*Announcer Voice*

Hey guys~! Kumiko here!

And today I welcome you all to another awesome chapter of Writing Skills Practice: One-Shot Collection.

Today I bring you an update on this story's status and some things to expect. I wanted to say first of all that I won't be updating for a while due to personal problems, a collab I'm making, and writer's block (not for this story tho).

I originally had the story planned out for this and all but ever since FNaF 3 came out I began to rethink the storyline of my FNaF fanfic so now I'm having trouble with that to the point I can't focus on my other stories. I'm also super, very, extra, mega sorry Rolling-Chan for not being able to publish part 2 of ur request, I started writing it but then the problems started. :( I'm so very sorry.

So that's it, that's all I wanted to say other than sorry and thanks those of you who liked this story :3. Bye~