A/N: Okay, here's the last chapter. Thanks again for all your kind comments.

Chapter 7 – Loose Ends

Lisbon opened her mouth but no words came out as she heard Jane's words to Stanley. She had been listening at the door for the last couple of minutes, worried that her brother would step too far out of line or that Jane would become annoyed at the interrogation into his personal life and step across the line himself. He could hurt someone more with his words than any punch he may receive in return. Also, after sitting with Jimmy for two minutes she had become increasingly annoyed. She was a grown woman and capable of making her own decisions. Her brothers had every right to be worried about her but she was a bit old in the tooth for them to think they could decide who she should or shouldn't be with.

Jane's heartfelt declaration did two things. First, it made her heart soar to hear him talk in such tones about her. Second, it made her mad that he hadn't said much of what he'd just said to her but thought it fitting to tell her brother instead.

As she heard the two men come to an amicable truce she went back into the living room. Before she talked to Jane about any of what she had overheard she needed time to think. In addition, having a fight with him in front of her brothers was hardly going to help them come to terms with this new relationship.

As they said their goodbyes Jane encased Stanley in a hug. She bit back a smile. Stanley's stiff posture reminded her of hers the first day Jane had suddenly hugged her, a mere couple of days after meeting him.

Jimmy was a little more amenable to him when he hugged him next. As Jane and Stanley were talking Jimmy had told her that he had watched the interrogation video and was impressed at how hard he had worked to ensure Jimmy wasn't needed in the case. He had begrudgingly told her that she had his blessing. She had reminded him that she didn't need it but appreciated it. He was her youngest brother and she had looked after him the most growing up. She made him promise that he would join a support group for his gambling addiction before leaving. As good as Jane's hypnotism skills were, the effects of it could only last so long so she hoped the support group would take over once it wore off.

As they drove back to the hotel it was late and she could see Jane's eyes closing on the way back to the hotel. He was clearly worn out and, if she was honest, so was she. The last couple of days had been exhausting. As they reached their room, Jane fell onto the bed with a loud yawn, still fully clothed.

'Come on, don't fall asleep there, Jane. I can't get into bed with you lying sprawled across it.'

'Mmm?' he replied, his eyes tightly closed. He pushed himself back up on the bed and opened his eyes, rubbing them. As she went to pass him he grabbed her hand.

'What's wrong, Lisbon? I've obviously done something to annoy you.' His eyes searched her face for the answer but they were only half open.

Lisbon brushed a curl from his forehead. 'You're half asleep, we'll talk about it tomorrow.'

Jane opened his eyes fully, blinking rapidly. 'No. We don't go to bed on an argument. Although, only one of us is in the middle of it so you need to enlighten me. What have I done now?'

Lisbon sighed and sat down on the bed beside him. 'Nothing bad really. I just...I heard what you said to Stanley earlier.' She looked down at her feet.

Jane nodded. 'Oh, that' he said softly. He added with a smirk, 'You were eavesdropping? You're getting as nosey as me.'

She looked over at him. 'I was worried about what you two were going to say to each other. Plus, it was a little chauvinistic, you two discussing me like I was some prize in a raffle.'

Jane put his arm around her shoulder and kissed the side of her head. 'Not some prize, the top one.'

Lisbon rolled her eyes. 'That makes it no better.'

Jane chuckled lightly. 'Okay, so what's the matter with what I said? It was all pretty good from what I recall. I didn't mention you leaving the towels lying on the floor or not washing your mug after you once.'

'Stop trying to change the subject, Jane.'

She looked at him, seriousness in her eyes. 'Did you mean what you said to him?' she asked him quietly.

Jane was reminded of the similar way she had phrased much the same words in the TSA room. He brushed a hair from her face and cupped her cheek, gazing into her eyes intently. 'Yes, I meant every word.'

'Why have you never said most of that to me but you told my brother, a man you've only just met?'

Jane nodded, sighing. 'The truth? Because I didn't think you could handle all that just yet.'

'What are you talking about? What made you think that?'

He took her hand in his. 'Teresa, I know I can come across as a little...oppressive sometimes. I don't know if it's because I starved myself of genuine affection for so long that now I have it I can't seem to get enough. Or, maybe it's just because it's coming from you. Or a mixture of both. That's why I take myself off sometimes. Not to give me space but to give you yours. I can see it happening when I'm too full on. You get a look like a deer caught in the headlights when I start planning every aspect of our lives. I think part of why I do it is that I believe if we have plans then you'll stick around to follow through so I keep making them. I'm trying to become more relaxed but...it's hard for me to just take one day at a time with you. If I had suddenly bombarded you with telling you I want to marry you and have children with you then I was afraid of you bolting altogether.'

Lisbon shook her head. 'God, you really are an idiot sometimes.' She took his hand. 'Patrick Jane, apart from almost going to D.C. I've never left you. I'm right here and I intend to be right here beside you for the rest of my life. But you're right, it's hard for me too to suddenly get all this attention from you and this new found openness. I've been so used to dragging every piece of truth out of you it's daunting for me to cope with it sometimes. But just because it's a little scary doesn't mean I don't want it.'

Jane kissed her softly. 'I love you so much I...wish I could do something to make you realise that. Words aren't enough.'

'I do realise that. You show me in the little things you do every day. Like making me coffee even though you hate it, like tidying up after me, like making sure I eat when I've worked a long day. I don't need some grand gesture for you to show me how much you care and how sorry you are for treating me badly in the past.'

Jane smiled and nodded. Then he added quietly, 'You know, we can talk about it, if you want.'

'About what?'

'About all of it. About McAllister. About afterwards. We've never discussed it. We probably should.'

Lisbon nodded, placing her head on his shoulder and putting an arm around him, her finger fidgeting with a vest button. 'I agree, we should. But not tonight, okay? But soon.'

Jane kissed the top of her head. 'I'm sorry.'

'For what?'

He shrugged. 'For all of it.'

Lisbon's eyes were closing as he said the words. If she asked him what 'all of it' meant they would be here all night talking so she left it at that. That was a conversation for another night.

When they got back to Austin Lisbon received a phone call from Stanley. He had found the money Jimmy had borrowed off him in his jacket pocket the night before. After talking to Jimmy and realising he hadn't given it to him he had called her.

Jane was in the kitchen making some tea when he heard the conversation. He heard Lisbon swear under her breath before confronting him.

'You gave Stanley the money when you hugged him' she stated as he stood with his back to her, dipping the teabag.

'Oh, yeah, I did. Didn't I mention it?' he smiled, his back still to her.

'No, you goddamned didn't!'

He turned around. He did love how her eyes sparkled when she was angry. He would have to tell her one day that was was partly why he liked to wind her up when they worked at CBI. 'Oh, sorry.'

'That's it? Sorry? Where did you get the money?'

'My bank account, where else, Lisbon' he replied evenly, taking another sip and watching her over the rim.

'But it was $20,000!'

'I know.'


'So what?'

She came closer to him and he decided to come clean. There was a stage where her mild anger turned into rage. That would undoubtedly mean more time before they made up and he didn't want to waste it. He placed his cup down and shrugged.

'Okay, I could help him so I did. When I went out to get the wine I stopped off at the bank at the same time. It's no big deal. It's in an account I don't really touch. It was just sitting there doing nothing. The interest rates these days are appalling anyway so-'

'Jane! It's a lot of money.'

He sighed. 'So what? It was tainted money, I was never intending to use it, not unless it was an emergency. I considered the possibility of Stanley being sacked from his job important enough to call it that.'

Her anger had turned into curiosity. 'What do you mean, 'tainted money'?'

'It was money I made when I pretended to be a psychic. I haven't touched any of it in years, for obvious reasons.'


'That's all you have to say? You're not going to ask me how much I have in there?' he smiled.

Lisbon put her arms around him. 'Why, you think I was after your money all these years?'

'You might be if I told you how much I have' he teased, knowing money was the last thing that would impress her.

As they lay in bed later that night Jane said, 'You know, you haven't exactly been truthful with me lately.'

Jane was watching one of his wildlife documentaries while Lisbon flipped through a magazine. He had teased her mercilessly when he had found out that she liked celebrity, women's and fashion magazines. He had understood it though, it was a bit like his documentaries or his novels, a way of removing herself from the horrors they saw most of the time in their day jobs.

'Mmm?' Lisbon replied, reading an article about some starlet going back to rehab. She looked up at him. 'What do you mean?'

'Jimmy' Jane replied, his arm around her, continuing to watch the screen.

'What about him?'

'He changed his tune pretty quickly about me. I've been wondering why the sudden change of heart.'

Lisbon looked back down at the page in front of her.

'You let him see the interrogation, didn't you?'

Lisbon shrugged.

Jane grinned and whipped the magazine away from her, pushing her onto her pillow.

'So what if I did?' she laughed, putting her arms around his neck.

'You know that was illegal for a civilian to see that, never mind what was on it.'

'So... you know better than anyone I'm not a good FBI agent all of the time, Patrick. You're always encouraging me to break the rules.' She shot him an innocent look. 'You mean you don't approve?'

He groaned and smiled again, placing a passionate kiss on her lips. She responded immediately pulling him towards her and kissing him back. Just as he moved his hands beneath her nightshirt the phone rang beside them.

'You've got to be kidding me!' Jane sighed.

Lisbon chuckled. 'It's yours this time.'

Jane moved off her to answer it. 'I'm going to start turning these damn things off at night time' he grumbled.

When he saw the display, a frown appeared on his face.

Lisbon couldn't hear much of the conversation but when Jane hung up he shook his head at her, a faint smile on his lips.

'Who was it?' she asked.


'Carnie Pete?'

'Yep. We need to go see him and Sam. They're in a spot of bother.'

'Why? What happened?'

Jane got back under the covers and put his arm around her. 'I'll tell you tomorrow, nothing to worry about tonight.'

He began to kiss her neck then started to laugh.

'What's so funny?' she smiled. Obviously whatever was wrong wasn't that bad.

'Oh nothing. I've just met your family, now you're going to meet mine, or at least the closest one I have.'

'I've met them before, numerous times when you were on your travels actually.'

Jane propped himself up on one elbow. 'Ah, but that was when we were just friends.'

'So what difference will it make? I've never done anything for them not to be okay with us being together. Despite me being a cop.'

Jane grinned. 'Oh, I know that. Quite the opposite. I guarantee they'll try to marry us off before we're there an hour.'

Lisbon's eyes widened. 'Oh god help us. I think I would prefer my brothers' reaction than that!'


A/N: Thanks again to everyone who's read this and for all your comments. I know that Sam and Pete will be appearing in Episode 9 and Lisbon's brothers in Episode 7 but I wanted to link both stories together so I'll claim artistic licence once again.