Disclaimer: 'Frozen in Time' is a non-profited, fan-based fiction. 'Rise of the Guardians' is owned and produced by Dream Works Entertainment. 'Frozen' is owned and produced by Walt Disney Pictures. I am only credited for the plot and the original character 'Father Time'. Please support the official releases.

❄Chapter 1❄

Snow in August

Flakes fell from the heavens in a lazy flurry. Most melted once they touched the hot pavement of the city, but others began to collect in powdered mounds on the surrounding flora. Little children squealed in delight and ran around, trying to catch the icy puffs on their tongues while parents and adolescences stopped to stare at the sky in utter disbelief.

This couldn't be right, the leaves hadn't even begun their fall metamorphosis; what was the snow doing here so early?

Oddly enough, that's exactly what a mischievous snow spirit thought as well as he stared at the powder raining down. However any train of thought he might have had was derailed when a snowball rammed the back of his head with a force that caused him stumble forward.

"Ya' bloody trouble maker, you have got a lot of explaining to do!"

Jack nursed his assaulted head with a wince as the familiar seven foot hare marched towards him. "Look, I know this looks bad, but honestly, this isn't my fault."

Bunny was unyielding, unrelenting, and unimpressed. "Yeah, because Mother Nature suddenly decided that fall was overrated; Cute."

"I didn't say it made any sense!" The sprit insisted. "Whether you believe me or not, the fact still remains that this isn't my snow."

He was right, it didn't make any sense. But despite everything pointing at the newest guardians, Jack wasn't known to lie. In fact he was known to revel in his pranks, wearing each of them proudly like badges of genius. The rabbit leaned back on his massive feet, looking down his nose at the other. "Alright," He said after a time "say you're telling the truth. Then what is causing this?"

"I…" Jack ran his hand through his white mess of hair, a nervous habit of his that illustrated his own frustration. "I don't know."

Bunny gave a grunt and leaned down onto all fours. "Well, ya' better start racking that brain of yours on how to fix this, because we're already busy with other pressing matters at hand."

Jack sighed and gave a curt nod, only looking up when he heard the quieting thumps of the Easter Bunny's departure.

Jack crouched down, leaning heavily on his staff and scooped up a handful of the fresh snow. As he sifted through the freezing powder he came across something odd. Black grains screamed for attention against the white snow, yet were virtually invisible due to their miniscule size. The guardian stood and pocketed his find. It wasn't much to go on, but it was still something.