"We need to talk," they both said in unison.

Sheldon and Amy look at each other in surprise. Sheldon gave a quick, curt nod and turned back to his apartment with Amy following on his heels.

When they got in the apartment, Sheldon looked down at the Relationship Agreement on the iPad in his hand. Perhaps he wouldn't need it after all; he could hope. He surreptitiously set the iPad down on his desk and headed into the kitchen. "Would you like a beverage, Amy? Perhaps a chamomile tea?"

Sheldon's offer of chamomile tea was a bit concerning, given that Sheldon saw chamomile tea as a comforting beverage that one needed in times of stress or sorrow. Amy walked over to the kitchen island and sat on one of the stools.

"No, thank you, Sheldon. Perhaps we should just talk."

Sheldon walked around to her side of the island. "All right, Amy. I find myself in a quandary."

"How so?"

Sheldon began pacing around with agitation. "It has come to my attention that when one expresses a certain regard towards another person, it is usually anticipated that the other person will … If the anticipated expression is not received, logic dictates that their association may be lacking...that is…it is unsatisfying to be uncertain of the situation…social protocol dictates that both partners understand the circumstances…You haven't…I don't know if you…."

Amy tried to parse Sheldon's ramblings. Is he about our relationship? It almost sounds like he needs to be reassured.

"Sheldon, I don't understand. You do know that I lo…." She stepped toward him and her eye fell on the iPad sitting on Sheldon's desk. The Relationship Agreement was open on it! Wait – he had had that in his hand when we met out in the hallway! Oh, no. No way! We are not doing this again!

Amy's head jerked up and she glared at Sheldon. "Sheldon, you're breaking up with me again, aren't you? How can you keep casually discarding what we have? I thought you loved me. I cannot stand here and try to hang onto us yet again. That's it – I'm done." Amy turned and marched toward the door, tears blurring her vision and holding back her sobs. I wanted this to be wonderful – I really hoped. But I knew it was too good to be true.

Sheldon looked after her, frozen in place. He was appalled – both with her conclusion and the pain with which she spoke. This wasn't what he anticipated her thinking. I'm not leaving her. I'm not ever leaving her again!

"So go after her, stupid!" his brain shouted at him.

Sheldon ran to the door and ripped it open. Amy was hurrying down the stairs. He rushed down after her and grabbed her by the shoulders. When he turned her around, he saw the tears running down her face.

"No, Amy. You don't understand. I'm not breaking up with you. Please come back upstairs."

Amy shook her head. She almost didn't seem to understand him. "No, no," she mumbled through her tears.

"Come upstairs, Amy," said Sheldon tenderly, leading her up the stairs with a hand on her back. "Come on. It's okay. You'll see."

They got up the stairs and re-entered Sheldon's apartment. Sheldon led her over to the sofa and sat her down, handing her the Rubik's cube tissue box. "Please stay, Amy." He went over to the kitchen and took down the cups to make some tea.

Amy blew her nose and cleared her throat. "Sheldon, I saw the Relationship Agreement open on your iPad. The only reason you'd have that up, carrying the iPad around with you, is to break up with me. If you want me to stay, then you need to explain this to me."

Sheldon abandoned the cups, went over to his desk and picked up the iPad. "Amy, you are such an intelligent woman, but sometimes your hormones and emotions get the better of you. Plus your field of study doesn't lend itself to the logical reasoning that physics clearly does. Your analysis, in this case, is faulty. The termination notice is not the only portion of the Relationship Agreement that I might have ready for a discussion with you."

He continued, "I wasn't sure that I was ready to show this to you, but I think it is now necessary. In light of the recent changes in our relationship, I've been working on an amendment to the Relationship Agreement."

Sheldon sat down and held out the iPad. Amy started to read.

Appendix A

The Physical Affection Expression Chart

The purpose of this appendix and chart is to ensure that the progression of expressions of physical affection between the Boyfriend and the Girlfriend proceed at a measured pace, approved by both parties. Individual expressions of affection will be identified and will go through a screening process, beginning with a determination of the Boyfriend's and Girlfriend's willingness to engage in each expression.

Once willingness for a certain expression is officially indicated in writing by both the Boyfriend and Girlfriend, the expression will enter a period of time, hereafter to be known as the "Trial Period". During the Trial Period, the expression is to be repeated a total of 10 times. Only those expressions for which both the Boyfriend and Girlfriend have previously indicated willingness on the written chart may enter the Trial Period.

After the 10th iteration, the Trial Period for the expression is completed. At that time, the Boyfriend and the Girlfriend will evaluate whether the action may enter the "Permanent Repertoire," a group of expressions that do not require prior approval or obvious statement of mutual agreement before engaging. Petition may be made to either extend or shorten the Trial Period for a certain expression before its evaluation for the Permanent Repertoire.

NOTE: All physical expressions are subject to the following conditions:

· All physical expressions are to be performed only in private, unless noted in the chart that the expression is "for possible public view"

· Both the Boyfriend and the Girlfriend are healthy and have completed all appropriate hygiene rituals.

· There must be mutual and clear agreement before the expression is attempted. The requirement for "clear agreement" is waived if the expression is part of the Permanent Repertoire list.

Amy was astonished. This was more than she ever expected. Not yet knowing what to say, Amy continued on down to the attached chart.

The chart had quite a few columns. Amy scanned over the column headings. The first column contained the different physical actions. That was followed by two columns titled "Boyfriend willing?" and "Girlfriend willing?". Amy was captivated - there were already many "Yes" notations in the "Boyfriend willing?" column!

The next column was called "Dates of Trial Period". That was followed by "Times Attempted" and the last column "Permanent Repertoire?"

Gleefully, Amy began reading down the list of physical expressions. She saw a section on different kinds of casual touches, which included handholding and cuddling. But Amy zeroed in on the section on kissing. Her eyes widened when she saw the list.

Kisses on the forehead

Kisses on the cheek

Closed mouth kisses

Open mouth kisses

Kissing with tongue

Kissing the neck and shoulders

Kissing reclined

All these wonderful categories! All just waiting for her "yes" in the "Girlfriend willing?" column to start the Trial Period for them! Because Sheldon had written "yes" for all those items in the "Boyfriend willing?" column! Amy was positively vibrating with excitement.

Good gracious, there's more! Amy saw another short section called "Advanced Expressions". Under this, Sheldon had listed:

Touching above the waist above clothes

Touching above the waist underneath clothing

He hadn't written a "yes" beside those, but there were still on the list! That's still a win! He's thinking about it!

Amy breathed out a deep "oh" and looked up at Sheldon. He was studying her with an unusual intensity. Sheldon said softly, "The list isn't finished. I have been researching and adding to it a bit at a time."

"Perhaps we don't have to have a complete list for now. We can work on the list together, adding to it over time as seems appropriate," suggested Amy shyly.

Sheldon smiled, "Yes, I think that would be suitable."

Amy took her glasses off, leaned over and carefully set them on the table. Then, with a sudden lurch, she launched herself at Sheldon. He caught her with an "oomph" and Amy whispered, "Time to start the Trial Period."

"But, Amy, you haven't authorized in writing…"

Soft lips were pressed against his. But this wasn't like their date night kisses which were quite chaste, close-mouthed, and done in a standing position. Amy was halfway in his lap with her arms around his neck. He didn't have his hands on the side of her hips, either; they were around her back, stroking her gently. And, instead of one long closed mouth kiss, they were giving shorter closed mouth kisses, moving their mouths tenderly and slowly over one another's. This is really different. This is really nice.

Sheldon realized too that there was such freedom in the current placement of his hands. Slowly, he slid a hand up into Amy's hair. It was as silky as he always imagined and he ran his fingers through her hair again and again, reveling in its softness.

Amy gave a sigh and pulled back, resting her forehead against Sheldon's. "You know, Sheldon," she murmured, "You didn't give me a chance to tell you what I wanted to talk about."

Sheldon jerked up abruptly, suddenly nervous that he had somehow blundered. Amy chuckled. "Don't worry. I came rushing over here from Penny's because I just had to come over and say – I love you."

Sheldon felt a surge of warmth envelop him with those words, filling him from his head to his toes. Oh my – there really is nothing like hearing that said out loud. She loves me. Why did I ever allow Leonard the opportunity to make me doubt?

Overwhelmed with emotion, Sheldon grabbed Amy like a drowning man grabs a life preserver. Seating her squarely in his lap, shaking slightly, he exclaimed, "Good Lord, woman – you've made me into such a hippy. Do you have any idea how badly I needed to hear you say that?"

Seizing her face in both hands, Sheldon kissed her with the force of his emotions. No longer was this a slow, sensual dance of lips. Sheldon drove his lips harder into hers, pushing her lips open. He could feel her breath against his face and, to his surprise, it didn't disgust him, but only served to spur him on. I want to taste her further. I've been exposed to so many germs already – what is a few more?

Amy was awash in a sea of desire. All she wanted was to stay here, on Sheldon's lap, kissing forever. Just when she thought it couldn't get any better, she felt Sheldon's tongue lightly lick her bottom lip. A surge of longing jolted through her. Amy opened her mouth further, inviting him in, and pressed herself against him harder, wanting to feel as much of him against her as possible.

Sheldon groaned and allowed himself to explore her mouth further. When Amy gave a moan low in her throat, Sheldon tightened his fist in her hair and pulled her head back, exposing her throat. He began kissing his way down her neck. Amy squirmed with delight, grabbing his hair and holding him tightly to her.

When Sheldon reached the juncture of her neck and shoulder, he remembered his "lecture" at the koala enclosure. "My woman. Mine," he thought, as he began nipping lightly with his teeth, biting a little harder each time as Amy began to pant.

When Sheldon heard himself growl, "Amy!" he suddenly pulled back, coming to himself and realizing how far he had taken things. He looked at Amy, cool blue eyes meeting warm brown ones, shining with love and desire. Amy's hair was disheveled and her mouth was red and slightly swollen. Sheldon suspected that he looked exactly the same. What if Leonard and Penny walk in? They are probably outside listening now. This needs to be private.

"Amy…could we go back to my room?"

Amy's eyes widened. She nodded once and stood up, smoothing down her clothing. As they started back to Sheldon's room, Amy smirked. "Sheldon, I thought girls weren't allowed in your room."

Sheldon stopped and thought for a second. He nodded. "Amy, girls aren't allowed in my room. But I think that the woman I love can be."

Amy stopped, absolutely gobsmacked, her mouth hanging open in shock and her heart overflowing with love. Sheldon looked back and sighed. "Now, don't get any ideas, woman. There is paperwork yet to sign and I still need your help pre-sorting my laundry. Look at how late this nonsense has set back my schedule!"

Amy smiled – this was still the Sheldon she knew and loved. As she walked ahead to Sheldon's room, what she didn't see was Sheldon's intense gaze at her backside in her form-fitting skirt or the definite swallow that followed. "Yes, thought Sheldon, it is definitely time to get her approvals in the Appendix. There might be a few items I need to add to the list too. She is indeed a vixen. My Vixen."

A/N Thank you all for reading and reviewing my first story. I've had a blast writing it and your encouragement has meant the world.

If you are disappointed that things didn't go further in the story, please know that I always intended this to remain a rated "T" fiction. I am toying with the idea of trying an "M" fiction that carries this further. It seems to me that, for the first time in the show, a Sheldon interested in sex isn't too OOC anymore. I just need to convince myself that I could write a steamier story well.

Finally, I realize that I went against what seems to be the fan fiction standard of having Amy's eyes be green. But everything I've read says that Mayim Bialik's eyes are brown - and I think that that can be a lovely, enchanting color as well.

Again - thank you! I look forward to spending more time in TBBT universe with you all.