Chapter 1

Cross academy has come under a great attack and yet Kaien Cross survived the attack. Thank heavens everyone of the night class has survived as well.

'Yuki, I would understand if you want to stay here at the academy, but if you would like to join me, it will make me very happy if you would join me.' Kaname spoke kneeling in front of me.

'I would very much like to join, you brother.' Kaname's head snap up and looked at me all awe struck by what I just said.

'Yuki.' He spoke then stood up and took me in his arms. His arms fold around me. How many times in the past 10 years have I wished for these arms to fold around me like this. I held him as well. He kissed the top of my head like he used to do when he saved me all those years ago.

'Kaname, what happens now?'

'It is written by mother and father that we are suppose to marry each other, but times have changed and I would understand if you would like to follow your own path, Yuki.'

'Kaname. Why would you say such a thing? I would like to spend the rest of my life protecting you, if you let me.'

'Yuki, I would love for you to spend it beside me and we can protect each other.'

'I would love that.'

'Very well then, we leave in an hour.' We stepped apart and Kaname cupped my face as I lean into his palm. I held his hand to my cheek. 'See you soon.' He said and I finally leave to go pack up my own thing and say goodbye to my adopted father. I jogged off to the girls dormitory and got all my things packed and head to my father's living quarters. I knock on the living room door and he told me to come in.


'Headmaster. I mean father.'

'You came to say goodbye?'

'Yes, we are leaving shortly and I want to thank you for taking such great care of me and Zero all these years.'

'Yuki. You really have a kind wonderful heart. Please look after yourself.'

'I will and you as well father. I do cherish you very much and will come to visit if that is okay.'

'Of course it is okay. Kaname is a very lucky man.'

'I am sure I am the lucky one here.'

'You are both pretty special. Please take care now, Kaname is waiting for you at the entrance of the school.'

'Yes, of course.' I gave my father a hug then left. I closed the door behind me and then with my suit cases in my hand, I joined Kaname and we drove off. The drive brought back a old memory of once I was outside and mother and father took me to see a doctor once and we drove on this road back to our house.

'What is it Yuki?'

'I'm having a memory of driving this way when I was little with mother and father, once.'

'Yes, I remember that day as well.' I suddenly feel really sad for remember mother and father. They were both such strong people fighting to keep me safe and then they both died to protect me. I could not hold back the building lump in my throat and my tear dam burst open and my tears stream down my cheeks as I looked out my window.

'Why are you crying, Yuki?'

'I'm thinking about mother and father and what they sacrificed for me. They were both such great and strong people.'

'Come now that was such a long time ago. Our future is ahead of us and only beautiful and happy things will fill our days ahead. Now please stop all these tears.'

'I'm sorry.' I said and bowed my head. He dried my tears and held me closer to him. We finally arrived at our home and we have servants that carried in our luggage. I walked into the vast house and slowly walked through the house taking in all the familiar scenery.

'Do you remember everything?'

'Yes, everything is just as it was back then. Maybe new paint on the walls but everything else is the same.' He looked at me with half a smile on his handsome face. I smiled back at him, a servant girl took our jackets and told us dinner was ready.

'Thank you Seiren.' She bowed and walked out of the room. 'Do you remember this room, Yuki.' I looked around and then saw the books that I use to look through with Kaname when we were children.

'Yes, I do. The room with no windows.' I gasp at a memory of mother and who she conceal my vampire genes by giving her own live to protect me. The memory of that night is as clear as day, father fought with people outside and mother… I hung my head as I sat down and cried again. Kaname, sat down beside me and put his arm around my shoulders. I lay my head on his lap as he just let me cry at all the memories that is slowly starting to come back to me. Later he dried my tears again as we head to the dining room where we ate our dinner in silence.

'Let's have a party here this weekend to welcome you back, princess Yuki.'

'That would be very nice. I never really met anyone of our race before… I mean when I was a child, beside you and our parents, of course.' I said taking the last bite of my food and drank some of my blood tables from my wine glass.

'Yes, mother and father did that to protect you from the society back then. Many things have change since then and I would like to present you as my fiancé to our social circles.'

'Your fiancé?'

'Yes, if that is alright?'

'Yes, it is perfectly fine,' I feel myself cheer up a little at the thought of becoming Kaname's future wife. After dinner we took to the den and we read a little before we went to bed before day break. Kaname bid me a due at my room door and with a brief kiss on my cheek he was off down the hall to his own room. I took a welcoming bath then went to bed. For the first time in a year I fell asleep and slept peaceful.

The next morning at the breakfast table, Kaname and I talked about this and that and how wonderful it would be to go see the world together. It would be nice to go see London, Paris and even certain parts of Germany. For all the stories I have read of these place over the years, I would like to go see them all with my future husband. Or maybe we can go to these place for our honeymoon. Oh, the joy of the thought is sure very thrilling.

Soon the servants where given order and the invitations are send out to all the important people in our vampire society. From the next afternoon we started to get conformation from our guest that will be attending the ball. Kaname took a seat closer to mine at the breakfast table and we started to talk about rings and what girl in her right mind would not love jewellery from her promised fiancé. Later that day as per Kaname's request and a craftsman jeweler came to our house to show Kaname his selection of engagement rings.

I was not allowed to see it so I kept to myself in the den while he attend to his business. I read up on our vampire society and what the royal vampire couples royal duties are and how we are suppose to behave. Most of these things I have always down in a certain extent without even knowing it. I later lay down and on the couch and fell asleep. I was being covered with a blanket when I woke with a jolt.

'Everything is fine. Go back to sleep, my sweet Yuki.' Kaname said kissing my temple and I did go back to sleep. I dreamed of happy days and wonderful colorful balls. With all the bad people now dead that could have threaten us some more, only happy days are ahead of us, then Zero came back into my head and how he may have become a level- e already, but according to Kaname he gave Zero some of his blood to save Zero for going into a level- e state.

I have face many level- e when the war broke out and with my powers I have a pure blood I still need a lot of practice to have it under control. Later I was carried to my room, I looked up and saw Kaname carrying me. I just lay my head against his chest falling back asleep. I was lied down and covered with my blankets. He sat with me while I slept.

Six months after the brutal war at Cross Academy…

One morning we had breakfast together in the dining room and Kaname called my attention to him.

'I would like to have a gala in your honor of coming out as the pure blood vampire princess, this coming weekend.'

'That would be great. I never really met anyone from our race before and will be nice to start meeting everyone.' I spoke as I smiled at him.

'Wonderful, I'll send out the invitations. I would also like to make it a special occasion, if you'll let me.'

'What kind of special occasion?'

'Our official engagement as it was set with our parents.'

'Yes, of course that would be great. You know it is still a little strange after all this time that I was completely in love with you Kaname, while I was still human.'

'To tell you the truth Yuki, every since father explained to me that you were my chosen future bride, I fell in love with you, over and over again. Every time I come home for school holidays. I would sit with you and read you stories when you were a still a baby. Then when you grew up, I just became more and more smitten with you.'

'Kaname.' I whispered, then got up from my seat and ran to him at the head of the table, as fall to my knees beside him. He looked down at me and smiled warmly at me.

'I really truly love you, Kaname Kuran.' I said holding his hand to my cheek.

'And I truly madly deeply love you Yuki Kuran.' He said and pulled me to my feet and let me sit on his lap. We just stare at each other, each know what the other is thinking. I bend down and he received my kiss eagerly. We pulled apart and we went to the den after we were done with breakfast. I was learning all my royal duties. Kaname thought me everything all the inns and outs of our vampire society. I was truly getting the hang of thing slowly but surely. The invitations for the gala where send out that very day and the preparations started for the ball on Saturday evening.