Speak With Your Heart

Pairing: Rise x Nana

Genre: Romance & Hurt/Comfort

Disclaimer: I do not own Yuru Yuri or any of its characters.

Author's Note: Hey, there! This is my very first Rise x Nana fanfic. I tried looking up stories with Rise in it and it seems that there's none, so I decided to create one myself! Well, maybe I didn't check correctly, but maybe some people did add Rise to their stories, but I can't be sure. Also, I figured that Rise and Nana seem to be in a relationship, so that's why I chose that pairing. It's going to be a little difficult to describe Rise's way of speaking, so maybe that's why some people rarely write stories about her. Or maybe she really does have a lack of presence. Hehe! Anyway, please, enjoy the story! ;)

One morning in Nanamori Middle School, there is a girl with long black hair with big red eyes entering the school doors. Rise Matsumoto looks around for a bit before proceeding to her first class. She is the current Student Council President and is often aided by Ayano Sugiura and Chitose Ikeda. But, the one who is closest to Rise is none other than Nana Nishigaki. Other than being Nana's test subject, Rise considers her a close friend. Nana always has an opportunity to talk with her and Rise enjoys that. But why does she only enjoy her time with Nana? Well, the reason being is that very few people can understand Rise's quiet voice. To some people, they think that Rise is just mute and is hard to communicate with. For Nana, she can somehow understand Rise's quiet voice, in which Rise is still trying to figure out why. Whenever some people don't understand what Rise is trying to say, Nana is always there to "translate". But the problem is, when she's alone, Rise has a hard time making other friends. Sure she gets along with the Amusement Club and other members of the Student Council, but the other girls just won't accept her.

Like right now, just as Rise is about to walk in the classroom, a hand suddenly grabs her by the shoulder and is shoved against the lockers. Rise winces at the sudden action and looks up to see a trio of girls standing over her. One with long blonde hair tied in a pony tail leans over to Rise's level and smirks.

"Where do you think you're going, Matsumoto?" she asks.

Rise just whispers her words.

"What? Speak up, I can't hear you," a red haired girl says, putting her hand over her ear.

"Yeah, can you speak a little louder, won't you, Matsumoto?" a gray haired girl says.

Rise whispers her words again, in the same exact volume, which aggravates the blonde girl.

"Whatever," she says as she knocks the books off Rise's hands. "If she's not gonna talk, then we'll just have to force her to."

Rise whispers again, but is slapped by the blonde girl.

"Do you really talk or are you just freaking mute?" she grabs her by the shirt of her uniform. "Maybe you just move your mouth so that you can trick others to think they can understand a single darn word you're saying. Well, it's working!" She throws Rise against the lockers, making a loud banging sound from the metal.

The red haired girl kicks the small raven-haired girl to the floor. "You just stay there, witch. We're not quite finished with you yet."

Rise looks up and whispers again.

"What's that? I don't believe I can understand a freaking word you're saying!" the blonde girl kicks Rise again, this time in the stomach, knocking the air out of her for a second.

"Haha!" the gray haired girl laughs. "That's it! Kick her until she really speaks up!"

"With pleasure," the blonde girl says as she kicks Rise hard in the face, then arm, then leg. All little Rise could do is curl up, trying to protect herself from this horrible beating when all of a sudden . . .

"Hey!" a deep voice calls from the hall. "What do you think you girls are doing?"

Rise weakly looks up as she notices Nana walking towards the girls. She scolds them for beating on a student and got sent to the principle's office right away. Once that's done, Nana rushes to Rise's aid.

"Are you alright, Matsumoto?" she asks, her eyes full of worry. She could see some minor blood on Rise's cheek and bruises on her arm and leg from where she was kicked.

Rise just nods and whispers to her about what happened.

"I see. So the girls were at it again, huh? Well, you don't have to worry. They are at the principle's office right now. Do you want to go to the nurse's office or . . ." Before Nana could finish, Rise just wraps her arms around her closest friend, burying her head in her chest. Nana is surprised to see her do that, but just smiles and strokes her head.

"It's okay," she says softly. "I'm here. Don't worry."

Rise just nods her head while still having her head buried in Nana's chest. She desperately wanted to stay like this for a little longer if it weren't for the warning bell. With that, Nana helps Rise up, takes her to the nurse's office to treat her wounds and is given an unexcused pass to get to her class. As Rise whispers a "thank you" she leaves the nurse's office with Nana staring at her worriedly. She is glad that she saved Rise in time, but is afraid about the trio of girls showing up again. Nana decides to ask Rise to have lunch with her today, just to be on the safe side so that she won't have to deal with them.

Time passes by fast and finally, lunch arrives. Rise had just bought her lunch and looks around for a place to sit. There's hardly an available table, let alone having to find some people to talk to. Looking down at her food, she only has a cheese sandwich and a bottle of water to drink. Unfortunately, some girls run into her, making her stumble and letting go of her tray. They don't even bother to apologize as they continue running towards a random table. Rise then looks over at her sandwich, which had been squished by one of the girls. Her expression shows neither irritation nor anger as she stands up and slowly cleans up the mess. She throws away the squished sandwich and holds the water bottle in her hand. Looking down at the ground, she decides to just leave the cafeteria, hungry for the rest of the period.

However, just as she is about to leave, she notices Ayano and Chitose walking by. Chitose looks up and smiles.

"Oh, Rise-chan!" the silver haired girl says as she walks toward the raven-haired one. "It's so nice to see you!"

"What are you doing here all by yourself?" Ayano asks.

Rise whispers.

"Uh . . ." Ayano looks around for Nana, but couldn't find her. Most of the time Ayano has a hard time understanding herself, but is still accepting her personality, unlike the trio of girls Rise had encountered earlier.

"I bet she's saying that she's just getting lunch when she got bumped by some girls and got her sandwich squished," Chitose explains.

Rise nods.

"I see," Ayano says. "Well, do you want to eat with us? We can go to the Student Council room if you want."

Rise just looks down at the floor for a bit and whispers again.

"Oh! You're just waiting for Nishigaki-sensei?" Chitose asks. "We'll wait for her with you."

"Yes," Ayano agrees. "We still got some time."

After about a few minutes, Rise notices Nana coming towards the cafeteria with her own bag of lunch.

"Hey, there," she says as she notices Ayano and Chitose. "Wow, looks like you've already got company."

Rise whispers.

"Oh, I see. Your lunch was ruined and have nothing else to eat when Sugiura-san and Ikeda-san came along." Nana happily holds up her bag lunch. "Don't worry. I have just enough food to share with you."

"And we can, too," Chitose says, smiling at the raven-haired girl.

Rise nods and gives everyone a hug as a thank you. She couldn't have been more grateful than ever. She truly has friends that can support her and be there for her, especially Nana. With that in mind, the four make their way to the student council room to enjoy a wonderful lunch together.

A/N: Alright. First chapter done, everyone! And I gotta say: when I looked up Rise, I found out that she has a voice actress and so when I first saw her, I kind of expected her to speak. But instead, it seemed like she has no voice at all. So, what's with that? Though, despite all that, I think Rise is super cute. Anyway, feel free to give out any suggestions, questions or concerns.