When he was at the age of ten, Tavros Nitram tried, very hard yet very unsuccessfully, to fly. He leapt faithfully from the tip of the steep ledge, hoping to become like his idol, Peter Pan, and fly away, high above all of his fears and anxieties that he'd harbored for so long, finally showing the world that he was worthy of something. However, it didn't work, and instead of flying like he had dreamed he plummeted down onto the ground, breaking his lower spine and losing the use of his legs. He was now condemned to life in a wheelchair, ashamed and back to square one.

"Hey there, Tavro-snore."

It was his first day of middle school; it had been nearly two years since the accident that left his legs and waist paralyzed, and already his old tormentor had found him. She had piercing blue eyes that could almost slice one's soul clean open and smooth, milky white skin just barely tanned by the summer sunlight. She was tall and slender with breasts already larger than those of most of her peers, and she was very proud of her appearance with the exception of her hair, which was thick and wavy and bright, candy red. This was her one obvious sore point, and she, Vriska Serket, was quite bitter about it.

"Uh…" Tavros looked up at her, blushing and nervously wringing his hands as she glared down at him with a smirk. Their relationship had been that way since kindergarten, when Vriska began her long tirade of bullying Tavros mercilessly. When he'd jumped from the ledge in fourth grade, she had been almost gleeful about his paralysis, eager to use the new material for her brutal humor. She was cold and ruthless, and Tavros had been completely in love with her for years.

"What's the matter, Tavbore?" She gave him a spiteful grin and leaned over him, placing her hands on his shoulders. "Thought you'd seen the last of me?"


She laughed. "Come on, Tav, why the long face? I mean, it's just the first day at a big new school…" She stood up straight again and leered at him, making him feel far smaller than he actually was. He rubbed the back of his neck with his right hand, using the fingers on his left to clutch his thumb, his big, dark eyes wide and staring up at her.

"I can do it, Vriska. I mean, it can't be that difficult to, um, navigate around here, right?" He brushed the hand that had been touching his neck over his brown hair, which was just dark enough in color to be differentiated from his skin, which was a shade of creamy latte. His hair had been shaved at the sides and the remaining hair styled into a combed-back mohawk. He was skinny, almost but not quite bony, yet still attractive in a cute, lost-puppy sort of sense. He had a shy, confused, awkward air about him, and that was what Vriska preyed on the most.

"Maybe it will be, Tav." She said this mockingly. "I bet you need some help finding your homeroom, eh?"

He blushed and nodded. "A little bit."

She seemed to consider this for a moment, then the smirk returned to her face and she leaned down to Tavros's level and whispered into his ear.

"Well, too fuckin' bad for you, then."

She stood up straight and, in the wake of Tavros's stunned gaze, tossed her candy-red hair and turned around to walk away. "Adios, Tavro-snore," she said as she headed off into the mass of new students, leaving Tavros alone once again.

He stared after her, shocked, before blinking and realizing that he was completely lost. He pulled his schedule out of his pocket to find his homeroom number. Room A206, it read. He stared at it for a moment before looking up into the sea of people. Where the hell could that be? He put his schedule back in his pocket and slowly began to push his wheelchair along, feeling the eyes of passerby on him, looking at every door and not finding a single one saying A206. He pushed along faster, scanning more doors and trying not to look at people too much, until he reached the end of the hallway. Anxious and discouraged, he turned the chair back around, his head down, re-scanning door numbers until he felt his chair collide with something with a hard thump.

"Ow!" Tavros took in a quick breath, surprised, before noticing the boy who had collapsed in front of him. He gasped and leaned forward. "Oh my gosh, a-are you okay? I'm so sorry, I didn't see you, I'll go slower now, please don't be mad, oh god…"

"Chill, motherfucker. I'm fine."

The voice was thick and raspy, sounding far older than the twelve years of its possessor. The boy Tavros had hit stood up, dusting himself off, before looking to Tavros with a relaxed smile. He had burnt sepia skin and dense, wiry black hair that looked like it hadn't been brushed properly in months. He had a strong square jaw that made his thin face seem somewhat foreboding, but his calm, languid demeanor defied that intimidation well. He wore a pair of loose black skinny jeans and a wrinkled black T-shirt that had the word "MIRACLES" painted in dark purple across the chest. He was long and lanky, skinny but at the same time filled with lean muscle that was covered by a thin layer of fat. The intimidating facet of his appearance would have been increased by his sheer, tower-esque height, but he slumped over a little when he stood, languorous and dreamy. He smiled at Tavros in a way that nobody else ever had before, a smile of pure understanding that Tavros had never thought he would ever see in another.

"I, uh, I'm so sorry, I should have been paying attention…" Tavros blushed and looked down at his feet shyly before hearing a laugh from in front of him. Not a menacing laugh like he was used to hearing from Vriska, but a calm, reassuring laugh that was coupled by the feeling of a hand on his shoulder. He looked up quickly to see that the other boy was grinning down at him softly.

"Bro, it's chill. I ain't hurt, and you don't motherfucking seem to be. So we're cool, man, all right?" He looked happily down at Tavros before leaning down towards him to ask quietly, "Say, you wouldn't motherfucking happen to know where room A206 would be, would you?"

Tavros looked over at him, his doelike eyes wide. "That's actually the room that I was just looking for. Are you in that homeroom too?"

The other boy smiled. "Hell motherfucking yeah, I am. Guess we can find that wicked crazy shit together now, how's that sound?"

Tavros considered for a moment. After all, he had just hit this kid with his wheelchair by accident. But he seemed really nice, and he wouldn't mind having some help finding the room…

"Uhh, sure, man," he said with a nervous smile. "That would be really nice, if we could look together, because with four eyes instead of, uh, two, looking for things is easier…" He trailed off, realizing that he was rambling. The other boy laughed a little, stood up straight and ruffled Tavros's hair, causing Tavros's face to blush furiously.

"That's all motherfucking true and righteous, bro." He thought for a moment, then seemed to remember something important and looked down at Tavros again. "By the way, man, my name is Gamzee. Gamzee motherfucking Makara." He reached out his hand and Tavros shook it bashfully.

"Hi, Gamzee…my name is, uh, Tavros, Tavros Nitram." He smiled up at Gamzee, who grinned.

"Tavros…mind if I motherfucking call you Tavbro?" He looked down with a touch of shyness that Tavros had not detected before then. "Because, I mean, I was thinking we could be bros now…"

Tavros looked up at him, wide-eyed, and smiled. "Yeah, Gamzee…I mean, it's nice to have a friend…bro."

Gamzee quickly looked back at him with an expression of utter delight. "Motherfucking sweet!" He grinned toothily and headed around to the back of Tavros's wheelchair, grabbing the handles. "Let's motherfucking find this room, Tavbro!"

Tavros's face flushed a little. "I can push myself, um, if that's easier for you…"

Gamzee started walking anyway, pushing Tavros along in front of him. "Nah, man, it's motherfucking chill. You're light as hell, I can handle it."

Tavros sighed, but ended up smiling as Gamzee pushed him along. The taller boy's style of movement was dreamy and smooth, yet a slight bit reckless, which made it exciting for Tavros who wasn't used to much more than caution. They moved against the surge of students, a small movement against a wave, before arriving at a clearing near the beginning of the hall.

"Okay, motherfucking A206…" Gamzee looked around. "All these rooms here are labeled A1 something or other, so maybe the motherfucking A2s will be upstairs." He pushed Tavros towards a large set of double doors at the end of the hallway that led to some stairs. He closed the door behind them and was about to go up the concrete stairs when he realized something.

"Oh." He looked down at Tavros, who looked helplessly up from his wheelchair. "Stairs are a problem, aren't they?"

Tavros nodded. "Yeah…"

Gamzee looked up the stairs, confused, but Tavros could see a determined light in his dark eyes. After a few moments of pondering, Gamzee looked down at the other boy and smiled with the spark of an idea.

"Think you could motherfucking hold onto me if I gave you a piggyback ride, Tavbro?"

Tavros's brow furrowed. "You mean…you're going to…carry me?"

Gamzee walked over to the front of the wheelchair and squatted down with his back to Tavros. "If that's all up and okay with you."

Tavros looked at him, a little unsurely, but then shrugged his shoulders. "Okay."

Gamzee grinned jubilantly. "Motherfucking fabulous. Just up and hook your arms right around my neck, Tav, and hold on real wicked tight. I'll do the rest."

Tavros reached forward and wrapped his arms around Gamzee's shoulders. Gamzee hoisted himself into a standing position and hooked Tavros's legs around his hips and lifted them to place him in his elbows, so as not to let them just hang limply. He then turned around and, using what little arm he had left, grabbed the handlebars of the wheelchair, turned it around so it faced away from him, and began walking backwards up the grey concrete stairs, dragging the wheelchair with him, and with Tavros clinging to his back.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Gamzee?" Tavros clutched onto the tall boy's shoulders, terrified of falling off.

"It's all good, man. I've got you. I won't let you fall."

"Okay…" Tavros sighed and held on tighter.

In a few moments they were at the top of the staircase. Gamzee grinned and leaned backwards in front of the chair, letting Tavros down into it gently. Tavros smiled at him gratefully, and Gamzee pushed them into the student-flooded upper hallway, slowly moving along, reading the numbers on the doors while Tavros looked at his schedule quietly.

"A200, A202, A204…motherfucking there it is!" Gamzee pushed the wheelchair a bit faster until they were in front of the old oak door that read A206 in big brass letters. Tavros looked up and smiled with a sigh of obvious relief. Gamzee smiled at him and opened the door. A few students were already inside, and Gamzee pushed Tavros inside, following him with a serene expression on his face, while Tavros looked around nervously. Gamzee noticed this and ruffled his mohawk again encouragingly.

"Don't be scared, Tavbro. I'm right here." He smiled at Tavros, who looked up at him, his dark chocolate eyes wide, taking in this strange yet wonderful new being who somehow liked a freak like himself. Gamzee put a hand on his shoulder and said, "If you wanna motherfucking hang out at my place after school, bro, that would be motherfucking wonderful." He then beamed down at him, almost innocent and adorable, which is something Tavros would have never thought of him as beforehand.

"Uh, yeah, sure…Gamz," he said, trying out the nickname. Gamzee giggled a little and gave Tavros a quick hug. And, despite all of his fears, anxieties, and worries that he had tried so hard to fly above, Tavros smiled and hugged him back.

Author's Note: This will be a chaptered fanfiction! Please review and follow if you like it! It's my first *real* Homestuck fic, so I figured, why not write the OTP? Leave all your PBJ feels in the review box! ^-^