
I proceeded into the building and looked around. I could see numerous doors and a large area directly in front of me that seemed to be a kitchen. I walked toward the stairs and could hear voices coming from the rooms above me. When I got to the top of the stairs I saw most of the civilians who weren't killed in the initial invasion crowded up here. They all turned around in fear at the sight of me.

"Humans…how nice to finally meet up with you…" I saw a small boy huddling behind his mother who was among other fearful adults. "…Ah, and it seems you are still the spineless weak fools that you were a millennia ago."

I watched as a girl stepped up, she seemed to be around the little hero's age. She held a sword in her hand and foolishly pointed it at me. "Who are you and what do you want! And what do you mean weak?!" She sounded offended. So these humans, or at least some of them, had grown a backbone in the last few eons. I'll have to fix that….

I reached out toward her sword and she reacted on instinct and tried to slice my hand. I caught it and held it firmly, as if it was a simple twig. She gasped in shock at the lack of a wound and her mouth continued to gape as I took her sword and bent it in half from the middle.

"H-h...b-b-b" She seemed to be in shock as she saw a miniscule amount of my strength used against her.

I threw my hand out and backhanded her to the floor to make my point of who was in charge.

"Karane!" A young boy of about her age ran forward to comfort her as she tried to get up from the floor again.

"I'm alright Pipit…"

"As touching as this moment is, I didn't invade your home to watch you sniffle and cry over a measly slap. If I wanted you seriously harmed you wouldn't be breathing at this moment. Be happy I spared your worthless life. Be assured it won't happen again if you don't cooperate. And that goes for anyone else in this room who wishes to stand against me!"

"Who are you?!" The boy was still on the floor comforting the girl.

I walked over to him and lifted him up by his neck. "Tell me boy, what do you know of your history involving the war between the Demons and that pitiful wench you called a Goddess?"

"Ugh …we know everything about that war, but there was no proof that it ever happened! There isn't even anything below the clouds! Now, let me go!"

I choked off his air even more and he struggled in my grip. "How about anyone else? Anyone want to tell me what you know or should I just finish off this boy for not obeying a direct order and answering my question?"

"We…we know that the Goddess sent Skyloft into the sky and defeated the demons to protect us." The girl, Karane, stated. I chuckled with mirth at how uninformed they were. They worshiped the goddess for all these years, yet they don't know of the Triforce, or the little hero's destiny, or even that there Goddess had lowered herself to a mortal form? They had the textbooks and documents proving all of this, how did they not know?

I released the boy and he fell at my feet. "For starters, let's get one thing straight, your Goddess Hylia, she was not just protecting you worthless humans, she was also protecting the Triforce. Secondly, she fought the Demons on the surface, which does exist, because the Demon king wanted the Triforce for himself and was willing to kill anything, animal or human, to get it. She had won and imprisoned the Demon king, but was foolish enough to try and continue to protect the Triforce. She lowered herself to a mortal form and gave up her immortality so she could keep the king imprisoned. She also created a hero that would defend her in her mortal existence and help her keep the king imprisoned."

All of the humans were staring at me and whispering among themselves. The girl was the first to speak up. "What makes you so sure of all of that? And you still haven't told us who you are!"

"Who am I? You mean you haven't guessed it yet?" I sighed; pitiful humans are forever to be cowards and Ignorant buffoons.

"I am the Demon King, Demise." Everyone began whispering again. I smirked at the looks of terror and fear on their faces.

"You're lying! If the Goddess really did lower herself to a mortal to keep you imprisoned, then how are you here?!" The girl on the floor was starting to work my very last nerve of tolerance. "Well, do you remember when a girl from here fell to the surface? Blond hair blue eyes?" They all whispered again and I saw an old man in the back take on a look of grief. I heard a name being whispered back and forth, Zelda.

"Ah, Zelda was that the little Goddess's name? Yes, that was her. My servant pulled her down to the surface to free me from my imprisonment. I would have been back much sooner, however her chosen hero gave him some trouble. I believe his name is Link."

The boy on the floor looked up instantly. "What have you done with Link?! If you killed him or even harmed a hair on his head, I swear you will regret the day you were ever born!" This boy was almost as bad as the girl. He was almost screaming at me and if he didn't have that look of fear in his eyes, I would have been more offended, but he was amusing me, for now…

"Well, I can tell you for sure the girl is dead, but the boy is currently with my servant. He has been enslaved for my second in commands amusement seeing as he caused so much trouble for him."

All of the skyloftians shared a horrified look. "Where are you keeping Link?!" I looked down at the girl and boy on the ground, expecting it to be them who spoke out. But they were looking at the little boy who earlier was hiding behind his mother. He was glaring at me, trying to be brave but was obviously terrified by his trembling form.

"Hmm, and what makes you think a child so young such as yourself has any right to speak to a king in that tone?" He immediately shrank back when he saw my malicious smirk and he ran back to his mother. Weak.

"Well, do not worry child, you all will be seeing him soon, presuming you live that long."

I was getting tired of this. They were lucky that I was feeling kind enough to explain the situation to them, but the spark of kindness has subsided. I could clearly see the fear in this area. It smelled like the most intoxicating aroma and it satisfied my wishes. I called on the Bokoblins that were waiting in the area. The humans backed up and cowered in fear as about twenty of them can up behind me.

"Now humans, I grow bored of this. So I will make this simple. Surrender to me now and come quietly with your lives, or stand against me and die a merciless death." They all looked around in fear and I watched as some of the knights drew their swords, making their choices obvious. Others looked like they were going to simply give up, but that was mostly the older people who were unable to fight. However…

I had not taken into account that there might be another door out of this building. All of the kids, most of the teens, and some of the more cowardly, fearful adults ran toward the other end of the hall and opening two double doors and bolting for their lives. I sent Bokoblins after them, not feeling like playing games with them.

I had the people who remained restrained while I went to check on the progress of those who ran. I was disappointed to see that almost all of them had made it to a diving platform and called their birds down. I ordered them to be shot down, and some were and fell to their doom, but others had gotten far enough away that they were close to the cloud barrier.

That's when it happened.

I felt as the Goddess magic began to fade and disappeared completely. The loftwings seemed to become confused. Then they proceeded to buck and fly in loops, unaware that they were purposefully trying to dislodge their so-called masters. All of the Hylians who escaped on their loftwings were bucked off and fell through the cloud barrier.

I could tell already that most of them, unfortunately, wouldn't die from the fall. It depended where they landed and they were all spread out. Some were over Eldin, and surly most of them will die due to all of the lava in the area. Others would land in Lanayru, and most will survive, unless they land in quicksand, but could then die from dehydration. But many will land in Faron and with the disgustingly soft grass, the lake, and all of those trees; I doubt any of them will die on impact.

So I'll have to search there first.


I screamed as I was thrown off of my home. I had had nightmares before about falling…falling from my home. But I never dreamed that it was this scary. I watched as the fire-haired man watched me fall. I kept waiting for him to somehow bring me back up, to save me. But the cruel meanie just watched as I fell.

I don't know what happened to Uncle Bats. I hope he is okay…I'll see him again soon.

I passed through the clouds and waited until I disappeared. But…then I saw red everywhere. Th-this…where am I? Th-there isn't supposed to be anything below the clouds!

I didn't have much time to think as the ground got closer and I waited to hit the ground and feel pain. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad…I would get to see Uncle Bats again…and mommy and daddy, too.

But when I got about twenty feet from the ground, I saw a giant bird-lizard thing. It was even bigger then a loftwing. It was bright red and was flying right at me; it was also wearing a red robe. At first, I thought it was going to hurt me, but instead it caught me and it landed with me in its arms. I looked up at it and it smiled back at me.

"What is a little child like you doing down here?" His voice was deep, so I knew it was a 'he', and it was kind.

"A meanie threw me off of my home and…and…" I started to cry as I thought about my parents and Uncle Bats. "And…Uncle Bats…I-I t-think he's hurt…and my m-mommy and d-daddy a-are…" He scooped me up in a hug and tried to comfort me.

"Who did this to you, you poor child?"

"I-I don't know. He was all black and had fire for hair. He attacked everyone with the mean red creatures, and he...he hurt Uncle Bats and watched as his friends killed my parents..." I felt him stiffen up as I told him about the meanie.

I heard him say "Oh no …he's back."

"W-who's back?" I couldn't stop crying.

He looked down at me with a look of despair and worry. "Sweetie, the Demon King, Demise is back. He's the one who attacked you and your family."