Prompt #8: I'm a jeweler and you always come in to buy stuff so I assume you have you have a significant other and don't hit on you, but it turns out you're just really nice to your mom

Homura loves diamonds

The appearance was one of a kind, shiny and mystical. And despite its fragile looking state, diamonds are harder than steel, or anything in this universe. She admired diamonds, as if she was one of those a fan girls worshiping their idol. Something so strong and beautiful, who wouldn't want to be a diamond?

With enough capital, she opened a small shop in the middle of a busy district, where she gathered all kinds of distinctive diamonds pieces she knew of and sold them to people who were interested in buying. Rings, necklace, ear rings, bracelet... Everything that had diamond in it, she had it too.

Because her shop sells rather unique kind of diamonds, people were attracted by how original the design were. And rings was one of the hottest selling item on her list. She sold so many pieces that she could barely remember most of her customers who bought it, for their anniversary gift or proposal tactics...

And usually if people buy rings, they wouldn't want to buy a second time, would they? That was why those customers she had were ones she would seen once and never again. The only rare few frequent customers were people who truly adore diamonds like Homura, and came to buy the items for themselves.

Then there was this girl.

She said her name was Kaname Madoka, Homura remembered it perfectly well. Madoka often dropped by to make her purchase once in two months, the longest was three months. Sometimes, she would come even when she wasn't here to buy anything. She was just here to say hello since she was passing by this district. It was nice to have a customer like her, so gentle, kind and sweet.

Like a soft little marshmallow.

Homura didn't know how she got that reference; it just clicked in her mind. That girl was a marshmallow, but Homura preferred meeting a person who could shine and be strong like a diamond. Madoka was nowhere near the place where Homura imagined a real-life diamond would be, but still, she adored it.

She adored marshmallows.

"Good afternoon Homura-chan."

"Good afternoon Madoka."

She skipped over to the counter and laid a couple of shopping bags on the glass case. "How's buisness?"

"It's pretty dull this period. Valentines's day is over after all."

Madoka smiled. "You have me as your supporter, no worries."

Homura couldn't help but let a smile appear on her lips. "That's pretty comforting."

"Anyway, are there any new stocks?"

The jeweler nodded and pulled out the drawer under the glass casing, carefully taking a plate of diamonds earrings and necklace. "This came in last week."

"It's really pretty!"

"It sure is."

Madoka sighed heavenly. "I guess it's worth it. As long as she's happy."

That was one of the few sentence Homura remembered hearing Madoka said every time. Homura thought about it a lot, but she didn't dare to ask Madoka about it. It wasn't her business to care, even if her curiosity was at its peak.

On the cue when Madoka was making her payment while Homura was packing the jewelry, the phone rang. Madoka picked up the call with a bright smile after seeing her caller Id.

"Sayaka-chan!" She exclaimed. "I can't wait to see you later!"

There was a pause.

"Of course. Oh, and I bought something for you!" Madoka turned over to Homura and gave a wink. The latter blinked before looking down at the wrapped gift box.

"It's a surprise. Yeah, see you later. Bye Sayaka-chan."

Madoka cut the call and made her payment.

Mustering enough courage, Homura let the words that was hanging on the tip of her tongue the entire time.


"My girlfriend."


"See you soon, Homura-chan!"

"See you."

When she left the store, it felt like the shop dropped a couple of degrees. Madoka was the light of the sun, and the only light that was able to allow the diamond to reflect and shine. Without the light, a diamond would just be a dull piece of hard rock. No longer beautiful, no longer glorious.

And that was when Homura knew that she really, really adore this marshmallow, and this particular light that made her world seemed a tad more brighter in some way.


"Good evening Homura-chan! "

"Good evening Madoka."

"Any new stocks?"

"Yes, there is."


"Regretfully, there isn't any new stocks."

Madoka sighed and sat on the chair before the glass case. "That'll be troublesome. She only loves the diamonds you sell."

It was an honour to hear that. Homura smiled sheepishly. "I can apologize on your behalf."

"W-What?! There's no need for that!"

"I'm just kidding." Homura smirked. There was no way she would apologize to someone with no patience in waiting for the finest craft. And she wondered why Madoka was always the one buying the diamonds instead of the other person coming on her own. It irked Homura when she considered that thought.

Madoka chuckled. "I almost thought you would."

"If your girlfriend gets angry over this, I don't think she's worth it." Homura blurted.

Madoka blinked. "Girlfriend?"

"Sayaka... If I remember her name correctly." Homura added. Oh, she already tattooed that name in her brain right on the day Madoka picked up that call. It would have been weird if she said it confidently. That would just make her look like a stalker.

Madoka chortled behind her hands and shook her head. "I shouldn't have refer her that to you, you're not the only one who mistaken my words."

Homura blinked. "Mistaken?"

"Sayaka's my girlfriend, my very, very best friend since childhood. It's not that term."

Realization dawned over Homura's face. It felt like gravity stopped working on earth and Homura could feel herself floating in the air, the heavy feeling in her chest was gone in an instant. And for the first time in the past few months, Homura finally could breathe.

"I've really mistaken." Homura laughed and wiped a tear from an eye. For a moment, she wasn't sure what those tears represented.

"You have a pretty laugh, Homura-chan."

Homura's laughter died down and she quickly cleared her throat, hoping to get rid of the burning sensation on the back of her neck. She didn't know how to reply Madoka.

"Anyway." Madoka straightened her posture and rubbed her nose, seeming like she was trying to dispel the sudden awkwardness that suddenly occurred between them. "My mother loves the diamonds here. She doesn't stay in this town, so whenever I'm free from my work, I'll travel back home with gifts for her; Diamonds."

"Your... mother?"


Homura felt like laughing again, this time she knew it was from happiness. But she gotten rid of the feeling as quickly as it came. Homura was pretty good at that. "I... didn't realize." She muttered before glancing over the glass case. When her eyes caught upon a pretty pendant that she was sure Madoka never seen before, she pulled the drawer out and showed it over to Madoka.

"I'm sure your mom would like this. Although the style isn't new, the design still retains its fresh appearance."

Madoka nodded. "You're right about that!"

"So do you want it wrapped?"

"Like always! Thank you."


It took Homura all the courage in every blood cell in her body to do this.

The shop was empty, which was what she prayed for that day. (Even though it was weird for a shop owner to wish that her shop would be buisness-free, Homura thought it would be better like that.)

Once Madoka stepped into the store with her usual happy face, Homura bit her inner cheeks and returned her the greeting with the best smile she could afford.

"Anything new?" Madoka began like always.

"Yeah." Homura nervously pulled out a special drawer and took out a plate. The plate was filled with letters-shaped pendants that were coated with diamonds, which Homura painstakingly covered all parts of Japan to find the most flawless design she could.

And it spelled out one single meaning.

Will you go out with me?

When Homura showed it over to Madoka, there was a long silence and Homura feared for the worst. She wasn't sure if she should keep the plate, shut her shop and burn it down instead. And when Homura was contemplating of running away, from this misery, heartache and embarrassment, Madoka glanced up at Homura wth a smile.

"Do you accept cheque?"

Homura blinked and stared back at Madoka dumbfounded with the plate still on both of her hands.

She doesn't accept cheque, not in this line of business. But if Madoka had mistaken the words and thought Homura was selling the letters individually, it was better than feeling so humilaited right now.

"Uh, yes."

Madoka set her bag on the glass casing and took out her cheque-book. After scribbling some words, she passed it to the frozen Homura.

"Of course I will."

It took Homura ten seconds for her to drop the plate on the glass case and smile brightly like an idiot.

A/N: I CAN sense the hatred from cashbanky's nose as she ask me to update like her slave
jk, i update whenever i want you pussycat
anyway, the heat is melting my soul