Hey y'all! I'm trying something new this time around. This is an A/U Senshi/General fic. I hope you like it lots, and give me good reviews. Unlike some people who are rude and inconsiderate, (Isis shoots a bird at mean reviewers, and we don't mean with a gun.) I hope that you'll give me good reviews, or don't review at all.

Disclaimer: I own everything! (Catches sight of the Senshi getting ready to blast her.) I'm joking, I'm joking! Naoko Takeuchi owns Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, and unfortunately I don't.

Summary: Four sisters are taken from their home, and brought to the court of King Endymion and Queen Serenity, as presents for Endymion's four generals. See the problem?

I'm going to go ahead and tell about all the main characters, so I don't go into the lengthy descriptions I'm infamous for. ;-)

~The sisters~

Minako Aino Name: Mina Burdette {Courageous} Age: 19 Hair: Golden blonde and calf length, often with a red bow tied in it Eyes: Azure blue Height: five seven Personality: vivacious and lighthearted. She's the leader of the four, and takes her job seriously, but that's the only thing she takes seriously. She's a total romantic, and loves nursing people back to health. She and Ami are the finest healers in the village.

Makoto Kino Name: Lita Sylvan {Woods} Age: 18 Hair: dark brown, with hints of red, usually worn in a ponytail, but when down, is waist length Eyes: Emerald Height: six one Personality: She's a gentle giant, until you mess with her sisters. She's the tallest girl, and loves to cook. She's another romantic, and dreams of meeting her Prince Charming. She'll stick up for anyone and everyone she sees being mistreated, and she likes to flirt.

Rei Hino Name: Rei Keahi {Fire} Age: 18 Hair: black, with streaks of violet, ankle-length Eyes: Violet Height: five two Personality: Fiercely independent, and very proud. She thinks men are a total waste of time, and prefers to sit in front of the Sacred Fire and meditate. She's a Shinto priestess and extremely fiery-tempered. She may be the shortest but she's the quickest one to lose her temper. Her sisters can bring out her softer side however.

Ami Mizuno Name: Ami Akili {Wisdom} Age: 17 Hair: Short and dark blue Eyes: Cerulean blue Height: Five five Personality: Shy and reserved on the inside, Ami is the last one to argue. Her sweet and shy exterior hides a devious interior. Ami and Mina are the village healers, and do an excellent job of it. She hates quarrels, and would rather curl up with a good long book any day.

~The People at the Palace~ Mamoru Chiba Name: King Endymion II (Endy for short, or Endy-chan if it's his wife) Age: 22 Hair: Short, coal black Eyes: Cobalt blue Height: Six two Personality: A fair ruler, Endymion is the type of person that is a natural leader. He rules his land well, but is harsh with trespassers. He seems emotionless at times, but melts when he's around his wife, Serenity. He is a formidable warrior, and loves sword fighting.

Usagi Tsukino Name: Queen Serenity (Usagi by friends, Usako by husband) Age: 18 Hair: Long, golden blonde. Is usually worn in two odangoes with ponytails Eyes: sapphire blue Height: Five two Personality: Serenity is the gentlest, most softhearted person anyone could meet. She is the best Queen the realm has seen in many a century. She makes friends easily, and has a deep love for her husband, Endymion. She can be harsh when she's a mind to, but only on severe lawbreakers.

Kunzite Name: Kunzite de Lioncourte (Kunz, but only if you wanna die) Age: 25 Hair: long, silver blonde Eyes: Steel gray Height: six three Personality: Kunzite is Endymion's first general and commands the king's armies. He takes his job, as well as life, very seriously, and hardly ever smiles. He is fair and just with his soldiers, who respectfully refer to him as 'General Granite'. He tends to brood and sulk a lot, and would rather be out horseback riding than at a ball any day.

Nephrite Name: Nephrite del Winters (Neph) Age: 23 Hair: Long, auburn Eyes: Chocolate brown Height: six five Personality: Very mysterious, but fun. Nephrite is the second in command of the armies. He likes to flirt, and his main hobby is stargazing. He believes that the stars tell all. He's not a womanizer, but he can and does leave trails of broken hearts wherever he goes, but it's all unintentional. He is the most laid- back of the four generals, and enjoys partying.

Zoicite Name: Zoicite de Lioncourte (Zoi) Age: 21 Hair: Long and red-gold, usually in a low ponytail Eyes: Leaf green Height: six one Personality: intellectual and shy, Zoicite hardly ever makes public appearances. He'd much rather go over battle strategies in the library or read a book. Unlike his brother, Kunzite, Zoicite smiles, but seldom. He is one of the most desired men in the palace, but he has no clue. He doesn't pay women much attention, but he does treat them very reverently on the rare occasion he talks to one, which unfortunately makes them want him even more.

Jadeite Name: Jadeite Elan (Jed) Age: 21 Hair: Short and golden blonde Eyes: azure blue Height: six feet even Personality: WOMANIZER!! Jadeite is the ladies' man, and knows he's what a lot of females want. He's very fun-loving and does his best to bring a smile to the face of everyone he meets. His lifetime goal is to make Kunzite smile at least once. So far, he hasn't succeeded. He's arrogant, and thinks that no woman can resist him.

Haruka Ten'oh Name: Amara Elan {Spirit} Age: 21 Hair: short and sandy blonde Eyes: navy blue Height: six three Personality: Amara is a tomboy, through and through. She's loyal to her king and queen. Amara is much like her fraternal twin brother Jadeite, in the sense that she loves to flirt. She stays true to her girlfriend, Michelle though. She's a good judge of character, but can be reckless at times. She's an advisor to the King, and very close to Serenity.

Michiru Kaioh Name: Michelle Charisse {Grace, Beauty, Kindness} Age: 21 Hair: medium length and aqua blue Eyes: Ocean blue Height: five nine Personality: Michelle shines with grace and beauty. She's a lady- in-waiting to Serenity, and is much like the queen's older sister. She seems cold, but has a pure heart and good intentions. She'd do anything for her monarchs and her girlfriend Amara.

Hotaru Tomoe Name: Hotaru Than {Death} Age: 16 Hair: Short and dark violet Eyes: Amethyst Height: Five three Personality: Hotaru is very frail and sickly, but she does her best to stay with the others. She's another of Serenity's ladies- in-waiting, and Serenity has a soft spot for her. She's practicing to become a healer. Hotaru likes animals, and is very gentle and sweet. Nephrite has a special place for her in his heart. They see each other as family.

Setsuna Meioh Name: Princess Trista Age: 26 Hair: just below knees and dark green, usually worn in a half bun Eyes: garnet red Height: six two Personality: Endymion's older sister and chief advisor. Trista is quiet, but powerfully so. She very rarely shows what she's feeling, and doesn't talk much. The only people who can bring her out of her shell are her baby brother Endymion and Serenity. Unfortunately, she has a mile-long line of suitors, but she'd rather go walking or design clothes. She tries to take care of the younger female nobles.

That's the lineup! What do y'all think? Have I got the makings for a half-decent story here? Review and let me know! I know this has probably been done with Usagi/Serena a thousand times, but nobody really does a lot about the other girls. I want to!

Isis Aurora Tomoe