So here is the sequel to KORPS will rise again I hope you like it, just like the last one it has a few teething problems but I have a clear plot to work towards so this one will probably get moving a lot quicker. I'm opening with some Blaisy just get you into he feel of things.

Anyways here is Chapter one I hope you like it.

So please R&R it means a lot to me- Hannah.

Disclaimer: I don't own any characters or anything from MIHigh, I just own the plot. Please don't kill me.

Blane awoke to a clatter from the next room. A wave of paranoia hit him as the clattering continued. He looked at the clock his bedside table: 2:35, there was another clatter and the sound of the cabinet door opening. Blane sat up and saw a dark figure moving across the living room.

"Daisy" Blane whispered to the dark. "Daisy there's someone in-" Blane trailed off in mid sentence once he realized that Daisy was not curled up in the sheets next to him.

"Not again" Blane sighed throwing the covers off the bed and tiptoeing into the next room.

He looked across to the cabinet and, just as he had expected, saw Daisy pick up a photograph and after looking at it for a while, set it back down. Blane walked up behind Daisy and put his hand over her's whilst she studied a picture of all ten of the agents.

On the far left was a tall and lanky man with curly blonde hair: Oscar, stood next to him was a women with chocolate skin and dark hair that was tied back in a high pony tail next to her was another women who also had dark skin and black hair but her hair fell at her shoulders in neat curls: Carrie and Rose. To the right of Rose was Blane who had his arms around Daisy's waist. Next to Dasiy was Aniesha who had her dark hair loose so that it fell like Rose's in neat curls just past her shoulders. Aneisha had her elbow lent on Tom's shoulder who was sporting a goofy grin. Next to Tom was Keri, Dan and Zoe. Zoe and Keri were both kissing Dan's cheek whilst he shrugged with his hands buried in his pockets. His bright blonde hair a comical contrast between the fiery auburn of the sister's.

"Daisy, you can't blame yourself for what happened" Blane whispered running his thumbs gently over Daisy's looking at the picture too.

"But it was my fault, Blane, and you know it" Blane placed a kiss on Daisy's shoulder.

"No I don't, because it wasn't" Blane said with his lips still hovering over her shoulder.

"Blane" Daisy sighed with tears beginning to fall from her eyes. Blane took the picture from her shaking hands and put it back into the cabinet. He swept Daisy off her feet in one smooth motion and carried her back to bed, Daisy rested her head on Blane's shoulder and curled up next to him embracing the warmth he offered.

"How long do you think it will be before I mess up again and put their lives in danger?" Daisy asked. Blane sat up and grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Daisy, listen to me. You are never going to put their lives in danger okay? What happened wasn't your fault okay? It was an accident. In this line of work people do get hurt, but he's going to be okay" Blane waited for a reaction off Daisy; she just stared at him blankly. She had been feeling guilty about her last mission where one of her team mates, Jim, had been seriously injured in an explosion. Blane knew it wasn't her fault but she wouldn't listen to him.

"What if it had been you, and you had come that close to death, huh?" Daisy shot back at him.

"Daisy I have come that close to death, remember when the Crime Minister almost killed me and Tom? Look, I lived, I'm here, I'm okay" Blane grabbed Daisy's hands and put them on his face displaying that he was okay. "Look, I know you're feeling guilty about what happened to Jim but there's nothing you can do about that, we just have to move on" Blane heard something vibrating on his bedside table.

"Look, see, they want us for something" Blane said handing Daisy her pencil communicator and putting his own to his ear.

"Officer Whittaker"










"No waaaay" Tom shouted.

"Yes way, Tom" The familiar voice of Stella. "We know it's late but you are required at the Saint Hope's HQ ASAP" Stella sounded quite excited.

"I'm sorry Stella did you just Saint Hope's?" Rose asked.

"Yes, Rose your old base we believe that there is some information there on the enemy of this mission" Lenny informed the team.

"Meet us there" Frank said ending the call.

"Ugh" Daisy moaned putting her head back on the pillow. Blane looked at her for a few seconds before pinching the sides of her stomach.

"Aaagh! Blane" She laughed and pushed Blane's hands away.

"Come on, we aren't getting any younger" Blane said pulling her off of the bed.

The ten agents stood on the courtyard of St Hope's high school.

"What happened to this place?" Oscar asked as they looked at the dilapidated building that was half of the agents old high school.

"Well presumably with the school no longer under MI9's protection, the government just shut it down, like it does with all other schools that produced all under average achievers" Rose suggested.

"Yeah like Blane" Daisy laughed, the other nine agent's let out their laugher whilst trying to remain quiet.

"Remember that time you got a D and you were chuffed?" Daisy laughed she was quickly silenced by the stern look on Blane's face.

"Morning agents" The team turned around to see Lenny, Frank and Stella walking across the courtyard from the entrance to the school.

"How long has it been like this?" Daisy asked Lenny.

"It closed down two years after Carrie, Oscar and Rose were moved on from junior agents" Frank said.

"Told you" Rose shrugged looking quite smug.

"Does the base here even work?" Keri asked looking at the crumbling facade of one of the classrooms.

"Yes, come on let's get to it" Stella clapped her hands and walked towards the back entrance of the school.

"We'll have to make three trips" Zoe pointed out once Daisy opened HQ and she saw the size of the cupboard. The lift was originally made to hold a maximum of four people, but the thirteen agents split themselves into three groups. Two groups of four and one five.

"Your thumb prints won't be recognized by this HQ" Lenny said to Tom, Aneisha, Dan, Keri and Zoe.

"Alright then" Dand sighed.

Stella, Lenny, Frank and Rose went down first, Then Carrie, Oscar, Dan, Zoe and Keri and finally Tom, Aneisha, Blane and Daisy. Once all the agents were in the HQ Frank began to inform them of their mission.

"Your mission is to locate and apprehend Nesrisah Roskip" Frank turned a picture of him onto the screen. He was broad shouldered and had short, black curly hair, the stubble that ran along his jaw and up the middle of his top lip was thicker than the thin facial hair on the bottom of his cheeks. His eyes were a dark grey colour under his bushy eyebrows.

"Isn't he that guy that MI9 released last month?" Aneisha asked.

"Yes, we were keeping our eye one him, but then he disappeared after a week of release, since then a lot of kidnappings have taken place" Lenny said.

"How do you know it's him who's taken them" Zoe asked.

"Because at each crime scene we found this this" Stella said pressing a button on the controller revealing a note that read "I is left alone"

"What's that got to do with Roskip?" Dan asked.

Lenny picked up one of the boxes that was littered around he room and pulled out 10 pieces of paper.

"These were fond in Roskip's room after he was released" Frank handed each of the agents a piece of paper.

"Makes sense" Oscars laughed as he looked at his paper. Every inch of paper had been covered in the words "I is left alone" over and over again.

"What does it mean? Carrie asked.

"We don't actually know. He was arrested by MI9 15 ago for using the British public for his foreign eugenics program that he never completed and was never found, at every kidnapping sight we found those four words either spray painted on the walls or written on paper. When we eventually found him all he said was "I is left alone" over and over again" Stella sighed.

"We assumed that it was a request for him to have his own cell because his English is very poor, we were planning on putting him in solitary confinement anyway as he wasn't safe to be put with another inmate"

"So you want us to locate a person that MI9 over a week ago meaning they could be anywhere in the world by now" Blane asked.

"When you say it like that it sounds impossible" Lenny sighed.

"But it's not really it's just..." Frank trailed off.

"Really really hard!" Daisy sighed putting her forehead on Blane's arm.

"Well yes..." Stella said under her breath.

"Great I love a challenge" Tom said sarcastically.

"This" Lenny said gesturing to the boxes around the room. "Is everything we found in Roskip's room"

"You might find a lead" Stella said entering the lift with Lenny and Frank.

"Good luck agents" Frank said as the doors closed.

"Right then" Tom said rubbing his palms together. "Time to get started on mission Impossible"...

So yeah I hope you liked that chapter sorry if you didn't.

Next chapter coming soon.

Please R&R

