Hiya, guys. Welcome to my first EVER story. This is a spontaneous one, but one that I feel is really powerful. I have browsed the web several times, and have made no progress in finding this pairing anywhere. Please note, I do not update regularly. Every so often, I write a chapter. Don't expect this EACH-CHAPTER-EXACTLY-FIVE-DAYS-APART because I don't work like that.

Okay, let's go. Minnie OUT.

Prologue: Meetings and Greetings.

I never thought there would come a day where I would walk into my bedroom to find a girl with a key in her hair, waiting eagerly for me.

Come to think of it, most people don't think that. That would be weird. Anyway, I entered my room after a REALLY long day at the office. Trucy and Athena were practically jumping off walls by the end of the day, and I left when Apollo began to yell. GOD, they need to sort themselves out.

But now, I stood here, gawking at the girl lying outstretched on the bed. She stared hard back at me. She had a long face, with brilliant greenish eyes, had long hair tied up behind her, and had a large key running through it. A golden badge glinted on her lapel, and she had a mischievous smile on her face.

'Mr Wright?' she asked, still smiling.

'Y-yes, that's me.' I choked. 'Er, who are you, and why are you lying on my bed?'

'I am the Yatagarasu.' she continued, and I realised where I had heard that before.

'If you want valuables, they're in the tin in the hall. B-but please, don't take anything from my daughter's room. She's still young! And-'

'Please, Mr Wright. I am not here to steal anything.' she soothed, and I sighed in relief. 'No, I'm here for another reason.'

'Well, what?'

'-sigh- I have a request. My name is Kay Faraday.' she said, half-heartedly.

'Oh! You're Edgeworth's-' I began, but was cut off.

'Yes, thank you, Mr Wright, please don't. I, um, don't want to talk about him.' Kay sighed loudly again. She seem to like sighing a lot.

'Why, what happened?' I asked.

'It doesn't matter, Mr Wright, you don't need to worry. Anyway, I have left him as an assistant.' Kay said, brightening up a little bit.

'Okay, so why have you come here?' I asked. This was extremely puzzling.

'But I wanted to continue with solving crimes and adventure, but I can't do it with him.' she exclaimed. This was really hard to believe.

'Where is this leading?' I asked rhetorically.

'So I found someone else to team up with.' she said. The warm, beaming smile practically stood full force on her face, telling of michief and wonder.

'Why do you need me, then?' I asked, but I already knew the answer.

'Because that someone's name is Phoenix Wright.' Kay exclaimed. 'Please, I know this is short notice, but can I help you? Y'know, with the cases and all.'

We both stood there for a few moments. I was shocked, she was pleading. Two emotions that don't mix.

'W-w-well, why can't you just forgive Mr Edgeworth for... it?' I queried. She looked down at the floor.

'He pushed me too hard, he put my life in danger. I can never forgive him for that.' she breathed. Then, she turned back to me, her eyes teary and upset.

'Um... I guess... You could help me with a case or two.' I said.

Before I knew it, she was off, clearly overjoyed.

'Oh, thankyouthankyouthankyou! I will be at the Wright Anything Agency at 9 tomorrow morning!' she babbled.

'Er, no, we start at 8. Er-'

'I will be there at 6:30 if you like.' She exclaimed. 'See you tomorrow!'

Kay tore out of the bedroom door, very excited.

'KAY!' I yelled after her. She turned round. 'Call me Nick.' I smiled. She smiled, nodded and disappeared. I heard the front door slam, wondering how court was going to work.

Meanwhile, a few miles away, Edgeworth sipped a cup of tea, and smiled at the girl sitting on the other side of the desk.

'Of course, Miss Ryder.' He said. 'The position has just become available.'