Hi there everyone! I've been getting a few messages recently asking me why I haven't updated. Until now I haven't given a proper response, but after rereading some of the amazing reviews you guys have left me, I feel that you all deserve at least a form of an explanation as to why I've disappeared. So here's my problem. A few months ago I hadn't been writing anything because of a huge writer's block, but as I forced myself to push through it, I faced an even bigger dilemma. I started writing a new chapter, then stopped halfway, looked over what I had typed and thought, "This isn't good enough. No one will ever give this the time of day." So I put that chapter on the shelf and tried a chapter of a different story. Again, the same thoughts caused me to discard it and move on to another. It quickly became a vicious cycle; starting a new chapter, finding faults in it, discarding it, and then starting a new one. I have collected so many of them that I can barely keep my ideas straight, much less be creative. Everything I write seems stale, boring, commonplace. I'm scared at how horribly my thoughts are coming out on the page. I badly need to get back to when my writing flowed easily and I could actually post it online without cringing over the thought of what a horrible flop it may turn out to be. At this point I'm really just trying to decide whether to delete my account and start fresh when I get back into my writing flow or to get help from one of you amazing individuals here on Fanfiction. So this is my request, if you want to suggest my next course of action, or give me another idea, or whatever you'd like to share, by all means please go ahead. Thank you in advance everyone, I love you all so much and I want to say that whether I leave Fanfiction or not, all of your support has truly meant the world to me.