When you were about to share your deepest secret to someone, everything around you became easily ignorable. For example, this sad night breeze that had been trying to get Pyrrha's attention; clawing on her skin, cutting on her ears, crawling on her face. At that moment, Pyrrha Nikos was as good as an empty shell. She had sold her soul to a boy named Jaune Arc, and the only organ remaining to function inside her were her lungs. She didn't use it much, though.

The only times Pyrrha remembered to breathe was when she noticed Jaune breathing. Which was so subtle, it was hard to see in the dark. (But then, people didn't really notice other people breathing. That would be as tedious as trying to count how many times someone blinked in a second.)

Had Pyrrha gone crazy?

How did she even think of doing it tonight?

She could be found dead in the shower the next morning, best case scenario. She could be joining the Vytal Festival 80 times in a row, in wrinkles and embarrassing pointy silver bras and win every single one of them, worst case scenario. Both of them, due to heart failure.

Was it not enough that she experienced a semblance failure?

When Jaune opened his lips to talk, Pyrrha wanted to cover her ears. That would be rude, that would be weird, and that would certainly ruin everything, but she would be safe.


Her name. Alright, it was only her name. What did she expect him to say, when she hadn't said anything at all. A little part of her wished Nora would come back to the rooftop and help her out of this. But knowing Nora, Pyrrha was 99,99% sure she would tell her to push through no matter what would happen –that girl had basically been shipping the two of them.

Pyrrha didn't even feel like herself at that moment. This whole feeling and the endless drum solo that followed, should belong to a little school girl with her crush next door, in a faraway land without grimms.


Good, Pyrrha. That's wonderful. You can pronounce his name right.

"Are we just going to call each other's names like this?" he sniffed. Unlike Pyrrha the Numb Warrior Princess, Jaune could still feel the cold and hear all the laughter from Team CRDL's room right across their rooftop. "Can we please go inside now? You know, before our toes fall off and everything turns gross.."

When they walked through that door, she might not be able to say it anymore. She might be smiling and saying stupid things instead, and that would be it. That would make that night just like any other night between them. Training day. Nothing less, and definitely nothing more.

"Hey, come on." he said, slowly retreating to where he stood right in front of her. He waved his hand, "Pyrrha? Are you seriously alright?"

Pyrrha offered him a smile. It was like desperately trying to conceal a huge pimple on your nose with make up- it would still be so terribly visible. But she didn't have enough energy to tell if Jaune noticed it, she was already struggling to keep herself from walking away.

"Is it about us?"

Pyrrha wanted to puke.

Just one more question to end this agony, she silently begged for Jaune to read her mind. "Do you want to go on a date with me? Do you want to be my partner, forever?" Pyrrha wished he would guess it right, so all she would have to do would be saying, "Yes."

"What is it? Seems so important that you insist on freezing here.."

Is it, Pyrrha? Is it important?

It must be that desperate that Pyrrha kept looking at the spot where Nora was. That girl would know what to do in this situation. She would prevent her from doing something she would regret for the rest of her school years in Beacon, or maybe even the rest of her life. But Nora, who told her to practice what she preaches, was not there, no matter how many times she looked and blinked and hoped and even desperately tried to see if she had the gift of telepathy. There were only those wooden dummies looking back at her, watching her making the most difficult decision of her life.

"No, it's not important. It's just embarrassing, so I need to say it now." Pyrrha said, her voice coming out smooth and strong, defending her miserable internal organs that had been melted ages ago by her urge to vomit.

"Well, just say it, then."

Pyrrha glanced over the wooden dummies one more time. She wanted to just say it.

She took a step forward and instead of saying it, she just did it.

Though, it wasn't a kiss. Or maybe it was, even though it was just the cheek. It was nothing.

And it was just a hug. A long one-sided hug, but it was okay. It was alright.

And she glanced over the wooden dummies one more time. For some reason, she remembered why those dummies existed in the first place; she completely understood now. The answer was quite obvious: that tonight wouldn't be the night. Not after they just recovered from their super-awkward state and survived that conversation she would never want to repeat again.

Jaune wouldn't be ready.

And when Pyrrha told him her deepest, most embarrassing secret, she would want him to be ready.

"How does it feel?"


"Show me something." Blake got up from her chair, taking one last glance over the librarian's desk. They had already picked the furthest table behind the 'Rare Collection' racks, because just like the books, it was pretty rare to find anyone near this section of the library. "She can't see us. It's okay."

Pyrrha nodded. There was nothing to lose, she thought. If she failed, she would just go back to square one. It could only mean more combat training and more rooftop training. What would be bad about that?

"Take it easy, though." Blake reminded, and Pyrrha nodded once again.

Inside her full combat armor, Pyrrha tried to loosen up. She closed her eyes, even though she knew that wouldn't have any real impact for her semblance. Her aura seemed to be steadier through the past four days, and she started to feel that familiar warmth again. A cog inside her just seemed to click again these days, and even though she didn't want to get her hopes up, Pyrrha had a good feeling about this.

In the dark, she could hear Blake slowly circling, trying to measure her up. Then the next second, she felt something approaching behind her back -it had begun. Pyrrha twisted in a flash, blocking whatever Blake was throwing at her.

When she opened her eyes, and Blake was awkwardly crouching at the floor before her, in a somewhat-cat-like pose.

"I didn't hit you, right?" Pyrrha made sure.

"You didn't even touch me." Blake said, void of expression. "But just to be sure, let's try it again."

As soon as she said that, Blake leaped to a nearby table, then to the chair next to it. Pyrrha kept her guards up, unsure of what was going to happen. This time she let her eyes open, anticipating every little things moving around Blake, including the specks of dust swirling when Blake hopped onto the chair earlier. Anything.

"Anytime now, Blake." Pyrrha waited, as the girl stayed still on her chair, watching her.

"Okay." Blake finally replied. But her voice didn't come from the girl sitting in front her. Instead, it came from the ceilings, right above her.

"Shadows..?" Pyrrha quickly stepped back, watching as the hollow figure of Blake fading on top of the chair. She'd seen her in battles using this ninja trick before, but never up close. Never this startling. "When did you do that?"

Blake kept moving, sending her a dozen of random punches and kicks to her face. Pyrrha had to keep stepping back to avoid her attacks, as she tried to read her next shady moves. Blake was so focused, it didn't look like she would stop her punches at all at that moment, so Pyrrha decided to stop moving backwards.

She got it. Blake was trying to tell her something.

Pyrrha ducked, using her elbow to shield herself from her attacks, crossing her fingers. She focused on Blake's right hand punch, and tested her semblance. In a glance, it would seem as if she just knocked Blake's hands away using the back of her hand. But if your eyes were quick enough to see, you would notice that their hands never met.

"Your semblance is back, but you're doing it wrong." Blake said, pushing Pyrrha by the shoulders, forcing her to steady herself on her feet. But Blake pushed her one more time, wanting her to fall. "Don't force your feet. Just fall."

"No, I get what you mean but- -"

"Fall, and find another way from there." Blake said, making sure Pyrrha completely lost her balance this time, watching as she fell on her back. The next second, Pyrrha was already up on her feet again, pulling herself from the floor with a little push from her polarity. It almost looked like a dance move.

Blake looked impressed. "Did you just pull your own armor? Nice."

"Thanks. But I'm not used to it yet."

"You have to. From now on, you need to put your feet at the highest priority at all times. Don't let your enemies know, don't let anyone else know. After all, you've been doing that for years with your polarity, right?"

"Yes. But usually I don't have to stamp my left ankle with a 'FRAGILE' sticker on it." Pyrrha sighed, feeling somewhat ridiculous.

"Then are you going to gamble on your semblance?"

Pyrrha sighed. "I guess not."

"Does your team know about this?"

"Only Jaune," Pyrrha replied. Mentioning his name felt funny. She still couldn't get over that random kiss and hug at the rooftop that night. Even though (thankfully) Jaune didn't seem to suspect anything, but he could get weird ideas.

"Good. I don't think it's good if more people find out about your left ankle. Your opponents could try and kill you if they knew. It's basically the switch for your semblance, and anyone could turn off your polarity once they find out. Can't be any more dangerous than that."

Pyrrha crossed her legs as she sat on the floor. "Do you think I should ask Glynda about it? I mean, what if it's not permanent? Maybe there's a concoction for this, or a special training to heal this?"

"Yeah, I don't see why not. But isn't it risky? I thought you wanted to participate in the tournament? Who knows what Glynda might do if she found out about this?"

"But it's my semblance, my body, I should have the final say on it, don't you think?"

"It's all up to you. Do you want to keep it a secret and move on, or do you want to take a chance of getting rid of it with the tournament on the bet?" Blake said. "Though honestly, from my observation, I don't think what you have can be healed, you know. I'm no expert and I don't have any experiments to back up my theory, but it seems like it's a natural thing. Maybe it's been there since you were born. Like, like Jaune and his weak stomach for example. That's a default, how are you supposed to cure that?"

"I thought weak stomach can be trained- -"

"That's not my point, okay." Blake cut in. "I've told you, right? Some people are simply born with a strong aura, that a stopper is needed in order to limit their unlimited potential. In your case, the stopper is your left ankle. It's there to make sure you don't surpass your limit."

"What do you mean surpass my limit? Going berserk or something?"

"Who knows?"

"That sounds crazy, Blake. I'm not some kind of a monster."

"But you are strong. You do realize that, right?"

"I've been trained all my life, my strength is made, not given."

Blake only nodded. "Can't argue with that one."

The landing was okay. It was almost normal, except for the part where she repetitively kicked, pressing her ankle to assure herself that it was not broken. Pyrrha didn't expect it to be this distracting, this whole 'take-care-of-your-ankle-or-lose-your-polarity' thing. Usually, she never planned anything, and just let her instincts do the job when faced in combat or in a mission. But ever since Blake told her about it, she could even plan the way she walk in the hallway. Trash can ahead in five meters, be careful; Team CFVY strutting behind, move aside; Nora approaching in her Nora speed, it's safe, she was moving toward Ren. Pyrrha felt like a completely different person.

"Guys, I'm here. Send me your location." she said through her scroll, while checking her surroundings. Forever Fall did not change a bit. All the lovely red leaves were still falling, and the air still had that subtle sweet scent she remembered from their first field trip with Glynda last semester. It was a shame a place this wonderful had grimms breathing behind the bushes. Pyrrha seriously hoped they would be cooperative today for their test mission.

"We're kind of split up now," it was Ren's voice coming from her scroll. "Nora met a Boarbatusk eleven minutes ago. Still tracking her down."

Another voice came cracking in. "Pyrrha- -"

Jaune. "Hang in there, I'm coming!" she said, climbing up the nearest tree to locate him. It should be a little easier since everything around her was red, Jaune's hair would be bright enough to notice -that was the easy logic. "Jaune, what's your situation?"

"A little Ursa and a little allergic.. no biggie. Proceed with the mission!"

"Got it." Ren replied from the other line.

"You sure?" Pyrrha was still on top of the tree, unable to catch any signs of her team mates.

"Yeah, very sure!" his voice sounded distant, but she could still hear him perfectly. Jaune was clearly using his 'I'm-in-charge' voice mode, so it was pretty hard for Pyrrha to defy his order. He obviously sounded like he could use a hand, or a medicine for the allergy.

"And guys, try not to break any of the cameras!" he said again, before her scroll turned silent. Pyrrha replied him with a firm "Be careful!", as she leaped to another tree, decided that the branches would be a better option in this mission. Encountering and killing a grimm could cut their points, and it was not a part of their task; which was simply to install a set of cameras throughout Forever Fall. Port had marked the area and highlighted the spots for them so it was supposed to be a pretty laid-back mission.

Although, judging by Ren's reply, it was clear that it must be the exact opposite. What could have possibly happened in five minutes? She was only five minutes late because of her meeting with Blake, and they had lost contact with Nora? Pyrrha swore at that very second, she was not going to be late on another mission again and missed the (surprisingly) important first five minutes.

After moving from tree to tree, soon enough, Pyrrha made it to his first installation spot. She had hoped to catch a glimpse of her team mates, but then realized how far apart the four of them were from each other. She took the southern area, Jaune took north, Ren took east, and Nora took west. If Ren said he was going to search for Nora, it could only mean two things: he had probably installed his cameras in, amazingly, less than five minutes then went for Nora, or he completely ditched the mission to help Nora. The second scene seemed more like it. That could also be the reason why he didn't respond much to Jaune's orders earlier, because he might have to lie to explain it.

She steadied herself on top of the branch to take one of the cameras from her backpack. An Ursa passed by below her, taking its time. Pyrrha held her breath, silently hoping she was high enough above the trees for it to detect her scent. She had to stop her hand mid-air, still holding a camera, waiting until the creature was out of sight, before she felt like it was safe enough to resume her work -she was pretty sure the Ursa spotted her for a second there.

"Hey guys!" it was Nora's voice. Pyrrha quickly checked to see if the Ursa had really gone far enough from her spot, before answering the call from her scroll.

"Nora? Ren's looking for you! Everything ok?" she whispered, in her lowest volume possible.

"Yes, she's with me. It's my scroll, actually." Ren replied. Pyrrha didn't have to worry about them after all.

"How are your cameras?" Pyrrha asked, planting her first camera into the tree trunk with a click. "I just placed my first one," she pinned her scroll between her chin and her shoulder as she carefully secured the first camera and wrapped up her backpack, ready to move to the next installation point. She heard Ren and Nora talked simultaneously, but still nothing from Jaune.

"…yes Nora, yes, I got seven cameras left, Nora's area are done." Ren managed to answer properly at the end.

"Take care you two!" Pyrrha took her scroll off her neck, before taking a leap towards the neighboring tree. "Jaune? How about you? Can you hear us?" she said, bouncing off several more trees until the dot on her map blinked rapidly, confirming the correct position. "Jaune?"

"Once I'm done with my cameras, I'll go check on him." Ren calmly offered. This should have put Pyrrha at ease, but the fact that Ren had to go out of his way to check on him, meant something serious must had happened to their leader. His voice, when he called her earlier, didn't sound okay either.

Pyrrha opened her backpack, those tiny cameras were still mounting inside, waiting to be installed. She could come back here again, after making sure Jaune was alive. The trees wouldn't go anywhere, and she could find somewhere safe for the cameras and leave it there while she would move to the northern area.

. . .

That sounded like a really bad idea.

Pyrrha felt like this whole situation could be a tricky trap prepared by Port; she'd heard it before, from the other teams, and from the seniors. They said Port's mission would usually contain two things: a short brief and a plot twist.

"Ren, where are you now?" Pyrrha checked, hoping that Ren was still in his area, installing cameras.

"Still in the East. What, is there something wrong?"

"I don't think we should leave our posts. I think it might be a part of the test."

"But I left my post earlier to help Nora... and nothing happened? She could've killed herself if I didn't come."

"…awww I owe you lots and lots of cookies, Ren…"

"I don't know. This one doesn't seem right- -"

A screeching roar broke their conversation. They all stopped to listen, as the roar continued, angrier and angrier.


"Sounds like one." Ren responded. "So are you still not going to check on Jaune?"

"I need to check on something first." she said, before running off to leap toward the tree ahead of her.

"Really? Even when we are about to get eaten by this bird, we still can't at least slash it?"

No one replied back to him. Jaune had been having a monologue scene for the past fifteen minutes. He put his broken scroll back into his pocket, because he had no more time to try; it was time to run.

The Nevermore was huge, but apparently was fit enough to dive fast between the trees, breaking a twig or two. The cameras (four, to be exact) he had installed were out of danger, but that was it. Jaune had no more cameras to install, because he broke the rest of them when he successfully landed on his back (butt, to be exact) upon his arrival. He was still hoping that Port would let him pass this test for at least not killing the Ursa, but he couldn't promise the same for that Nevermore.

"Oh God."

Another Nevermore must have sensed all the chaos and decided to join the fun. The creature came from the direction of the clearing, and it seemed to be bigger than the one chasing behind him -because all those trees before him was pretty much destroyed.

"Hey, Jaune!"

"LORD- -NORA!" Jaune nearly tripped when Nora popped by his side, holding her Magnhild in its grenade launcher mode.

"Ow, so I'm not a Queen anymore? Uhh..that's okay, Lord Nora sounds even more amazing!" she sped up, running backwards to anticipate the Nevermore behind them. "Wait, but if I'm the Lord, how are you going to give me orders, Jaune? A Team Leader can't exactly orders a Lord around, you know. Does that make me the new team leader? Can Ren be my Prince? Team Lord's Prince Assistant, Ren Lie!"

"We can't kill them, Jaune. What should we do?" Ren arrived in front of them, crashing through the canopy above them. How was it even possible for Ren to make such a beautiful landing, while he fell on his butt earlier like a cockroach? Even the red leaves agreed with him, fluttering down around Ren to make his entrance even more dramatic.

"Ren, what do you think? Prince or- -"

"Nora… not now." Ren said, pointing at the Nevermore, the bigger of the two, which was coming faster their way.

"Whoopsie!" Nora giggled, aiming her Magnhild at it, but still waiting for Jaune's orders.

Jaune was squeezing his brain out. They couldn't just run, because those Nevermores would be on their tails, until they killed them or until they found another target. The reality was, there were only four of them at Forever Fall that day, and if they were to wait for another team to come and save their ass, they would have to redo this mission next month.

He took it back. Maybe running was the only option.

"Let's get them out of here, first. Don't let them destroy the cameras!" Jaune barked his order, trying to motivate himself. Even without killing the grimms, Jaune knew they might have already failed the mission because of his broken cameras. There need to be exactly 80 cameras planted according to the map drawn by Port, or they got an F. Because once they finished installing all of the cameras, Port was to activate them simultaneously and begin his 60-days observations of the grimms as a part of the academy's research program. Failing the test definitely means delaying Port's progress on his research.

The only thing Jaune could do was to keep up with what was left of the mission. After that, he was going to try on his luck on persuading Port to evaluate them individually. He really couldn't imagine Pyrrha getting an F, that would be so wrong.

"By the way, where's Pyrrha?" Jaune said, realizing that his partner was still nowhere in sight. Pyrrha might have stopped using her crutches -her left ankle had returned to its normal size since days ago-, but it was quite worrying, knowing what would happen again if something bad was to happen to that mysterious ankle. Jaune would be ready to help, but Pyrrha would be broken all over again. He remembered her eyes as she told him what Blake told her, and they looked afraid.

"It feels like I'll only be borrowing this power from now on. it's not going to be fully mine anymore," she said. They were on their way back to their room, after an odd moment they had at the rooftop. Oh yeah, that. Jaune had a hard time after that night, figuring out what she was about to say.

Of course some ideas crossed his mind. But even if it really was what he thought it was, there must be a really good reason on why she chose to kiss him instead of saying it.

"She said she wanted to check on something. Maybe she'll catch up soon." Ren replied calmly, while jumping and rolling to avoid the feathers spears thrown at them.

"Is she okay? I mean, did she sound okay?"

"Hello, Pyrrha? You there?" Nora had already opened her scroll before Ren could reply. Jaune turned his focus to Nora.

"Yes, now installing my last camera. How are you guys doing? Is Jaune alright?"

Nora snorted, throwing her scroll for Jaune to catch, "Ow, here. Why don't you ask him yourself!"

"Jaune! You ok?"

He caught it right on time before a giant feather nearly pierced him to the ground. "…y-yeah I'm fine! I kind of broke my scroll, though. Other than that, we're being chased by two Nevermores now."

"Okay, hang on guys! Give me your position!"

"We're going to the clearing!"

"Alright, I'll see you guys there!"

"Wait, Pyrrha!"

She didn't respond anymore. Jaune hadn't even asked if she was doing okay. She seemed okay though.

When they arrived at the clearing, the Nevermores were gone. They weren't sure when those screeching creatures had stopped following them, or if they made a detour at some point, but there were just the three of them in the clearing now, feeling stupid.

"What just happened?" Jaune couldn't stop looking around, hoping to catch a glimpse of them. "Seriously, what just happened?"

Just then, Pyrrha showed up on their scrolls again.

"Guys, the Nevermores are here!"

And just like that, they headed right back into the forest. Jaune was never this confused in a test mission before. Grimms had always been so predictable, even though they were not easy to defeat. But these Nevermores didn't even fly in the sky, now that he thought about it. With their enormous wings, it would be uncomfortable for them to move between the trees. But these Nevermores, even though they were quite small in size, moving about within the forest was against their nature.

"Pyrrha! Where are you now?!" Jaune shouted, still holding onto Nora's scroll.

"I'm at your post- - hey! I can see all of you! Can you see me?"

Jaune quickly searched above, between the curves of the red trees. Surprisingly, it wasn't hard to spot her, even though everything was red around them. Pyrrha tilted her shield under the sunlight, giving them light signals.

Ren and Nora immediately climbed the trees around them, and Jaune struggled to follow. Climbing clearly wasn't one of his strength.

"Careful," Pyrrha grabbed his hand, pulling him up to crouch next to her. She seemed okay, Jaune thought. He thought those Nevermores were attacking her.

"Where are they?" Jaune asked, noticing how the shadows covered them perfectly behind the tree. And it was not because they particularly hid behind the largest tree on the forest or anything; it was merely because they managed to fit in the cramped space. He was right behind her, he could smell her shampoo.

"They were here just now! Right before you guys came," Pyrrha said, as she searched something inside her backpack. "Look. I found something in Port's camera!"

Right after Pyrrha finished her sentence, they were knocked out of the tree. Suddenly they were falling, head first to the ground. Black wings soared and screeched above them, while the world blurred around them. Pyrrha took Akouo off her forearm and threw it into the air, only to catch it again with her feet -she looked like she was surfing upside down.


Pyrrha glued herself to her shield, praying for her semblance to be fully functioning, and took a dive. She pulled Jaune's falling shield for extra support, so now she was balancing herself on top of both shields. She hovered fast and turned around, swooping down to grab a hold of Jaune's shoes before his hair managed to touch the dried leaves below them.

But pulling herself and Jaune with only their shields could only last for around three seconds, before the shields trembled and hit the ground. Pyrrha made sure she landed first to prevent Jaune from hitting his head.

"Guys, I really think there is no other option!" Ren shouted, somewhere moving between the trees to distract the Nevermores.

Both Jaune and Pyrrha were still sprawled on the ground, still assuring themselves that they were still alive. "No, Ren.. Port said we can't kill them!" Jaune replied, watching as Ren's shadow moved between the trees above them. He turned to see Pyrrha, "You okay?", motioning to her feet.

"I'm okay." Pyrrha kicked her feet, realizing that it had been a while since she last worried over her left ankle. It seemed that Jaune's worrying call earlier was enough to make her forget.

"Welcome back, Pyrrha." Jaune said.

And It was all she needed to hear for the rest of the day.

. . .

"Those Nevermores are attracted to these," Pyrrha took out the tiny camera, and opened the lens to show them what was inside. A micro speaker was attached inside. "I think some of the grimms here are attracted to whatever sound these speakers are making."

The four of them found a temporary hideout; a cave a few yards away from the north of Forever Fall. The Nevermores didn't follow them, as well as the rest of the grimms lurking in the forest.

"How did you come to that?" Ren was curious.

"Well, I tried installing all the cameras that I got, and everytime I finished one, a grimm passed by. At first I thought it was only a coincidence, because sometimes they came even before I finished the manuals. But after I finished all 20 cameras, those two showed up, and they were mad."

She continued. "Let's try this. How many did you manage to install before you decided to help Nora?" she asked Ren, who seemed to be seriously intrigued with this revelation. "I just thought that five minutes won't be enough to install these cameras properly."

"Umm..two or three cameras."


"Ten! I kind of put a bunch of them on the same tree, hehe.." Nora grinned sheepishly.

"See? Maybe, since Ren had only placed a few, it was not enough to attract the Boarbatusk. But since Nora made a mistake of installing them in one spot, the sound or the wave produced by those speakers came off too strong, it annoyed the Boarbatusk, and thus attacking her."

"But I only installed four, and they attacked me like crazy- - " Jaune protested.

"Maybe it's because you broke them when you first landed?" Pyrrha said, trying to make sense. "Port didn't tell us the details about these cameras. I bet those speakers were switched on from the start."

"Okay, so I may have crushed the tiny speakers with my butt and startled the big birds. Great." Jaune sighed, knowing that he should add 'safe landing' on his training list.

"He told us not to kill the grimms, but he told the grimms to kill us. Genius." Nora mumbled.

"What should we do now? Yes, we didn't kill any of them, but we didn't have 80 cameras either. We have technically failed the test." Ren stated, and Jaune was about to apologize when he heard Pyrrha chuckled.


Pyrrha couldn't stop smiling, "I don't know. It's just, a moment ago, I was so serious about this mission and all, but now it's just going to be a silly story we're gonna tell Ruby's team at dinner. "

Even Nora didn't have anything to say about it. It was shocking since it came from Pyrrha.

"Well, It's completely my fault, guys. No worries. I'll go and talk to Port about this." Jaune said.

Pyrrha shook her head, "You don't have to, Jaune. We can just take the test again next month, right?"

"Yeah, if we're going to fail this, we're going to fail as a team!" Nora punches the air, a little too excited. Ren nodded, fully supporting.

"Seriously?" Jaune got up. "I mean, we're not going to go back there, at least to stick the cameras to the trees- - okaaay, that's pretty desperate. They're all broken."

"It's okay, we still have another chance next semester." Pyrrha smiled, as if it was nothing.

When the scores were posted on the board, the whole academy couldn't stop talking about it. Team JNPR came last in ranking. Nearly everyone asked, 'How did that happen?' or 'Was Pyrrha not in the mission?' , especially since the mission was supposed to be a final exam for Port's class for the semester. Blake even suspected her semblance as the cause of their epic failure when they met at dinner, but Pyrrha quickly explained that it wasn't the case. Though, she didn't tell her about Jaune's butt accident either. Yet.

"I still don't get it."

Pyrrha leaned deeper into her pillow, making herself comfortable. "What..?"

"Why are you so happy about it?" Jaune said, putting down his comic. If Pyrrha remembered correctly, he had read that issue thirty-seven times.

"You mean the mission?"

"Correction: the failed mission."

"I'm not exactly happy about it, I just decided to not overthink it," Pyrrha pulled her blanket tighter. "..yeah okay, maybe I'm a little excited about it. I've never failed a mission before."

"I really can't tell if you're bragging or not.."


"Just kidding!" he picked up his comic book again, even though he was not going to read it anymore.

"Have you got your scroll checked?" Pyrrha asked.

"Yep. They're going to hand me a new one."

"Wow, that's super lucky."


Then the room went silent again.

It had happened several times now, but neither Pyrrha nor Jaune wanted to admit it. Because everything was great after the mission; they had a celebration with Team RWBY (for getting both the highest and the lowest score), and Jaune beat Yang on Remnant, Ren passed out after kissing Zwei, Nora passed out after seeing Ren kissing Zwei ("OHMAHGASH REN YOU'RE THE CUTEST- -") and it was only right for them to end the chaotic night with a little peaceful chat before bed.

For two hours.

It was now three in the morning.

"Alright," Pyrrha said, rolling to face the wall. "Good night, Jaune."

"Night, Pyrrha."

. . .


"I'm sleeping."

"Right.. " Jaune chuckled.

. . .

"Are you still sleeping?"

"Close to dreaming."

. . .

". . ."

It wasn't a kiss.

It was just the cheek, it was nothing.

When Pyrrha turned around, Jaune was climbing back onto his bed. "What was that for..?"

He smiled into his pillow.

"Just to make it even."

"Good night, Jaune." she said, and Jaune could hear her smiling.

/The End/

There you go, the final chapter ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A;

Honestly, it's been years since I put /The End/at the end of my fic ;A;

I thought I was able to finish it in a week, but I kept deleting and rewriting and suddenly it's been two (or three?) weeks already.

For this final one, please tell me what you think at the review section or chat me at PM, maybe? *winks*

I want to see your reactions, whatever it is, whether you hate it or love it or just want to throw some emoticons~
(though we all know that not all emoticons are available here #SOBSSS)

Again, I want to thank all of you who've been following/favoriting/silentlyreading this fic, you will forever have a part of my soul (yes, my horcrux) with you ;A; #creeeeep

Special thanks to those who've spent their time talking and discussing gibberish stuffs with me throughout this fic~~ *cookies and hugs*

Sorry if I made any grammar errors, but I tried my best to triple-check it before I uploaded it, so I hope it was still enjoyable / / /