"Conan-kun time to go" Ran called. Ran Conan and the detective boys (including Habaria) were about to go camping for the weekend. "Coming Ran-neechan" Conan yelled back he was making sure he had everything. You would think he'd be prepared as many times as they went camping. "Yeah Conan hurry up we want to get there before dark!" Genta shouted. Finally Conan was packed and ready to go he came running down the stairs, and to the rental car Kogoro got for them to use. "Why do I have to drive these brats to the woods again" Kogoro complained "First they aren't brats and second Dr. Agasa is at a science convention and couldn't take them plus I wanted to go with too" Ran answered. While they argued over all kinds of random topics the children were in the back seat singing "Secret of my heart","Try again"," Step by Step" and various other songs. "Try again Try again Try again Always" Ayumi sang

"Try again Try again Try again" Mitsuhiko

"Aru ga mama ni Speak Out" the group sang together. 'When will the torture I can't take any more songs ' Conan thought "Kudo-kun be careful I heard there are lots of wolf attacks I the area we headed" Habaria whispered " Oi are you me worried about me" Conan asked teasingly " no id just rather not lose my personal lab rat that's all." She whispered back her lips forming a smug smirk across her face.


" Okay so do you guys have any particular jobs you normally do" Ran asked " Yeah the boys set up the tents and go get fire wood while me,Ai-chan, and cook dinner" Ayumi explained. "Okay since I'm here ill help cook with you girls and otou-san will take the boys in the woods right." Ran questioned (read as said). Genta and Mitsuhiko started arguing over who was sleeping in what tent until Conan told them that if they didn't start helping they wouldn't have a tent to argue over. Kogoro was sitting on a fallen log drinking beers and listening to horse races until Ran came over and scolded him for not helping with the tents. " I get it ill helpthem get the fire wood sheesh" Kogoro complained " I CANT BELIEVE YOU TWO BROKE MY TENT DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH THAT COST!? YOU KNOW WHAT FORGET IT! I DON'T LETS JUST GO GET THE WOOD!" Conan screamed at the two boys sharing scared looks and nodding vigorously. The four walked towards the woods "Wait" Haibara spoke up "If you aren't back before dark i'm going to murder and hide your bodies so well Edogawa-kun wont find . Exploring." she warned. "Yeah no exploring now lets go while its still light" Genta said walking into the forest the others following.

" You know it's all you fault the tent ripped" Genta said.

" No it's your fault for suggesting that contest" Mitsuhiko retorted.

" well its your fault for accepting it" Genta argued. And this is how its been since they enter the forest and an already fuming and red faced Conan ends the are argument by shouting "SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU JUST SHUT UP ITS BOTH OF YOUR FAULTS YOU " pointing at Genta " FOR COMING UP WITH THE STUPID IDEA AND YOU" pointing at Mitsuhiko " FOR SAYING YES! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANOTHER WORD ABOUT THE STUPID TENT OR I PERSONALLY CAN AND WILL MURDER YOU BOTH GOT IT?!" all the while Kogoro was wondering where this sudden out burst came from am why the other boys looked terrified " Y-Y-Yes sir" the boys stuttered in unison. Conan took a long,deep breath " Okay you two go that way" pointing east " Oji-san and I will go west. I'll tell you via badge when it time to head back to camp" Conan explained.


"Eto Ai-chan did you mean it when you said you'd kill them if they came back late" I asked Haibara as we were chopping carrots" No not really but im not sure about Edogawa-kun he looked pretty mad when they left" Haibara joked " Yeah Conan-kun looked ready to murder them both of them. But Conan-kun wouldn't do anything like that right?" I pried " I don't know but I do know that he could and is smart enough to get away with it" Haibara jested "From all the cases he's seen he knows what the killer did wrong,is smart enough to correct them as well and as children are automatically taken off the suspect list" I mused aloud "True but I highly doubt anything or anyone can drive him to killing mostly anyone his sense of justice and morals are to high to allow him to" Haibara reasoned. 'Wait she said 'mostly' does that mean he would if he hated the person enough... No like she said his morals are to high'I thought."Its pretty dark they should be heading back by the time dinners ready" I speculated.


"Genta-kun come on its already dark lets go back!" Mitsuhiko yelled "I heard there are wolf attacks in this area. we could get mauled by wolves or get lost and never come back or,or" Genta cut him off " Put on your big boy pants and come on we're not going to go that far and what are the chances that a wolf would find us in all these woods" he reasoned. He turned to his panicking friend who was panicking for a different reason now the boy follow were mitsuhiko was staring and met two,large,red eyes and the animal they belonged to was even more frightening. The wolf had shaggy fur with what looked like blood staining it and long,pointy teeth ready to kill the both of them " I'd say the chances are pretty good... RUN!" Mitsuhiko shrieked as they ran from the beast behind them the heard Conan's voice throught the detective boys badge' I heard a scream whats going on..guys..OI'. Mitsuhiko grab the device from genta's hands and responded " HELP...WOLF...CHASING US" he wheezed


' WHAT HAVE THOSE TWO DONE NOW' I thought as he ran to the aid of his classmates " Mitsuhiko Genta where are you"I shouted into the darkness but no one replied 'WHERE ARE THEY' " Conan we're over here. I'm flashing my watch" Mitsuhiko's voice sounded in the distance. A light shown through the trees and was moving forward at a rapid pace 'FOUND THEM' I ran towards the radiant beam. I ran a little further to find Genta helping a fallen Mitsuhiko " Conan behind you the wolf" Genta warned I looked behind me. There snarling with a murderous look in its eye(Oh if looks could kill) suddenly a severe,sharp,and unbearable coursed throughout my torso. I had realized the creature had bitten me and had me in its jaws my blood dripping in its teeth I took a deep breathing as to calm my nerves but let out a piercing "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" then...

The world blacked out the last thing i heard was ' Hang in there. just little longer'