Beerus's eyes burst open, and he flew out of bed like a madman. He burst straight through the ceiling, tearing upward into the sky as he began to observe his surroundings.

He was still in Equestria, that much wasn't in doubt, and seemed to have been in some sort of medical facility judging by what it had looked like when he'd woken up.

The most important thing on his mind at the moment was finding that Goku, and more importantly, staying away from Discord. He began to rocket about the surface of the planet, searching every square inch of it methodically. It took him almost five minutes of this to realize he had a passenger.

He skidded to a halt in the middle of a long valley that was draped in snow and turned around, coming face to face with Discord once again.

"Haven't you tormented me enough, Discord? I won't be antagonized into another pointless fight by you again." Discord chuckled for a moment before replying.

"Well, that doesn't sound much like a Destroyer, certainly not like the Beerus I know. I do believe that the company of our mutual friends might be changing you for the better." Beerus's eyebrow twitched.

"What, you really think that just because I've been in this blasted pony land for a day means I'm going to love and tolerate any pathetic fool who makes an attempt at my reputation? Obviously, Discord, you're more demented than I recall." Discord's eyes began to roll about in his head with no real direction whatsoever.

"I've forgotten how dull you can be at times, Beerus. You've gotten better over the years, thank Celestia, but even with the sense of humor you have now you're little better than a divine sparring partner for anyone with even comparable skill." Beerus sneered.

"I've already told you, Discord, I will not be lured into a fight. I know how this ends." Discord's grin actually began to shrink as he approached Beerus more closely, walking circles around him.

"Yes, and I believe I do as well. You're planning on finding Son Goku and the others, coercing them into going back to Earth, and then placing a permanent seal on this universe from your side, making it completely impossible for them to ever get back here. Am I right?" Beerus's sneer began to fade, and he gave a single nod as confirmation. "I thought so. Fine, do it." The God of Destruction glanced over at his chaotic counterpart with an eyebrow raised. "To be fair, I could stop you, but only by forceful means, which would destroy the planet at our power levels anyway. Besides, it's not like Goku and the others won't find a way around your little block." Beerus considered this for a moment, then lifted into the air again and blasted away toward the west.

Vegeta stood at the main street of Ponyville, waiting and watching across the plain. His breathing was almost silent, and he stood like this for almost ten minutes before moving at all.

He turned to his left, taking one sharp inhale before disappearing and reappearing right in front of Beerus.

"Hello, Vegeta. I don't suppose you're willing to let me through without a fight, are you?"

"That depends. What are you planning on doing in this town?" Beerus chuckled.

"I would think you'd understand. I've spent centuries going back and forth between worlds, destroying those I didn't see fit to continue existing, but now I've come across one I can't destroy, because it is guarded by a creature of strength greater than my own. That on its own wouldn't be so bad, but your Son Goku has recently shown himself to be capable of exceeding me on the rare occasion, and I'm afraid that having so much power concentrated on a single world isn't good for the natural balance. You and Goku must leave."

Vegeta sneered, a bit of crackling energy radiating off of his skin. "This world has seen no adverse effects from our time here. In fact, I'd even say we've done quite the job at keeping this world safe. So, Beerus, if you want Kakarot and I off of this world, you'll be dragging us off of it." He assumed a fighting stance, his mane shooting up blue and wings and a horn sprouting from within his body.

Beerus chuckled a bit, then shook his head. "I can understand how you became as strong as you did, Vegeta. You're quite the tenacious one. Unfortunately, as Whis made a point of noticing..." He disappeared, and Vegeta flew backward as a hoofprint appeared in his cheek as Beerus reappeared behind him. "You're still far too slow." Vegeta spun around, firing a blast over his shoulder and smirking as he felt Beerus phase out of the way of the energy ball. He threw one knee forward, and felt a satisfying connection as it collided with Beerus's stomach.

The God of Destruction doubled over, taking a few steps back and a deep breath. "Well, Vegeta...I wasn't expecting that. That was probably the best hit anyone other than Whis has gotten on me in a thousand years. Fine job." He extended one hoof, an energy blast forming at the end of it. "But now you have to die." Vegeta's eyes bulged and his arms crossed in front of him, ready to block the best he could.

"KAAAAAMEEEHAAAMEEEEHAAAAAAA!" From behind Vegeta, a massive blue beam burst forward, smashing into Beerus's attack just as it flew from his hoof. Goku lowered to the ground beside his friend and began walking toward Beerus, his face completely expressionless. Beerus chuckled, waiting for Goku to approach.

"So, you're finally up. I thought I was a heavy sleeper." Goku's mane shot up blue as he morphed into an Alicorn, and his hoof shot up toward Beerus's face. Dozens of bolts of energy burst from it, each one striking Beerus and doing exactly nothing. Beerus returned fire, each blast he shot blasting smoke and dust into the air, enveloping Goku in a cloud. It was only a few seconds before Goku walked forward from the cloud, not slowed down in the slightest. Beerus's lip raised a bit, his face turned to anger. "You're foolish to challenge me, Saiyan. We both know how this ends."

Goku continued stepping forward, silent, as Beerus rose into the air, disappearing every few seconds and reappearing with a blow striking Goku's body from some angle. The Saiyan simply stood there and took each attack, not flinching or even appearing to feel pain.

Vegeta gazed up in awe, wondering what could have possibly given his companion such a massive burst of power. His movements were almost nonexistent, but they seemed to have Beerus on the ropes. Vegeta's mind began to cloud with anger, and he rose into the sky to meet the two of them.

"Kakarot, what did you do to yourself this time?" Goku turned to his friend, a sly grin on his face.

"Celestia was nice enough to lend me that box again." Vegeta thought back years ago, to their fight against Sombra, and then rested his forehead on a hoof.

"Of course. Why didn't I think about that?" After a moment silently berating himself, he turned to Beerus, his face nothing but smug. "Well, no matter. Beerus, I might suggest you surrender here and now. Kakarot has opened a chest from the Tree of Harmony, and his power has increased a hundred fold. Even you can't hope to stop him now."

Beerus glanced back and forth to Goku, then to Vegeta, then to the planet below. He took a deep breath, then sighed. "I'm never going to hear the end of this from Whis." His hand shot up, and a ball of energy crashed toward the planet. Goku disappeared, reappearing under the ball, but was driven away by a double-footed kick from Beerus. Vegeta tried to drive an elbow into the god's head, but was easily dodged.

Goku tried a second time to stop the attack by landing on the ground and striking it with another blast of the same size, but Beerus intercepted his attack in midair, throwing it off course with a strike of his hand.

From directly beneath the attack, Vegeta threw both hands outward and caught the ball, struggling with all his might to hold it from advancing any farther. His aura erupted around it, but he was only slowing down what seemed to be inevitable by his efforts.

Goku gritted his teeth, realizing that Beerus would not allow him to stop the ball. He turned to the God of Destruction, his eyes wide with fear and anger. "What do you want from me, Beerus?!" The purple Alicorn smirked.

"Isn't it obvious? I want you to leave. The balance of power has been thrown off by our presence here, and so I'll be going with you. Either leave, or I destroy this world." Goku glanced back up at the ball that had continued moving closer to them despite Vegeta's best efforts, then back to the town behind them. He gritted his teeth in anger, but placed a hoof to his forehead.

Beerus watched as Goku teleported straight up, kicking the energy ball out of Vegeta's grasp and out of Equestria's orbit, then grabbing his friend. He disappeared again, this time for a few minutes. Beerus hummed to himself, waiting for Goku to say his hasty goodbyes.

The God of Destruction chuckled. He could almost see the tears of all those little ponies, so sad to see their saviors from so many trials leave. It might take time, but soon they would remember the lessons these Saiyans had taught them, and then they would be able to fend for themselves against whatever threats came their way.

Beerus removed himself from his thoughts as Goku appeared once again with his whole entourage in tow, including Whis and Lyra. "She decided she wanted to come back with us." Lyra nodded, although her face was fraught with nerves. Beerus shrugged.

"Her choice. Let's get a move on, though, shall we?" Goku placed a hand on Beerus's shoulder a bit more forcibly than was necessary, and closed his eyes. After a moment of concentration, the entire group disappeared from Equestria.

100 Years Later

Time had been good to Twilight Sparkle, as an Alicorn. She was immortal now, and spent most of her time working on magical spells. Recently, though, when she had gone on one of her few jaunts around Equestria to see the sights, she had been jarred by the memories she experienced in Ponyville.

All of the intense battles and incredible fights she had witnessed were brought to the very top of her mind again, and she craved such excitement again.

Not that life in Equestria had been dull. After the Saiyans had left, Celestia had asked Twilight and Applebloom to train groups of ponies in some of the techniques that they had learned from Vegeta. This had become known as the Z Squadron, a unit of elite guards in Canterlot, and they were responsible for some of the most daring feats that Equestria had ever seen.

But even with this, Twilight felt somewhat empty. And as such, she sat one day at her huge desk, craning over something unseen behind the massive stacks of books and papers. Her guards had begun to worry about her personal health, she had been alone for so long, but finally it had paid off.

With a sigh of satisfaction, Twilight finally leaned back in her chair. She had studied the magics of every known age for this project, and had mixed more than some would consider safe, but this...this was worth it.

For now, in the center of her desk, sat seven golden orbs.

And that, ladies and germs, is all she wrote.

Well, all he wrote.

You know what I mean. Anyway, this...this project has been arguably my biggest undertaking on this site. It's the only story I've ever done that's ran for longer than a YEAR. I know that's not huge compared to some webcomics or other things of that nature, but for me...that's pretty gigantic.

I'll admit, I was curious as to how you were planning on ending, but I think you did a decent job.

Well, thank you. That's probably the nicest thing you've ever sa-

That being said, you've got a lot of work to do. Your request queue is getting bigger and bigger.

Very true. Trust me, everyone, this is not the end. I'll be filling the gap that this story had with another set of uploads, and we'll continue as usual. Thank you all SO much for reading this, if indeed you still are, and I'll see you all in the next story.