They decided on a joint trial on Koli, Dagr and the Jotunar that attacked. Due to the urgency of the trial, they decided the sooner the better, but still had to post-pone it a month to smoothly transition Farbauti's power. She used the Casket to restore Jotunheim and revealed the war to be ended, so thankfully most began to look upon her favorably when she took the throne. Koli could not begin to describe the joy he felt as he saw the darkness recede from Jotunheim as well as the ice thicken and air chill. What Jotunar called "healthy ice", meaning it did not crumble, was now in abundance. Dwellings were rebuilt on strong foundations, farmland increased tremendously and the pale vegetation returned to Jotunheim's surface, ultimately allowing the animals to begin repopulating, even within just a month. However, when she revealed Loki's true form as a runt and his placement as heir apparent, it received vastly contrasting reactions from nobles to peasants alike.

Though Koli wished he had been there to see Farbauti's Coronation and Jotunheim back into its' former splendor, he did not want to see or hear the poison that the seething snakes spewed. Because Farbauti came on weekly visits to see Koli, while bringing Loki along, he was able to see her return to better health. She no longer looked like a skeleton, her smiles bloomed to full size and her laughter was full and warm, however she still retained the dark circles around her eyes. The stress of being a Queen of a rebuilding Realm and of a child whom is hated was still taking its' toll on her, but she still carried the regal pride and glowing intelligence through it all. The puppet Laufey had strung up had snipped herself free and was proud to walk as a person of power.

The dungeon also was improved slightly, due to overcrowding they took away Laufey's subordinates to a different nearby prison and allowed Koli, Dagr and Tryggr to speak freely. Koli grinned as he began to carved Farbauti's likeness into a slab of ice. It was a sort of a commemorative gift Koli had made for her as a congratulation, as well as a way to pass the time. Though he already gave Farbauti one of her in regal attire holding small Loki, she informed Koli that his supporters wanted to purchase them as a way to show support for the new Queen as well as pay for his and Dagr's defense.

"What number is that?" Dagr droned across from him, as he crouched into a somewhat comfortable position to read.

"Fifty-seven, I have to make two more tonight." Koli responded plainly, this was fairly normal now.

"Fifty-nine families…" Dagr breathed as he shut his book. "Out of how many are Major Nobles?"

"Well, twenty-three are Minor Nobles, eleven are Major Nobles, but the rest are just well to do families that hold some power over the nobles in their land."

"Thirty-four nobles out of five hundred openly support us…" Dagr's eyes fell as he remained silent for a moment. "And how many against us?"

Koli stopped carving as he bit his lip. "Farbauti says… At least a quarter of those openly oppose us."

Dagr became quiet again. "And the rest?"

"She told me there is a large chunk who love her as Queen but feel conflicted with Loki as heir, so she is unsure how they feel about us. And she does not even know about the rest…"

In response to Laufey's abuse of complete power, Farbauti decided on a new system that allowed voting. There would be four tiers of power from lowest to highest, Elected Officials that would listen to a small area's needs and get permission to fix them from the Minor Nobles, who would decide on how to fix them as well as present large problems of that particular land to the Major Nobles, who could dictate both positions and present it to the Monarch if the problem was big enough or the Council, which included all Major Nobles (currently there were thirty, one for each main area), if it was controversial and they would debate and vote on it, with the Monarch's vote being worth three votes. Because of what happened at the Temple was (obviously) controversial, Farbauti decided it would go straight to the Council.

Koli sighed as he used a textured glove to smooth the faces out. "Well, our fate is in Ymir's hands, and I mind not what is decided for us… How is Lifa and Glut doing on their own?"

"Fine, for the most part, we have some money saved up and my brother's helping out… But she has not gotten much business and we only have so much." Dagr's words faded into silence.

Koli looked up and knocked on his wall. "Head up, friend, at least you were not the one to impale the 'King' in the gut."

Dagr managed a small chuckle. "True, people must not want me dead as badly as you."

"I feel a bit accomplished actually, before it was just Laufey that wanted me dead, now loathing me seems a trend."

"Koli!" Tryggr suddenly resounded across the hall. "Stop saying things like that!"

"After all I thought priests were supposed to be against herd mentality." A smooth voice cut in accompanied by footsteps.

Koli smiled as he fell on one knee and bowed with outspread arms. "Hail, Queen Farbauti of Jotunheim."

Dagr and Tryggr did the same happily. "Hail!"

Farbauti let out a short laugh as she walked in front of Koli's cell in flowing fur robes. "I thought I told you, just Farbauti."

"Ah yes! The Just Farbauti, Judge of the Noble Court of Jotunheim!" Koli bellowed dramatically, extending his arms toward her as he rose.

Farbauti began to laugh warmly, accompanied by familiar coos. "Oh stop it!" She scolded lightly as she held up Loki in her arms.

After gaining more strength, Loki slowly began to have more use of his hands and his arms. He moved his neck up slightly, squealing as he saw Koli and reached his hand out for him, pressing his tiny fingers against the glass. Koli felt a smile spread across his face as he placed his hand there as well.

"Hello Loki, you are starting to get so big!" Koli beamed cheerily. "And strong too, you will sit up in no time!"

"He is meeting all of his developmental goals, and the Court Mage looked into his magical development, he is much more ahead than anyone would expect given his size." Farbauti boasted lifting him up a tad. "A worthy heir if I ever saw one."

"I know." Koli said, watching Loki's crimson red eyes glint with potential power. "If only everyone else could see that…"

Farbauti put on a plain face and nodded. "That reminds me on why I have come to see you three."

Soon the lighthearted mood was lifted and the three Jotunar stood at attention, hoping for the best, preparing for the worse. Farbauti also stood firm in her place, even her neck seemed to make a perfect right angle with her neck.

"Your court date is tomorrow." Farbauti reported sullenly. "And… Things look grim."

Loki adjusted himself in her arms and began to play with a strand of her hair.

"There are many people coming, and people that are already here, that are calling for your heads on pikes, peasants and nobles alike. Do you have your supporters? Of course, but it is so divided out there, we have had to keep the camps separated to avoid all-out war. We even had to call in Asgard for reinforcements to act as peacekeepers, which of course did not prompt a positive response from many as they are on Koli's side." Farbauti's eyes rolled downwards as let out a loud huff to allow tension to escape her. "The truth of the matter is, no matter what will happen, there will be trouble. Which is why I ask of you… If you do live." Farbauti looked at them. "The Aesir will offer you refuge in Asgard as ambassadors, take it, and do not return to Jotunheim, they will even be willing to take in Dagr's wife and child as well."

"Do not return to Jotunheim?!" Koli shouted as he pushed himself against the wall. "But Jotunheim is our home!"

"Koli, she wants us to be safe and keep the peace in Jotunheim." Dagr stated bluntly. "And that is even if we somehow manage to get free."

"Sometimes we must sacrifice our own desires for the greater good." Tryggr added as he looked at his son. "I thought you wanted a life with little violence."

"Father, believe me, it is not that, it is…" Koli groaned, turning and dropping himself on the floor

"Koli, you are my friend and very dear to me, the only reason why I ask this of you is because I care for you." Farbauti murmured to him. "I want what is best for this Realm as well."

. "I… I killed Laufey. It does not seem right to run away from that… Even if it was right I still murdered Loki's father… And one day Loki will find out." He turned to look over his shoulder at Loki's small figure. "I do not want to leave him. You told me to treat him like his father and as arrogant I may sound I feel as if it is my duty. I have to give him what a real father would, and face whatever the nobles wish to confront me with." He stood to face Farbauti. "You know me… All my life I have not felt at peace with where I was. Not as a Priest, or a soldier, or a Priest again. I only felt like I was truly contributing to the good of Jotunheim is when I was protecting and raising Loki, even when Laufey bore down on me with all his power and hatred."

Koli could not help it, the chaotic emotions of anger, confusion and guilt needed to escape. He fell against the cell door sobbing, recalling how many times he had disappointed and caused pain for the people that cared about him, except one. Loki. He was the only person he felt he had actually honored a promise to, someone he grew to care about as his own and felt that warmness back.

"Please… I need to stay with him. With you. I belong here." Koli pleaded, his voice quaking.

Farbauti held her gaze away from his eyes. "Koli… I care for you deeply." She repeated, shaking. "But you are being selfish. I have to think about the people now too. I cannot risk it all descending into chaos… Even for you."

Tryggr turned from Koli to Farbauti and back again. "Listen, I can tell you two are at ends here and with all the experience I have had this is a beginning of a rift in a relationship." He looked at his son. "Koli. She is not doing this just for you, you need to think of the wellbeing of Jotunheim…" He then looked to Farbauti. "Is there not any other way Koli can help raise Loki?"

Farbauti groaned softly. "Perhaps visits to Asgard? But unless I can talk to the court about an arrangement that would be it."

"That is not good enough!" Koli screeched.

Loki began to cry bitterly as he grabbed onto his mother.

Koli's eyes instinctively went to him. "Loki… I am sorry." He put his hand through the bars and went to reach for him.

Farbauti looked to Koli, she briefly looked down at Loki and turned away as she lifted him towards Koli.

Koli smiled and gently stroked the side of Loki's cheek. "I am sorry… It will be fine…" As Loki began to calm, Koli did as well. He withdrew his hand and sighed softly. "Forgive me Farbauti I… I was upset."

"But they were your true feelings?"

Koli turned away and let out a harsh breath. "Yes."

"… I do not want to do this."

"Neither do I… But what is life without compromise. I will be fine with living in Asgard… If I live."

"And I will try my best to have Loki visit as much as possible…" Farbauti took a short step and reached for Koli through the bars. "Koli…" She rested the tips of her fingers on his shoulder. "I… I love you…"

Koli had wanted to hear those words all his life… But his heart beat hollow as he refused to turn. "I loved you too…"