Deep green is surrounding my body, pooling down in a silky blanket heap when I move. A hissing sound is released from my throat, but it comes out cracked and rough, as pain races up my spine.

Questions buzz in and out of my head as my eyes dart across the foreign room, taking it in slowly.

Large windows with gold blankets covering them, fancy dressers on either side of the bed but one is smaller, a big wooden door like thing (wardrobe), the windows are lined up on the right side wall and a tiny table with two cushioned chairs are resting in front of them. There are two doors in the room, one is beside the wardrobe and on the opposite side of the room from the bed and the other is to my left.

It looks brand new, shiny, and rich. The wood is shining and not like any wood that I have ever seen before. There is some kind of white fur, maybe wool, on the floor.

I should be asking myself 'Where am I?' but the only questions that seems to be occupying and taking over my mind is 'Why am I alive? Am I alive?'.

And then everything clicks into place.

Those steel grey eyes invade my mind, the memory of the selling, of the stars, and of the strange man fill my mind. I cringe and almost want to curl in on myself because there is absolutely no way that someone bought me.

I want to believe that I'm in some sick twisted heaven, or maybe even hell itself but the tell-tale pain and ache prove different. I'm very much alive, I won't see mom, dad or Mikasa. I didn't die.

I wanted to die.

My hands tremble as I reach up to wipe at my eyes with the sleeve of some dress like outfit that was currently adorning my body. Tears are bubbling in my eyes and cascading down my cheeks in rivers as it finally sets in; I wanted to die, I was waiting and counting down for it like it was some grand prize.

I can picture my mom's angry eyes as she scolds me like she used. Would she be proud of me if she saw how weak I was? How weak I am?

I shake my head, stifling my noises by biting my hand, a very bad habit that I've always seemed to had, especially since the whore house. It hurts, but it does the trick and my tears stop, my breathing slows down somewhat to where I can actually get some oxygen into me.

And as much as I want to lie back down and cry, scream, and sleep; my inner Mikasa is scolding and yelling at me, telling me that I need to get up and snoop around. I need to get out.

My breathing is labored as I kick my feet out from under the silky blankets, swinging them over the edge of them bed. That action alone was nearly enough to take the breath out of me. When I'm turned facing the door I notice something on the dresser beside me me, the tiny one with no drawers. (nightstand)

A tall clear cup with what I assume is water inside. Staring at it makes me just realize how thirsty I am, how my tongue is practically sticking to the roof of my mouth, and how my throat feels as if it had been rubbed raw with sandpaper.

I hesitantly reach out for it with my right, trembling hand, testing my strength in a way. My fingers clasp around the middle of it and I summon up as much strength as I can to lift it up off of the mini-dresser.

It wobbles and water spills out over the edges and onto my fingers, I gasp and shoot my other hand out to try and steady the glass as I raise it to my lips.

It's cool and refreshing and I don't even realize just how fast that I am swallowing it until there's none left and even then I'm licking what had spilt out over the edges off of the cup and my fingers like a greedy dog.

I carefully set the cup back down, scanning for another glass or a water pipe but finding none in what I can see of the room. My eyes fall onto the the door beside the big wooden closet, eyeing it warily.

I turn my gaze downward to my feet; they're wrapped in bandages for the most part, the only part that isn't covered in it is my toes. I wriggle them a bit with a tiny smile before slowly lowering myself down until the soles of my feet rested against the floor.

It stings a bit, but it's bearable. I take in a big gulp of air, using the tiny dresser for support and try to heave myself upright. I stumble and curse, pain racing up my legs, but I manage to not fall. The tiny dresser shakes uncontrollably under my wobbling hands and the glass falls to it's side loudly.

I curse inwardly and try to stable myself, my legs feel so heavy, like lead. With too much strained effort, I manage to wobble painfully across the room towards the door, my hands never leaving the wall for support.

The inside is very different from the big room. It's tiled and white all over but it's dark too. How are you supposed to know where you're going if it's so dark in this tiny room?

I squint and run my hands against the wall on the inside of the tiny room, trying to support myself, when my hand brushes against some sort of switch and suddenly there's light. I gasp loudly when the brightness floods the room, glowing against just how white the room was.

I wobble into the small room, my eyes roaming over every little detail of it.

There's a white bowl like seat on one side, it looks a bit weird so I don't really mess with it. Across from the weird seat is a sink looking thing, only it's pure white with fancy pipes. I want to play around with it but I get distracted by the mirror hanging above it on the wall.

My feet act on their own and I'm standing in front of the glass, eyes wide and searching.

It's hard to think that your skin can be so many different colors all at once, the sight almost makes me laugh to be honest. I raise a shaky hand up, just now noticing just how thin my skin is and how it clings to my bones.

Black hangs under my eyes in loose bags. My once tan and healthy colored skin is now a sickly yellow color, stained with purple, red, blue, and brown markings that all seem to just fade back into my skin. My hair is a dull brown and reaches down past my shoulders in matted and nasty knots.

Before I know it my long shirt is hiked up and I'm staring at my body as if I'm some sort of deformed animal. Ribs jutting out, bruises marking everywhere, scars lingering in places where little boys shouldn't be scarred.

I look disgusting.

Tears bubble in my eyes for the umpteenth time since waking up because this can't be real. That fragile ugly thing just can't be me.

My shirt falls back down and I'm running, from what I don't know and I can't place. I just want to get away, to get out. I can't breath and everything is surrounding me, mocking me with it's beauty.

I don't know how, with how wobbly and skinny my legs are, that I can run so fast. I yank the other door to the room open, revealing a hallway of sorts.

I don't take the time to ogle or take anything in, no I run.

I run like there is a monster behind me, chasing me down. The pictures and colors become a blur. My breathing is irregular and fast and my heart drums in my ears with each step I take.

I don't know where to go, which way to turn, I feel as if I'm just running in a large circle. I dart around another corner and I see a blur of yellow, I freeze and everything locks up inside of me. Green meets blue and her eyes widen.

"U-Uhm, you shouldn't be up!" She's short and she stutters and she's loud. She reminds me of the girl next to me in the whore house only she isn't crying and she's healthy. I look at everything but her, frantically looking for an escape. There's stairs behind her to the left, big ones.

"Eren wait, please" she knows my name, my breathing is erratic, and she's walking towards me, her hand is reaching for me. I don't want to be touched, I don't want to be punished.

My eyes are blurred, I think I'm crying again, as I run past her. I think I knock her down but at the moment I don't give a damn, I dart down the stairs, a large room coming into view.

There's so many people and they're all looking at me. They're all staring at me with wide eyes. They're disgusted too.

Air, air. I need air. And I see it, I see it from behind the large windows beside the door, I see the sunlight and the freshness.

I run forward, towards the doors. I can leave and I can breathe and I won't ever have to see they're disgusted faces again. I won't have to look at myself.

Hard arms circle around my waist, tugging me quickly back against a chest.

"Go get, Hanji" a familiar, rough voice yells loudly, "Now!"

I shiver and shake, thrashing in the arms wildly like a snared animal. I'm shook roughly like a rag doll and everything around me spins out of control, I fall limp in his arms.

"I'm s-so sorry!" the girl from before apologizes loudly, she must have followed me, "He just ran a-and-"

"Save it" he cuts her off, "It doesn't matter. I didn't think he'd be able to run, much less stand on his own two fucking feet."

I'm maneuvered around a little bit and I see the ceiling, it's so high above us, how on earth did they get it that high?

"Brat" the voice breaks through again, my head lolls to the side and I stare up at his perfect features , he looks so angry, "Breathe."

My eyebrows furrow and I stare at him like he's some sort of god, he looks the part. But God's aren't grouchy and mean, they don't treat people like rag dolls and sling them around and they certainly don't curse.

"Levi, Christ, what the heck happened" another voice, it sounds like a woman and I think I've heard it before too, but I can't place my finger on when. His silver eyes detach away from me and he's looking over at whoever was speaking. I continue to stare at him because I can't move anymore, everything is so numb.

"What the hell does it look like? Come get him and take him to your office, make sure none of his wounds re-opened" he orders her, eyes flickering back down to me for a brief second, "While you're at it, cut his hair."

I'm shuffled and moved around and suddenly he's far away and I'm in someones else's arms being carried like I'm some sort of princess. I manage to look up at the new person. I can't tell if it's a man or a woman, to be honest they look like both.

They're smiling down at me with a radiant grin that looks both menacing and warm at the same time. Their eyes are a dark brown and they have thick rimmed goggle like glasses strapped to their face with thick brown bangs drooping down and tickling my nose as they lean over me, the rest was pulled back in a tight ponytail.

"Hey, Eren, it'll be alright, just calm down" I furrow my eyebrows because how can all these people know my name?

They laugh loudly and I'm being carried away like a princess, only a very ugly one. I look back, I don't know why, at Levi, only I was sure his name was Rivaille. He's looking back at me, his face scrunched up in some sort of odd expression.

I think over the expression for a while and I know exactly what it was; Revulsion.

I laugh to myself, it comes out sounding like a broken, scratchy giggle and the person carrying me looks down at me oddly.

"It'll be okay" they say calmly, trying to soothe me. They probably thought I was trying to speak or going to cry. I smile, not because I'm happy and not because I'm calm.

I smile because I'm broken, and broken things aren't wanted.