The Doctor rushed over to the console and tapped out the Mothership coordinates on the computer.
''Tardis open the console,'' he commanded.
The Tardis whirred in protest but eventually opened it revealing the Time Vortex. The Doctor absorbed it all and glowed gold. The Tardis arrived on the Mothership and the Doctor stepped out with Daleks surrounding him from all sides. But he just turned them into dust with a mental command.
He destroyed every Dalek on the ship except one chosen at random for questioning. Now where were Rose's ashes he asked himself? He couldn't find them on the ship but he could see two other life forces, besides the Dalek he had kept alive.
''Rose,'' he breathed.
He ran to a steel door and it was locked. He unlocked it with the vortex he ran in and was expecting Rose but instead got a small child. But it wasn't just a small child it was a baby, their baby. He reached for the digital print out sheet. It said her name was Cora Tyler.
''Cora,'' he whispered touching her cheek.
Then he remembered there was another life form aboard. He ran out to the door next to her's and opened it.
''Rose,'' he yelled this time.
As soon as he saw her the glow disappeared to beneath the surface.
She turned and saw him and she practically tripped running to him.
''Doctor,'' she screamed.
They just stood there and embraced each other for minutes on end.
''They took her, they took our daughter,'' Rose sobbed into his shoulder.
''No Miss Tyler, they haven't,'' he said taking her hand.
He led her to the room next door and picked her up and handed her to Rose. Rose held her close and kissed the Doctor.
''I didn't know if I would ever see you again,'' she said.
''How long was I gone for?'' he asked her.
''Two weeks,'' she replied.
''I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Rose,'' he said kissing her cheek.
''It's fine,'' she replied.
''No it's not I left you with GENOCIDAL MONSTERS for two weeks!'' he yelled angrily.
''Doctor calm down in front of our daughter,'' she said looking firmly at him.
''Sorry I'm just so angry with myself.'' he said.
''It's ok,'' she said touching his shoulder softly.
''Why did they keep you alive?'' he asked.
''Something about offspring having a better survival rate with its mother,'' she said.
''They told me you were dead,'' he said
''Me too,'' she replied.
''Her name is Cora,'' she said.
''Yes I know,'' he smiled.
''How?'' she asked.
''Accidentally came in here before I came for you and I saw the name sheet,'' he explained.
''Why'd they do this?'' she asked.
''I don't know let's find out,'' he said walking towards the one remaining Dalek.
Halfway out he remembered Rose had their child in her arms and he turned around to her.
''I need you to go back to the Tardis and put Cora in there,'' he said
''Why?'' she questioned.
''Because I'm not going to put you or Cora in this kind of danger,'' he said in a commanding tone.
''Fine,'' she said walking the other way.
The Doctor turned in the other direction and marched off towards the Dalek. When he arrived he froze it in place. Rose was in no kind of danger he just didn't want her to see him with the Time Vortex.
''So…,'' he said to the Dalek.
''I could easily just look and see why but I think I'd rather hear you say it,'' he said coldly.
''SAY WHAT?'' the Dalek asked
''Why you trapped us forced us to have a child and then pretended we were dead, hmm?'' he said his anger rising.
''Well thanks, but you're going to die now,'' the Doctor said.
''MERCY,'' the Dalek pleaded.
''Not for you,'' the Doctor said leaning in close.
He leaned back and his eyes glowed gold for a second and then the Dalek was dust. He turned and walked back to the Tardis.
When he reached the Tardis he found Rose sitting on the console seat.
''Hello,'' he said walking in.
''Hi,'' she said softly.
''Where's Cora,'' he said standing there awkwardly.
''I put her in the crib, did you know that the Tardis can make rooms just like that,'' she said snapping her fingers
''Yeah I did,'' he said softly
''Well of course you did, that was a stupid question,'' she said walking to the opposite side of the console of him.
''There are no stupid questions rose, except for the stupid ones,'' he grinned at her.
''So what do we do now?'' she asked him looking down at the console.
''Well we can go to the Medusa Cascades or-'' he was cut off by Rose.
''Doctor you know what I mean,'' she said looking at him.
Of course he knew what she meant he wasn't an idiot but what was he supposed to say? That he had been hiding his feeling from her since day one? That they had been forced to have a child and now they would have to take care of her?
When he had been thinking his legs had carried him two feet from Rose Tyler. 'Curse my subconscious mind and it's intentions' he thought to himself.
He reached towards her and took her hand gently into his. He kissed it and smiled at her.
''Just because we are free doesn't mean I don't love you, I meant what I said in that cell,'' he said looking into her eyes.
''Doctor-'' she was cut off by him kissing her full on the mouth.
She moaned into his mouth and dug her hand into his hair. He leaned her against the console putting to hands on either side of her. They turned, him pressing her into to the golden column.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw a black door appear, his door. 'Thank you', he thought mentally towards the Tardis. He walked Rose backwards and pressed her to the door burying his lips in her neck. She moaned digging her hands into the nape of his neck.
He reached behind her twisting the knob letting them in. he picked her up and her legs wrapped around his waist. The doctor then kicked the door shut behind him with his heel. Then he leaned forwards making them land on the bed.
He tore the white shirt the Daleks had dressed her in down the middle. He grinned seeing there was no bra beneath. She went for his black jacket, whipping it off his shoulders. Then she did the the same with his t-shirt. He flipped her over on her back, and started trailing kisses up her spine. He went back down taking off her pants and underwear.
She flipped herself back over removing his as well. He looked at her and she nodded. Then he pushed in painfully slow, wanting to cherish the moment. Rose wanted him to go faster, but he started pulling out slowly too. She wriggled beneath him, but the Doctor just smirked.
Suddenly he rammed himself into her, pounding her fast and hard. Rose let out a cry of pleasure, raking her nails down his back. He let out a sort of growl and kissed her ferociously.
''Doctor'', she whimpered.
''Mm'', he said still pounding her.
''More. Faster,'' she demanded throwing her head back onto the pillow.
Once again he obeyed her command, plowing into her she let out a sound of pleasure, but it wasn't a low moan, it was a scream. She could feel herself reaching the peak and so could the Doctor.
Rose clutched his shoulders shuddering releasing herself. The Doctor let go to, and they both collapsed. He would never say it out loud but she seemed tighter even after she had given birth.
He rolled off her and clutched her to his side. They were both still breathing heavy but soon their breath calmed and they fell asleep in loving embrace.