Ace: Here's the next chapter!

Cannon Ending


I followed Toy Chica and Foxy to room where the rest of the Freddy crew was. Freddy himself had stayed behind in the office to get some supplies or something. I didn't hear what he was saying, as he began to scourge underneath his desk for something. Foxy rolled his eyes and escorted me out of the room, muttering stuff underneath his breath.

"Yo, Chris," Toy Chica said.


"I'll have to warn you about some stuff. You see, Toy Bonnie is an otaku who loves cute stuff, so she tends to hug cute people a lot and yell "KAWAII!""

I frowned. "Are you serious?"

Toy Chica nodded. "Yeah, so you have to-" She was suddenly cut off by someone who picked her up and threw her across the room. She hit the wall and fell over, groaning as she grabbed her stomach.

I looked at her assailant. It was the Purple Guy. Before I could react, Fozy lunged at him and attacked.

"Run, Chrissy!" Foxy yelled as he attempting to attack Purple Guy.

I shook my head. "I'M NOT LETTING ANYONE ELSE DIE!" I screamed.

Purple Guy grabbed Foxy's left arm and yanked on it, forcing Foxy onto the ground. Foxy landed with a grunt, and Purple Guy raised his fist to strike him. Angered, I grabbed the wrench from earlier and lunged at Purple Guy, landing a nice thwack on his head. He stumbled backwards, leaving me standing in front of Foxy.

Somehow, the strike didn't faze Purple Guy. He pulled a gun out of his pocket and aimed at my head.

"Don't worry, Foxy," he said. "I'll make her die before you so she won't her your pathetic scream."

Before I could throw my wrench at him, I heard an explosion from the right of Purple Guy. A bowling ball sized projectile hit him square in the side and sent him flying through the wall. I stood there in shock as Foxy and Toy Chica stood up. What happened?

"Ha!" Freddy yelled as he ran to Purple Guy. He jumped through the wall and we followed him. When we reached him, Freddy had handcuffed Purple Guy and gagged him.

"There! Now he won't hurt anyone else," Freddy declared.

"You could have killed him," Foxy pointed out.

Freddy shook his head. "My cannon is not designed to kill. It knocks people out. All we have to do is wait for the authorities to pick him up."

I nodded slowly until I realized something. "Freddy?"


"You just made a hole in the wall."

Freddy looked around. "Oops... Oh well, I'll just dock everyone's pay to make up for it." He shrugged and walked off to go to his office.

"YOU'RE NOT DOCKING MY PAY!" Toy Chica yelled as she began to chase him.

Freddy ran off to avoid Toy Chica, leaving me behind with Foxy, who was trying not to laugh. I shook my head and sighed. "Are we going to explain this?"

Foxy shrugged. "We don't."

Ace: A bit short of a chapter, I agree. It was nice to see Freddy fight though.



This is a non-canon ending/chapter. It'll still be here when I upload the other chapters, but as a non-canon ending.

Random Fact: Originally, I was supposed to have Ganondorf get shot by Kirby's cannon and leave Chris wondering how she would explain the hole in the wall to her boss. However... I thought that this was funnier.

See you next time where Chris actually meets the others!
