Authors note: I just started reading The Dark Tower series from Stephen King and I absolutely love it. This story popped into my mind when I was reading the wizard and glass. Hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, these characters belong to Once Upon a Time and Stephen King. This is merely free entertainment.

Trigger Warning: Child abuse, language!


Chapter 1

The Dark Wizard of the Nine Hills of Schrik


The wind was howling loudly, swiping up the fall leaves that were scattered on the grass and dropping them back down again a couple of wheels further. Shadows of trees were looking more and more terrifying the closer Regina Mills got to the Nine Hills of Schrik. It was dark, it seemed darker than Regina had ever seen, even the moon wasn't shining its usual white light to illuminate the town - Cal El Durgis - in black and white. Its absence only unnerved young Regina Mills that much more.

Her skirts were slapping around her legs, the wind easily penetrating through the thin black shawl she had wrapped around her upper body. Regina had the feeling that she should go back. That she should turn around and run, away from her mother, away from the Mayor and away from Cal El Durgis. 'Run while you still can!' the voice in the back of her head repeated over and over and over again. It had been saying that ever since Regina first got the news of what was about to happen to her.

Those same people had forced her to go here, had pushed her to go to the Nine Hills of Schrik and meet the Dark Wizard that lived on the last hill. Her mother and the Mayor had forced her to go here and see Rumplestiltskin (the Wizard's real name, though no one called him that, especially not when in his company). To let him "proof that she is pure", as her mother had called it. But Regina knew, she knew it meant he had to touch her, check her to see if she was still a virgin like she had said she was when she was begging her mother not to send her here.

She reached the last hill within the next half hour and saw the small cottage that stood on the top. The closer Regina came, the more details she could make out. It looked more like a shed than a cottage, she noticed when she passed the old, wooden letterbox that looked like it was about to collapse on itself (why the Wizard had a letterbox whilst most certainly getting no letters or even visits, Regina did not know and did not care to know. Now that she was almost close enough to touch the shed (she did not want to), Regina could see that the letterbox wasn't the only thing that seemed close to collapsing. The wooden walls were clearly rotten. And even the grass surrounding the house looked dead (for as much as Regina could make out in the darkness), there was a stench of dead animals, maybe even humans hanging around the house of the Dark Wizard of the Nine Hills of Schrik. It was thick and sickening, caused bile to rise in Regina's throat. Almost all the windows (which weren't many to begin with) were broken, shattered, the dark rags that Regina guessed served as drapes were moving with the harsh wind and she could catch a small glimpse of the inside of the home.

"Theeeerrrreee you are!" A shrill voice came frome behind the young girl and Regina jumped up from fear. Her heart hammered inside her chest, almost threatening to jump out or all together stop and cold sweat started to form at the base of her spine, dampening the dark blue blouse she was wearing. Regina suddenly felt very anxious, having the Wizard almost everyone feared (the ones who didn't fear him were deemed stupid and crazy) that close to her.

A giggle left the Dark Wizard of the Nine Hills and he suddenly appeared in front of her, the dark red smoke dissipating in the wind that seemed to have doubled in force. "I've been expecting you, dearie." Another high pitched giggle that almost made Regina crunch her eyes. "Oh yes, I've been expecting you indeed."

She took a deep breath, trying to get her hammering heart back under control, but it wasn't working. So when she spoke, her voice was trembling ever so slightly and Regina prayed to the Jesus man that was said to be long gone, that she could just sink into the ground and disappear right this instant.

"You've been expecting me? How did you know I-"

"How did I know?!" The Dark Wizard dramatically waved his hands in front of his golden, scaly looking face. "Don't you know, child? I'm the Dark Wizard living on the ninth hill of the Nine Hills of Schrik, I know all." He bared his yellow teeth in a grin, lowering his hands again in the same dramatic fashion. "I know all, I see all."

"So you know why I am here then, Dark Wizard?" There still was that tremble, but it was less noticeable now. "By whom I was send?"

"I know all, I see all." He simply repeated. "So yes, young Miss Regina. I know you were send here by your mother to make sure you are pure, as pure as the mother of the Jesus Man that many believed in years ago. Pure so you can go and let the Mayor own you, take you, impregnate you and let you be his personal broodmare. All so he can have a tighter cunt and a flock of little Mayors."

She didn't know how to answer that, didn't know what to say to defend herself, because, after all, everything the scaly Wizard uttered was true. So true it hurt. Regina remained silent.

A giggle.

"I hit the nail on the head, didn't I? As I said; I know all, I see all."

The Wizard turned around, walked the two wheels to the creaky old door without even so much as a lock (but then, who would be so stupid as to break in here, in the Wizard's home, the Wizard who was said to eat infants for breakfast) and opened it. Though when he sensed Regina wasn't following he turned around again.

"Well, come on, dearie!" He giggled again and stepped out of the way in false chivalry. "Inside, or do you want to do it out here in the open?!"

It took the young brunette a moment to get her feet to work, but when she did, she stepped over to the Dark Wizard, daring one quick glance at his face before stepping inside what she hoped wouldn't be her final resting place.

The stench of dead animals (and maybe humans) was even worse inside, it was cloying, forcing Regina to breathe through her mouth so she would be able to get at least some air in her lungs without puking up her meager dinner.

With a loud bang that caused Regina's heart to jump, the Wizard closed the door behind him. It surprised the young brunette that the rotten wood didn't fall apart at impact.

Regina's dark eyes slowly glanced around the small house, though it was bigger than it looked from the outside. A slightly green looking fire was burning in the fireplace, illuminating the room in a greenish hue. There were piles of books on the table, but also on the floor and it was filthy. Oh so filthy. Cobwebs hanging from the ceiling, dead flies in the corners and rats everywhere. Some were alive and some were dead. The dead ones varied in stages of decay; some where only a pile of hair and bones and some still looked like rats except from the maggots that were slowly devouring the bodies.

That explained where the smell came from.

"Now, let me look at you, dearie." He twirled his finger, signaling her to turn around in a full circle. Something Regina did with great reluctance. It made her feel like one of the horses that were displayed on the local market. Showed off to the willing buyers. Her father used to take her to such markets when she was younger. Before he was crushed under the hoofs of one of those horses.

"Ah yes!" The Wizard giggled with childlike glee, bringing his scaly hands together in a single clap. His slightly-bigger-than-human eyes were twinkling with delight and joy. Like a toddler looking at his new toy; almost unable to wait, wanting to touch it more than anything. "I see it now!"

The brunette furrowed her brows, frowning at the Wizard and crossing her arms over her chest in a protective stance. "See what?" It sounded rude and so she quickly addeda Dark Wizard to at least remain in his good graces somewhat.

"Why the Mayor wants you and only you to carry his bastard child, of course!" He stepped forward, coming so close that they were almost touching and Regina was able to smell the sour stench of sweat mixed with dirt that covered the Wizard's body. He brought his hands up - so close they seemed to literally have golden scales - and softly stroked her cheeks. "So, so beautiful." He murmured, still stroking the soft skin. "No wonder why the old Mayor Leopold wants you and not his dried up, middle aged wife." He chuckled darkly and lowered his hands again, letting them limply hang next to his body. "Poor, poor Eva. She would've never been able to keep her husband's attention, not with you roaming around Cal El Durgis! All young and pretty and fertile! The three things Eva White isn't, and maybe never has been!"

"I don't do this for the Mayor." Regina finally bit back between clenched teeth, having had enough of his rancid words. Regina didn't want anyone thinking this was what she wanted, that this was her choice, not even the Dark Wizard. She pushed the man (was he a man?) back to get the sour stench away from her. "I am being forced to do this so we can keep our land!"

He bared his yellow teeth, this time it wasn't in a grin but something far more animalistic, something far more dangerous and Regina thought it wasn't that hard to believe the rumor about the infants in this moment. Not with the Wizard looking at her like that. "If you touch me again, you filthy little slut, we are going to have a problem." He growled. His grin however returned when he saw Regina's jaw clench with what he guessed was fear.

"Good, I know Cora taught you manners."

The idea of asking the Wizard how he knew her mother didn't even come up in her fear filled mind.

"Now let's get to the fun part, dearie." He grinned, motioning for regina to step in the middle of the room as he himself walked over to the many bookshelves that were nailed into the walls. He grabbed a glass jar that was filled with a gooey, red substance. "Let's see how pure you really are!"


Regina was still shuddering and wiping away the occasional tear as she made her way back to the town of Cal El Durgis. She could still feel his hands on her, in her, spreading out the gooey substance that had been so hot, it left a first degree burn on her stomach. The small patch of skin was red and blistered, stinging as the usual soft material of her blouse rubbed over it.

In her fist, she clenched the little, yellowed paper. The reward she had gotten for going through that horrible nightmare.

Regina was running now, her feet bringing her closer and closer to the farm that stood on the northern border of Cal El Durgis. By the time she got to the front door, she was panting, cold sweat sticking the back of her blouse against her skin.

"Ah, Regina dear." Cora smiled that sickly sweet smile when her daughter stepped into the kitchen. The older woman seemed to have been sitting there for at least an hour, going on the several used bags of tea that were sitting on the dark blue saucer.

"Mother." Regina smiled back, as fake as could be. "I didn't know you were going to wait up for me."

Cora chuckled, stood up from her seat at the big, wooden table her father had made a little over four years ago and walked over to her daughter. "Of course I was, you are my daughter and I love you, I would never let you be alone after what you just did for us."

"What I did for you, mother." Regina said between clenched teeth, still smiling. "This was never for me, mother, you know that. What I did tonight, what I am going to do next harvest festival, is all because you want me to do it. It's what you forced me to do, mother. You and the Mayor. This is not, and never will be my choice."

A dark shadow formed itself in Cora's eyes, her slim eyebrows frowning in anger and before Regina could even get the chance to duck or to move away from the wrinkled hand that was rapidly approaching, her cheek was already stinging from the hard slap and she could already taste the iron of blood from where she had bitten her cheek to keep from making any sound. Mother did not like it if she made a sound. 'Take your punishment silently, Regina. Like a good girl.'

She should have seen it coming... but at least she'd managed to remain silent.

"Shut your disobedient mouth, you little slut!" Cora hissed. "You do not talk to your mother like that! Now where is it?! Hand it over to me, now!" Cora yelled, already raising her hand again if Regina would be as stupid as to not hand the note over immediately.

Regina blinked back the tears and raised her head, looking into her mother's eyes. She handed the paper and took a step back. "I'm sorry, mother."

"Get to your room, girl!" Cora just snapped back. She had already stopped paying attention to her child once the yellowed paper came into view. Once it was handed over to her by Regina's shaking hand.

The young brunette didn't answer, said nothing at all, just bowed her head and turned around.

When she heard Regina's bedroom door close upstairs, she unfolded the paper with hands that were shaking from excitement.

"Good girl." She murmured softly and smiled. At least her daughter had done something right in her life.

There was a single word written on the yellowed paper, in an almost unreadable handwriting.



Her skin was an angry red from the scrubbing, trying to get the feeling of the Dark Wizard off of her. But it wasn't working, she could still feel his cold hands all over her body.

Why was she even bothering?

It was a heartbreaking though that had Regina releasing the wet sponge, letting it drop in the lukewarm water of her bathtub. Yes. Why was she bothering?

In two months it would all happen again, only then it wasn't a Wizard that smelled of sweat and dirt and also some kind of light spirit, it would be the Mayor of Cal El Durgis, using her body to get his heir, using her body to get what he wanted more than anything.

And mother would allow it to happen. Would just stand idly by while the Mayor raped her only child, Cora Mills would probably stand there with a smile, one of those sickly sweet ones, that made Regina's teeth ache.

She stood up, letting the water roll down her body in lukewarm droplets.

Only when Regina laid in her bed - all dried off, smelling clean, but feeling anything but - did she allow herself to cry. Muffling the sobs in her pillow, wishing she could be anywhere but here, in Rockmountain Ranch, on the northern border of Cal El Durgis.


I hope you liked it, and I promise there will be a second chapter I just don't know when exactly because I already have three other stories running. Also, Robin will appear in the next chapter.

Leave a review! ;)

(Just to clarify: Regina is sixteen, Robin will probably be seventeen and a wheel is about one foot)