HM: Hello my pointy-eared people! And yes, that is my new catchphrase.

Gin: *rolls eyes*

HM: Anyways, hi! And welcome to my new masterpiece! *fireworks go off in background*

Gin: *passes with fire extinguisher* uh-huh... "masterpiece"

HM: Ignoring. So, yes, this isn't my PJO/HP crossover, which was widely faved and followed by you lovely readers! Thanks! Speaking of, the next chapter should be out soon. This is an Aliens/Predator fic.

Melchior: Thank you, Captain Obvious.

HM: This is in collaboration with the wonderful, the talented, the Australian, JaYDN78! *more fireworks*

Rancess: *blows on kazoo*

JaYDN78: Uhhhhh...hi...mmmm... We have been planning this for a while and we have some really cool things in store for you guys. Hope you enjoy this story/series.

HM: Aw, no need to be so bashful my fellow author! But as he said, hope you guys enjoy our first collab fic: The Xeno King!

I: Experiment

Date: May 22nd, 2234. Planet LV-436. Audio log of Doctor Ronald W. Richardson.

Subject 233-01 has shown remarkable progress of hybridization. If Private Wolcott hadn't told us about his friend's unique ability, the program would never have kicked off and showed as much progress as it has, especially after the failure that was 233-00. However, like all men of science, we learn from our mistakes and take steps to ensure history doesn't repeat itself. But I digress, 01 has been improving in regards to dermal engineering, that is, the manipulation of the skin. It's still a bluish - white and cold to the touch, but it has begun to blacken and become more exoskeleton in some areas. It is unknown if the reason of the skin pigmentation (the color of the skin) and its decrease in body temperature is 01's genetic makeup or abilities, or even a mixture of the two. Regardless of the reason, interesting results have been reaped due to this anomally.

01's muscle structure has decreased, but by no means has his strength done the same. In fact, readings and observations have evidenced that his strength has actually INCREASED. This was proven true as 01 punched a hole through a door made of reinforced steel. A side effect of this was that ice and frost formed along the edges of the hole, a remarkable feat.

As of yet, we have not attempted combat excersises. I recommend that they be put on hold until the transformation process is fully complete. At this time, I cannot say with certainty when that will be. As it is, we have very little organic material of our target DNA to work with. For now, we will keep monitoring 01's progress, see if his body naturally grows the remaining Xenomorph dermals.

End audio log.

Dr. Ronald Richardson put down the tape recorder and turned back to his project. Dr. Richardson was a man in his late forties. He was Caucasian and had brown eyes, as well as a receding hairline. He smirked as he inspected his project. Glacial blue eyes glared back at him hatefully.

The eyes belonged to a figure strapped to a metal table. His skin was bluish-white and smooth. The skin from the elbow to his fingers were black and his fingers were longer than a normal human's with a curved silvery claw on each tip. The male looked extremely malnourished, his ribs able to be counted individually with small hints of muscle on his arms and legs. His hair, once golden blonde, was now white, and bony protrusions stuck out of his forehead.

This unfortunate creature was once Carter King, a security officer that worked for the Weyland-Yutani corporation. That was a past life, however. This was his life now: treated like an animal due to his naiveté. Experimented on because he trusted the wrong people.

"Glare all you want 01. It's not going to change anything." The 'good' doctor said haughtily.

Carter's, or rather, 01's mouth opened, revealing silvery fangs and another mouthlike opening at the tip of his tongue. Dr. Richardson's eyes widened as a raspy voice, as if the wind itself were speaking, spoke past those blue lips.

"Kill... you..."

HM: Well, there you have it! Unfortunately, JaYDN78 had to leave... as did the others... they send their regards though! So tell me, like it? Hate it? Let us know! Your reviews and PM's are the fuel to this collaborative train!

*train inexplicably whistles*

HM: ... ok... anyways, review and PM, we wanna hear from you! Until next time... Ja ne!