Disclaimer: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn! If I did, then there would be more than just hints at the guardians and Tsuna being more than friends, not to mention Tsuna himself would be overflowing with awesomeness (without taking away from the adorable sweetness of course).

Warning! This is a fem!Tsuna fic! If you don't like, then I won't hold it against you, just don't let the door hit you on the way out. This fic also contains strong!tsuna, smart!tsuna, highly-attractive-to-anyone-with-eyes-but-oblivious-to-any-advances!tsuna (because it's adorable and hilarious like that) and last but not least, beware of swearing, violence, hints at sexual themes, and other things that made me paranoid enough to rate this under M.

P.S. Here there be magic! Not to mention, they have wings! Plus, Tsuna has wolf-ears and tail, for no reason other than to single her out as unique, add to the awesome moe-ness, and because I wanted too!

Angelos were just like regular humans. At least, if regular humans had beautiful, feathered wings. Quite some time ago, (who knows the actual date?) A short while after the continents unified once again under the name of Terra, great chunks of land lifted off, and, for reasons unknown to this day, began floating. There were seven land-masses, aligned in a vertical column, each with a name representing the sky. Each person, depending on their island, had wings based off a certain color.

There was the sun island, sole, which had people with wings of brilliant yellows, and brilliant, energetic personality. The rain island, pioggia, with people of wings deep, melancholy blue, and gentle calming nature. The ever-changing mist island, nebbia, whose inhabitants sported ever-changing wings of grey and indigo, deceptive, making something out of nothing, and nothing out of something. The unrelenting storm island, tempesta, where live people with wings of red, and tempers twice as fiery. The isolated, aloof cloud island, nuvola, with wings of brilliant purple, and people who are aloof, uncaring, never restrained, and always going their own path. The protective lightning island, fulmine, with people of wings flashing green, protecting and building barriers, drawing attacks to their own selves.

Finally, at the height of this vertical column of land, lay the greatest of them all, the sky island, Cielo, harmonious and accepting all. The people there, few in number, had wings of the sunrise, brilliant golds, oranges, and reds, blending and twisting into a picture of magnificence. However, Cielo has been uninhabited for a long time now. The island was suddenly sealed off for an entire year, and after it was once again accessible, all that was found were skeletons, and scattered feathers turning to dust. Even the royal family, who had long since kept peace with the land-dwellers of Terra below, ruling the islands with a kind heart, were gone, their skeletons found and easily identified, due to the odd extra appendages unique to them alone. All except for their youngest daughter, whom was suspected to have been taken during the invasion, and was presumed dead by now.

By the way, Angelos had incredibly long life-spans. As a matter of fact, it took around 100 years just for them to reach their teenage years. Another interesting, though not well known, fact was that they had the ability to go into stasis, in which their resilience was greatly increased, enough, for example, to easily survive being thrown over the edge of Cielo island itself. One last thing, some Angelos live down on Terra. (Why? because they want to.) Like for example, a young girl who just recently turned 195 years of age (roughly translated to 16 in (normal) human age) who had been living in an isolated forest, with a rather old fiamma magic user, in a practically limitless, TARDIS style, bigger on the inside library, who recently became interest in the fact that, alongside her magnificent sunrise-colored wings, she sported the ears and tail of a wolf (gold with crimson tiger-like stripes) along with the slit pupils of a cat within her sunset-orange eyes. I'm sure she has nothing to do with that mysterious young princess, who was never found...

Naturally, this young girl was at the level of a genius, considering the fact that she had spent the first 195 years of her life inside of a library that contained every single book to ever exist, (How? Magic. Seriously, I'm not even kidding.) after all, it's only to be expected that you would learn a thing or two in such a circumstance. Thanks to her eidetic memory, she was well versed in things from the origin of magic (it had begun as a rare genetic mutation that allowed people to bend reality-though you still couldn't defy the laws of physics-which gradually spread throughout the population, until everyone had at least the power to vibrate molecules enough to light a candle with it, and for those who were more powerful, the ability to level the Earth for miles around) to the best way to prepare a roast turkey.

That morning, she had gotten up, and was now absently running down the railing towards the kitchen. She had just gotten a wonderful three hours of sleep, and was feeling quite well-rested as she balanced on the inch thick beam twisting along beside the stairs. While she had been quite clumsy for the first fifty years of her life, she unexpectedly chanced upon some books about gymnastics, dancing, and, best of all, martial arts (she later discovered that the library itself had grown tired of her always tripping and damaging it's walls, floors, and books) which, after spending a week just reading, she began practising (may I remind you that her age equals out to about 4 years old. Well, childhood trauma makes kids grow up fast, I suppose). and, within only twenty years, had mastered them all, and began creating her own style, based mostly on aikido, taekwondo, and capoeira. At that point, she had become a bit of a training fanatic, and had developed a graceful way of walking that seemed almost as though she was floating, and this translated over to her faster modes of walking as well.

After around 5 minutes of running (her bedroom was at the top of the library, on the thousandth floor) she was only 100 feet off the ground, and with a graceful leap, began free falling towards the floor, doing various acrobatics on the way down. As she finally neared the ground, she made use of her tail in order to balance herself and, with only the slightest bend of her knees, safely alighted upon the floor and began walking as though she hadn't just made light of a hundred foot drop.

"Tsunami!" A young-looking man ran towards her waving his arms crazily. "Why do you keep doing that! I'm at risk for death by heart attack at the rate you're going! Why can't you just walk down the stairs, or at the very least use your wings! I swear I can feel my blood pressure skyrocketing! Wait… Tsunami… do you see that… such a beautiful light... must, go, towards-"

He was abruptly cut off by a gentle swat to the back of his head. His jaw snapped shut with an audible click, and he blinked at her, pouting sullenly.

"Don't give me that look! We both know that your dramatics are just that, dramatics! You've been alive and well for the last twenty-thousand years or so, there's no way that something like high blood pressure is going to take you down!" She shot back good-naturedly, with a beautiful smile belying the amusement behind her words.

"Gah! Stop smiling like that already! I don't think I can just let you head off into the world with no protection at this rate, with hormonal young boys lurking in dark alleyways every other step."

"Papa, we both know any 'hormonal young boy' who tries to pull something will probably be waking up a week later in the hospital."

"But! But! I can't help worrying over my adorable little daughter-figure! You know nothing of the world, at only 195 years old, you've never been outside the library and it's surroundings, so someone could lure you in with a piece of candy, and next thing you know, you'll be waking up somewhere with nary a possession on you!"

"There are several things wrong with that statement. First, I'm not THAT naive, even fledglings know enough as to not do something like that! Second, Nobody could snatch my possessions, as I keep them in a dimensional pocket that reacts only to my magic signature. Finally, I can't get experience if you don't give me a chance too!" after that last statement, she turned and began cracking eggs into a bowl and set bacon in a pan, just to prove that she had no intentions of continuing the conversation. Something flickered through his eyes, but was gone as soon as she glanced back at him, replaced with a cheery expression that betrayed none of his thoughts. As she turned back around to begin seasoning the bacon, the something flickered through his eyes again, and he closed his eyes in defeat.

"My precious, Tsunami Vongola. Fate has truly dealt you a cruel hand."

As his eyes opened slowly, resolve glimmered in them. I'll make sure it never happens to you. Even if you hate me for this… looks like I'll be calling an old friend of mine. Strongest Arcobaleno, Reborn… Let's see how you handle this.

A/N - Greeting and salutations! This is my first ever fanfiction, so please forgive me for any mistakes that might mysteriously pop up. I welcome criticism, however, flames shall be ignored, as when you play with fire, you're far more likely to burn your own house down.