can't be trusted.

Another man, quite young, makes an amusing announcement. He's Professor Dumbledore, our Headmaster before food appears on the table. The food here is delicious. I should write to my mother and tell her. She was worried that boarding schools don't feed people properly but that's down to her own individual experience.

Once we're finished, prefects show us to the Gryffindor Tower and we all get changed to go to sleep. Marlene, Alice and I share a dormitory and that's where I am now, writing this. I'll write to my mother and Tuney in the morning but now I need to sleep.

A/N: Sorry! Me again, thanks for taking the time to read this. It won't be 100% perfect like the original but I hope it's not terribly awful. I promise that Jily will happen, but not until 6th year, which will be soon because I'm not writing for every single day of Lily/James' life. Thanks again.