The maze, the immunes were in the maze!? Why had they gone back into the shucking maze? Frustration were starting to form and threaten to take over the last of Dakotas mind, it had become harder and harder to bite back the effect of the flare. The rest of the subjects followed him but they walked further and further behind, putting more and more distance between themselves and the visibly struggling half-crank. Dakota didn't care what they did, as long as they followed him and let him lead them to the passage to the paradise. But before he could do anything, he needed to find Thomas who were possibly one of the few who actually knew the way to paradise.

"You still with us?" A small almost whisper came from behind making Dakota snort, Dylan had often asked the very same question once in a while since they had started towards the maze. Dakota had never given him any point on answer but Dylan seemed to be pleased with what he got, a normal mischievous smirk which only one gray eyed glader could come out with. But it was getting harder and harder to smile or smirk, if not in a wicked way making him look insane. Thoughts of wanting to strangle his friend who stumbled on his own feet or rip their eyes out for being so damn cautious, Dakota knew he wouldn't last and hoped to god that he wouldn't attack his friends.

"Hide." He wanted to shout it but it came out plain as a stone. Luckily Jeff seemed to get it anyway and turned to shout for the others to hide behind the corner, leaving Dakota alone in the corridor to face the enemy. Not really caring, dying wouldn't be such a bad thing. Dakota lazily rolled his shoulders as he walked up to the end of the corridor, pressing his body against the wall and waited for the enemy to round the corner. He could hear the faint voices getting clearer as the people came closer, a group of pretty many people it sounded.

"Watch out!" Too late, Dakota saw the first guy round the corner and in a blink of an eye tackled him to the har floor. He could faintly hear women and children screaming but all his attention were on the older teen he had tackled to the ground, Thomas were looking at him with shocked yet sad eyes as he tried to struggled out of his grip. Dakota too tried to get away but his body acted on its own, his hands clawing down on Thomas who half cried out from the burning claws.

"Shuck! Just hit me good dammit!" Dakota screamed he couldn't stop, he wanted to stop or he needed to stop. He could feel tears start running down his cheeks as he finally managed to force his hands to stop for a second, luckily long enough for Thomas to get the upper hand as he buckled upwards making Dakota fly forward and in the process hitting his head against the hard wall. Groaning from the sudden pain in his forehead, Dakota massaged it gently to try ease the pain.

"Shit, you're a crank." Thomas sounded pained almost haunted as he stated the truth, Dakota didn't look at him but plainly shrugged. Reality could sometime be very harsh, seems the flare finally had gotten the upper hand and it were slowly winning the fight.

"You threw me headfirst into a wall? That's mean Tommyboy!" He chuckled not really knowing why a big smirk formed on his lips as he bounced up to his feet, looking down at Thomas who were still down on the floor looking at him with a puzzled look. Dakota ignored the look and instead reach down his hand to help the older teen up and off the ground, Thomas hesitated looking at the hand bathed in blood.

"And you clawed at my arm like some shuck cat." Thomas responded and took the offered hand letting Dakota help him up, Dakota ignored the comment and instead looked around at the rest of Thomas group who were watching them with weary looks. Minho, that Brenda girl and some other familiar faces in front of the normal people. Minho looked as if someone had just punched him hard in the face, angry yet very hurt.

"Shit!" He cursed turning his head away, Dakota didn't blame him as he too had a hard time meeting his friends gace. Looking around further, he couldn't see Newt but didn't ask. The look on Thomas face told him the story, guess they would die the same way? Turning away from the immunes, Dakota turned to were the rest were hiding.

"Eyy klunkheads! Look what I found!" He shouted a grin spreading out on his lips as he saw Jeff poking his head out from the corner, his eyes widened comically as his jaw dropped by the sight in front of him. The gladers looked just as shocked, until a loud laugh broke the tension and suddenly they were all running to each other. Laughing and hugging, chatting in high voices as they reunited with their old friends. Dakota watched them with a sad distant smile, it sure was a happy sight.


Standing in front of the portal thingy that would take the immunes to paradise, Dakota raised his hands to his neck and easily took of his necklace. Looking at the pigeon symbol with a smirk to his lips, he flipped it around and read the numerical code. The code which would open the portal thingy to paradise, he chuckled and then turned to look at the woman standing by the control panel.

"Here." He tossed the necklace to her which she catched with a little difficulties but did almost drop it before she managed to steady her hands, she smiled wearily and looked at the numbers. Pressing down on a few keys on the panel, the portal opened and she threw back the necklace which Dakota easily catched and put back around his neck.

"Thank you." She said actually looking him in the eyes and smiling gently, Dakota stared at her blankly but nodded before hurrying out of the room. He headed to were Thomas, Minho and the rest of the gladers who had survived the trails were standing.

"You all better go now, WICKED will be here any minute." He said not looking at any of them, his vision had started to blur from the flare trying to take him out of control. He could feel his friends gace on him, all sad and sympathetic.

"I wish we could help you." Minho whispered, his voice near cracking but he managed to hold it in. Dakota managed a small smile not really having the same thinking, he didn't mind dying.

"You can't save everyone." He stated bluntly but still smiling, his eyes stuck to the door were he just new soldiers would soon arrive. No, there wouldn't be any soldiers arriving through that door. Dakota smirked as he grabbed the rifle out of Gallys' hands, the potato nose frowning and taking a hesitant step back.

"During the past three or so years I've always heard these same words in my dream, during the years I always hated the words and swore that they weren't true but know I don't know. Maybe WICKED ain't as bad s we thought." Dakota smirked wickedly as he opened the big doors, winked to his friends and disappeared out the doorway.

~The End~


And after 37 chapters, Memories With Chaos has ended!

I decided to leave the ending kind of empty, you readers decided yourself what you think happened to our little half-crank :)

I just wanna thank for the support I've gotten and many thanks to May A Chance for having followed and reviewed the story and every chapter! You're a big part to why I didn't give up the story.

Thanks to all who've also followed and liked the story, hope I didn't disappoint ya'll too much with my weird and crappy writing xD